Avatar of BespeckledCeph
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    1. BespeckledCeph 7 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current I squat with fellow Gopniks. I slurp vodka. I eat semechki. I dance to hardbass. Life. Is. Good.
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So all the angels are that way, got it, might write a post myself now I have a better grasp on things, I knew you were trying to help, it's just that I was not getting it, now I kinda got it o-o

Am I the only one confused about the positioning of people, like I know the location of you Balthazar, but no one else ;-;

I need help
@Hekazu @Drakey

Feels bad Hekazu ;-;

Thats fine Drakey, kinda excited to do this
Good thing I sub to these sorts of things
Thank you for the clarification, this definitely helps, I'll try and come up with some ideas, but I'm not the most overtly creative, tryin to keep the dream alive!
Can you clarify what you mean by subtypes of the Rp, or are you just talking about inspiration/whole custom entries into the Field Guide?
I wanted to do this when I first read it, but I forgot about it ;-; i guess we doin it now
@Drakey (Sorry I haven't responded in a while ;-;, and sorry it's so short, kinda ded)

As Azrael returned from his spaced and shocked state, he looked at Elizabeth soothing. He looked around and saw another man saying that he wanted to be a gunner. There was only one spot now. He looked into her eyes, and stared as much a drunk could. He didn't realize that his cheeks were bright red. The only thing that mattered now was to get with this girl. Azrael recounted how 1 glass of vodka became 6, and he's utterly wasted. It didn't matter to him.

He managed to blurt out, very slurred, "You know what?" He put his arm over her shoulder, and approached, now only a few inches from her face. He put the glass down and said, "I'm in, I might know how to fly, I might not, who knows, this crew needs a pilot to fly though, I'll be that...yeah." He backed off now, and passed out on the table. The vodka finally hit him where it mattered.

Character 1

Lo Wang
Luō Wáng
Unknown, Looks mid 20's to early 30's
Human Being [Highly Debatable]
Shadow Warrior-Shadow Warrior 2
Lo Wang is fearless and headstrong. He never runs away from battle and meets it full head on. The most well known trait of Wang is his silver tongue. He's also perversive towards females, especially young ones. Lo Wang seems to possess high moral compass as when Zilla became corrupted and wanted to take over Japan, Wang didn't want to be any part of that and left. Tight bonds with Hoji, close friend (He's still with Wang here). Makes lots of dick jokes. Favorite Catchphrase of "Who wants some Wang?"
Not much is known about Lo Wang's past, what is known are his adventures. He is currently an assassin working for Orochi Zilla, and was most recently tasked with acquiring an ancient sword, which went horribly wrong and if you want to read more on the game's plot, read the Shadow Warrior 2013 section here
Ok, I just like to keep things organzied
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