It's been three years since we lost Polymorpheus, a dear friend. It's felt like a lot longer, that time. I still think about Poly every so often, and how I miss them so very much. I won't forget them.
10 mos ago
It's been three years since we lost Polymorpheus, a dear friend. It's felt like a lot longer, that time. I still think about Poly every so often, and how I miss them so very much. I won't forget them.
11 mos ago
I like attention.
1 yr ago
Tomorrow is post day. How unfortunate.
1 yr ago
I lost.
1 yr ago
@LongSwordMain I can fix that, if you wish.
uhhhh, hi there
I am here and I sorta exist so yes this is my ‘bio’ and it will probably be rather brief and suck and be sloppy, just like me. So, without further ado..
stuff about me
• Most people call me Barti or Bart as well as a few other things since it’s just easier or meaner than the actual thing - I invite you to do so as well.
• I’m a 23-year-old (bday June 20th!) Texan who enjoys thunderstorms and rain far too much, and likes anime, running, metal music, and copious amounts of DRUGS candy, among many other cool things - like DnD and MTG.
• I enjoy group rps as well as 1x1s. For groups I have what I think is a decent array of interests, most of it being profusely weeb-y. I like Fantasystuffs (Modern especially), supernatural themes, pretty much all Japanese stuff - including historically accurate settings - as well as general dark/grim themes, comedic slice of life trash, academy rps, unique plots, etc. etc. As for 1x1s I pretty much do romance, but I can do non-romantic stuff too if you give me something to work with xP The only genre I find myself not entirely comfortable with is really sci-fi stuff, but, if the plot/idea catches me enough it can hold my interest. Oh, and my writing level is high casual to low advanced.
• I’m a sarcastic, snarky, bipolar-depressed, degenerate garbage can, but generally people seem to like me (I don’t know why in the hot hell you would) - but if you would also like to be my friendo lemme know. I don’t bite. Usually owo xd rawr
welppp...I guess that’s okay for now thanks for reading, you potatoes
"I'll make a small exception for you, John. You seem responsible enough to keep your magic where your magic should be." Reisus said begrudgingly as he turned his attention away from Rachel. The comment she'd made about the children and the Kaisoken experiment forced him to hold back a sour expression. He lit another cigarette.
The older man did concede that he owed these children something, but his complete trust was something he reserved for very few people. No one alive can say they have it truthfully. For now.
He would turn away from the table, leaving a thin, short-lived trail of smoke behind him as he walked over to the kitchen and fetched water from the cooling unit. He'd then pull himself up to sit on one of the counters as he tuned in to the rest of the briefing while washing the taste of smoke down his gullet.
The others had fair questions. They covered the big concerns with their own inquiries.
So. Kill it if it's a threat, capture it if not.. he released a quiet breath of amusement. A familiar task.
He would hop down from his partial counter-top perch once he thought the questions were through. "Easy task. I would say I'd go by myself, but I know Moonstrike won't allow that.." he said as he turned towards the hall where he'd came from, slowly walking towards it.
"But yes...we should all make sure we are rested before engaging our mission." he punctuated his sentence by drawing the second cigarette down to the bud, and tossing it into the disposal bin as the door to the hall opened for him with a hiss.
Personal Style/Physical Description: Okiron's well-built body is often sheathed in lightweight leathers accompanied by similarly light cloths of a dull color pallet usually only consisting of faded reds, blues, and browns. It can be noted that his arms and legs have much less protection than his torso, the former having simply cloths.
Combat Details
Weapons: Okiron's preferred weapon of choice is the longsword. As such, he wields one of twenty-nine inches, nine of which being hilt, the rest blade. The hilt is separated from the blade by a simple flat guard with a skewer at each end of its length. He is able to wield this blade without difficulty using one or two hands. This sword is no different from any other, despite the effect Okiron inflicts upon it. The Soulshaper has tethered his essence to the sword, making it nigh-indestructible, as long as his will remains intact, and allows him to return it directly to his hand from a distance as if it were attached to a string.
Armor: Okiron has a distinct lack of armor on his limbs, disregarding his simple leather boots. However he does wear a tougher leather armor under his light mantle, which protects his torso from small blades or blunt attacks. His armor choice allows him to move without obstruction.
Miscellaneous: N/A
Skills/Techniques/Fighting Styles: Okiron has trained from his older teen years, and up to now, to be a representation of his temple. As such, he is highly skilled in swordsmanship, as well unarmed combat. He also had basic knowledge in most other common weaponry, though he prefers not to use them. His fighting style is a one-handed type which works well in close quarters, effectively using grapples and elbows to stagger his opponent so that he can cripple or finish them with his blade. He knows where to strike and how hard he needs to do so in order to subdue his opponent. He is not, however, familiar with many species besides mundane ones, so fighting them will very likely be more difficult for him.
Powers/Abilities/Spells: Soulshaper- Okiron has trained his entire life to be capable of manipulating his own soul and the essence it wields, and is now more than adept at doing so. By simply focusing on what he wishes, he may perform feats thought impossible by the average man.
Fragment Thine Self- Okiron understands that sometimes in life, one must lose part of oneself for the greater good. He takes this doctrine to the next level. By weakening the connection between the body and his soul, he can become partially "incorporeal" for a short time. If outside of ten feet of his opponent, he may have all of his limbs become "matterless". Within ten feet, only two at a time. His limbs aren't truly incorporeal, as they can still support the weight of Okiron's body, but they are impervious to physical attacks, as well as a large array of magical ones. His head and torso will always remain corporeal. While in this state, his limbs can contact the environment(walls, floors, plants etc.) at his discretion, but no objects. Two round cooldown, separate for upper and lower limbs.
Deflecting Palm- By channeling the energy of his soul into his palm, Okiron can violently deflect any entity that makes contact with it for a brief time, regardless of the residing plane, or substance of the entity. This includes weapons, bodies, and magic. The Soulshaper can go so far as to determine the precise angle the entity will deflect, so long as it's not too physically unlikely. During the brief duration of this ability, Okiron's hand/arm won't be damaged. One round cooldown.
Soul Construct Creation- This technique was passed to Okiron directly from his father's personal arsenal. Using this ability allows him to create a sentient being out of inanimate objects that could conduct reliable movement- or, turn other summoner's own devices against them. However, he cannot create a faux soul from nothing. He either has to lend some of his soul power to create one, or use a magical or spiritual entity as a energy source. If he lends soulpower, his Fragment power will make his "incorporealness" only about half as effective, meaning he will still feel pain and interact physically, but they cannot take true damage. Okiron can disperse his construct at any time, and the entity will follow his commands.
Soul Projection- Okiron can forcefully project his soul unto other beings which also wield a soul. This technique is accompanied by a physical attack(punch, kick, etc.), which the essence will mold itself after. This attack can ignore some magical enchantments, and has a seemingly infinite range, but is stronger the less it travels; at five feet or less, the power is capable of smashing through several inches of concrete or metal. Anything past this distance will usually feel like a normal strike, but that's not to say it won't hurt. When the attack travels, the air will bend around it in waves, making it slightly visible to those observing the area.
Soul Retention- Okiron is capable of holding the souls of the dead inside his body. He'll normally only use this to store family members and loved friends- and currently only carries one. This doesn't have much affect besides altering his aura based on the other souls within him, but it does give him additional insight and knowledge from the experience the souls provide him. As a result, he has combat knowledge beyond his years.
Personality: Okiron is a humble man who tends to like humble people. He's your average Lawful Neutral warrior, basically. He helps others where he can, and will pick the good side over the bad any day, even if it means losing. He's not overly talkative, being slightly reserved. But it's obvious on his face that he's actually analyzing everything for what it is.
Fears: • Demons • Failing to fulfill his people's prophecy
Likes: • Training • Animals • Weaponry
Dislikes: • Arrogant people • Cruel people • Innocents being hurt
History: Okiron derives from a nation once split into four separate regions, each controlled by an ancient temple, and the spiritually powerful high-monks that resided within them. Every fourth year, each temple would send a very small group of champions to fight in a tournament amongst the others, so that they could be judged; the nation that sent the greatest champion became the dominant temple and would encompass the others. This tradition was not only to determine which temple would be worshiped, but also which warrior would carry out their ancient prophecy. Okiron is that warrior.
Okiron's father was a high-monk of the northern temple, and as such, the boy was able to observe the greatest warriors in the region from a young age. The warriors inspired him to become as they were. Powerful. Determined. Capable. From the moment he was able, he took the guidance his father gladly offered him, and trained his mind, soul, and body to become one of the most respected men in the region. Sometime during the 28th year of his life, Okiron was selected to try his might in the tournament.
The Soulshaper won with such conviction that none of the four temples could deny his rightful place as the prophecised warrior. The techniques and applications of soulshaping he demonstrated surpassed those of his brethren three-fold.
Now he travels in search of the end of the prophecy- as it is his birth-given duty.
When Okiron uses 'Fragment Thine Self', his affected limbs become slightly transparent, and emanate blue wisps of energy. His eyes also shine bright blue.
#arena, #non-modern, #[low-moderate]powerlevel
Name: Okiron Spiritshaper
Nicknames/Aliases: N/A
Age: 30
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Height: 6 foot.
Build: Heavily muscled.
Eyes: Dull Blue
Hair: Dark Brown
Skin tone: Average
Tattoos/Scars/Piercings: N/A
Personal Style/Physical Description: Okiron's well-built body is often sheathed in lightweight leathers accompanied by similarly light cloths of a dull color pallet usually only consisting of faded reds, blues, and browns. It can be noted that his arms and legs have much less protection than his torso, the former having simply cloths.
Combat Details
Weapons: Okiron's preferred weapon of choice is the longsword. As such, he wields one of twenty-nine inches, nine of which being hilt, the rest blade. The hilt is separated from the blade by a simple flat guard with a skewer at each end of its length. He is able to wield this blade without difficulty using one or two hands. This sword is no different from any other, despite the effect Okiron inflicts upon it. The Soulshaper has tethered his essence to the sword, making it nigh-indestructible, as long as his will remains intact, and allows him to return it directly to his hand from a distance as if it were attached to a string.
Armor: Okiron has a distinct lack of armor on his limbs, disregarding his simple leather boots. However he does wear a tougher leather armor under his light mantle, which protects his torso from small blades or blunt attacks. His armor choice allows him to move without obstruction.
Miscellaneous: N/A
Skills/Techniques/Fighting Styles: Okiron has trained from his older teen years, and up to now, to be a representation of his temple. As such, he is highly skilled in swordsmanship, as well unarmed combat. He also had basic knowledge in most other common weaponry, though he prefers not to use them. His fighting style is a one-handed type which works well in close quarters, effectively using grapples and elbows to stagger his opponent so that he can cripple or finish them with his blade. He knows where to strike and how hard he needs to do so in order to subdue his opponent. He is not, however, familiar with many species besides mundane ones, so fighting them will very likely be more difficult for him.
It is important to not only match the the actions of your opponent to intercept them, but to know beforehand what they will attempt to do. Okiron recognizes the value of quick reactions, and has trained his mind to focus on the changes in his environment that signal an attack. Drawn breaths, tensed muscles, minute movements- all help to allow him to predict and intercept what his opponent can throw at him- though not beyond natural means.
Powers/Abilities/Spells: Soulshaper- Okiron has trained his entire life to be capable of manipulating his own soul and the essence it wields, and is now more than adept at doing so. By simply focusing on what he wishes, he may perform feats thought impossible by the average man.
Fragment Thine Self- Okiron understands that sometimes in life, one must lose part of oneself for the greater good. He takes this doctrine to the next level. By weakening the connection between the body and his soul, he can become partially "incorporeal" for a short time. If outside of ten feet of his opponent, he may have all of his limbs become "matterless". Within ten feet, only two at a time. His limbs aren't truly incorporeal, as they can still support the weight of Okiron's body, but they are impervious to physical attacks, as well as a large array of magical ones. His head and torso will always remain corporeal. While in this state, his limbs can contact the environment(walls, floors, plants etc.) at his discretion, but no objects. Two round cooldown, separate for upper and lower limbs.
Deflecting Palm- By channeling the energy of his soul into his palm, Okiron can violently deflect any entity that makes contact with it for a brief time, regardless of the residing plane, or substance of the entity. This includes weapons, bodies, and magic. The Soulshaper can go so far as to determine the precise angle the entity will deflect, so long as it's not too physically unlikely. During the brief duration of this ability, Okiron's hand/arm won't be damaged. One round cooldown.
Soul Construct Creation- This technique was passed to Okiron directly from his father's personal arsenal. Using this ability allows him to create a sentient being out of inanimate objects that could conduct reliable movement- or, turn other summoner's own devices against them. However, he cannot create a faux soul from nothing. He either has to lend some of his soul power to create one, or use a magical or spiritual entity as a energy source. If he lends soulpower, his Fragment power will make his "incorporealness" only about half as effective, meaning he will still feel pain and interact physically, but they cannot take true damage. Okiron can disperse his construct at any time, and the entity will follow his commands.
Soul Projection- Okiron can forcefully project his soul unto other beings which also wield a soul. This technique is accompanied by a physical attack(punch, kick, etc.), which the essence will mold itself after. This attack can ignore some magical enchantments, and has an infinite range, but is stronger the less it travels; at five feet or less, the power is capable of smashing through several inches of concrete or metal. Anything past this distance will usually feel like a normal strike, but that's not to say it won't hurt. When the attack travels, the air will bend around it in waves, making it slightly visible to those observing the area.
Soul Retention- Okiron is capable of holding the souls of the dead inside his body. He'll normally only use this to store family members and loved friends- and currently only carries one. This doesn't have much affect besides altering his aura based on the other souls within him, but it does give him additional insight and knowledge from the experience the souls provide him. As a result, he has combat knowledge beyond his years.
Mirrored Soul- Okiron has developed a technique that he likes to use in a multitude of situations. He essentially visually projects his soul onto the physical plane to fool his opponent into thinking it is him. These illusions do not last for a long time, nor can they interact with the environment in any way- meaning they make no sound, contact, shadows, etc.
Personality: Okiron is a humble man who tends to like humble people. He's your average Lawful Neutral warrior, basically. He helps others where he can, and will pick the good side over the bad any day, even if it means losing. He's not overly talkative, being slightly reserved. But it's obvious on his face that he's actually analyzing everything for what it is.
Fears: • Demons • Failing to fulfill his people's prophecy
Likes: • Training • Animals • Weaponry
Dislikes: • Arrogant people • Cruel people • Innocents being hurt
History: Okiron derives from a nation once split into four separate regions, each controlled by an ancient temple, and the spiritually powerful high-monks that resided within them. Every fourth year, each temple would send a very small group of champions to fight in a tournament amongst the others, so that they could be judged; the nation that sent the greatest champion became the dominant temple and would encompass the others. This tradition was not only to determine which temple would be worshiped, but also which warrior would carry out their ancient prophecy. Okiron is that warrior.
Okiron's father was a high-monk of the northern temple, and as such, the boy was able to observe the greatest warriors in the region from a young age. The warriors inspired him to become as they were. Powerful. Determined. Capable. From the moment he was able, he took the guidance his father gladly offered him, and trained his mind, soul, and body to become one of the most respected men in the region. Sometime during the 28th year of his life, Okiron was selected to try his might in the tournament.
The Soulshaper won with such conviction that none of the four temples could deny his rightful place as the prophecised warrior. The techniques and applications of soulshaping he demonstrated surpassed those of his brethren three-fold.
Now he travels in search of the end of the prophecy- as it is his birth-given duty.
When Okiron uses 'Fragment Thine Self', his affected limbs become slightly transparent, and emanate blue wisps of energy. His eyes also shine bright blue.
(Viss • kur) Vhiskr, Children of the falling waters
Brief description
The Vhiskr are a semi-nomadic people, thriving through hunt in the Spring and Summer months, and traveling to seek shelter from the incoming White Season in the later months of Fall. In the warm months these hunters and warriors create their settlements close to outpourings or cataracts if possible, believing the falling water to be of good fortune. In the later colder months, the tribe will recluse itself to craggy outlooks when the water freezes, or if possible, will find warm bodies of water which do not freeze over and settle there. They are a people known to take poorly to others encroaching upon their territory, going so far as to attack and conquer their villages - and may even do so to tribes not intruding upon them if it seems very profitable -- though they notably leave heavily-farming communities to their own affairs, seeing them as potential trade partners. They subsist on mainly hunting, as well as occasional raiding, and mild farming abilities.
The Vhiskr believe that falling waters - and waters in general, to a lesser extent - are a source of spiritual cleansing and good health. They believe creating their settlements near cataracts causes the mist to saturate the air with the blessings of stamina, strength, and hunting fortune. They undergo rituals before partaking in the water of the land they inhabit, believing that the water itself has its own spirit, and consuming it is to accept the abundant life that it holds within. When traveling or hunting, coming across outpours or any form of falling water is a sign of affluence to come - whether it be in the form of meat, some other material, or even divine protection. It is believed that allowing streams or other waterways to become obstructed - whether by a fallen tree, a corpse, etc. is a bad omen, and must be remedied as well as feasibly possible.
The River Otter is considered a sacred animal to the Vhiskr. It is a strong, swift hunter with the ability to live in harmony with the falls and flows of the waters the tribe frequents. It is an energetic, playful animal that values its young and possesses many desirable attributes. The tribe views any appearances of the Otter to be a good omen - and they are considered forbidden to hunt. The tribe aims to emulate the Otter, being fierce and agile combatants and making sure their young are well-accustomed to traveling through and alongside bodies of water, utilizing them to their utmost ability.
The Vhiskr possess no true government, but greatly revere the wisdom of their elders, and the capability of their greatest warriors. This leads to a loose, unofficial council-type government where the eldest and most robust make the decisions. The Vhiskr hold many patriarchal tendencies, but the women of the tribe are still to be held with respect, for they are just as important as the hunters and warriors. While it is rare for a woman to take the role of a hunter or warrior, it is not unheard of or looked down upon. Notably, the tribe is very territorial and look at other tribes with skepticism - though they have been known to initiate trade with some tribes.
Inhabited area and settlements
The Vhiskr find themselves mainly in heavily forested areas - but have previously inhabited several different environments. As long as they find themselves near waters they have always managed to find ways to sustain themselves and thrive. They build mostly-permanent settlements in the warmer seasons, and temporary structures in the fall and winter. The hardest environments for them are when the tribe finds themselves in craggy or mountainous areas due to lack of unfrozen waters.
Men of the tribe are all taught from a young age to undertake the arts of Bowmanship and Spearmanship, both for hunting as well is combat. The warriors of the Vhiskr are crafty, valuing the use of hit-and-run tactics to soften up stronger tribes before infiltrating their ranks and swiftly striking decisive blows against those left standing. They are proud archers and spear-throwers, but also possess respectable skill and strength in close combat as well. The weapons of the tribes consist of Spears, Bows, Atlatls, and less commonly Shields.
Reisus looked up as he was called. Kelan. One of the crew members he got along with more easily than the others. Orky was loud, and Legion seemed...inquisitive, maybe too much so. Not that Kelan was quiet. Just more-so than the Orc. He straightened up from his position against the wall, tucking his Omni-tool into his pocket as he approached at leisure.
"My elevator most definitely reaches the top." he responded to Raachel's comment. Though she was hushed, his ears were sharper than they'd think. "Has more floors to pass than yours does, too." there was a hint of a smirk on his face as he said that, while approaching the table. He stood behind one of the empty seats at the end of the table, placing his palms on the backrest of it to support his weight so he wouldn't have to.
"Hello. My name is Reisus Juran. I have but one request: nobody use magic, or bring a component of it, within 5 yards of my bedroom. That is all. he declared as he looked at each of the new guests. He took another smoke from his pocket and put it in his mouth before saying, "Happy cowboy?"
He proceeded to rummage through his pocket until he found his lighter again.
Reisus followed the rest of the group to the dining area, still distracted by his Omni-tool until someone started describing in-detail the conditions of the child soldiers. His face darkened. He didn't want to think about what he'd contributed to that caused the deaths and mistreatment of so many children. It sickened him. He fished a cigarette and a lighter from his pocket, drawing the former to his lips as he lit it, before taking in a deep draw of it. It helped rid him of the nausea that accompanied those thoughts.
As per usual, he wouldn't eat with the rest of the group. He'd lean against the wall nearby, deciding to eat later at his own leisure. Fitting enough, Legion usually would set aside food for him to reheat later- since he refused to eat at the table with everyone else.
He took in the conversation as well as he took in the smoke- all the while observing the actions of their new guest. Or allies. Whatever we wished to call them, these few who had joined them wouldn't know it yet, but Reisus owed them his life. He had helped ruin theirs, after all. For all anyone knew, a Kaisoken he had drug to the Ascendancy was flowing through their veins at this very moment.
He'd continue to watch as Orky seemed to have developed an ominous expression. It seemed most of them had troubled pasts. That was the way of the world nowadays. Though most had learned to put on a mask. Not Reisus. He'd always had a mask, since he was a child. The crowd he hung with, you had to conceal your hurt, and if you didn't- they shoved you into the dirt.
He took another long draw from his cigarette, bringing it down to a bud. He looked at it, as if in disappointment, before flicking the bit that was left into the disposal bin nearby. He'd be needing more of those with these kids around.
Aram adjusted his cuffs as the trio that was him and his team stepped out onto the field, heading towards the small structure that encompassed their flag. The matches beforehand had been easy- despite the regulations they'd put on the flag so that he couldn't completely encase it- requiring minimal effort on his part. Well, maybe that was because he was in the back for the most part. But that was for good reason, and not of his own choice. He was technically the best defender.
He attempted, and failed, to get rid of some blood on his sleeve that'd ended up from one of their last opponents getting too close to their flag. Obviously it hadn't ended well for them. "Hmm...let me think." he mused as he crossed his arms and tapped the fingers of one hand against him bicep. "Nope. Haven't done nothin' to unscrew any Mephistos Crew lately. Maybe she was starin' cause you're starin'?" He finished straightening his clothing as much as he could manage before saying "Ready. Seems like we have a good case of their power sets, but vice-versa...and I don't have to remind you to look out for the walking artillery."
He'd plan on setting up defensive structures around the flag as soon as they were allowed to start doing so. He had a few new ideas to keep this specific team at bay..
[color=Gray][right][color=C1cdcd][h1]uhhhh, hi there[/h1][/color]
[indent]I am here and I sorta exist so yes this is my ‘bio’ and it will probably be rather brief and suck and be sloppy, just like me.
[i]So, without further ado..[/i]
[center][color=C1cdcd][h3][u]stuff about me[/u][/h3][/color]
[color=C1cdcd]•[/color] Most people call me Barti or Bart [s]as well as a few other things[/s] since it’s just easier [s]or meaner[/s] than the actual thing - I invite you to do so as well.
[color=C1cdcd]•[/color] I’m a 23-year-old [i](bday June 20th!)[/i] Texan who enjoys thunderstorms and rain far too much, and likes anime, running, metal music, and copious amounts of [s]DRUGS[/s] candy, among many other cool things - like DnD and MTG.
[color=C1cdcd]•[/color] I enjoy group rps as well as 1x1s. For groups I have what I think is a decent array of interests, most of it being profusely weeb-y. I like Fantasystuffs (Modern especially), supernatural themes, pretty much all Japanese stuff - including historically accurate settings - as well as general dark/grim themes, comedic slice of life trash, academy rps, unique plots, etc. etc. As for 1x1s I pretty much do [abbr=incredibly fuckin lewd, or not]romance[/abbr], but I can do non-romantic stuff too if you give me something to work with xP
The only genre I find myself not entirely comfortable with is [i]really sci-fi stuff[/i], but, if the plot/idea catches me enough it can hold my interest. Oh, and my writing level is high casual to low advanced.
[color=C1cdcd]•[/color] I’m a sarcastic, snarky, bipolar-depressed, degenerate garbage can, but generally people seem to like me (I don’t know [i][b]why in the hot hell you would[/b][/i]) - but if you would also like to be my friendo lemme know.
I don’t bite.
Usually owo xd rawr
[h2][color=C1cdcd]welppp...I guess that’s okay for now
thanks for reading, you potatoes[/color][/h2]
[sub]Discord: [i][b]...[/b][/i][/sub]
<div style="white-space:pre-wrap;"><font color="gray"><div class="bb-right"><font color="#c1cdcd"><div class="bb-h1">uhhhh, hi there</div></font><br><div class="bb-indent">I am here and I sorta exist so yes this is my ‘bio’ and it will probably be rather brief and suck and be sloppy, just like me.<br><span class="bb-i">So, without further ado..</span><br><br><div class="bb-center"><font color="#c1cdcd"><div class="bb-h3"><span class="bb-u">stuff about me</span></div></font><br><font color="#c1cdcd">•</font> Most people call me Barti or Bart <span class="bb-s">as well as a few other things</span> since it’s just easier <span class="bb-s">or meaner</span> than the actual thing - I invite you to do so as well.<br><br><font color="#c1cdcd">•</font> I’m a 23-year-old <span class="bb-i">(bday June 20th!)</span> Texan who enjoys thunderstorms and rain far too much, and likes anime, running, metal music, and copious amounts of <span class="bb-s">DRUGS</span> candy, among many other cool things - like DnD and MTG.<br><br><font color="#c1cdcd">•</font> I enjoy group rps as well as 1x1s. For groups I have what I think is a decent array of interests, most of it being profusely weeb-y. I like Fantasystuffs (Modern especially), supernatural themes, pretty much all Japanese stuff - including historically accurate settings - as well as general dark/grim themes, comedic slice of life trash, academy rps, unique plots, etc. etc. As for 1x1s I pretty much do <abbr class="bb-abbr" title="incredibly fuckin lewd, or not">romance</abbr>, but I can do non-romantic stuff too if you give me something to work with xP<br> The only genre I find myself not entirely comfortable with is <span class="bb-i">really sci-fi stuff</span>, but, if the plot/idea catches me enough it can hold my interest. Oh, and my writing level is high casual to low advanced.<br><br><font color="#c1cdcd">•</font> I’m a sarcastic, snarky, bipolar-depressed, degenerate garbage can, but generally people seem to like me (I don’t know <span class="bb-i"><span class="bb-b">why in the hot hell you would</span></span>) - but if you would also like to be my friendo lemme know.<br>I don’t bite.<br>Usually owo xd rawr<br><br><div class="bb-h2"><font color="#c1cdcd">welppp...I guess that’s okay for now<br>thanks for reading, you potatoes</font></div><br><sub>Discord: <span class="bb-i"><span class="bb-b">...</span></span></sub></div></div></div></font></div>