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Just one more day again...one more...I hate long shifts...
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One more day on shift...then a half day to feel human again...adulting sucks.
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Starfield may have been the sci fi game I needed to replace Elite Dangerous


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Bors from the Deep Places

The dwarf shifts and moves and makes ready, growling in Dwarven for anyone who may understand it Bright as a Candle in the Deep, but nothing an axe can't solve. He warms up abit, twisting and making ready as the riders start to appear. He only starts briefly as the drake appears, "Oh looks like the lads and lassies up there have a pet skink huh? Give me a good handaxe, I'll knock that thing outta the air I will!" He chuckles softly

With a step he hefts his axepick high over his head, then with a twisting step he brings it down and shouts as the stone he just stuck shatters into pieces, "Khazad abod amuriz! Dwarves strike the Earth! Du Bekar! Du Bekar! To arms! To Arms!" The heavily armored dwarf stands proud in the face of the fight, laughing even, "It's been too long since I've had a good fight! Not since I gutted that ponce of a general, the princeling, the envoy and the thane don't damn well count! Come on! Khazad ai-menu! A dwarf is upon you!"

And perhaps if he had been with a throng of dwarves at that moment Bors looks like he would have charged forward. His weapon held high and a growl of battle fervor in his throat. But those behind him are humans, and orcs and beings from the darkest parts of the world. Not a Dwarven battle legion, just as well armed and filthy as he is. He stomps his foot and roars, "Come on then you right buggers! Bring yer pretty faces to my axe! Let me give you a taste of good Dwarven steel! Find out if your weapons can pierce Adamant steel! Come on then!"

The Dwarf continues to roar and stomp, giving his two handed weapon great deceptively slow swings, the deadly pointed pick side lashing through the air, while the gleaming axe head on the other cleaves the wind. He calls back to the others, "Come on then ya lot! Step on up, choose yer first target. Get ready to pop their wee heads off. There's plenty for all of us! Come on then!" Bors stomps the ground again, and then tips his head back and this shout is different, it's more bestial, it's primal, and filled with rage, his voice afterward tinged with some deep down in his soul anger, "Yes! We will wet the ground with their blood, feel it drip down our arms and chests! Kill them all!"
I'm in the tail end of my shift, I'll try and get a post out by the end of the weekend
Time in the Gun Room

A Collab between KingKonrad and Big Papa Belial

Sitting in the armoury, Skye flickered the clean, Italian-forged tactical scout-styled knife back into the holster of her exo’s leg, next to the .45 cal FN FNX pistol, and then the other weapons around her kit as well. She knew she wouldn’t be sharing this on her own, as the Scot heard the sound of the team’s heavy come through the wide door, Skye spotting Freya’s towering, overbearing presence come in.
“Fancy seeing you here.” Skye chirped across, moving from her sitting position to standing right in front, knowing well, this was the armoury for the regulars of the team. Freya’s, and formerly Asim’s was adjacent, and well, that was a place unto itself.

The current only true giant of the team had to dip her head a little to enter through the door, the pair of sliding doors had clanged as she’d pushed them open. And her sharp gaze had landed on Skye immediately, “Kvinnelig venn! My dear friend Skye, gotta go somewhere to suit up. And only the hottest part in the base will do.” She makes her way to the smaller woman, a smirk on the giants lips, “I see you’ve gotten the jump on getting things set up for yourself yes?” She peered past the woman and nodded, “Your gear is always so pristine.”

The room shudders and there’s a boom as the large bay door that separates the Heavy section of the armoury room from the regular side starts to open. As it does, there’s the crack-boom of the industrial lights coming on in the other room. By the time the doors open, the other section of the room is lit fairly well. Asim’s old hardware bundled up to make room for the whoever comes in after him. But hanging in Freya’s section, from several chains and with various wire bundles running to it as systems spool up, rests the Gjallarhorn Armor suit. With a wink Freya heads that direction, “Ever see it up close without me in it hun?”

Skye chuckled with a warm reply, the utter size, and well, femininity of Freya never fully settling in. She really was her mother’s daughter, a warrior worthy of a name of a Norse Goddess, and she had so much fire behind those clever looks of hers. Skye may have been a fair looking lass herself, but Freya, even despite Skye’s mixed tendency, stirred at some strings.
“A good Knight keeps her armor in one good piece. Like you do, I guess.” Skye wittly replied, watching as the door opened and the hydraulics hissed, opening the next section and the much more gritty, industrial feel of it. The white concrete and yellow paint continued, but it felt different. Like less of a tactical room and more of a store for industrial equipment, plant, that kind. And there it was, as Skye looked across as it, hanging there and tethered up.

“Aye, I’ve seen it. But it never gets old.” Skye remarked, walking around the suit, taking it in full depth, the size of it reminding her that if the Scot had her own kit, her own exo that made her feel powerful, this must have done one hell of a thing for the Norse, Russian and American bred titan.
“Heavy armours like this, and their users are an interesting breed. You’re the center of attention, take bullets like no tomorrow, hell, I’ve seen one big bastard take an RPG and keep going. And you dish it out. Quite the thing. So I suppose it must be some ” Skye added, feeling the cold embrace of the outer layer of the armor the surface feeling something like cloth, or not quite, maybe leather or oil perhaps, yes more like an oilskin coat, up to the advanced helmet, HUD and other protective kit, oh, and the gigantic tanks on it.
“If Laura had access to these lass, she would cream herself. I hope she’s enjoying her leave. I think you two would have gotten on like a literal house on fire.” Skye chuckled, hoping Freya may have known her, given that well, she was probably one of the other large boobed, big in every way giantesses in the game right now that happened to be an utter pyromaniac.

Freya reached up to activate some screens, readouts and rolls of information lighting up as the rooms lights finished coming on, bathing this second section of the room in white light, it’s almost clinical in nature, the light. But they don’t need it to be fancy, they need it to be functional. As the screens light up she looks the information over, “Emmm yes, big Laura.” She smiles, “Servos are warm…strange…” She walks around the suit checking it over, “I have a dinner date set up with her down in Brussels a few weeks in the future. Be off base for a few days, talk shop, maybe I’ll bring Sam then too, show the girl the fun of two big ladies.” She chuckles.

Freya bit her lip as she checks the joints and servos of her suit, “Ahhh I see, someone was in here after me…” And pulls a bunch of industrial grade heating packs out of the joints, “These are supposed to remain cold, no matter, it won’t hurt things too much, just be a little more loose then normal.” She smiles, “That woman has some incredible ideas when it comes to make things burn. I thought my Sun Core was amazing. But last I spoke to her, she was trying to put together a jet powered burner. Let it spin up, and this directed lance of heat. Melt through steel even. Could you imagine that? My Sun Core can heat steel, make it unbearable to be inside, but can you imagine having something like that? Something akin to the Tesla Cannon? To just slough through metal like it were warm candy?” Freya may be forgiven doing a little shivery dance, getting a little damp just thinking about it, “The things a good fighter could do with something like that.”

Skye chuckled in response, seeing Freya tend to her armor, and talk about the German, getting all manner of excited about all things, Sam and all.

“Oh no…I’m corrupting the girl through you, I’ll tell yas that.” Skye heartily remarked, watching as the physicist in Freya was certainly rather excited about the prospect of that kind of equipment in her hands.

“She does have some ideas, but mostly fucking burning things down. Or people. But if we didn’t have her, I’d be scared. Crazy shit, and I imagine she’s rather enjoying her R&R considering I sent her on a pretty crazy operation recently in Pakistan. Sent me a fucking selfie of her in her gas mask, like seriously, I think she’s trying to get some BDSM vibes on here with that shit. Anyway…..speaking of crazy ideas, for the next op I think Javi’s configured the personal lifting device, that helium suit again. Personal tweaks for it of course from what Jamie had, but set for you. If you know what I mean.” Skye remarked, knowing she’d later come back to it for the briefing, and well, it would be a cornerstone for Freya coming in. After all, sneaking into a large mountain base, well, that required a different methodology altogether.

Freya comes back around from the far side of the suit, and the smile on her face is almost star-worthy. So bright it is. She nods, “So, Javi decided to take a page out of my mom’s book did he? I won’t do we have enough time to call down to Perth? My mom might have some input on the helium lifter system. Her balloons were works of art by the time she retired. Self sealing against bullets, had directional fans for path correction. Zero thermal and radar signature. And could hold up both her and my dad in a pinch.” Freya suddenly starts cackling, “Oh the stories my parents could tell about their trips. My dad used to hate heights you know. It wasn’t until my Mom got him on one of her balloon rigs that he got over it. And rumours are, Athena was conceived on one of their…balloon rides.”

Freya chuckled deeply, “Course Athena will deny that at all times. And say it was Jamie and I that were conceived up there and she was the one conceived in a bed…that broke.” Freya chuckles and finally returns to the bank of screens, where the suits details play out, “Emmm yes. This will work out nicely.” She turns to look at Skye, “And now, for the main event.” Reaching back behind the bank of screens and with a pull, a section of the ceiling above them starts to drop slowly, cables and chains and wires trailing behind it, as it nears Freya’s head level, a table rises up from the floor, leaving about a meter and a half between the table and the descending section. With a click, the ceiling hidden vault opens, and reveals within a hammer, a furnace with it’s connected nozzle and the AEW rifle, “Emmm yes. Let’s see now.” One by one each weapon is pulled free and rests on the table. The hammer coming out last, and even though the table is sturdy, the dense weight of the hammer makes it groan under the weapon, “Alright my dears, let’s take a look at you.” And the woman begins to inspect her weapons.

The Scot retorted, hearing the story, as a smirk formed on her face.

“Funny you should say that. See, I thought she might have something like that up her sleeve. Something more feminine for your….well, like mother, like daughter. I heard those stories, saw her in action once even. Initially designed as a cargo carrier, then turned into a heavy’s personal blimp. Jesus Christ, absolutely fucking mad. Then again….we are hitching a lift with you. So it better be like the one your sister got made in..” Skye said, walking around as a bank of screens came down, the rifle, hammer and tools coming down, as she watched Freya look at them like a lover would embrace their other alf, very much not doing this for the first time, yet it feeling as good as it was from hers. This was going to be a treat, and Skye knew it would warm even the large girl’s heart.

“Because let’s just say I might have asked rather nicely through Tahlia and it’s on loan for us.. I’ll let you do your tweaks. Because I know you like to have your marks on things. We need a thermally silent, audio quiet, radar invisible piece of kit for a place that will be easy pickings. If we do it well.” She added, the cheerful Scot knowing it was dangerous to get inbetween family- yet you know, sometimes it was just adding the lubricant to a good thing.

“Oh, and I forgot to mention, new guy’s joining the team but he’s not on this op. Sending him to Colombia with Mateo, and Tahlia. Giving them some backup before I get them to join us. So it’ll be me, you and Sam for this one.” Skye remarked, flicking a strand of hair over her shoulder, looking up at Freya’s naturally inquisitive look, given the mention.
“Guy called Chuck Simmons. Ex Marine Raider. Apparently as American as apple pie, or something like that, aye?”

Freya stops looking the Sun Core furnace and nozzle over, checking the cylinder of the nuzzle to make sure is no build up in the titanium nozzle or in the kevlar laced tubing that leads to the furnace that would connect to the materials tank. She looks at Skye and smiles, “So, you’re saying you managed to get my mom to part with her designs?” She does a little happy dance, “I’ll finally be able to take a proper ride on my moms balloons.” For someone so big clearly stacked and cranked with muscles and feminine charm, the giddy little tappy dance she does at the thought is downright adorable. Freya takes a deep breath for a moment, then smiles, “Well then it sounds like we’re going to have a good way in Moms designed were incredible. Some of the Heavys in Bluesword still use them for silent ops. So they had stood the test of time.” After abit she nods and responds to the news of a newbie coming onto the team, "As American as Apple Pie huh? Well we'll just have to see. Hopefully he's good for the team." She huffs softly.

Skye nodded, smiling and happy for Freya, knowing it must have been a bit of a treat, something to say the least. She may have been enormous, yet deep down, there was an excitable young something in there that kept a happy side on and was proud of her heritage.

She puts the Sun Core down, then picks up the AEW. Popping out one of it’s cores, looking the long thing power core over, rubbing some scaling off the contact point. Smacking it back in place almost like one would do to an HK rifle, the infamous HK slap used on a bleeding edge energy weapon. With a practiced movement she points the weapon towards the back wall of her section, half depresses the trigger causing that angry blue glow to flare up at the muzzle, “Emmm well this baby is purring.” She looks it over and then offers the thing to Skye, “Take a look?” The smile on her face is broad. At the same time her hand goes and rests on the handle of Starbreaker.

Skye put her hand as Freya’s titanic grasp took the large weapon into hand, the AEW a tool effectively the size of Skye’s torso, yet made portable by the mere grasp of the team’s heavy. The energy off it felt surreal, like a tool that was never made for personal use, let alone to be even wielded.

“Holy shit. That is quite something….” Skye merely remarked, the smaller of the two redheads looking up, feeling the raw energy and power emanating from Freya, the muscles and figure of her making even the giant’s clothes sit on her like she was pumped up full of air, from arms, chest and body.

Freya smiles and carefully takes the AEW from Skye, picking it back up, and carefully placing it on the table, “One day Jotunnheim is going to super size this version of the tech. Imagine, naval gun sized Plasma and tesla based weapons. Rail guns, plasma casters and tesla guns on tanks. And then we make regular infantry sized weapons like this. Revolutionize the act of war and combat.” She nods, patting the AEW, “One day hun,” She says to Skye, “You won’t need to worry about a slug thrower.” She winks at Skye.

The Scot chuckled, nodding and seeing the pride on Freya’s face, Skye under no illusions of it at all.
“And it’ll be a hell of a day. I’m just waiting for when they can shrink a coil for a battle rifle, and I’ll be one happy lass.” Skye remarked cooly, watching as the giantess continued her ritual.

And then before god and all, she one hand hefts Starbreaker. The head alone heavier than should be possible to lift by a normal person, without mechanical assistance. And here she goes lifting it one handed, the only tell it’s an effort is the buldging of her muscles. The table even groans as if in relief from the dense weapon, “Now this I’m not going to get you to try and handle Skye…this I’d be worried even for my siblings to try and handle.” Almost negligently she lets the hammer head fall to the floor. It’s not a ringing clang, but a dull dense thud, thank goodness for the rubber mats on the floor, or there’d be a dent in it, “I called it Starbreaker, because of a reference in a novel I saw once. A might warrior wielding a weapon made from the core of a white dwarf star. So heavy and dense, it would break most materials with ease. I tried Skye I really did try to make this thing heavy and powerful enough to break open tanks.” She smiles findly as she lifts the club up, two handed, running her left hand over the dense head of the weapon, “Something mythical almost.”

“Not even going to ask what the hell that is made of.” Skye whistled, watching the hammer come down, the concrete probably splitting with the titan’s handling of the warhammer, a tool that certainly if it couldn’t come through tanks, it could come very, very close.
“But why bring a sword when you can be Thor.” She whistled, walking around it, Skye sitting up on the table, the giantess before her a contrast to the smaller, more insignificant Skye. Some did ask what the place of a giant, or giantess on the team was when increasingly, mechanised suits were becoming prototypes for even operatives like her. Mechs and the like in skunk works were breaking cover, more and more, and whilst they were still incredibly niche, nobody could deny how powerful they were. Yet Skye knew Freya’s power lie in something greater. Something most couldn’t understand. Freya didn’t need her armour to do what she did. She could rip off everything and go and do what she did without it. That was what made her spectacular. And it was quite something to see. Skye had certainly the talents of leadership, but well, in this moment, a tricky one, she knew to open up a little. The usually stoic character giving way to something else, seeing Freya go from hardened, to innocent, back to swinging a hammer got it back in her head. Skye was unchanging, but then again, of late, thoughts had played through her head. Maybe for some odd reason, but they had.

“I was chatting to Sam about this whole thing earlier. Maybe being with you guys has made me realize that you guys were the family I never had much of. Kinda starts ot make sense why I’d go as far as that. Before, I never did, beyond survival…yet it’s an odd feeling Freya, I’ll tell you. Giants live like there’s no tomorrow, and I do too in this line of work. Yet you relish in living like a superstar, rather than the shadow. Kinda cool, you know, and I’d envy that anyday. It’s something.” Skye said, solemn in her thoughts, not showing weakness yet somewhat, baring her soul more, and it would have been one hell of a rare occurrence for Freya to have seen that. Perhaps it was just where she was mentally, or perhaps that side she’d let down was opening the veil to a character that the team, let alone most intelligence operatives, had never seen.

Freya rests the head of the hammer back on the floor, and sets her wrists atop the blunt pommel of the weapon, “Osmium and Depleted Uranium, some of the densest materials known to man, without making it into science fiction. It was an incredible thing just to make the materials mesh together, the science to do it pushed the fringes of what could be done with metals into a new era. Armies are trying to get Jotunnheim to sell the information.” She smiles.

And then is quite surprised to have Skye open up to her. The giantess, leans forward abit balancing on the hammer and smiling brightly, a slight blush on her cheeks as Skye bears her soul. She nods, “You know, it’s true. Giants like me, my parents, my siblings, Laura, we life in the moment, and go day to day. Because we never know if our bodies are going to break down from the weight and stress we put on them in the night. Or like my sibs and I, if we’re going to catch a bevy of rockets or a hellfire on our next op.” She nods, “So we live wild, we life spontaneous, we live free lives so we can say we have no regrets when the time comes.” She smiles brightly, “It’s having a family and friends to come back to everytime that really helps. I’m glad you can open up to me, and to the others Skye, hun. We’re not just your subordinates. We’re here to be your friends too if you’ll let us.” She nods, hefting the hammer, and setting it back up in the weapon vault, the clasps for the weapon hissing closed to secure it, “We life on, we survive, we do what we can, so when it’s time to burn out, we do it like a supernova, and take the bad guys with us.” She reaches over and playfully pats Skye on the head, “Thank you for trusting me hun.” And then promptly ruffles up the other red heads hair with a massive grin on her face.

Skye smiled, knowing that while it was a chink out of her, saying it had helped. To Tahlia, Javi, anyone even, it couldn’t be said. But for the first time in what felt like almost a lifetime, it felt good to say. Good to let out. She trusted them with her life completely, and well, it seemed wrong to not get it out if it was on her head, now ruffled by the giant, as Skye smirked
“Appreciate it, Freya. Thank you. I’d go to Ragnarok and back with you, believe that. I guess I can’t burn as bright as you, but it’s certainly exciting to watch. You and your big fat arse making all the techs drop their faces.” Skye added, smiling as she gave Freya a gentle tap on her rear in response to her pat, grinning back.
“Oh, and I almost forgot. Your maw, she told me all about the face paint. Even sent me a can of the blue stuff. You know, Highlander is a bullshit film, never did they wear any fucking blue paint….nah, that’s all the Picts. Crazy fuckers with axes and javelins. But all the same blood. Might even be a nicer alternative to the suntan I need in the desert.” Skye chuckled, looking over her shoulder as she headed towards the exit, knowing the reference was old, but it had to be dispelt for the non-Scottish redhead.
“So, are you coming along? Brief’s soon. And I’m not doing it without getting some snacks ready first.”

Freya put her weapons back up in the vault carefully, making sure the clasps are all sealed up over them. Then sends it back up into the ceiling. And the table lowering back into the floor. She turns and pretty much moons Skye right before the big woman gives one of the globes of her rear a smack, and it’s only the fabric of the sweat pants that keeps it from wiggling about too much under the impact, “I’ll have you know, my ass is fantastic.”

The big woman gave a cackle as she pushed the screens back out of the way, and set the suit back to stand by, “Yes, let’s go. I’d like to learn what we’re on about again. And I could use a rack of ribs while we talk. Mama is hungry.” She giggles a little and trails after Skye, “Lets go boss lady.” She smiles, pacing along in her wake.
Not a rush. Take your time.

As long as there is interest this RP will go on.

And I will not rush either of you into posts to force the issue.
Bors Titanstone

The dwarf listened closely to what he could hear of the Warden speaking. National problems, people in peril. What does he owe the King, or the Kingdom. The humans, the elves or the dwarves? His own people have done nothing but throw him out of the Dwarven Realm. True he had killed and humiliated quite a few high ranking people but that's there fault isn't it? He's about to say something about the Warden can go suck something long, hard, round and rod like, but before he can do so, it finishes speaking.

And then he's falling.

Or it feels like falling.

It could be soaring.

Or even flying.

Guess he didn't have a choice.

As he fell he could hear it's voice in his head, "Apologies Titanstone, but the crimes you committed will not allow me to just let you decide. Good luck."

And then the ground is racing up at him.

Bors braces, turning and with a clanking bang he strikes the dirt and stone of a low cliff edge, and rolls. A flurry of Dwarven swear words blares as the short figure rolls down the cliff face. And finally lands in about a foot of water. He'd landed several meters away from the main group, just at the edge of the forest and the clearing, right in the water. And as others begin you rouse. From the stream steps the tank armored dwarven miner. Dripping wet, face beneath his helmet and face mask still dark with the dust of stone that had settled while he had been digging for the prison. Held easily in his hands the axe pick, the great two handed weapon seeming like something that weighed near nothing to the Dwarf.

He scans the ground he can see. The hill-man, the armored thing, the abominations, the half orc, and others besides. He heaved himself up the low bank of the stream. Squinting through the bright light of the surface sun. He growled and looked skyward briefly, growling out in Dwarven, "Raaagh, that blasted sun light, the surface is too bright!" With a sigh he continues rattling out in deeply accented Common, "Borselv Titanstone, you can all call me Bors. Blackgaurds the Thing from the Deep called us." He grunts, "Well any camp when in the Deep." He turns, his armor creaking just, nary a sound made as if the plates are fitted so find they would never make a noise even if crashed against stone or only is struck by steel. He looks towards the sound of horses. "Hmmm does the enemy come then?" He peers over at the man who has given himself the prefix of Sir. Bors hefts his axe pick, "Emmm yes, let's. There are some things that get the heart going. Blood, drink, sex and a mythril vein. Let's shed some blood then eh human? What better way to get to know someone then to crack a few skulls together. Nothing an Axe or Hammer can't solve manling!"

Already the dwarf has thumped his way over and settled in beside but just far enough away that he can't be used as a shield or flung ahead to take a blow. Cagey dwarf he is, not quite fully trusting the lot. But willing to kill something? What dwarf isn't? Under his faceplate his lips part into a pale toothed grin, "There'll be plenty for all of us eh? Let the best Dwarf win!"
@Red Wizard

*evil grin*

Mix of a hard working Tolkien and a secular, industrious Warhammer dwarf coming up then.

I gotchu fam.
I forgot to ask. @Red Wizard

Are these Dwarves more like Tolkien Dwarves, or Warhammer Dwarves Or DeepRock Dwarves?

I just realized I don't know really how to have my Dwarf act towards others.

I used a more Warhammer Dwarf template for my CS and realized I never actually asked and don't want to persume.

I'm at a point in my Post that I need to interact more with the others and I don't know what tone to put it too.
Once I get home and settled I'll work on a Bors post. Been sitting on something slightly silly for abit. Might work.
@Red Wizard

If my peanut gallery random comments start getting on people's nerves please tell me. This is just me trying to be less of an introvert and break the ice.
@An Outsider

Roll a perception and a survival check for us too dc16 we think.

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