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    1. baskets 10 yrs ago


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"Yo, Erin, have you heard?" Whoever was on the other end of the door began knocking violently.

Erin groaned. With her lifestyle, sleep was hard to come by. She appreciated what little she got for reasons just like this one. As the knocking continued, she shouted at the door, "I haven't heard shit, but if that's you, Mateo, I'm about to hear your fuckin' screams if you don't shut the fuck up!" The knocking promptly stopped. With a scowl, Erin picked up the pack of cigarettes she kept next to her mattress and took out a cigarette. She had eleven left; that'd maybe last her two days. She took one and lit it, opening the front door to her apartment.

As she expected, it was Mateo. That Colombian fuck. "What the hell am I supposed to have heard, Mateo?" she growled, pulling the cigarette from her mouth.

Mateo was unimpressed by her attempted intimidation. Sure, he had stopped knocking, but he had been close to Erin long enough to know that she wouldn't actually hurt anyone she didn't really have to. "Turn on your damn TV. It's all over the news," Mateo pushed his way through Erin and into the apartment. He turned on the TV for her, flipping to one of the dozens of news channels.

Erin walked over slowly, paying close attention to the reporters on screen. As she processed what was going on, her bitterness over being woken up turned into that familiar feeling of intense anger that seemed to run in the family. She was about to open her mouth to speak, when another figure appeared in her doorway. Erin would've been upset had that figure not been her best friend, Amelia. Hell, sometimes Erin had to remind herself that basically all of her closest friends lived in the same damn building as her.

Amelia glanced at the TV and nodded at Mateo. "So, you're going, right? Erin, you have to go."

Erin threw the remains of her cigarette butt at the wall, adding to the many stains of ash resulting from many thrown cigarette butts. "Blue Harbor is almost two hundred fuckin' miles away, Amy. If I could figure out how to fly I could be there pretty quick but I can barely keep myself afloat for a few minutes."

Amelia began to speak, but the ring of Erin's phone cut her off. Erin grit her teeth when she checked the Caller ID: Robert. That asshole. She answered the phone.

"Oh, good, you picked up. I wasn't sure if you would or not," Robert seemed to hiss into her ear. Erin gripped her phone tightly.

"What the fuck do you want now, Robert?"

"Well, I heard the news about Blue Harbor and thought you might want to head over there. Only one of us can fly, if I recall correctly."

Erin began to shake. She knew where this was going. "I don't need your help. I can get there myself."

"You can get there yourself in two hours. I can get you there twenty minutes from now."

"Yeah, but you can also get back just as quickly. I don't get that luxury." Erin looked at Amy - the look the French girl was giving her seemed to insist that Erin take whatever offer Robert had in mind. Erin was split; she wanted to get to Blue Harbor and help deal with Meltdown, but she knew Robert would take full advantage of the absence of any heroes in Angel City. Why he was so intent on breaking everything as a result of his rage was lost on her, but Erin knew that leaving him unchecked in the city would cause a lot of damage. On the other hand, who knew how much damage Meltdown would cause at Blue Harbor?

Erin knew she didn't have much of a choice. A nuclear meltdown at Blue Harbor would be catastrophic for both Angel City and Valle Dorado. "I'm gonna kick your ass for this, Robert."

"That's what you think. Now hurry up and get your ass on the roof." Erin knew Robert was grinning through the phone, and it took all her effort to not smash her phone there and then. The phone beeped as Robert hung up. Erin put it in her pocket.

Erin threw on a brown leather jacket and zipped it up, heading towards her window. She looked at Mateo and Amy as she climbed out to the fire escape. "I'll call you when I'm wrapped up at Blue Harbor. Robert will be coming back first, so text me a play-by-play of what he's up to if you can." Mateo and Amy nodded, and Erin launched herself off the fire escape and to the roof.

There was Robert, standing all proud and mighty. Erin wanted to hit him, but she needed him first. "Grab my hands, sis. Just like when we were kids," Robert smiled darkly, knowing the kind of advantage he would have with Erin out of the city. It had been too long since he was last active, and the Blue Harbor development was perfect for him. He'd be free to make as much noise as possible, and maybe steal a bit of cash along the way.

Erin grabbed Robert, and the two departed for Blue Harbor.

As they neared Blue Harbor, Erin spotted Meltdown, being confronted by someone else in what looked like a ninja outfit. "Drop me there. And don't think I'm not coming back for you, you fucking dick."

"Man, if you weren't my sister, I might just drop you from up here," Robert faked being insulted, beginning his descent towards the pair of metahumans on the ground. Robert dropped Erin ten feet from the ground, Erin slowing her descent using her own powers. She glanced back up at him, and he gave a mock salute at her. "See you later, Erin. I've got some mayhem of my own to cause," Robert grinned, flying off back towards Angel City.

"Bastard," Erin muttered, turning back around towards Meltdown and the other metahuman. She opened her fists, preparing to launch herself into the air. "So, whose ass am I kicking first, huh?"
@baskets Magic is enough to perform elemental spells, charms, create runes, imbue magic into objects, but not alter the very planet. Technology... just imagine steampunk tech, without the flying tech, with a focus on geared machines.

that's just about what I expected, but wanted to be sure. thanks!
working on my CS now! got a question though: to what extent have magic and technology developed?
interested! I'll take a look at the OOC when it goes up.
"'Bolts can come with us if she needs to,'" Annalynn quoted as Kal left the room, outwardly unphased by the display of force. Inwardly, however, her heart was racing, but Annalynn knew better than to let that show. "Would somebody please remind our head of security that she, too, is listed as essential personnel? If she insists that essential personnel should not go on this mission, then almost our entire ground team should be replaced bar one ranking officer. The lieutenant's pride may get in the way of her critical thinking skills sometimes, and despite what she may or may not believe about my mental capability, I actually do know what I'm talking about."

Annalynn got up from her seat, holding her forehead. "I have a headache. I'll be in my office 'talking shit about shit I know shit about,' as our security chief so gracefully put it. Please contact me if it's urgent." With that, Annalynn withdrew from the meeting room and began to head back towards the science labs.
Annalynn sighed. "Ms. Rama, three things. First of all, your combat experience is appreciated, but irrelevant to the nature of the mission and nullified by the nature of your discharge from the Marine Corps. Second, you are in no position to take on the responsibility of the ship's tactical decisions, being that you do not outrank any current serving crew member, so again, while your tactical expertise is appreciated, we must still make decisions as a crew. That means co-operation, Kal, not a dictatorship." Annalynn began to sound like a kind, lecturing mother, but it wasn't anything Kal wouldn't be used to. Annalynn had had to look after far too many of the crew as her own children the past couple days.

She continued, "And finally, thank you for so eloquently rephrasing the plan that has already been discussed and developed. Your input is appreciated." Annalynn smiled, quietly hoping that the passive-aggression would be felt in the room and Kal would back down slightly.

On second thought, Annalynn realized her passive-aggression was just as likely to backfire on her as much as it was to work. Shit.
@Baskets@My Lalia@SgtEasy@MonkeyBusiness@Chev

Briefing or no, just leave a little hider or not in the OOC when you're happy to go on the mission. If we don't have it we'll do a quick one in the ooc and chose what we're doing.

I'm good to skip the briefing IC and jump to the mission. we can just have our characters constantly refer to the "plan" as the mission progresses while working out the actual plan OOC.
Corina raised a hand. "Two questions, sir. What kind of basic training are we looking at? Movement, weaponry, the like? Tactical training? And for our patrol, what's our ROE?" It was a simple, straightforward question, but rules of engagement were important. In her much younger days, she had commonly made the mistake of not knowing her ROE beforehand, often putting the mission in jeopardy or even blowing it entirely. She had since straightened herself out, making sure she knew the ROE back and forth in order to ensure mission success.

One story she recalled with clarity was a hostage situation, one of her first missions. The directive had clearly stated to use force only as a last resort, but Corina had jumped the gun and taken fire prematurely. Ultimately, the mission had been a success and no hostages were harmed, but she had put all the hostages at risk simply because she ignored the ROE. Rookie mistakes, Corina mused, subconsciously glancing at Chie.

Teaching her to follow an order seemed like it would be a large enough task, but teaching her to operate within a set rules of engagement seemed even larger. To Corina, orders were simple: you're told to do something, you do it. Rules of engagement were less clear - they were set directives, but often came without orders. You had free will to act, but had to do so within your ROE. Chie didn't seem like she would like that very much; she was much more likely to be a loose cannon than to maintain her composure. Corina made it a personal objective to keep an eye on Chie when out in their cogs.
@Experiment: I'm waiting on one of the other staff members to say something relevant :(

hopefully that's relevant enough! I've been fairly busy the past couple days but I should be able to pick up the posting speed once more now. :)
"Kal, this is a topic we have discussed repeatedly over the last couple of days," Annalynn said softly. It was difficult to convince the gung ho Security chief into acceptingaccepting 'no' as an answer, but few people stood up to Kal's attitude.

She continued, "We were just going over our mission to Iorus II. I was suggesting that you and Ensign Mallory tag along with myself and Commander Mason in the ground team, as well as discussing diplomatic solutions to evading the topic of our Captain's disappearance, which I may remind you," Annalynn raised an eyebrow for emphasis, "you are not to discuss with anyone. That means no more Search and Rescue requests. The Science department is currently looking into Captain Ray's disappearance and it will be handled in due time, but the Audacia cannot afford yet another reprimand, so please, co-operate on this with us?" Annalynn smiled warmly at Kal, hoping it would ease the subtle blow of her words.

"That should bring you up to speed. So, are you coming ashore with us or no?"
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