Color Code: Olivedrab
Gender: Male
Age: 67
Country of Origin: England
Bio: From a young age, Graham loved art. He grew up in a middle-class household, and whatever money he made in his low-paying job as a child was spent on art supplies. He had a natural aptitude for the craft. He tried to go to art classes as he reached his teen years, but he never had enough money for them, as they were quite expensive. When he eventually had enough money to go to one class though, he discovered they were too slow for him.
As he grew to his middle-age years, he often sold his paintings for decent amounts of money, as they were impressive, especially for someone with no formal training in painting. He used his gains to move into a home of his own- a small, pretty undecorated one, but a home of his own nonetheless.
However, as he grew older, reaching his early fifties, he developed a rough case of essential tremors, which severely reduced his ability to draw and paint. He went for years without even being able to paint a picture of a simple flowerpot. Eventually, Graham's only brother grew grimly ill. Graham wished so much to leave him a painting that he would remember even into the afterlife. So he tried once again.
Graham's passion shined through, and the aging man's hand steeled itself, becoming as steady as the day he began indulging in his passion. He drew the lines perfectly, he shaded every piece correctly as he imagined the likeness of the real image. When he finished, the painting itself seemed to come to life- almost as if one could touch the image upon it, and hold it. And that he did. The flowerpot weighed into his hands from the surface of the painting, startling the old man to some degree. He dropped the plant and it shattered on the floor. And he stared for easily half an hour.
Some days later, his brother had passed. But not without seeing the rare, beautiful flower his brother had brought for him to his bedside.
Some more days later, Graham was met by an old friend as he answered the door- he had been telling this friend of what he had seen over the past couple of days.
"I want to tell you about an organization you may want to know about", the friend said.
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Ability: Living Art
- Description: Mr. Booke has the ability to bring works of art to life. Whether they are his or not, he can tear objects or creatures from paintings and drawings, even if the creatures may not be real, and control them or give them wills of their own.
- Restrictions: This ability is obviously limited by the works of art available to Mr. Booke. The works of art must be photo-realistic, or close to it. Hence, it usually takes significant amounts of time for him to prepare to use this power. Additionally, people may destroy his paintings to stop him from using them. And finally, he is simply a mundane old man, and just as fragile.
Department: Support