Avatar of BespeckledCeph
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    1. BespeckledCeph 7 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current I squat with fellow Gopniks. I slurp vodka. I eat semechki. I dance to hardbass. Life. Is. Good.
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Bois go here

Dont diss my boi, you don't know what this mans has gone through ;-;

(To be fair it was a long ass time)
Well I don't want to, not to confident in my writing capabilities...You look like a good(and only)candidate!
@Parvo Sounds lit, i'm down

Nuuuu that was my waifu, don tucc her darkness within her.

Also this is greentext
>Be Me
>Play Dark Souls 3
>Beat Iudex Gyundier
>See hot as fuck fire keeper
>Notice more nig nogs
>Talk to her
>"Touch the darkness within me"
>Yo already?
Maybe the creator of the role play should have the first post IDK :/
@Styxx Acheron

Feelsbadman ;-;
Going to use my actual DS3 character for this

Straight out of Irithyll, crazy motherfucker named Saegar of Astora
I'm going to explain where he got most of his unique items that you see
Main Swords: He acquired them from a merchant in Astora, before the fire was fading, and before he sought adventure elsewhere
Old Wolf's Sword: Since he ventured into the swamps, he ran across the Wolf's Guild, he became part of them, and climbed the ranks, acquiring this as a sort of "status"
Thrall Hood: When he went for adventure, he thought it'd be funny to steal a dead thrall's hood, and wear it as a symbol, unique to himself
He died in battle as was risen in The City of the Dead

Well now I have to become Hawkwood

[Not rly tho, my character took to long to make to waste on the mems]
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