Avatar of bastet
  • Last Seen: 8 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 3 (0.00 / day)
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    1. bastet 8 yrs ago


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8 yrs ago
Current Rewriting this interest check post, more like how much more purple prose can I squeeze into a single paragraph
8 yrs ago
I'm screaming on the inside and I'm screaming on the outside, too. I'm so nervous.
8 yrs ago
I'm awake. Time to post.


I'm Bastet, age 19. I'm not a social person by any means, though I can play one well enough. I mostly enjoy fantasy, whether it's medieval or sci-fi.

- Feudal Fantasy Interest Check

- Not Recommended

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There is no metaphorical evil which resides in the land, no dark shadow which could cause unrest and turn brother against brother. The political turmoil which ravages the land is caused only by the emotion of human heart, the desire for conquest and safety, and lust for power.
Every man is poor, from the daimyo in their castles who wage war, the samurai paid in their daily rice, to the burakumin, poor prostitutes, beggars and wayfarers alone and separate from their society.
The emperor and his court hold no power, with even the shogun grappling with the daimyo in a desperate effort to maintain control. The farmers groan under the heavy weight of debt, their daimyo looking only to line their pockets.
The turbulent emotions of war congeal into physical monsters, ogres who tears trees up from the roots and goblins who stamp down crops and hinder their growth in the night. Even more hideous and beautiful creatures, many-eyed demons and dragons reside in the land, feasting on the rage of war.
Fighters spring from men, tempestual emotions give rise to great magic, which struggles against the confines of what weapon or body contains it. Magic gifting itself to those of any caste, lying clandestine within bodies until the time comes, or never comes, for it's release. The source may be claimed by gods or other strengths, but it comes only from the strength of the human heart.


The Emperor
Currently an untouchable class
The Shogun
Currently an untouchable class
Land-owning lords who employ samurai to fight their battles. This class and their close relatives may use any weapon.
The last class allowed to carry swords. They may also use most other weapons.
Warrior monks. They may carry naginata, yumi, and a tanto/wakizashi combination. May use spiritual magic alongside any other type.
Priests/shrine maidens
Can only carry a staff, and may use spiritual magic alongside any other type.
Peasants, artisans, and merchants
Most likely to carry more mundane weapons such as the kiseru, yawara, or even the tobigushi.
May carry no weapon, or nearly any besides swords.

Any social class can use any of the four schools of magic aside from spiritual magic, unless they have reason to frequently pray or meditate.


A small self-defense weapon held in the hand, with the blunt ends meant to strike pressure points.
A melee weapon consisting of two short staffs with grips jutting out from the sides.
A heavy weapon with a short, blunt scythe shape at the end.
Brass knuckles.
A heavier fan of war, made to look like an ordinary fan but can be used to bludgeon enemies.
A chain with weights on either end.
A long, heavy smoking pipe that may be used to beat an enemy.
A heavy fan-like weapon used by officers to signal to their armies.
A fan of war; Lighter than the tessen and used primarily by soldiers to cool themselves off.
A traditional curved sword used by samurai.
A sword with an exceptionally long handle.
A spear with a curved blade.
A short, curved knife used by samurai.
A short, curved sword used by samurai.
A short staff with a chain attached, and a weight on the end of the chain.
A scythe on a chain with a weight on the other end.
Japanese longbow.
A long, straight staff with a grip in the middle.
A heavy mace weapon with spikes along the end.


The user performs spells through hand and body movements, similar to dancing or drawing with the fingers in the air. It often appears as though they have colored water trailing from their fingertips as they move, flowing as though it were ink in water. The ink cannot spread a certain distance from the user's body, slowly growing thinner and weaker as it disappates.
The user may use the trail itself as a whip or blade, or create and control the elements through it. A new, inexperienced or untrained user may only be able to create a small stream of ink, and thus, only able to create small amounts of an element.
A variation of the ink school is through tattoos, with the tattoos coming off the body in the form they were in on the skin. The tattoos cannot fully leave the user's body, and cannot change shape, but can exhibit the abilities of the tattooed object- I.E. A snake with venom.

Simple control of the elements. It isn't uncommon for a user to adhere to a single element and fully master it and it's branches.
The first portions of each branch can be controlled at the user's whim.
The latter cannot be created and only controlled to a certain degree, and reserved only for masters of the element. These can't be used in characters unless with permission.

Fire -> Steam | Lava -> Lightning
Water -> Ice | Tidal -> Weather
Air -> Cutter | Gale -> Typhoon
Earth -> Boulders | Metal -> Earthquakes

A form of magic granted through meditation or prayer. It's similar to telekinesis, with the user able to move objects or make them float without having to use their hands to guide the object. Spiritual magic users may also have healing magic, spells, and chants for fighting and warding against evil spirits.

The practice of channeling magic through a weapon or object, thus 'enchanting' it. It's in this way that curses may be laid upon people and objects alike. Weapons can be used to channel and direct elemental magic, to be more durable, or to expel evil. This is considered the most versatile form of magic, though with a severe weakness in that it takes either time or extreme emotion, often ill will, to enchant these items.
Items may be enchanted over time, even without the user knowing- For example, a hot-headed samurai may use the same sword in anger so often that it begins to spew fire.


If you have ideas or questions, or are interested, please comment below!
Welcome to the Guild!
Major kudos to your name being one of my favorite mythological deities. It's absolutely purrfect. ;D cricket cricket cricket
If you ever have questions, wanna chat, or looking to RP, don't be afraid to hit me up.
See you around!

Thank you ^w^ Honestly, you can't get any better than a goddess of cats and war, in my opinion.

@bastet Welcome! Have a fishy sticky!

I humbly accept this divine tribute. I definitely did not meow at my screen.

lol fishy sticky

oh and welcome to the guild, bast...wait isn't that...the cat thingy?

Thank you. And yes?

@bastet -Bows before a Goddess of war-
Hail! Aha. Welcome to the guild, you'll fit right in. Feel free to point any questions my direction I'll help you out best I can. Happy RP'ing!

Welcome :)

Thank you both :3 I know the ropes of forum RPing, I'm just not terribly used to it. Very different community and format from what I'm used to.

@bastet ANOTHER new artist?! Yay! Welcome to the guild! I like your avatar! Did you draw it?

Thank you, I did! It's a slightly older piece but I just cropped something to use as a temp avatar.
I'm Bastet, 19 years old and I've been RPing for five years, on and off before then too.
I'm an artist primarily but I like to RP in my spare time, which I have a lot of. I'll always be available unless I'm asleep or dead, in the latter case, don't make contact unless on official business. It's expensive to communicate through ouija boards nowadays.
I'm glad to join the site, I hope to have fun RPing with you all.
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