Name: Khall Sahn
Nickname: N/A
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Appearance: Khall's style usually consist of hoodies, sunglasses, and earbuds. Things he has to have if he wants to retain some kind of semblance of normality due to his powers. He usually wears jeans and sneakers, as they're comfortable for him, and keeps a dark or dull color pallet; dark reds, greens, grays, black, etc. His hair is normally not kept, as he wears his hood up a majority of the time.
Likes:• Silence
• Reading
• Rain
Dislikes:• Crowds
• Spicy things
• Going outside
Fears:• His powers
Personality Traits: Distant, Stubborn, Blunt-at-times --- Stern, Analytical, Competitive
Personality: Khall is not a social lad. He tends to normally keep quiet unless spoken to. When he does speak however, he's straightforward and doesn't pull his punches. He will almost always follow someone else unless he's certain it will lead to failure. However, after you break past the quiet shell, and then the slightly-thorny one, he's compassionate. He's just not the best at showing it.
Ability: --
Opinokinesis -- Khall is capable of depriving people of their senses. When he is about to use this power, an array of floating, 2D eyes appear just above the surface of his skin(if he so chooses); one on the forehead, and one on each palm. He comes to call these his Eyes Of Justice (EoJ). When Khall looks at someone with his normal sight, he can deprive them of two of their senses for as long as he looks at them. When he looks at someone with his extra eyes, he can deprive them of one sense
besides sight. If he looks at them with two of his "EoJ"s, he can deprive them of their sight.
Limitations: Khall's power somehow makes his senses very sensitive. His eyes are very sensitive to light, his ears to sound, his pallet to tastes, etc.
Additionally, his EoJ's only affect people who's faces are at least ~40% visible to him.
Sunglasses and some goggles also negate his EoJs.
Background: When Khall found out he was one of the six students to be chosen, he obviously freaked out. But, after they were given instruction to train their abilities, he felt different. He felt unique. Like he never had before. But at the same time- he hated it. He wouldn't be able to go outside or turn on a light without taking several minutes to adjust to the brightness, if the room had been darker before. Standing on the sidewalk near traffic or hearing somebody shout would hurt his ears, due to the sound. He had migraines more commonly then ever before. He couldn't go a day without going through some type of pain. These people had hurt him. They needed to feel what he has to go through. Pain.