
Rank / Profession:
Knight Commander
If you were to ask one to recall Caiman's appearance by memory, the lion's share of people would ration you the recollection of a shorter-than-average man clad in a dark palette consisting of black or brown leathers and furs, grey cloths, or perhaps a rare-few other articles of muted blues or greens. Whatever they might recall, they very likely would remember that they'd not seen the Knight Commander void of his armet - lest they were the Steward, his advisors, or perhaps one of some fellow Knight Commanders.
Caiman's appearance without his armet is one that conveys a youth perhaps a touch more green than is really true of him. His face is shaped with soft yet angular features, he has fair, unmarred skin, and possesses short, inky-black hair. In truth, he wears his armet more often than is considered apt due to the tendency of some of his comrades to patently underestimate him for his ostensible youthfulness, much to his chagrin. But Caiman is certainly not incapable. When it comes to physique, Caiman does stand noticeably on the shorter side at 5'6", but possesses a lean musculature and a slender appearance.
He holds himself with a natural, dutiful countenance. When one has the opportunity to see his face, they'll likely see a very neutral visage with watchful, golden-hazel eyes. Ironically, Caiman's features are quite demonstrative when they have cause to be - his brows, eyes, lips, etc. are very expressive when it comes to the rare-few times he experiences particularly strong, or perhaps alien, emotions.
Caiman seems to posses an.. oddly fluctuating sense of impersonalness. While he has shown evident loyalty and a large measure of investment in his kingdom and nation, he is, in most circumstances, seemingly very-well emotionally regulated. A neutral, dutiful aura is likely one which even the most Caiman-familiar Knight Commanders have rarely seen him deviate from. It is a feature, among several, that made, or make, him a notable knight - for keeping a cool head at all times is not always an easy task, even for some veterans.
In sooth, this is not to say that Caiman is emotionless, for this is clearly untrue. His impassive visage is not a cold or dry one - he is simply.. not very expressive, in general. In fact, there have been times when Caiman has shown emotions. When his father, Knight Commander Ritter Black, passed, Caiman was one of many men to shed a tear, or several, at his funeral. Further still, he can respond to lesser encouragements as well - Knight Commander Lerkley Polk, a long-time friend of his father, has been known to cause Caiman to crack a small smile, on occasion.
Regardless of the circumstances, Caiman is known as a knight that is utmost emotionally reliable - whether he finds himself stepping through the gore and viscera of a massacre, or blade-to-throat midst his own mortal peril, his level-headedness is something to be sure of.
Aside from how he reacts to the things around him, Caiman has a solid moral compass. Beside his loyalty to his kingdom and the straight-faced comradery he shares with his fellow Knight Commanders, he is one to uphold good and help where he can, even if he has to do a little bad to accomplish his goals. When it comes to how he treats his enemies, enemies of his nation, or ne'er-do-wells in general - he performs unyieldingly, yet humanely. He has, however, been known to handle particularly heinous malefactors with treatment a touch harsher than the norm.
In sooth, this is not to say that Caiman is emotionless, for this is clearly untrue. His impassive visage is not a cold or dry one - he is simply.. not very expressive, in general. In fact, there have been times when Caiman has shown emotions. When his father, Knight Commander Ritter Black, passed, Caiman was one of many men to shed a tear, or several, at his funeral. Further still, he can respond to lesser encouragements as well - Knight Commander Lerkley Polk, a long-time friend of his father, has been known to cause Caiman to crack a small smile, on occasion.
Regardless of the circumstances, Caiman is known as a knight that is utmost emotionally reliable - whether he finds himself stepping through the gore and viscera of a massacre, or blade-to-throat midst his own mortal peril, his level-headedness is something to be sure of.
Aside from how he reacts to the things around him, Caiman has a solid moral compass. Beside his loyalty to his kingdom and the straight-faced comradery he shares with his fellow Knight Commanders, he is one to uphold good and help where he can, even if he has to do a little bad to accomplish his goals. When it comes to how he treats his enemies, enemies of his nation, or ne'er-do-wells in general - he performs unyieldingly, yet humanely. He has, however, been known to handle particularly heinous malefactors with treatment a touch harsher than the norm.
It'd be truthful to say Caiman was raised to be a knight. Born to be a knight, as his late father would say. Knight Commander Ritter Black was a man who valued honor, virtue, and above all else, family. Even moreso the family that was young Caiman Black, when the birth of the boy caused his wife's passing. It was from his youngest age that Ritter entered Caiman onto the path that would lead him to become a knight - as he wished nothing more than for his son to see the life of luxury and honor that he had made for himself.
The duo resided in the capital of Alveria, Olenta, where Ritter Black served in his duties to the crown as a Knight Commander. As such, it was often that young Caiman found himself cared after by only the best of sitters until an age where he would become a squire, and would be taken under the wing of his father full-time. In truth, his upbringing was rather regular for a boy on the path of knighthood. He developed pretty regularly in his training when it came to the matters of heraldry, chivalry, courtly affairs, etc., but there was a particular shift when it came to the young Caiman's affinity for matters of warfare.
His father spotted in him an irregularly sharp aptitude for swordsmanship, marksmanship, horsemanship, and all other manner of depths of combaterie. Whether it was due to a particular interest in these practices or an exceptionally keen natural inclination, the young squire picked up on techniques very naturally and effectively, and often digested manuals much faster than his father and tutors anticipated. By the time the young lad was approaching the age around which he would start transitioning to knighthood, his progress was well past what any of them would deem acceptable. So much so that his father, who was one of the most trusted Knight-Commanders to the Lord Steward, entered him into knighthood a touch early.
It was from there that Caiman Black quickly made a name for himself ahead of his peers. In his role as a knight, he displayed an unshakeable grip on his usefulness to his kingdom and his ability to improve himself as the highest class of soldier. Even from a place of parity, it was often that Caiman found even accomplished knights seeking his counsel in matters of warfare or swordsmanship, or even seeking rapport with him due to his growing reputation.
All-in-all, Caiman's adult life was just what his father had hoped for him, and much more. It was this pacifying thought that made his father's passing a touch more digestible for Caiman. Ritter Black could, at least, die proud of his son.
The death being some two years ago, it was not terribly long before Caiman Black took his father's place as a Knight Commander - though a rather young one. But, it was in his father's wishes to the Lord Steward and the fellow Commanders to welcome Caiman into that fold - a realm in which he has not disappointed.
The duo resided in the capital of Alveria, Olenta, where Ritter Black served in his duties to the crown as a Knight Commander. As such, it was often that young Caiman found himself cared after by only the best of sitters until an age where he would become a squire, and would be taken under the wing of his father full-time. In truth, his upbringing was rather regular for a boy on the path of knighthood. He developed pretty regularly in his training when it came to the matters of heraldry, chivalry, courtly affairs, etc., but there was a particular shift when it came to the young Caiman's affinity for matters of warfare.
His father spotted in him an irregularly sharp aptitude for swordsmanship, marksmanship, horsemanship, and all other manner of depths of combaterie. Whether it was due to a particular interest in these practices or an exceptionally keen natural inclination, the young squire picked up on techniques very naturally and effectively, and often digested manuals much faster than his father and tutors anticipated. By the time the young lad was approaching the age around which he would start transitioning to knighthood, his progress was well past what any of them would deem acceptable. So much so that his father, who was one of the most trusted Knight-Commanders to the Lord Steward, entered him into knighthood a touch early.
It was from there that Caiman Black quickly made a name for himself ahead of his peers. In his role as a knight, he displayed an unshakeable grip on his usefulness to his kingdom and his ability to improve himself as the highest class of soldier. Even from a place of parity, it was often that Caiman found even accomplished knights seeking his counsel in matters of warfare or swordsmanship, or even seeking rapport with him due to his growing reputation.
All-in-all, Caiman's adult life was just what his father had hoped for him, and much more. It was this pacifying thought that made his father's passing a touch more digestible for Caiman. Ritter Black could, at least, die proud of his son.
The death being some two years ago, it was not terribly long before Caiman Black took his father's place as a Knight Commander - though a rather young one. But, it was in his father's wishes to the Lord Steward and the fellow Commanders to welcome Caiman into that fold - a realm in which he has not disappointed.
Rune Affinity (if applicable):
Skills & Abilities:
Caiman is a masterful wielder of most types of traditional weapons, be they swords, daggers, mauls, flails, etc. Paramount among his most favored weapons are Spears, Swords, Lucerne Hammers, and Crossbows. He is also a very gifted technical grappler - and fortunately so, for his small stature makes him vulnerable to being pinned. Furthermore, he is an incredible rider. The agility and precision with which he controls and maneuvers his mount is impressive, even for a knight.
When it comes to mental warfare, Caiman is second to none in keeping his head. He's quick-witted and tactically intelligent. In truth, he's not a very inspiring commander when it comes to emotive morale-building, but his mere martial reputation has been enough before, in a pinch.
Aside his martial prowesses, Caiman is pretty ordinary in his skills as a knight, though he remembers the entirety of his training over the years with respectable accuracy.
Additional Details:
As an infant, Caiman was plagued with a genetic illness for some weeks, but eventually managed to overcome it. In most-recent months, its return has delivered a shallow turn in his health. For the mostpart he seems alright, but for days at a time has experienced a sickly pallor, accompanied by a fever and cough.
Caiman, whether tending to his knightly duties or not, always carries a sword at his side, as most of status do. Caiman's sword is a pretty average one of roughly 35 inches in blade-length, and can be comfortably wielded in one or two hands. He also carries a Rondel dagger of about 14 inches in length. His favored weapon, though, is a spear measured six feet in total length with a 12 inch, double-edged blade.
Caiman is sidekick to a loveable canine named "Belabog". Most see her as more wolf than acceptable dog, but Caiman seems to have a soft spot for her nonetheless. She seems to respond pretty well to his attempts to train her, and he's confident she could probably be useful as a war hound of some kind, but he is reluctant to utilize her in that capacity.
"Grim-cub" is a, some would say silly, nicknamed bestowed upon him by the older Knight Commander Lerkley Polk, as a way to poke fun at Caiman's usual impersonal, watchful gaze. Much to Caiman's relief, the moniker has caught on with very few.
Caiman picked up the habit of always wearing an armet before he became a Knight Commander, and can't really shake it nowadays, though he truthfully hasn't tried too hard.