_______________________________________________ Eksa Alden Thresh She/Her | 28 | Black-Scot | 5'8" | 137lbs _______________________________________________ Dissociated _______________________________________________ Skills & Talents "Cultivated meself, I s'pose." ___________________________________ [Student of the sciences] ⫻ Eksa is very well-educated. With multiple degrees in scientific fields such as medicine, chemistry, and biology, she has devoted significant amounts of time to her own intellectual betterment. As such, she is quite knowledgeable on matters pertaining to the aforementioned topics. [Sharp Mind] ⫻ Knowledge does not equal wit, but Eksa possesses both in spades. She's sharp - not only is she attentive, adaptive, and open to learning, but she does such things quickly. Her mental acuity is her strongest asset, most would say. [Steel-willed] ⫻ Eksa is not one to fold under pressure. As a technical medical professional, panicking isn't something she can afford, nor something she is prone to do. Aside from an unshakable psyche, Eksa is also one to detest surrender. She won't give up - and that is evident from her past. No matter how hopeless something seems, you can count on Eksa to be one of the last to admit such a thing. | Appearance ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ "They always give me that look.." Initially, Eksa doesn't appear too out of the ordinary. She stands a bit taller than average at 5'8" and weighs about 137 pounds. Her hair is a thick, dark brown mane which she infallibly wears in side-swept twists. Her equally-dark eyes sit behind a pair of thin-framed, circular spectacles that sit lightly over her broad nose and defined cheeks. Her high cheekbones and angular jaw shape, accompanied by the smooth, clear, light-brown tones of her skin lead her to generally be seen as rather attractive, conventionally. Aside from her face, Eksa is similarly blessed with a womanly figure, though her wardrobe tends to conceal this - with the overcoats she always wears being the main culprits in such an act. Her general attire generally consists of darker shades; black, brown, khaki, etc., and is more often than not business-casual in style, with blazers and turtlenecks being a favorite of hers. Notably, Eksa does possess a bit of a quirk when it comes to her outfits - that being that she always wears an overcoat. She doesn't usually actually wear the sleeves, however, and just lets it hang from her shoulders. This article serves one purpose for Eksa, and that is to conceal her left arm - or lack thereof. Being that her arm was amputated a couple inches above the wrist, her partiality for overcoats stems from her self-conscious nature. Though this technique is only successful for preventing stares from passersby, and those who don't interact with her for long, in her experience. Finally, aside from how she looks, there is one thing to note about Eksa that is inescapable - that being her voice. Due to an accident in her past, Eksa's vocal cords and lungs have been irreparably damaged. This has caused her to develop a croaky, pained vocal structure whenever she speaks. This, alongside her insistent, unpredictable coughing fits has led many-a stranger to ignorantly surmise her a particularly persistent smoker. Unlike her arm, however, this is something which she can't really hide - a fact which causes her much distress. Overall, despite her pretty appearance, it is the focused nature of her expressions, her off-putting voice, and her broadened silhouette that has led some of her colleagues to dub her intimidating, of all things. |
Marma | |
Age unknown | Marma | They/Them "..." | Description: Marma is a benevolent, if completely reticent, apparition. Despite its refusal to really communicate at all with Eksa beyond a couple very rare occasions, it has deemed its place to be at her side. It has, over the years, been a boon to Eksa and a stalwart presence where she was otherwise completely alone. This has led to a bit of a bond forming between the two, despite Marma's unresponsive nature. Eksa has only seen Marma's true form one singular time, as the apparition disguises itself by possessing an article of clothing Eksa wears in the form of a leather cuff on her left bicep. Abstraction: Black Bough Marma's abstraction is called Black Bough, and this allows it so summon an inky, black limb to aid it in its needs. Said limb is usually rather herculean in strength, and can take many different forms, be they that of a tree branch, a tentacle, a paw, or even a regular hand - though all forms are befouled by a dark, smoky visage that betrays their true paranormal nature. While Marma seems to have no true purpose, this ability is one that it often uses to assist Eksa in her intents. Though, of course, this is usually kinda rare due to their need to shroud paranormal things from most of their surroundings. |
_______________________________________________ Jasper Kim He/Him | 24 | Korean-American | 5'10" | 180lbs _______________________________________________ Polarized. _______________________________________________ Skills & Talents "I guess I have a couple minor talents." ___________________________________ [Leadership] ⫻ Jasper is well-suited to being put in a leadership role. He's attentive, empathetic, and keeps a cool head in almost all circumstances. His tendency to treat everyone and their circumstances with respect, and his odd sense of wisdom almost regardless of the subject at hand, leads many to trust his judgement - at least in the various congregations he's been part of. [Fitness] ⫻ Jasper is pretty fit across the board. He's pretty strong, light on his feet, and has good stamina. Perhaps surprisingly, considering his line of work, he's more than capable of throwing hands due to his continued interest in mma sports, and even some training mostly from his late-teen years. [Multilingual] ⫻ Jasper is a fluent speaker of English, Korean, and Spanish, and is currently working on adding Mandarin to the list. | Appearance ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ "I make the cassock work, no?" Jasper is relatively difficult to pick out of a crowd while in plainclothes - standing at 5'10" and weighing about 180lbs, he is pretty average in his dimensions. His medium-short, dark-brown hair is most usually lightly kempt, and kept in no particular style. His eyes - which sit beneath dark, expressive eyebrows - are a warmer, calm caramel color. His face is readily capable of expressing his emotions, and often does so even if he doesn't intend to. Said face possesses fair, smooth skin and soft yet angular features, which leads him to regularly be described as a pretty attractive guy. When it comes to his frame, he obviously takes care in keeping himself in shape. When not hidden under sleeves or whatnot, it is clear that he works out, with ample definition especially pervading across the muscles of his torso, arms, and shoulders, while still maintaining a light frame. He carries himself with a casual, carefree air - any tenseness in him being a matter of note. He tends to fill his wardrobe, without taking into account his various Cossacks and clergy-attire, with clothing that he thinks looks good on him or just feels nice to wear, without any particular palette. The oddest thing one can always depend on about his appearance, though, is the presence of some sort of light source he carries with him - most usually a small, electric lantern. |
The.Shadow | |
??? | "The Shadow" | ??? "..." | Description: The Shadow, as Jasper calls it, has no true name. It is an old apparition which lurks in the shadows, ever-watching all events that play out before it. An apparition permanently shrouded in darkness, one would be safe to assume that Jasper is the only being to know of the apparition's existence. As such, virtually nothing is known of the creature that now resides within the priest. Over the past year or so, it has remained a silent threat looming over Jasper's head and, as far as he knows, it has no means with which to communicate with its host. Behaviorally, there have been some observations that Jasper has made, even if small. Once, when Jasper put together a plan to test The Shadow's nature, he took himself deep into the woods at night. He found a place miles away from civilization, and waiting there until sunrise was a mere thirty minutes away. And then he shunted his lantern off. When Jasper regained his senses, he found himself slathered in blood and gore - of what he did not yet know. Around him, in a patch of woods unfamiliar to him, trees were gouged and torn from the earth, snapped like twigs and laden with bloodied claw marks. As he looked further into the morning haze, he saw a great number of woodland animals, from those as small as a rat to even a deer, splayed haphazardly across the earth, numbering in multiple dozens. From this, he at first gleaned that the apparition was a bloodthirsty beast who seemed to kill only for sport and glee. Yet.. there was something he was feeling that he couldn't immediately understand. As he knelt in the field, his body quivering - whether out of fear or exhaustion - there was a sense of.. unhappiness within him. Yes, he felt a spell of sympathy for the poor creatures that he had unwittingly slaughtered, but there was something else.. there was.. remorse. But it wasn't his. From this, he could only decipher so much - but the only thing he did know was that The Shadow was dangerous. And from then on, it has been locked away. Aside from a dull pulling sensation that instills in him an unwilful desire to step into the darkness, Jasper hasn't heard or felt anything from The Shadow since - at least not that he can tell - and the apparition has only, oddly enough, protected him or idly prodded at the environment around them. Abstraction: Stygian Savagery The Shadow, in its own element, is an immensely powerful being. Its physical strength and speed when engulfed in darkness are, in most likelihood, unmatched by any apparition or abstraction known or unknown. It seems to have complete domain over its environment when it is free to act as it pleases. It seems almost as though nothing escapes the apparition's notice - almost like it has some kind of third eye which allows it to root out what others could never hope to know was there. In its full form, The Shadow doesn't have much of a traditional body to speak of - it appears as a wispy shadow in the form of some sort of canid head, and shapes its body out of the shadows that surround it as it needs. In the absence of light, it can control the environment itself as if just the area around it was part of The Shadow's body - allowing it to form attacks or move from any infinite number of angles. Claws, jaws, and crushing weight all loom within the shadows in this apparition's preferred environment. But, of course, once the sun rises.. the apparition must slink back to obscurity. |
_______________________________________________ Zeltzin Sandoval She/Her | 27 | Hispanic (Mexican) | 5'8" (69.6in) | 142lbs _______________________________________________ Stubborn _______________________________________________ Skills & Talents "You learn some things, growin' up like I did." ___________________________________ [Persuasive] ⫻ Even after her accident, Zeltzin is a very.. persuasive person. She can usually manage to get her way, whether it be through deception, intimidation, or just raw muscle. [Coordinated] ⫻ Zeltzin is very coordinated, both physically and mentally. She is fast and accurate with her movements, especially when it comes to handling tools, gear, vehicles, etc. and is a strong and fast thinker, giving her an edge in high-speed situations. Of course, her leg limits her somewhat. [Adrenaline-fiend] ⫻ Zeltzin is.. well, she has a history of pushing herself past her limits. She always knows when to stop - but doesn't always care. She can push much further than others once she's hopped up on the high of the moment - or if she just doesn't care anymore. This obviously has some less-than-ideal long-term effects, but don't tell her that. | Appearance ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ "..nah, it doesn't fuckin' hurt at all." If one were to try and describe Zeltzin's appearance in one term, "simplistically beautiful" wouldn't be far from the truth. While nothing about her particularly stands out from the norm, with her features combined she is admittedly quite attractive - even if her personality doesn't exactly match. Zeltzin possesses a narrowly-heart-shaped face that, while naturally expressive, is usually relegated to some form of surly countenance. Said face is framed loosely by chest-length, thick brown hair that contrasts somewhat with her lighter, yet smoothly-tanned, skin. The darker composition of her features continues finally with her eyes, which are a simple, dark brown - which, next to her thickish, expressive brows, appear somehow piercing, despite their relative lack of animation. Her Hispanic genes don't just stop at her face, of course. Apart from being a bit taller than average at 5'8", Zeltzin is still a relatively petite figure, aside from the curvaceousness of her lower half. This "daintiness", however, is far from who she really is. Closer inspection reveals her to have a particularly toned physique, with definite focus on her biceps and abdominals. One would rarely be able to notice such features withal, due to the unrevealing nature of her wardrobe. Leather jackets, long-sleeved Ts, jeans, pants, jean jackets, boots, and things of the like are common for her. She cares little for others opinions on her apparel, and wears what she wears usually to suit a certain function, or to fit her own tastes. All-in-all, Zeltzin is devoid of any truly glaring features, except one -- a noticeable limp which is often accompanied by abated grimaces - something that oddly polarizes her status as an otherwise healthy young woman. |
Name ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ Sorcha Argue Gender ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ Female Age ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ 16 (At breach) / 18 (Training age) Ethnicity ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ Irish Branch ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ 108th Trainee Corps Affiliations ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ TBD - TBD | █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ | Appearance Sorcha is one to, although unnoted by her, stick out in a crowd. This is most typically due to the lengthy, pyric-orange hair that falls down to just meet her hip. Said hair frames her face and torso lightly, seemingly cared for but not kept prim. A warm head of hair matches the warm fairness of her skin, and directly contrasts the cool, deep-carmine shade of her expressive eyes. Aside from the vanities of her appearance, she possesses a physique that one would likely deem fit for a member of humanity's military. She stands at about 5'8" and weighs a little more than other girls of her height and age - this owing to the toned, athletic musculature of her otherwise slender frame. Despite an appearance that might draw a glance or two, Sorcha is seemingly impartial to any form of fashion or alteration of her image. She prefers to dress for function over anything else, usually tending to wear duller colors such as black, brown, gray, or green - when not in uniform, that is. Personality Sorcha is, all in all, a seemingly unburdened individual. A lighthearted disposition is what most would see when they look at her - and that's generally what she possesses. She's carefree, nonchalant, and overall most agreeable. She is a naturally curious individual, and doesn't try to hide it, or her penchant for enabling hijinks of any variety. She is a snarky and teasing sort as well, especially to those who would wreck an otherwise grand bit of fun. One would be forgiven for thinking she rarely takes things seriously - but she most definitely has her moments -- and in those moments.. she almost seems to become someone else. Biography Sorcha was born to a seemingly unremarkable family. As far back as she can remember, her father has been the only one who she has ever relied on, as her mother passed at her birth. No siblings, uncles or aunts, grandparents, or any other family ties were known to her. Yet, despite this familial loneliness, her father enjoyed nothing more than retailing the deeds their family had done over the years in service to the people between Wall Rose and Maria - which is where the father-daughter duo reside. His tales spoke of how each and every member of their family that there had ever been, as far as one can recall, has served dutifully within the Survey Corps. Their battle against the titans, as a family, would never wane. Others may have found some semblance of peace inside the walls - or at least a form of distraction - but the titans had always been a part of the Argue family's lives. Always. Such tales reached the young girl, as her father might've hoped they would, but she found herself conflicted with them. On one hand, she found it so cool, so brave that their family would make such a sacrifice to protect the people -- but in the other hand, she was scared. A part of her was terrified that she would have to take on the burden of fighting the titans, like every Argue before her. But she would never reveal such a weakness, of course. She learned that from her father, too. Being as alone as she was, with her father as busy as he was, Sorcha was left mostly directionless in her young life. She was somewhat of a loner, stemming from the fact that she really only had her father at home to interact with. She had no real goals or aspirations growing up, but always had the shadow of an impending promise to military servitude lingering over her head. Even so, with no direction she mostly.. wandered. She eventually grew accustomed to meeting new people in her explorations about Walls Maria and Rose - but she never grew out of her ability to thole isolation, and she, honestly, preferred it at times, despite her increasingly upbeat personality - which served to drown out her inner worries. And that, all in all, is how she has lived her life up until she turned 16. At this age, her father finally doubles down with pressuring her into enlisting - and only time will tell how she will fare in her family's footsteps. |
══════||DOSSIER||══════ "Here you are." ══════════════════════════════ BASIC INFORMATION ► FULL NAME || Aaxie Knewan ► CODENAMES || Ossifrage ► PRONOUNS || She/her, they/them ► TYPE || Android ► ETHNICITY || Null ► AGE || Roughly 10 years ► HEIGHT || 5'4" ► WEIGHT || 145lbs. ══════════════════════════════ SKILLS ► [By design] || Aaxie's base programming was one which made her best-suited for serving humans. Whether it be cleaning, first-aid, organization, or any other conceivable mundane task, Aaxie is especially adept when working in civilian capacities. ► [Artificial Aptitudes] || Aaxie, being an android, is designed with a particular field of work in mind. This, however, does not account for the developmental nature of AI - which leads her to be knowledgeable in many, many works and activities. This causes her to wield an unfair advantage, of sorts, against humans -- leaving her capable of a great many things, outside of those that require hands-on experience. Outside of merc proceedings, she is a professional in nothing, but well-equipped to attempt anything. ► [Merc Work] || Over the years, Aaxie has built up a repertoire of expertises one might find useful in her field of work. Exploration, tracking, weapon-maintenance, marksmanship, navigation, etc. are just a few of the very many skills she has acquired. Being a machine herself, her most impressive abilities are her aptitudes for tinkering with Shells, weapons, and other tech in maintenance, reparative, or developmental capacities. ══════════════════════════════ EQUIPMENT ► [NULL] || Aaxie currently carries no particularly special equipment when compared to her fellow mercs. ══════════════════════════════ | ══════||APPEARANCE||══════ "..in WOLFHOUND fashion, one might say.." Aaxie is, as common for a high-end domestic android, very conventionally attractive. Her tear-shaped face is framed nicely and lightly by her nape-length silver hair, which is always immaculately managed into her signature bobcut. Her skin is fair and unmarred, despite her years of work as a mercenary. Her eyes, which match her hair closely in hue, are framed by black mascara and dark eyebrows, which serve to make them stand out in charming fashion. Aside from facial details, her body is ultimately not unusual - but as characteristic for her kind she possesses an attractive physique that matches the norm for such "products". While she cannot sculpt her musculature through work or exercise, she does occupy a toned figure. Her artificial anatomy appears well-tuned in the areas in which an active human might expect to develop a toned appearance - that being the biceps, abdomen, thighs, etc. Additionally, the dimensions of her bust, hips, legs, etc. are rather womanly, expectedly. All-in-all, her appearance is not of much note to most, as it stands to reason. Except for one glaring feature. And that would be a.. tail. Aaxie's otherwise normal appearance is interrupted by the appearance of a large, canid tail sprouting from her tail-bone area. Said tail is of a hue very closely resembling that of her hair - a clean, silvery length of tail which could likely be directly compared to that of a wolf. Such a feature definitely draws attention, and though it is far from the weirdest body-modding some might have seen in this day and age, it is still surely unusual. Despite the fact that this a nonessential body part, Aaxie retains it despite the sheepishness she displays when confronted on the subject of its origins. ══════||PERSONALITY||══════ "Hm. It.. appears as though I have.." Aaxie is an always-evolving person. As an AI, she could continue learning and developing her own personhood nigh-infinitely as she meets new people and experiences new things. But, she has developed a manner of personality, even with her semi-absorbent social-sponge-ish nature, of sorts. Aaxie views the world through a bright, even if calculative, light. While she is under no illusion that strife between humans and corporations is uncommon, she has developed a hopeful outlook for most things. Where another AI might deem a cause statistically Sisyphean, Aaxie will fight to somehow enhance the odds, even if she knows victory is unlikely. When it comes to ethics, Aaxie is mostly utilitarian, within the realms of her occupation. Much of her morality in this instance stems from sheer logical branching. For example - Humans are animals, and animals operate under no concept of "fighting fair" or "honorably", and as such, those who take up arms open themselves up to combat by any means. She does not feel beholden to the law, and will act accordingly unless her doing so would become obvious to any association that may cause trouble for her and her comrades. She views laws as useful for keeping order in certain circumstances - but many she calculates as useless. It's a different story when it comes to civilian matters. Aaxie is a naturally protective individual. She will always calculate collaterals and avoid any such accidents at all costs. She is prone to protecting the unprotected, and sacrificing herself to defend those who cannot defend themselves -- but in the saddening circumstance that saving one hurts the many, she will begrudgingly surrender this virtue. If one were to look at Aaxie in a social light, they might consider her a wallflower - and they might be right, to a degree. But in truth, Aaxie's self-contained nature is just a byproduct of her watchful, analytical nature. She, by default, would rather listen or absorb than speak herself. This is not to say she is outstandingly shy - she isn't really, and will have no qualms with speaking out when needed. She also isn't opposed to making friends where she can - though she is not one to seek such a thing by default. When it comes to guilts, Aaxie is few. She has not lived long in the world, and as such has not had a ton of experience with making the wrong decision, especially considering her calculative abilities. She does have some lingering guilts surrounding her previous master and how maybe she could've somehow saved him, but.. they are usually just light thoughts in her private moments. She does have some flaws, however. Aaxie is one of little self-reflection. She never thinks to look at herself socially, and as such, is rather unaware of her own position amongst those around her, in this regard. Additionally, she is also completely selfless in her actions, which could lead to her own injury or misfortune. Finally, it is notable that Aaxie is not a forceful person in any regard -- she can order a civilian or unidentified op to do various tasks with efficiency, but socially she would rather endure abuse than speak against it. This is part of her personality as a largely subservient person. |
HEIGHT: ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ Eleven meters WEIGHT CLASS: ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ Light SPEED: ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ High ROLE: ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ Scout, Disruptor, On-site repair |
Warg // KZ-127 Strike Unit |
══════||DOSSIER||══════ "Quote here." ══════════════════════════════ INFO: ► NAME || Warg // Designation: KZ-127 Strike Unit ► POWER ALLOCATION || One (1) ► ENERGY ALLOCATION || One (1) ► STRENGTH || Eight (8) ► AGILITY || Seven (7) ► ARMOUR || Three (3) ► RELIABILITY || Six (6) ══════════════════════════════ BUILD ► CHASSIS || Destroyer ► ENGINE || Fission Engine ► FRAME || Plasteel ► CORE || VEGA Interface ► RADAR || Surface Search System ► SHIELD || High-Frequency Shields ══════════════════════════════ | ══════||APPEARANCE||══════ "Quote here." (Just a brief outline of the juggernaut's overall appearance, its paint/livery, any scratches, burn marks, rust, and so forth. Feel free to stick all the techno-babble in here that doesn't fit in the parts selection.) ══════||SUBSYSTEMS||══════ Left Shoulder: Null Left Arm: Null Back: Jetpack System Right Shoulder: Ghostvision Lens System Right Arm: Faraday Scrambler System |
Lyall |
══════||DOSSIER||══════ "This is all there is to know." ══════════════════════════════ BASIC INFORMATION ► FULL NAME || Lyall ► CALLSIGN || -- ► PRONOUNS || Any. ► AGE || Biological age: 26 / / / Chronological age: 8 years ► HEIGHT || 5'6" (167.6cm) ► WEIGHT || 132lbs (60kg) ══════════════════════════════ SKILLS ► [Engineering] || Through extensive study and practice, Lyall has acquired a sizable bank of knowledge and skill in practical applications of electrical and mechanical engineering. ► [Baking] || Lyall is a reportedly proficient cook, though they prefer to stick to baking fortune cookies, for which they write the fortunes themself. ► [Navigation] || Through study of survival manuals and some degree of practice, Lyall has become a skilled navigator, even with minimal tools. They are also a very skilled tracker. ► [Hand-to-hand combat] || Lyall is capable of holding their own in hand-to-hand combat scenarios, whether they be with weapons or not. ► [Stealth] || Lyall has a natural affinity for stealth - and tends to act covertly even when not attempting to do so. They possess an exceptionally light step, and even operate their Juggernaut in a surprisingly clandestine capacity. ══════════════════════════════ | ══════||APPEARANCE||══════ "..." Lyall stands at 5'6" and weighs about 132 lbs, clocking in with average measurements. They do, however, possess a lean musculature to them that doesn't betray their overall androgynous appearance. Their somewhat unkempt hair, which is honey-beige with oh-so-slight pinkish undertones, is nape-length, and frames the pale, clear features of their face well. Their eyes, which are most often expressionless, are dark-hazel in coloration, with strong crimson flecks. Lyall carries themself neutrally, not seeming to pay much mind to their appearance, which, along with their calculated mannerisms and logical mindset, paints them much like a machine - and whether that seems approachable or not is of little concern to them. When it comes to clothing, Lyall has never paid attention to it outside of a utilitarian capacity. Recently though, they have started to try their hand at "fashion" in small amounts. There is one notable exception, in a fur cloak that was given to them by their father. ══════||PERSONALITY||══════ "What do you mean, that is not normal..?" At heart, Lyall is nothing if not driven by logic. This logical nature and their instincts, alongside the efforts of their father, have kept them alive thusfar. Some may say they think too harshly or plan in a borderline-paranoid capacity, but evidence has shown no reason for Lyall to change their ways. When it comes to relationships or interpersonal engagements, Lyall exists even moreso outside of the ordinary. The chaotic and unusual circumstances of their upbringing has left them with little in the ways of practical experience with people. Lyall is somewhat naive, inept at any form of deception, ignorant to the nuances of relationships, and gullible towards all but clear enemies. Their father tried to remedy some of the aforementioned points, leading Lyall to develop a protective nature towards any information regarding them or their past. They naturally, being a trained militant, are not prone to giving information that exists in a militarily-operational capacity. They act in their own self-interest and, in the past, Lyall was content to only take action when they deemed it progressive in some way - but they have been working on enjoying "hobbies" more often. Lyall has an interesting take on people around them, seeing their comrades as members of a "pack" of sorts. Their moral stances are of dubious depth -- there are few things that will ellicit an emotional response from Lyall, and just as few things that they'll attempt to remedy - as long as the subject at hand isn't hindering their operations or comrades, they are content to ignore many things. |