Avatar of LadyAmber


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I am experienced roleplayer returning to online roleplay after 10+ year break. I have missed roleplaying and the creative outlet it is for me. I am interested in casual roleplay. I consider myself a decent writer and I will put effort into my writing. I am not into writing a novel for one post though. Descriptive, character building, engaging, yes. I will always write at least 2 paragraphs unless it is a quick fire session revolving around dialogue over private messages. I am a fairly laid back person and don't want to be a grammar nazi. I believe in quality over quantity. Roleplaying is a hobby and a escape from real life pressures.

Genres I am interested in:
Middle Ages
Science Fiction
Crime Drama

Fandoms I am interested in:
Harry Potter
Anita Blake
Dragonriders of Pern
Star Wars

I don't mind roleplaying romance but I am not looking for smut. It has to make sense for the roleplay. I am okay with a fade to black moment instead of roleplaying it out. For me its about the story and the character. I am open to roleplaying it out.

I am in the Pacific Standard Timezone. I work full time and will be seen in the evenings and weekends online.

Most Recent Posts

Casino de Monte-Carlo, Monaco

Alexander Knight

Soundtrack: The Unlikely Candidates - Follow My Feet

Alexander had a great deal of work for him to handle now that he was available. Investigators for the government agencies from multiple nations, the European Union, and FIAR had questions for him. They all wanted their own time with him to go over his role in the discovery of various things even the explanations were the same. They all wanted their bit of time to interview him face to face. Alexander had no choice but to set things in motion as soon as he got back and trust his staff, his team, to do their parts and handle it. Alexander had almost a week of time taken up by various interviews for a variety of government investigators and regulatory agencies. The work that Leopold and Wulfric had done with the available Board Members was almost complete as they worked to update all of Team Valkyrie AGR Sport’s policies to prevent similar abuses in the future. The updated policies would have to be reviewed and accepted before the team would be allowed to take on any new sponsorships or endorsements. Alexander had managed to stop in at the Engineering Department and check on Cavan’s progress with rebuilding the ships. He managed to stop in and check in with Dorian and Paul during their training sessions. He just wanted to be sure that the two pilots had everything they needed to focus on the next race. He did his best to minimize their distractions and support them in their training.

He was grateful that the Team Valkyrie campus had everything they needed in one place where the team could help provide security. Wulfric had caught several members of the media trying to sneak deeper into the team’s headquarters seeking an exclusive on the government investigation into the CEO’s activities. Alexander’s respect for Katherine had grown to new unparalleled heights as she skillfully navigated the press storm that had swallowed the team up whole. Like Mabel, he would have to find a way to show his appreciation for all she had done once she had a moment to breathe. The media’s interest in the story was not waning since the judge had sequestered everyone involved in the CEO’s trial and ordered a media blackout due to the sensationalism by the tabloid press and the intense interest the public was paying to the trial. They were eager and hungry to report on any tidbits they could get for now. All the staff were being escorted in and out by security just so they could make it past the cordon of reporters camped at the entrance. They were avidly reporting anyone coming and going from the team’s headquarters. The government agents, investigators, and auditors were just as frustrated by the press’ presence. Wulfric had his hands full. Alexander decided he should probably invest in a scotch company. He probably owed Wulfric a very expensive old bottle of scotch by now.

Mabel waited till Alexander had caught up on everything that happened while he had been on the moon. She had taken almost sadistic pleasure in informing of his invitation to the Casino de Monte-Carlo event in Monaco.

Mabel handed Alexander the custom invitation that had the crest of the Royal House of Monaco embossed on the envelope. Inside was the invitation to the event. One had to have the invitation to get past security to enter the event. Each invitation had an encryption key that was said to be unbreakable.

Mabel grinned wickedly as she stood waiting patiently while Alexander opened the envelope and read the card inside.

Mabel: “You have been invited to the Casino De Monte-Carlo event on Thursday evening before the race. Your invitation arrived by courier from the Prince of Monaco. You can’t ignore this. Not with everything going on with the team. You will be expected to accept his invitation and show up.”

Alexander read the invitation, unable to appreciate the feel of the fine cardstock under his fingers. Alexander had older prosthetics. The sensitivity settings on older prosthetics are no one near what newer ones could do. Alexander was so traumatized over having to have his arms replaced the first time. He had never considered upgrading his prosthetics. He heard Mabel but was pulled back to another time in his life. It was considered a great honor to get the invitation. Alexander shouldn’t be surprised. He had attended this event in the past when he was a driver. He had lost the Monaco race to Audrick that year. He had still made the podium in third place. Alexander’s memory flashed on the opulence and sheer ludicrous displays of wealth that surrounded the Monaco race. He had been younger then and was trying to prove that he was still a man after losing his arms. He had been a lot more adventurous and a freer spirit back then. He winced as painful memories of how the press had treated him after Audrick’s death had resulted in him retreating from public life. He had left racing to pursue engineering and a quieter life. He thought he had left all this behind him. He had not considered that he would be expected to attend this event when he started preparing for the race. Mabel’s voice pulled him back to the present.

Mabel’s voice softened as she saw the shadow of memories and pain flash across Alexander’s face. “Alexander”

Someone who didn’t know him well might miss it, but not her. She sighed as he took all the fun out of her being able to tease him about the need to try out his new tuxedo from Enigma Lux.

Mabel called his name again. “Alexander.”

Alexander blinked and tucked the invitation back into the envelope. “Yes Mabel. I understand. I didn’t even consider this in preparation for Monaco.”

Mabel gave him a wicked smile as she crossed her arms. “Well isn’t it convenient then that you are under contract with Enigma Lux and already have a nice new tuxedo to wear to the formal event. Have you considered the appearances on how you will arrive?” She paused for a heartbeat before adding. “Are you going to take a date?”

Alexander’s head whipped up as he met Mabel’s eyes. “A date?” He almost looked panicked.

Mabel smiled as she had managed to snap him out of his funk. It was a bonus that she still got to tease him a little.

Mabel: “Well you can show up without a date. It is not strictly a plus one event. If you do want to take someone you will need to let security know in advance. If you don’t take a date, well that leaves you to your own devices all evening. I am sure there will be many people wanting to talk to you.”

Mabel grinned as she saw conflicting emotions playing out on Alexander’s face. She felt like the cat the canary as she managed to maneuver him to where she wanted him as she continued.

Mabel: “If you had a date, they might be able to save you from conversations you don’t want to have. Dare I suggest a certain model you enjoyed spending time with in Tokyo?”

Alexander cringed visibly as he looked a little green at the idea of having to navigate such a public social event after all the events that had happened at Valkyrie. Alexander had been avoiding social responsibilities citing that he was tied up at work which had the benefit of being true. This was not an event he could ignore or skip though. The one plus was that sponsors would probably not be there. There would be FIAR representatives and other team principals. He would have to pass through the press to get into the event. Alexander felt a moment of panic. Then he smiled as his only prospect for a date flashed before his eyes. He remembered his time spent with Lena in Tokyo. He grinned as made a shooing motion to Mabel.

Alexander: “Okay you have had your fun. Now get out! I have a phone call to make.”

Mabel protested even as she turned to leave.

Mabel: “But Alex, you didn’t answer my question.”

Alexander chuckled as he saw through Mabel’s maneuvering but she wasn’t wrong.

Alexander laughed and motioned for Mabel to keep moving.

Alexander: “Well I need you to leave so I can ask Lena if she is free.”

Mabel looked gratified at that answer and went without any further protest.

Alexander swallowed nervously even as he called Lena to see if she was free and would be interested in spending the Monaco race with him. Alexander was in luck since Lena picked up his call on the third ring. After a brief conversation, he grinned as he walked to the door and looked over at Mabel.

Alexander made sure to make his face neutral as he told Mabel in a stern voice. “Mabel, I need you to make travel arrangements for Lena Bouras for Monaco. Please bill it to my personal account.” He watched her for her response.

Mabel was not so easily surprised and just nodded with a pleasant smile. “Of course Alex.”

Alexander tried not to be too disappointed that he had not managed to surprise her. She always seemed to be two steps ahead of him.

Alexander had arranged to have himself and Lena driven to the Prince of Monaco’s event at the Casino de Monte-Carlo in an antigravity limousine. The limo pulled up to the entrance of the Casino and a doorman stepped forward to open the door. Alexander stepped out in the tuxedo Enigma Lux had designed for him that he had worn in the fashion show with Lena. Alexander was in a black tuxedo with black velvet lapels. The shirt was a white silk. It was paired with a black silk double breasted vest with a valkyrie in flight embroidered on the vest in gold. There was a winged valkyrie helm styled pin in gold where the bow tie would be. He was wearing a watch with a black band and gold face. He was wearing the black dress boots to complete his look. Alexander had on the black Orion watch with the gold face on his left wrist. His hair was styled in soft waves that were pulled back away from his face. Alexander’s beard and mustache were neatly trimmed. He looked sharp and powerful in the tuxedo. It accentuated his strong shoulders and slim waist. The press waiting behind the barricades near the entrance went bonkers when they saw who had climbed out of the limo. The flash from cameras and drones lit up the night like lightning. It seemed every reporter was calling his name trying to get his attention. He turned back to the limo and reached in and took Lena’s hand to help her out of the limo. Alexander deliberately blocked the press’ view of Lena as he waited for her to get her balance and ensure her dress was laying properly. He looked down into pale green eyes that sparkled with mischief as she smiled up at him.

Alexander: “Are you sure you want to do this? It’s not too late. I can have the driver take you back to the hotel.”

Lena winked at Alexander and laughed as she found his attempt to be chivalrous funny.

Lena: “Alexander spending time with you is a pleasure, besides I won’t deny it has been good for my career as well. Now are you ready to introduce me to the world?”

Alexander gulped as his nerves had him on edge. He wanted to jump back into the limo. He and Lena had a long conversation about what being seen in public might be like for her. She had been surprisingly alright and had expected most of what he had told her. Alexander had come clean about his ex-wife and worries. Lena had been sympathetic and understanding. They had both pledged to take it slow, be honest with each other, and to just let things develop as they would. Alexander smiled at her as he gave her a quick peck on the cheek.

Alexander: “Did I tell you how lovely you look tonight?”

Lena laughed as she patted him on the chest. “Yes I believe you told me three times before we even left the hotel.” She raised an eyebrow at him. “Alexander you are stalling. Come on. It won’t be that bad.”

Alexander sighed and nodded as he moved to her side and let her wrap her arm over his as he began to escort her towards the casino entrance. Lena’s long chestnut brown hair was swept up in a classic chignon held in place by a pearl comb. Her formal dress was a deep burnished gold color that fell to her feet. The bodice was a halter style with a jeweled studded color that mimicked a necklace in blue colored gems. The soft gold fabric was snug around her bosom in an empire waistline. The fabric flowed away from her body and clung to her curves as she walked. The slit up one leg allowed her ease of movement. Lena had chosen sapphire blue colored designer heels to go with her stunning dress. Lena had chosen to wear colors that would complement what Alexander was wearing and give a nod to Valkyrie’s team colors. Some of the press obviously knew who Lena was and called her name. Alexander stopped at the section before the entrance set up for media interviews. He held up his hands to quiet the press so he could speak. He smiled even as he put his hand over Lena’s where it was wrapped around his arm.

Alexander: “Hello everyone. I am still not at liberty to discuss the ongoing legal proceedings and investigation into the former CEO of Team Valkyrie. I am here to enjoy the party with my lovely date, Lena Bouras. Doesn’t she look lovely?” Alexander waved a hand to indicate Lena. “I would like to take this opportunity to thank Enigma Lux and Orion Luxury Watches for their continued support and sponsorship. I look fabulous tonight thanks to them. My lovely companion for the evening is weaning Shindo. Now if you will excuse us. We have a party to attend.”

Alexander turned and escorted Lena into the casino with the press screaming for more information from him. The press were almost rabid as the doors of the casino closed behind them shutting out the noise from the overeager press corps.

Alexander walked away from the entrance deeper into the casino. His eyes darted around to see who was here. He saw Dorian off to one side speaking to some of his fellow pilots. He saw Paul talking to Helena Starcross. Alexander turned his head to look down at Lena. He motioned a waiter over and handed Lena a glass of champagne from the tray the man held. He took one for himself as well. He took a sip before he took Lena’s hand and began to look for their host. It would be rude not to greet the prince.

Alexander spotted the Prince of Monaco with a small group around him. He led Lena in that direction but before he got there, Peter Thatcher, the team principal for Silver Apex intercepted him. Alexander had nothing personal against Peter Thatcher but he did find the man slightly cocky. He supposed that the man had earned that right after dominating the sport for so long. There was just something about the man that made Alexander more wary around him. He always felt as if he was being judged.

Peter: “Hello Alexander. I am surprised to see you here. I understand you have been avoiding the spotlight.”

Alexander gave Peter a polite but forced smile. “Hello Peter. Not intentionally. I have just been very busy. I am sure you can understand that. There has been a lot to handle and do. Allow me to introduce my lovely date. This is Lena Bouras.”

Lena smiled and nodded her head graciously at Peter. “A pleasure to meet you Mr. Thatcher.”

Peter gave Lena a perfunctory smile in response. “Nice to meet you Ms. Bouras.”

Alexander started to excuse them so they could continue on their way when he was interrupted once more by Peter.

Peter: “It is a shame that Valkyrie has been doing so poorly. I wish you all the best with the FIAR investigation. But please don’t let me stop you. I just wanted to wish you luck here in Monaco. You are going to need it.”

Peter walked away chuckling while Alexander ground his teeth. Valkyrie’s practice run here in Monaco had gone very well. Their performance must be making Peter anxious. Alexander knew the man was playing psychological games with him but with all the stress Alexander was already under for the team to perform, Peter’s verbal barbs were getting under his skin. He growled softly, his eyes boring into Peter’s back when soft lilting laughter from Lena jerked his attention back to her. She was laughing at him, her eyes danced merrily with amusement.

Lena: “I can’t believe you let him get away with those childish games Alex. Why don’t you focus on me instead.” She leaned into his side and whispered in his ear. “You owe me a dance after we pay our regards to the host.”

Alexander looked a little startled and then smiled since she was right. They went to pay their respects so he could enjoy his evening. The Prince of Monaco had spotted them as they approached. He gave Alexander a warm inviting smile.

Prince: “Mr. Knight, I am so glad you accepted my invitation. It has been too long since we had the pleasure of your company.”

Alexander released Lena so he could give the prince a courtly bow. “Good evening your royal highness. It is a pleasure to be invited to attend once more.” Alexander straightened to his full height and then rested his hand protectively on Lena’s back. “Allow me to introduce my date for the evening, Lena Bouras. Lena, this is the Prince of Monaco and our host for the evening.”

Lena gave an elegant curtsey with a nod of her head to the prince. “Prince, it is a pleasure to be here.”

The small group of people around the prince seemed to be very interested in their conversation, not that there was anything revealing about it or odd. Just a host and guest trading polite dutiful acknowledgement of each other.

The Prince took Lena’s hand and kissed the back of it gallantly.“Ah but our events would be very poor and bland without the attendance of such lovely flowers as yourself. I hope you enjoy yourself this evening.”

Lena looked a little flustered and her cheeks colored prettily.

Alexander chuckled and inclined his head at the monarch. “I know you are busy with your duties. I owe this lovely flower a dance.” Alexander was relieved to spirit Lena away from the prince. He smiled as she took a bracing drink of her champagne. He was amused that Lena seemed so flustered. She seemed to take everything else in stride but a prince kissing her hand undid her. “First time meeting royalty?” Alexander grunted as Lena elbowed him in the side.

Lena: “Hush you!” She set her empty champagne flute down on a passing waiter’s tray. “You owe me a dance.”

Alexander pretended to be hurt favoring his side as he led her out to the dance floor. “But of course Miss Bouras. Please don’t hit me again Miss Bouras. I will be a good boy.”

Lena chuckled as she took Alexander’s hand as his hand wrapped around her waist. “You Mr. Knight are trouble! Now let’s see if you remember how to dance. You don’t have two left feet do you?”

Alexander enjoyed the evening. Lena intercepted any uncomfortable conversations and helped him escape those that he didn’t want to be sucked into. Alexander noted that his two pilots seemed to be enjoying themselves. Alexander and Lena stayed at the party for about two hours before retiring to their hotel room.

Before Qualifying
Café Villeneuve, Monaco
Friday, June 2nd, 2094
0950 EST

The High Life

Paul blushed as he realized that he gushed a little too hard and probably didn’t think through how arrogant and pretentious that sounded. Paul swallowed hard. Maybe he could salvage this.

Aurora: “Lots of people to thank! It sounds like you're in a good position to do so this weekend, a lot of positive talk about the Valkyrie chassis suggests that your team are the frontrunners here."

Paul gave Aurora what he hoped was a smile full of humility. “I apologize Aurora. Getting to race at Monaco in Formula AG has been one of my goals. Valkyrie didn’t perform well at the Lunar race. The team experienced a great deal of mechanical issues. Knight ordered the ships rebuilt from the ground up for Monaco.” Paul grinned into the camera with a wink. “Well I can’t say for certain that team Valkyrie will be in the front of the pack but I can tell you the upgrades to the ship are custom built with Monaco in mind. Dorian and I have both been training hard for Monaco. The new ships built by the engineering team led by Cavan Mitchell are performing well. I think we may surprise a few people.”

"After your tussle with Amy at Portimão, do you think you'll be tested? Many pilots talk about that psychological pressure of her being behind you- what's your method of dealing with the pressure?"

Paul did his best to look relaxed. He was worried that he came off sounding arrogant and cocky instead of confident. He was hoping he sounded confident. He tried to put on a serious look as he contemplated how to answer Aurora. “Amy tests everyone on the track at every race. That is expected from a racer of her caliber and record. Don’t misconstrue what I am about to say. Amy is an excellent racer. I respect her record and skill. But Amy is just another racer on the track. Yes I am aware that she is there. I am racing against myself. I am out there to push myself to do the best I can. I want to do better than I have in the past. I push myself to give the best performance I can no matter who is behind or in front of me. The best way for me to tell if I am improving is to compare my performance with myself. Are my lap times getting better? Am I smoother in my overtakes? Am I trying new strategies? Am I pushing myself harder in training? What are my gains? What should I be training harder on? That is what I worry about on the track.”

What Paul didn’t say was that pilots that worried about where Amy was, had already lost half the battle to her because she was in their heads. He tried not to put her on a pedestal and stay grounded in reality. She was good but he wanted to be just as good if not better than her. He didn’t want to build her up psychologically as an opponent that couldn’t be beat. If he was always looking for where Amy was on the track, too much of his attention and decision making process was tied up in that. Paul tried to focus on what he could control and what was behind and in front of him. He did his best to plan ahead and respond accordingly but races could change quickly and pilots had to be ready to respond to those changes. Paul tried to take that bigger picture approach while focusing on his immediate environment in a race.

Casino de Monte-Carlo, Monaco

Paul Mulder

Paul was enjoying his conversation with Helena. She had led him to one side of the room where he could hear her easier and they didn’t block the flow of traffic. Not many people talked about F1 anymore. Formula AG was in the coveted spotlight that F1 used to enjoy.

Helena shared some of her story. “So you see, in 2058 I properly quit after I had twins, Lewis and Ellie….that made me finally give up. And now my grand-daughter, Mary is out here in the karts….and she keeps asking me for stories about racing while she’s sitting in the simulator. There are so many more than the ones in my biography....maybe I'll share them with you lot before I kick the bucket.”

Paul laughed and nodded along with Helena. “I would buy that book! Please let me know when it comes out so I can buy a copy.” He winked at the older woman. Helena encouraged him to enjoy Monaco and go mingle with his peers.

Helena: “You ought to have another drink. It is Monaco, Paul. There are literal royals and you are a VIP here. Go be yourself, and mingle. I remember every evening here like it was yesterday….and I’d give anything to be as young as you, so relish it.”

Helena imparting the wisdom of a lifetime to a younger person. “No point talking to an old lady who has no idea about these fancy anti-gravity ships. Let me know when you’re ready tomorrow and we’ll catch up, okay?”

Helena took his hands and gave them a gentle squeeze. Paul couldn’t help but notice that while Helena’s skin had the papery feel of age the grip was still strong. Paul noted that there were others wanting to speak with her. He gave her a genuine smile and bowed over their clasped hands. “I look forward to spending more time with you tomorrow Helena. It has truly been a pleasure. I will take your advice and go see what the event has to offer me. Till tomorrow dear lady.” He gave her hands a reassuring squeeze before leaving her to the next person waiting to speak with her.

Paul began to look for his fellow pilots so he could say hello. He looked for Ava and Nora in particular. He saw Ava in a group with Bea, Harrison, Wedge, and Max. He picked up another glass of champagne on his way over to the group. “Good evening everyone. Ava it is nice to see you back on your feet. I hope you are doing well. So what are we talking about?”

Round 7 of Formula Anti-Gravity
Friday 2nd June, 2094
Monaco AGP
Circuit de Monte-Carlo, Monaco
1400 EST

Paul climbed into the cockpit of his ship. He settled into the pilot’s seat. Paul’s safety harness came down over his shoulders. He clicked the various straps into place and tugged ensuring everything was snug but not limiting his movement. He massaged his driving gloves so that they were situated well on his fingers, allowing for maximum manual dexterity. He plugged the ship’s umbilical into his neural port with a click. He locked the umbilical in place by pushing the lock levers down so that they caught the lip around the port. Paul felt the momentary rush of disorientation as his brain adjusted to the sudden stream of data from the ship. He went through the deep breathing exercises and the cognitive exercises he learned from the training team. The breathing exercises increase his oxygen intake allowing his brain to function better while he is experiencing g forces during the race. Paul had found the cognitive exercises had helped him deepen his connection to the ship, improve his neural reflexes, speed up his decision making during races, and manage the information from the ship better.

Paul started up the ship and began to go through his checklist. Paul’s ship was rocking a livery that followed what had been on his father’s ship at Monaco the first time he had won. The ship was a glossy black with the curves highlighted in an electric neon blue that almost seemed to glow. The stark contrast in the colors made it feel like it was in motion just sitting still. Once the ship was at speed the colors would be a blur to the visible eye almost as if Paul was painting the course with the neon blue color. The colors are very reminiscent of Team Valkyrie’s colors, just black in the place of dark gray. Paul’s flight suit was black with matching neon blue piping along the seams and curves, giving it a very futuristic look.

Carmella’s warm businesslike tones came over the radio. “Radio check Paul.”

Paul responded in kind. “Radio check. I can hear you fine. I am plugged in and all systems are registering green. Readings in engineering?”

Carmella’s businesslike voice was reassuring to Paul. “We are reading all the ship's telemetry at this time. All systems are green in engineering. I confirm the ship is ready for the race start. Move the ship to the starting lane. Your start is in 2 minutes. Good luck Paul.”

Paul acknowledged his engineer’s message. “Understood Carmella. Moving to the starting lane. Race starts in t-2 minutes.”

Paul eased the ship out of the paddock bay and onto the pit lane entrance onto the track. Paul was unsure which pilot was out on the track at the moment running their qualifying laps. It didn’t really matter who it was since he would have to wait till everyone had finished to find out what pole position he got.

Carmella’s voice came over the radio once more. “Paul, you have clearance to enter the track for the start of your qualifying race.”

Paul pulled the ship onto the track following the speed limits for the track. He stopped the ship at the starting line. The sensors on the ships aligned with the track to let him know he was in the right position. Paul’s hands tightened on the steering yolk as he waited for the countdown. Paul had an excellent start. The ship shot off the starting line like a bullet. Paul smiled as the ship stuck to the track and took corners like the ship was on rails. Paul found himself in the zone where everything around him seemed to fade away. Paul felt as if he had merged with the ship. The ship was responding to his every thought. The data feed was smooth with no hiccups. Paul’s racing line was smooth in and out. Paul felt as if he had to barely nudge the ship around the Sainte Devote. He opened the ship up to full throttle through the Beau Rivage. He used the air brakes on one side of the ship to throw it around the corner at the Massernet. He sped up and repeated the maneuver to flow through the turn at Massenet and the Casino turn without losing much speed. He was making up time in the corners. Paul used the ship’s stability to stick the Mirabeau Haute and the hairpin. He made the ship look like it pivoted on a fulcrum with very little loss of momentum. Inside the ship Paul was being thrown into his restraints and from side to side as he experienced almost punishing g forces. The ship was stable and turning on a dime. Paul picked up speed once more through the Tunnel and the Nouvelle Chicane. The race was almost a religious experience for Paul. It felt as if everything had come together at the right time. The turn at Tabac felt almost gentle compared to the hairpin. Before Paul knew it he had made it through the last two turns finishing strong. He felt so honored to race here where legends had been born. The Monaco Race held significance as one of those races that set racers apart. He could almost feel his father’s presence in the cockpit with him as if he was his copilot. He was smiling as he flashed over the finish line.

Carmella’s excited voice came over the radio. “P3 Paul! This is your best time so far this season! Great job!”

Paul smiled as he pulled the ship back onto pit lane and into the paddock hanger. He unlocked his neural umbilical and took a moment to release his harness connections. The engineers and mechanics were all cheering when he climbed out of the ship.

Paul: “Thank you so much everyone. I wouldn’t be here without you all.” Paul clapped in return as he thanked them for their hard work. “Thank you all for your hard work! We just showed the world that Valkyrie is here to compete in Monaco!” There was laughter and cheering throughout the garage. Paul couldn’t stop smiling.

After Qualifying
Friday 2nd June, 2094
1800 EST

La Phénix

Paul Mulder

Paul arrived later than most of his fellow pilots to Amy’s Yacht Party. Paul laughed as he heard the raucous party being hosted by Astrid from Team Nordic Call on a nearby yacht as he climbed from the motor boat that had ferried him from the dock to the yacht the party was being held on. Paul was dressed in another Enigma Lux look. He was wearing navy blue dress pants that hugged his physique. He was wearing boat shoes that were navy with white trim. He was wearing a soft gray silk shirt with a turquoise colored vest with wings embroidered in silver on the vest. His hair had some product in it to make it hold its shape against the wind and provide some volume. He climbed to the deck that the party was on and began to mingle. He made sure to stop and say hello to any of Valkyrie’s sponsors that were attending, BioCHO, Zap, and Orion Luxury Watches were present. Paul smiled and tried not to snap after the tenth person had asked him how things were going at Valkyrie. He just kept smiling and saying, “Things are going well. The ships have been rebuilt since Luna. We expect to do well here in Monaco.” He avoided even mentioning the CEO and the legal proceedings as he kept his responses to racing.

Social Media

Team Valkyrie AGR Sport:

Team Valkyrie AGR Sport is excited to announce that Dorian Hornfleur took the P1 pole position in qualifying at Monaco with Paul Mulder taking P3! Be sure to cheer them on and watch the race on Sunday. Be sure to visit the Valkyrie AGR Sport online store to get your officially licensed Team Valkyrie gear! [Gear Store Link]

OfficeDrone#12: Valkyrie rises! Dorian P1 and Paul P3! Go Team!
SuperfanAGR54: Yes! This is what I was hoping to see from Valkyrie!
DantheMan: Finally! Can we just focus on the racing?
BatDave: I am Batman!
Superfan2075: About damn time. Been waiting all season for this.
DadBod89: Finally Dorian showing his true skills.
Hater101: Well they are doing well until the next drama bomb from Valkyrie.
Papabear34: #GoValkyrie
Nana2050: #ValkyrieFlies
GeorgeFly: Yes! This is what I have been wanting to see.
ValkyrieFan56: P1 & P3! The team finally got their shit together.
Weedhead81: I told you guys that they just needed to relax.
SexyM@m@5: @valkyriedorian Call me!
Paulmulder4eva: @valkyriepaul I sent some encouragement to your inbox! *blows kisses*
Britball12: Qualifying is important at Monaco but the race isn’t over yet.
!YouSlow!: Waiting for race results and the next drama bomb.
xImFasterthanUx: Now they have to hold onto those places.
AGInthusiast: Qualifying is not the race
micheal650004: At least the team is showing improvement in spite of the drama.
Bertha: Qualifying is not the result. Waiting for the race results.

Fireteam Anvil

Samantha "Chaos" Dalton

Advance And Secure

0635 Hours

Samantha had been giving Chuck a bad time as she took all the soldiers she ran into as she regrouped with the two heavies on her team. Adam’s voice came over the comms.

Adam: "We have them running. Team, we need to get onto the checkpoint, and regroup with Hammer."

Samantha keyed her comms. “Chaos Affirms orders to regroup at checkpoint.”

About that time, Bob’s mechanical voice chimed in “There are two helicopters inbound towards team Hammer’s location.”

Samantha looked at the two helicopters she would have to trust Jamie and the team on the blimp to handle them. She was worried though when she heard who was on those helicopters. They couldn’t seem to kill Ingwe and Laura. They kept showing up like bad pennies. Samantha had her hands full in the immediate area.

Adam: "Boomer, cover our rear, and stop anyone who thinks it's a good idea to come after us. Scion, good to have you on ground, you and Frigga, disengage and follow Chaos. That big mech can help us break through the remaining security infrastructure where Hammer are holed up to get us ready for the final assault, and smash the counterattack coming their way."

There was a pause before Adam continued.

Adam: "All you, Chaos. Eyes open for aerial threats, those Wildcats are carrying a lot of munitions, and there's plenty more armour between us and them. Rain hell, I'll keep any RPG threats off you, but keep running and don't stop!"

Samantha keyed her comms. “Wilk, the rig we dropped in may still be usable. It was left parked behind the mech bay. If you want a ride, Frigga and Boomer could post up in the back and use it as a mobile attack platform. I can move the mech faster. I have been trying to wipe out as many as I can. Chaos copies orders heading towards team Hammer.”

She stopped and turned back towards the rear. She had thinned out their numbers but there was still a sea of soldiers coming towards them.

Samantha: “Wilk, I need to thin out our pursuers first. Give me a minute or two.”

Samantha: "Bob send firing coordinates to our support ship in the Indian Sea. Give them intercept coordinates to take out the fleeing PLA. Give them a firing plan that keeps that army moving away from the compound. Route it through Victor if you need to."

The more she took out now the less they would face later. She needed to make them run. She flat out used everything on her mech. She rolled over soldiers. She used the arms to knock them out of her way. She opened up with the mini guns mowing them down like wheat. She used all the grenades and missiles she had. She kept firing until everything clicked empty. Her ammo carried out into the mobs of soldiers in the back. She placed them up and down the line, staggering the destruction taking out huge swathes of the PLA army. Finally the remaining soldiers were fleeing away from them, the compound, and the barracks. They were trying to flee the area. That was what they had needed.

She had dropped a stash of ammunition for the mech outside the hanger before she blew it up. Samantha needed a moment to stop and replenish her ammo.What do you know the CAV was still there.

Chaos: “Wilk your ride is still here. It was worth the time that took. I have the PLA here routed. Now let’s make tracks and book it towards Hammer and Shadow.”

She stopped and reloaded quickly. She took a drink of water before climbing back into the freshly armed mech, before she began to run towards the compound. She felt like Optimus Prime running towards the battle and had to smile as that old classic cartoon favorite of hers from her childhood brought her father to mind. They had always watched those old cartoons together. They had been ancient and didn’t make any sense with reality being a fantasy, but it was one of the few whimsical things she remembered from her childhood. She could get behind the idea that she was a mechanical knight seeking justice for all and a protector for the weak. She grinned as she ran down towards the main compound. Riding in the mech was noisy and it was jarring as she ran. It was not like riding in a vehicle. It didn’t really have shocks. She would have to design her own mech one day. Maybe she could do a better job of designing one. She was ready to rain more hellfire down on their opponents. They had a small space of breathing room before the PLA regrouped and hounded them all the way back towards their teammates. Samantha had just turned and started heading towards the command center when Bob’s mechanical voice cut in once more.

Bob: “Chaos, I have been monitoring Raven comms. Viper and Archer are in trouble. One of her beacon’s just went live.”

Samantha didn’t hesitate she began running faster in that direction. She began to move the mech faster.

“Archer this is Chaos, I am on the way.”

Samantha had her orders and now she knew that the lights were in trouble. They were on the way right?
Daxini Chieftain’s Office

Planet Dax

The Daxini Chieftain - Kwaria

Kwaria was working in her office as she reviewed the latest report from Commander Lennox. It appeared that pirates had followed one of the stealth ships back to the battle station. The battle group had taken care of the pirates easily. The battle group was continuing its exploration while the battle station Leviathan and the dreadnought Gallant stayed to protect the ongoing operations of the Vulcan Refinery Station. Vulcan had called for freighters to begin making regular trips to pick up the refined ores that the ship was able to process. The station had been working around the clock since it arrived. The debris field was turning out to be a treasure trove of precious and rare metals used in starship manufacturing for components used in computer and communication technology and for propulsion systems such as gravity drives and ion drives.

Kwaria’s feathers ruffled, revealing her excitement and worry as she continued to read the report from commander Lennox. It appears that battle chief T’Klanak had run into the Lokoid who had sought a joint operation against a much larger and better organized Lokoid Pirate fleet. Commander Lennox listed that it was an opportunity to open lines of communication with the Lokoid about trade. Maybe they could build better relationships with them. They had been one of the larger factions that had fought heavily in the area during the reclamation wars. Kwaria was hopeful but also cautious. The Lokoid were very different from them and their technology and capacity for war was frightening. Kwaria began to send out requests to her staff to compile everything they knew about the Lokoid. She wanted to capitalize on this opportunity. She would rather the Daxini Conclave be seen as neutral than become a battle ground between these larger powers. She sent Commander Lennox a commendation for T’Klanak’s quick thinking and well wishes from her on the upcoming battle. She also noted she would like to discuss his experiences with the Lokoid when the commander next checked in.

Once she was through Commander Lennox’s reports, she turned her attention to the reports from Daxini's head Eagle Eye. They were hearing rumors that the Ghost Region was active and that ships were disappearing in the area. Daxini trading vessels had been warned to stay out of the area until they could investigate the rumors further. The Eagle Eye was hearing rumors of increased activity around along the Scorched Line outside of where the Daxini Battle Group was. There were rumors on back channels from trading vessels that activity had been increasing once more around the homeworld. There was nothing concrete, just whispers of large military powers moving in secret and stealth.

Behind the Scenes at Team Valkyrie

Soundtrack: H.E.R. Tauren Wells - Hold Us Together

Alexander had an uphill battle waiting for him at the office. He was never more grateful for talking Mabel into joining him in Germany. The fearless woman had taken control of the company in his stead while he was on the moon. The Team’s headquarters and campus had been descended upon by a host of international government officers and investigators. They were like locusts all demanding access to records and the company grounds. Mabel had complied but laid down the law on how so as to disrupt the work of the team as little as possible. She had broken the groups of forensics auditors into categories and had them work together in the respective departments to minimize disruption to the work as possible. Despite Mabel’s capable organizational skill and management, the auditors and investigators did disrupt work at Valkyrie. He had been informed that the investigators would be there for at least three weeks. They had already been hard at work for the two weeks he had been gone to the moon. The investigators should be done with the work just prior to the race at Monaco.

To minimize the distractions for Cavan and the engineering team, Alexander took Johanna up on her offer. He called in all the engineers he could to help support Cavan and the engineering team on rebuilding the ships properly with the adjustments he wanted done. He simply didn’t trust the ships after all the equipment failures on the moon. He didn’t want to overlook anything. They needed to place well in Monaco. Alexander understood that pressure the team was under to perform and that started with a ship that could perform. While Alexander had been sad to see Felix go, he believed that Cavan would eventually prove to be a more capable team leader driving innovations and creativity through collaboration. Cavan’s approach would be more of a team effort allowing individual engineers to shine in their speciality without taking away from Cavan as their leader. Engineers being engineers loved to discuss their trade and welcomed the help with open arms. The energy and mood between the engineers and mechanics on the team was full of energetic hopefulness that had led to increased productivity even with the disruption to the campus. The department’s example modeled resilience and perseverance for the other departments. Even while their offices were being invaded, the employees of Team Valkyrie were banding together. They were helping and supporting one another. The atmosphere of negative sanctions and fear that had plagued the team under Brendel’s leadership as the CEO was disappearing. It was being replaced by one of positivity, support, and collaboration. Alexander was under immense pressure for the team to perform at Monaco, but he couldn’t help smiling as he walked through the halls of headquarters. This is exactly what he had hoped for when he started cleaning house on that first day in the office.

Alexander arranged for a private spa day for Mabel as a thank you. He paid for it out of his own pocket as a thank you for all the hard work she had done on his behalf. The board of directors was handling the CEO jobs duties while the company began the search for a new CEO. The work had been split up between the board members with larger decisions being handled by vote. The board members had been forced to step in and play a more active role in the team during the investigation. Many of them found their own records being audited as well. Alexander was surprised by the level of cooperation he was receiving from the board. He suspected he had Johanna to thank for that. Leopold had taken point on supporting Mabel with handling the investigators and auditors pouring over Valkyrie’s records. Wulfric had also been very busy ensuring the safety of all and supporting the investigation as he was head of security for the company. Wulfric had been working with Leopold, the board, and the department heads to develop new policies for the team to prevent these kinds of abuses from happening again in the future. Leopold understood that Valkyrie had to be seen as proactive and leading the way on preventing these kinds of abuses in a team. The plans were still being built but Alexander had shown them that transparency and accountability would be key points in their new policies. They believed it would also win back the trust of the public, their sponsors, and their fans.

Paul had hated his experience with racing on the moon. He acknowledged to himself that some of the pressure was what was happening with all the turmoil surrounding the team. He sincerely hoped that after this the drama would die down. He was intelligent enough to know that much of what had been uncovered had been happening long before Alexander came to Valkyrie. That didn’t mean he appreciated being hounded by the press. He had found it harder than ever to move around in public. The culture vultures trailed him everywhere. Every chance they got they had been shoving a camera and microphone in his face. He had spotted drones following him.

He had gone to have dinner with his mother after he got back from the moon. They had a very long and candid conversation about what this might mean for his career. He never appreciated her counseling more. She pointed out that he was just starting his professional career. This would certainly mark the start of his career but it wouldn’t be all he was known for. He thought about what might have happened if his mother had not requested Alexander Knight as the team principal. He shuddered to think what kind of abuses he himself might have been subjected too. He was not privy to all of the investigation details but the workers talked to each other. Paul was horrified by some of the abuses and stories he had overheard that others had endured. He was grateful that Alexander had done the right thing for those. Paul was a fairly easy going guy but he had been raised that certain things were clearly right and wrong. He had not realized how hard Knight’s job was until this happened. Paul finally appreciated the steps his mother had gone through to protect him. Paul had fired his agent and was looking for someone he felt he could trust. So far everyone he had interviewed just left him feeling like there were no honest people left in the world. Paul knew he was falling into a slight depression. He was struggling to fight the bitterness and negativity of everything he had seen and experienced since coming to Valkyrie. Spending time with his mother helped him to focus on the positives and what his next steps should be. He left her home to return to the team campus with a more focused and positive outlook.

Paul took the time to address the rumors about him and Han Hyeon-Ae. His mother had asked him if the rumors were true. He had laughed and explained that he was trying to befriend the pilot. He felt like she needed some real friends. Paul knew what it was like to grow up in the spotlight with expectations. He knew how lonely it could feel. He had tried to befriend Han so she would have someone she could talk to who would understand those pressures. He also really enjoyed winding her up and trying to break her still formal bearing. He loved when he got a peak at the person she hid behind that stiff formal front. Paul grinned as he considered what they should do next. She owed him another outing since he had come in ahead of her on the moon. He would have to put some thought into it.

Paul returned to headquarters and threw himself into training for Monaco. He was feeling more positive and was determined to win at Monaco. He could almost feel his father whispering in his ear as Paul raced the circuit of Monaco over and over in the simulator. He studied the track and watched how overtakes had been done in the past. He studied the maneuvers and practiced them. He spent time in the gym to ensure he had no lasting weaknesses from being in zero gravity for two weeks. He listened to his trainers and did what they asked of him. He was even beginning to see some benefits from the deep diving training he had been doing in the swimming pool and the neural cognitive training he had been doing. He had noticed he was better able to handle the g-forces in the ship. His breathing stayed steady which allowed his mind to operate with more efficiency and clarity. The cognitive training was allowing his mental reflexes to improve. So his responses to the information coming from his ship were faster, he was able to interpret and sort the vast amount of data he received better and faster. His overall piloting was improving with increased speed and response. Paul felt as if he was chasing his destiny at Monaco. He wanted to win and walk in his father’s footsteps. He wanted to honor his father in this way. He was working hard to reach this goal.

Social Media

Paul Mulder@ValkyriePaul:

This is Paul Mulder with Team Valkyrie AGR Sport. I want to address the rumors going around the paddock that I am seeing Hyeon-Ae Han. I am going to answer this straight up. Yes of course we are seeing each other. We are friends. We have a lot in common. Friends go out and do things together. Friends hang out together. The rumors that we are romantically involved are false. It is not a rumor that we have been seen together but a fact. I am still single ladies!

Casino de Monte-Carlo, Monaco

Paul Mulder

Soundtrack: Dermot Kennedy - Better Days

Paul was determined to enjoy every moment he could in Monaco. He wanted to cement into his memory. He wanted to try and figure out why his father had loved this race so much. Practice had gone well for Paul. He could almost feel the history of the track as he raced along and feel his father’s guiding hand in places. He had cleaned up after practice before he headed to the event. Paul attended the event that was being hosted at the Casino de Monte Carlo. He smiled as he pulled up in front of the casino and climbed out of a classic 2000 Morgan Aero 8. Paul was dressed in a dark charcoal colored tuxedo with a gold embroidered vest with a classic white shirt underneath and no bowtie. He was wearing the comfortable and stylish dress boots that went with the ensemble. It was one of the outfits that had been produced by Enigma Lux for him. He knew he looked stylish and classy with a modern edge. He shut the door to the classic car he had managed to rent to drive while he was here in Monaco. He handed the keys to the Valet with a tip. “It’s special, treat it well.”

Paul walked through the press that had been hanging out around the entrance to the Casino. He posed for pictures and laughed as he once again stated on camera that he and Han were friends. He made sure to thank his sponsor Enigma Lux and plug them as the maker of his very nice outfit. Paul looked at ease as if he had been born into luxury and nobility fitting right in at Monaco. That’s because he was. Many didn’t know that his mother came from old money and her family used to be a titled aristocracy class. Times had changed the title meant nothing these days to most. Paul had been raised with all the manners and awareness of someone born to that lifestyle. Paul was charming and polished as he handled the press. He was asked about the ongoing case against the CEO and citing ongoing legal proceedings that he was unable to comment on it. He reiterated his support for their team principal, Alexander Knight. He finally left the press behind and walked into the Casino to enjoy himself.

Paul just grabbed a glass of champagne from a passing waiter and took a sip, when he heard Dorian’s voice behind him. He turned around to find Dorian standing there with Helena Starcross. Of course Paul knew how Helena was, he was a racing fiend and studied its history.

“Ah, there you are, Paul, this is Ms Starcross. This is my team-mate.” Dorian was grinning at him in a smirk.

Paul shook his head wondering what had gotten into Dorian. Paul gave Helena a polite bow over her hand as he shook it. “It is a pleasure to meet you, Miss Starcross. I have always been a big fan.”

“Oh please, call me Helena. Good to meet you. I remember seeing your father race when I was a pundit. He was so good. Looks like you’re living up to him from what I read. It’s a pleasure.”

Paul met Helena’s eyes as she mentioned watching his father race. He gave her a bright smile. “I hope to do his legacy proud while building my own.”

“Paul, Helena says she wanted to do a piece with you on the ship’s design. On heritage. Would you like to help her out with this tomorrow after qualifying? It may take up a bit of time from the party, but if not, I am sure it will be fine.” Dorian nodded, as Helena chuckled, shrugging.

Paul smiled as the reason for Dorian seeking him out was revealed. If anything his smile grew wider. "I would love to help you out with that Helena. I would love to chat with you about racing. It is not everyday we get to pick the brain of a legend on how to improve our performance.”

“Well, it is no bother. I would come to the party but I can tell you, my days of that are over. Back in my day though….we didn’t have those tools for removing alcohol from blood. You had to just deal with it!” Helena chuckled, her mind as sharp as ever, for an octogenarian still going strong.

Paul laughed, finding Helena a delightful departure to the sycophants who typically tried to ask favors of him at these types of events. He grinned at her. “We might have more tools available to us, but that still doesn’t mean it is the smart thing to do.” He winked at her even as he deliberately took another sip of champagne. “I plan to make this my only glass this evening.” He then spent his time discussing F1 racing history and challenges with Helena. It was not often someone matched his knowledge about such things.


Before Qualifying

Café Villeneuve, Monaco
Friday, June 2nd, 2094
0950 EST

The High Life

Soundtrack: Portishead- Glory Box

Paul had arrived at the Café Villeneuve in his rented 2000 Morgan Aero 8. He was dressed in dress slacks, one of the new racing shirts by Engima Lux, and one of the new stylish racing jackets in a moto style. He was wearing those comfortable dress boots. The outfit was in his father’s livery colors which were similar to Valkyrie’s but slightly different. He was wearing black and electric blue pinstriping that seemed to evoke movement even while sitting still. He looked casually posh as he made his way upstairs to where they were conducting the Delta Hyper interviews. Paul helped himself to a cup of coffee while he waited. He was watching what he was eating right now and avoided the pastries. He had a high protein breakfast that morning with a fruit smoothie packed with trace vitamins recommended by the team’s nutritionist.

Paul smiled at Aurora as the crew did what they needed to do to set the scene. Paul sipped at his coffee before setting it down off screen. Paul took a seat on the infamous couch and made himself comfortable. He made sure everything on his clothing was falling right and that all his sponsor tags showed correctly. There was a big patch that was a flexible screen that flashed between his different sponsors with the Enigma Lux logo prominent on the opposite side. Paul had taken a moment to check his hair before climbing out of the convertible he had been driving. Paul looked charming, classy, and relaxed.

Aurora nodded and smiled indicating they were starting as she began to ask questions.

“Paul, welcome to Delta Hyper. We hear this is a circuit you have been looking forward to for a while. Would you like to tell us more about your livery on your ships this weekend, and what it means to you as a dedication to your father?”

Paul smiled easily with genuine warmth as he had looked forward to revealing this. “As you can see by the colors I am wearing, I will be racing in Monaco wearing my father’s livery colors. These are the colors that were on his ship when he won here at Monaco. Monaco was my father’s favorite race. One of the reasons I race is because it helps me feel closer to him. His presence is missing in my life. Racing is a way for me to connect with him. I wanted to honor his memory by using his colors here in Monaco. Like every pilot here, I hope to win. If I do, it will be a way to honor his memory and cement me as part of his racing legacy as I begin to leave my own mark in AG racing history. I want to thank the team for working so hard to rebuild the ship after all the issues we experienced in the Lunar race. I want to thank Alexander Knight for granting my request for special livery and FIAR for agreeing to it. I want to thank my fans for all the support they have given me. If I win here in Monaco, know that I wouldn’t be here without your support. This race is for him and you.”

He smiled at Aurora waiting on any follow up questions.

Pilot’s Group Chat

Paul: @Han The truth is out there. Yes we were seen together as friends! Where do you want to go and be seen next?
Paul: @Nora I am looking forward to seeing you at Monaco!

Paul: Good luck everyone!

Fireteam Anvil

Samantha "Chaos" Dalton

Chuck "Boomer" Simmons

Freya “Frigga” Kanatariio

Jamie “Scion” Kanatariio

Athena "Valkyrie" Kanatariio

Adam "Wilk" Stanislaw Kajtanowicz

Soundtrack: Hail to the King - Avenged Sevenfold

Frigga grabbed one of the overhead roll bars. And bumped Chuck on the hip as he jumped out first. She smiled, “Be careful please. And if you need help don’t fret bringing anything my way. I don’t mind helping my man out.”

Soon though she too is leaping out, spreading out their forces a bit to give them a much better chance of accomplishing their job. So as Boomer goes off to do his stuff, she also starts her own work. The big woman makes her way through the buildings, smiling a little. She can hear soldiers running towards Chuck's location at the moment. And that can only mean…

…they wouldn’t be completely prepared for her appearance.

So when she steps out from among some barracks and out into a thoroughfare, she’s immediately in the middle of several platoons of Lighter Juggernauts, Heavies, and tons of infantry. This could very well be a cartoon moment. As she stands there for a time she watches as they mill and officers shout getting the PLA soldiers moving. The Light Juggernauts, shrugging into their layered kevlar, ceramic and metal plate armored suits. While a few heavies pull themselves up into their Heavy suits. And the infantry mill and grab equipment. Right up until a soldier bumps into her and goes sprawling. Then looking up at her and then hollering, pointing at her, “Enemy! Enemy Heavy!” The soldiers Mandarin growly.

Freya sighs, and in fairly fluent Mandarin herself says, "Oh sweet summer child, I’m not just any enemy." She looks around using her HUD, spotting several targets. And instead of speaking in Mandarin she just simply says, “Fire!”

And Hell rains down.

Distantly five thumps can be heard.

Jamie stands on the edge of the blimp, a strange assembly of tubes, titanium rods, and several bracing spikes resting on his right side.

He speaks into Comms, “Chuck? My Future Brother, give me some coordinates on those ICVs, I haven’t used this OTH rig yet. I want to blow something up.”

He waited, the advanced HUD of the OTH Rig giving him coordinates and launch vectors. With a smile he leaned back on the bracing spikes, and triggered the Rig, letting a very large, HEDP rocket, slide into launch position, “I’d get very far from that ICV Boomer.” He says with a chuckle.

Chuck had begun to work his way over to the area where he saw Freya fighting. He had become the target of opportunity in his area. Chuck towered over the much shorter PLA army. The explosions had killed and wounded a great deal of soldiers. The confusion and mayhem he was sowing among the PLA was working. Some men were running away from the weapons fire, explosions, and shrapnel. Others saw him and were running towards him. Chuck kept moving at a steady pack back towards where he had last seen Freya.

Chuck chuckled even as he turned his attention to sending targeting data to Jamie.

“Well since you asked so nicely. Would you mind taking care of these for me. Oh and maybe see what you can do about that incoming helicopter.”

He used his HUD and the integrating communications that Samantha had built into their gear to send him the lidar and radar data from his suit’s sensors.

“You might want to hurry if you want to beat your sister to the ICVs.”

He chuckled and looked around and sighed. He knew the fight was just getting started but he had been disappointed so far. Then he spotted the heavies near Freya and smiled. He would wait till she invited him before he stepped in. He wouldn’t take one of her kills unless it looked like she was in trouble.

Chuck’s inner marine picked out the tone of barking orders. He couldn’t understand what was being said but authority and tone carried. He turned and gave Duke a hand sign to send him hunting. Chuck used his sensors to locate a high value target. It looked like there was a high level commander whose morning they had interrupted. Chuck hadn’t studied the ranking system in the PLA. He saw the fancy oak leaves on the man’s collar and smiled. He didn’t need to know his rank to see the man was whipping their enemy into shape and getting them moving in the same direction. The man was surrounded by a large group of men all of them armed with machine guns.

Chuck charged into the middle of them. His size, speed and strength knocked them over like bowling pins.

He laughed “Strike!”

He used Lucille to clear a wide arc in front of him. The commander was screaming and pointing at him now. Not that it was doing him much good. Chuck just continued almost undeterred towards the commander. A brave soldier tried to take him down by tackling him. Chuck managed to stay upright, unfortunately other soldiers took their cue from the man and Chuck found himself dogpiled by a large group of men. The man who had originally lunged at him had his arms wrapped around his legs. His body was being pinned to the ground by four more men. It looked more like an American Football pile than professional soldiers fighting. Chuck had been surprised by the tactic, overwhelmed with a large number of opponents.

Meanwhile Freya rises a hand, and makes a shape with her fingers like a fox head, and grins, “Kon!”

Just as five high velocity tungsten rounds, streak in from the direction of the blimp.

Funny thing about these rounds, they have no explosive warheads…it’s just a very fast moving and very hard hitting round. Ever hear of a Kinetic Bombardment strike? AKA Rods from God.

Think of these Railgun shots…just like that.

So when five land in quick succession, they send soldiers flying, absolutely hits one of the Heavies dead in the chest, and sends a duo of Light Juggernauts flying.

With the flank taking place with Sam, Adam took some more fire, but was drawing more than enough for Sam to flank, and fill the men with knives, bullets, and violence. She was not too bad, a good pick after all Skye, he thought back to himself, as he leaped over the concrete barrier, knowing his approach was less of a charging one like Skye’s, more a patient, drawing one. Picking off a couple more soldiers further in with the rifle, Adam flicked to his USAS and with solid slug rounds, had a hell of a lump to put into even the more armoured PLA troops guarding the hangar, skidding between cover to let the field generator charge back up, before he slotted more enemies with it. Plenty of bodies between him and Sam, many of them just weren’t breathing anymore, as he went through the door, finding Sam hacking away the first mech. His instinct was to run across to the other side, after checking the far end of the hangar, and check the other one.

With an exoskeleton-assisted peel open of the lower leg, Adam cursed, a firm “Kurwa” saying all he needed to.

“Kurwa….., this one’s offline. Power to it is dead. They removed the hydrogen cells, so this thing isn’t going anywhere….and we haven’t got enough time to fit any before they take this place back. Okay, Chaos, looks like only one of us is piloting one of these steel beasts, you have a better chance than I do. I will cover you.”

Adam retorted back, running over, the full-face, exoskeleton wearing Pole sauntering over, checking the rest of the mech over.

It was one hell of a thing, about 16 feet tall, not really a mech by some standards and more of a titan really, but semantics were semantics when it had the amount of weaponry that it packed. An amped up Trophy Generator, akin to the one in Marrakesh and plenty of titanium armour shielded the thing, with wheels making it trundle on top of the bipedal legs that let it stomp. A large anti-aircraft and anti-armour missile launching rack sat on the back, with a GAU-19 .50 cal minigun in the right arm, and what looked like a pair of Mk19 grenade launchers for the left arm, capable of blowing anything up it hit. That made it feel like it could punch a hole in most things, and it was fully loaded and ready to go.

Samantha didn’t pause to scratch the itch on the tip of her nose. She was focused on getting past the updated encrypted security that Artemis thought would keep her out of their systems. She snarled and curled her lip. This was one of her best skills. Her cross trained skills of computer expertise with mechanical engineering gave her a leg up on most hackers. She had other ways of bypassing security. She used an electrical trick to reboot the circuit boards and primary CPU to its basic BIOS setting. She purged the security and operating systems. It was faster to replace them than fight with them. She smiled in triumph as she restored the mech’s operating systems from BOB’s accessible database. That way she knew she wouldn’t face any surprises in the field. She encrypted it and added a communication chipset that she had brought with her. That would allow her to keep Artemis and the PLA out of the mech’s systems as it was being piloted.

She was in the zone, hyper focused on her task. She had not realized that Adam was there until he spoke to get her attention. She had just finished updating the systems and encrypting the mech to obey her commands and communicate on their encrypted frequency. Her head jerked as she focused on Adam. It took a moment for her focus to shift out of the hyper focused state she had been in. She nodded to Adam.

“Understood. I am almost done here. I just need to seal this panel back up and this one will be ready to head into the fray. Let me sabotage this one so it can’t be used by the enemy. I will be right behind you.”

Samantha sealed the mech back up. She then went to the other mech. She smiled as she noted that while they had disabled the mech and removed the hydrogen cells, no one had removed the backup power supply battery. She grinned as she rigged a nasty surprise for anyone who tried to restore the mech to use. It only took her a minute or so to rewire the mech to overheat the battery and cause an explosion. She piled as much loose ammunition and grenades she could find on the bodies under the battery compartment. The mech would blow in about 5 minutes. She then climbed up into the mech she had just commandeered. She began the startup sequence.

“Bob integrate with the mech systems. Please route all incoming sensor data to my HUD.”

Samantha strapped herself into the harness. She did a few test movements to get the hang of piloting the mech. It was a new mechanical for her. She had some simulation time but this was not a design she was overly familiar with. Most of them operated in similar ways. She had no trouble figuring out how to get the mech to move. She caught onto the unique balance it took to keep the mech walking as she followed in Adam’s wake.

Adam moved towards the door, hearing gunfire emerge as he brought his own field generator up, looking back up at Sam’s new form with her mech.

“No good, looks like there is a fuckton of them outside. Think you can handle it with that thing? I’ll try and pick off anyone trying to take you down on the flanks, this one is all you Chaos!”

Adam retorted, backing off and heading to the side door, clattering two more men in the head and torso with rounds from his USAS, a brutal scene as he let Sam take pride of place. Through the door, he could see at least a dozen, maybe two dozen PLA troops responding, outside of the anarchy at the dockyard and now at the warehouse, where a helicopter had fallen out of the sky, a lot more was inbound to this mech hangar, as they no doubt realised what was about to happen. Helicopters, armoured vehicles and plenty more troops were inbound. Against two, not great odds.

Samantha smiled as she answered Adam.

“With pleasure boss. This is why they call me Chaos.”

She kicked the trophy system to a high setting, before she stepped through the open hangar door. She let loose with the minigun spraying the group to her right. She launched a grenade at the group on the left. She just smiled wickedly as she stomped out of the building. Bodies began to fall as blood blossomed like red flowers as her aim sprayed a group of six before they started firing back at her. The grenade exploded, taking another 4 men with it. Sam fired another grenade towards the back of the group as she used her minigun to sweep another group that had kindly bunched up together to make a nice enticing target. That was so helpful of them. She was quickly thinning out the group waiting right outside the door but she could see more on the way. As she focused on thinning out the group immediately in front of her, she put Bob to work.

“Bob, scan for heavy targets of opportunity. Primary focus on targets impeding our team.”

Samantha had a pile of wounded and dead bodies in front of her mech. She began to move away from the hangar. She needed to do her part in the plan. She smiled as she continued to use the mini gun to take out the remaining troops.

“I cleared the front door of guests but we have more uninvited guests inbound.”

There were a few stragglers chasing her as she moved away from the building. Their weapons were unable to penetrate the heavy armor of the mech. So far the Trophy system had captured all the heavy grenades or heavy caliber bullets sent her way. It was only a matter of time.

Adam stayed the hell out of her way, letting her lead, as right now, that mech of her was grabbing all she could get, bullets and 40mm grenades bouncing off or getting repelled by the Trophy System, as he took out some flanking enemies, clattering them with slugs before sliding a new mag in, picking up a couple of PLA soldiers readying up an anti-tank missile against the mech. Adam made short work of them, staying out of the way though of the mech’s main thrust, watching it stomp towards the main barrack area, where Freya and Chuck were single handedly raising hell.

Samantha began to make her way towards the area by the barracks where Chuck and Freya were engaged with the PLA. Bob’s mechanical voice sounded inside her cockpit.

“Attack helicopter inbound. Sensors indicate it has a trophy system.”

Sam didn’t pause as she continued to launch grenades towards oncoming groups of soldiers.

“Bob target that helicopter and launch two anti aircraft missiles at it.”

She sent a grenade at yet another approaching pickup truck with a heavy gun mounted in the back of it. She continued to move forward at a steady pace. If the soldiers didn’t give way, she stepped on them and over them. A few were injured as she crushed limbs since they didn’t dodge fast enough. It was just another way to eliminate the enemy. She smiled as she spoke into the comms.

“Frigga and Boomer, I am on my way. I will try to leave you a few.”

She smiled as she knew that would get some competitive response from her teammates. Sam grinned evilly as the armored attack copter managed to use chaff to evade one missile which got deflected by the trophy system but it could only do so much at a time.

Frigga grinned, as the last of the earth fell down from the five impacts. Smoke clearing from fires that were started, dirt and dust raining down. The soldiers were scrambling and staggering. Mandarin and Cantonese being shouted. Some asking what happened, others trying to get control of the situation. And during this time after that first strike,

Frigga begins to laugh, “Ah haha, it works! Ahahahah! Finally, not just a test. Real, combat usage of a full size rail cannon! Finally!”

The hiss of steel on leather and metal rings clear, as Starbreaker is drawn, “I don’t need a gun for most of you.”

And she then wades into them, the heavy, dense cudgel sweeping side to side. A strike sending a Light Juggernaut reeling. A backhand blow absolutely destroys a poor infantry man. When they find the infantry man after all this, they would record his hips and pelvis absolutely crushed, almost liquified!

But it’s the next one that is something to see. Even as infantry start to fight back, one of the heavies, a big northern man, maybe with some Mongol in him paces over, swinging a big combat axe high.

The Light Infantry realize, this is a battle among giants now. And it’s amazing to see.

Frigga lets the axe hiss by her left shoulder, as she slams the spiked butt end of Starbreaker into the enemy Heavies chest. And wonder of wonders, when the heavy reels and brings a back hand blow, the blunt side of the axe pinging off Frigga’s helmet. The shock of her surprised cry as she’s actually struck back echoes briefly across comms.

The fight continues. The PLA Heavy snarling in Mandarin, something about “She’s mine!” As some of the lights try and get in close to stab at her with bayonets. Not fast enough as Frigga, kicks the Enemy heavy back, spins and douses four of those poor Light Infantry with Suns Core! They scream and howl, maybe managing three steps each before they fall, the super heated matter burning them alive.

She points Starbreaker at the enemy heavy, “We’ve got unfinished business!” And the pair clash again.

And that’s probably how Chuck and Duke find them, Frigga and The Enemy Heavy in a brawl.

Elsewhere Jamie grins, his mouth wide in a rictus of joy.

One word.


And first one, then two…then three huge HEDP rockets hiss free from the OTH rig. Spinning skyward, correction jets hissing then off they all go.

His suit computers watching, “Impact in….5…”



“And 2…”


The last few surviving ICVs vanish in balls of fire and impact debris.

Jamie laughing like a mad man over Comms, “Oh why didn’t I ask to use this before, this thing is amazing.”

He sheds the rig though and turns to his sister, “Oh? Are we moving then my dear? Of course of course.” He reaches to his feet, grabbing his .50s, “Lead the way.

Athena looked to her right, the gold visored, dark-blue metallic sheen of the heavy’s gaze “See you planetside.” And with it, Athena merely pushed forwards and dropped, gravity turning her suit over to point her head down, and the new thruster pack, detachable, kicked in, as it would for Jamie. Express delivery to their landing sites, and Athena hollered loudly over the comms, falling out of her airship and soaring like a comet into the action.

Chuck had targeted the higher PLA officer. He had taken out the men around the officer before he was overwhelmed by sheer numbers. He found himself on the ground on his back with one man wrapped around his legs and the other four trying to pin his torso and arms. Chuck just chuckled and let out a whistle to get Duke’s attention. He turned on the external microphone on his helmet.

“Aww that’s really cute guys. You thought I came alone.”

Chuck engaged the additional strength boost in his armor from the synthetic tendons and hydraulics. Combined with his already abnormally high strength, men began to go flying through the air as Chuck bucked them off.

“Meet my partner.”

He gave Duke the word for attack. The malinois lunged right in, his jaws clamping over the PLA soldier sitting on his chest. Duke went straight for the man’s throat, blood sprayed all over him as Duke dragged the man off him. The soldier that had been trying to hold down his left arm screamed at the sight of his partner’s blood spraying as Duke found an artery and took off running. Chuck had managed to fling the man on his right arm away from him. He bucked again and kicked out with both legs dislodging the man who had been wrapped around his legs. His strong kick caved the man’s torso in. Chuck climbed to his feet. He called Duke off seeing the man he had taken out was dead. Chuck quickly dispatched the men on the ground around him.

He took a few quick steps away and turned to check on Freya before turning back to the situation he found himself in. The PLA officer he had been targeting had managed to rally his men. Chuck found himself surrounded by a line of men two deep. He figured that there had to be at least twenty soldiers surrounding him. The PLA officer was shaking an angry fist at him and yelling at his troops. It was obvious whatever he had said had motivated them. They started to close on Chuck. He just laughed wickedly and hit the retract button on Lucille’s chain. They might have knocked the weapon out of his hand but it was still attached to his wrist. He waited till the chain had shortened and then began to spin it. He sent the heavy club out in a deadly whirlwind of heavy tungsten steel. The first row of soldiers knocked back into the second row. The soldiers he had hit were fatally wounded as bones not only were crushed but pulverized and soft tissue liquified. The momentum of the heavy club spinning them forcefully into the compatriots behind them.

Chuck turned towards the officer who was looking panicked now. Chuck began to move in a straight line towards him. He pointed at him letting him know he was coming for him. Soldiers behind the officer had seen what had happened and were backing away as Chuck stepped closer. Chuck ran the last few steps. The officer fired his pistol at Chuck at point blank range but it was not a high enough caliber to pierce his armor. He picked the man up by the neck and squeezed till his head fell off. He dropped the man and whistled at Duke. The two of them began a light jog back towards his battle goddess. He could see she was doing well on her own. He watched her situation closely. PLA soldiers from farther away were closing in on his position and following him warily. Chuck had taken out the immediate threat around him. Some brave soldiers were firing at him. Chuck was not in trouble yet. Sooner or later someone with a higher caliber of rifle was bound to try and shoot him.

Samantha was making her way towards where she had left Frigga and Boomer. She continued to stomp her way towards the two when Bob's mechanical voice interrupted her.

“Missiles inbound, they were launched from a ship off the coast.”

Samantha didn’t hesitate. “Bob, route Raven resources to target that ship. Fire countermeasures to take out those missiles before they take us out along with the PLA.”

Samantha had to stop the mech as she held the PLA at bay while Bob’s capacity was being utilized to prevent disaster. It was just like Rose to target her own troops if it meant taking out her problems too. Samantha worked with Bob on firing solutions. The 6 missiles launched from the ship in the Indian Ocean were shot down one by one using a laser to knock the munitions cones off dropping them into the ocean.

Samantha’s attention was drawn to an approaching heavy. The heavy armor was not as elegant as the armor she had created for Chuck. It was clunky and boxy looking. It was heavily armored and moved slowly but the armor it had was going to be a bitch to get through. Samantha fired a missile at the heavy operator moving slowly towards her position. The missile hit but the heavy just kept coming towards her. The armor was charred and had a damaged pock marked surface. It had taken damage but not enough to disable it. Samantha lifted the grenade launcher and fired three grenades close together at it. Samantha turned her mech and moved to intercept it. The heavy began firing heavy caliber rounds at her. She moved the mech as fast as she could trying to dance it out of the way of the rounds. She switched to the .50 caliber minigun and aimed at the heavy’s center torso. The armor shrugged off some of the rounds but Samantha stitched them up the middle. She smiled as she heard cries of pain come from the armor. She put the grenade launcher into one of the holes opened on the chest cavity and fired a grenade inside. She jumped backwards as the heavy suit exploded into a cloud of shrapnel. Chaos grinned as she couldn’t help thinking to herself, Chaos always finds a way to fuck up your day. She hoped Boomer and Frigga were holding their own while she dealt with this threat.

Samantha: “Bob, how is targeting that ship going?”

Bob: “Missile support from the Flying Butt have disabled the ship.”

Samantha couldn’t hold the laugh in. “Flying Butt, Bob?”

Bob: “That seemed to be the craft’s name based on the conversations I recorded Chaos.”

Samantha just shook her head. That would teach her to be playful around an AI that took everything literally. She reviewed her lidar and radar to see if they had any more unforeseen activity in the area.

Freya grunted and spun, a full 360 degrees. The enemy swung round and wide. The Starbreaker and the battle axe met in the middle.

But only one weapon really is capable of surviving this. And Starbreaker wins. The moment hangs though the heavy staring at the broken haft of his combat axe.

Freya backing up a step or two, panting, “You’re good.” She says nodding to the enemy heavy, “You’re very good.”

Starbreaker slides into it’s back holster.

She looks over seeing Chuck arrive, “Just give me a moment hun!”

Before she spins up her energy rifle and fries the heavy with bolts of white hot energy. As the man fell, spasming from the EMP from her shots and the holes in his chest, Freya turned, watching as Chuck and Duke rocked along on a few PLA. She turned on the afterburners, running to meet up with Chuck. And just in time as someone with a big rifle stepped out from behind some cover, maybe having forgotten about her.

She shouts, “Boomer down!”

The PLA soldier with the big rifle squeezes the rifle bucking. And a second later Frigga runs over him, several hundred pounds of big woman and heavy armor. He has about enough time to look over his shoulder, before Frigga runs him down. And even crashes through the shooter's cover, bins and barrels and crates going flying and crushing under her weight and speed.

She crashed into a shed then, and disappeared into a cloud of debris, and dust.

A few straggler PLA even peppering the ruin with rifle fire. For a moment nothing, then a streak of blue hot matter spews out, dousing one man, and lighting another’s arm aflame.

It’s a very pissed looking Frigga, Battle Goddess who steps free of the ruin, “You all tried to shoot my man!”

Forget the rifle, forget the plasma thrower, forget the hammer. She charges the men, using body weight, big muscled arms, and powerful body, tossing the PLA around like so many stick men.

All the while she makes her way towards Chuck, “I’m on my way babe!” She calls, as she grabs one poor PLA grunt and hurls him by mean strength alone, right past Chuck and Duke, she shouts, “Duke! Sic!” And points at the flying soldier. The big Malinois let out a Ruff and chased the man, jumping him as soon as he landed, growling and screams of horror as the powerful dog makes quick work of him.

Frigga finally reaches Boomer, “Glad to see you babe. I see you brought more friends.” She motions as the soldiers that had been following behind him start to catch up, “Shall we finish this then?”

Chuck had been jogging back towards Frigga. He was tall enough and big enough to be a target of opportunity for the PLA. It didn’t hurt that they had been watching him take out scores of their buddies. Chuck was focused on making it back to Freya so they could regroup. They still needed to keep the soldiers in the barracks area tied up and away from the second team. There was another small group of soldiers trying to catch up with Chuck. He had longer legs though and his armor’s synthetic tendons and hydraulics allowed him to move faster than them. He was staying just ahead of them. Chuck’s instincts kicked in as he heard Freya’s warning. He instantly hit the deck and covered his head. Duke barked and darted off to one side. Chuck heard the report of a large rifle coming from behind him.

He heard the sound of Freya’s armor moving as servos whined as she kicked into a run as she ran right past him. He winced when he heard the metallic crash and crunch as his beloved crushed her target literally. He then heard the spattering of lighter gun fire. He couldn’t help but smile not that anyone could see it behind his visor as Freya claimed him openly in battle. He didn’t even care if he got hell from the rest of the team later for her charging in to save him and punishing those who wanted to hurt him. To Chuck it was validation that she cared about him as much as he did her. Chuck was climbing to his feet as Duke went racing after the PLA soldier like Freya had tossed him a treat.

“Thanks sweetheart. You are already spoiling him. I won’t complain about the save though. Shall we send our uninvited guests to the underworld of their choosing?”

He whistled to bring Duke back to him and Freya. He didn’t want him to get too far away. Chuck saw one of the PLA soldiers manning a portable grenade launcher and aiming it in their general direction. Chuck took out the soldier aiming the grenade launcher at his battle goddess with extreme prejudice. He lifted his rifle to his shoulder and fired, taking him out just as the man pulled the trigger. The force of the bullet clipped the man in the head throwing the aim off as the man pitched backwards. Chuck just moved down the line aiming for heads. His marksmanship on display as he quickly aimed, fired, and repeated and on down the line. Dropping 5 soldiers heading towards them.

Freya grins and briefly hugs him, then sighs as a rifle round hits one of her shields, turning the round into so many sparks.

“Can’t have even a single quiet moment sometime.”

She drew one of the tomahawks off her thigh with one hand, and the AEW with her other, bracing it carefully, “Let’s take care of this huh?”

She started forward, with a heave sending her tomahawk buzzsawing through the air, the big blade catching one of the infantry men high on the chest. She’s running to grab it back up, firing her AEW from the hip when something big swings from between two buildings.

Frigga manages to shout, “Oh shit.” Before she’s sent rolling.

One then another and yet still another and finally a fourth Heavy, full geared and armed step out into view.

Frigga getting to her feet and rubbing at the burned out shield emitter that took the brunt of that big slab of steel one of them is holding that kind of resembles a sword. Something Gutz might hold in that anime Jamie likes.

She lets out a breath, and calls to Boomer, “Hun I think we have some fun lined up. I hope our first date is this much fun.”

She holsters her AEW and pulls Starbreaker down off her shoulders. One of the heavies raising his own hammer as if in respectful salute.

She pings all four heavies on her HUD and turns to Chuck, “I want the one with the hammer and big sword. You okay with taking the other two?”

As she’s saying this her throw claw snakes down and clamps around the wide heavy pommel balance of Starbreaker. The smile can’t be seen but it’s clear in her communications with Chuck, her arm chambering back abit, ready to throw Starbreaker, “Ready?” She asks Chuck.

Chuck growled as he took out the group of soldiers supporting the man with the grenade launcher. He grumbled “NO one hurts my lady! Not on my watch.”

He smiled happily and hugged his battle goddess before bullets interrupted them once more. Chuck complained with a sigh. “They couldn’t give me one minute before starting up again?”

Chuck made a point of admiring Freya’s form as she threw the axe.

“I am taking notes for our first date. I promise to make it memorable. Nice form love!

He was moving towards her when a heavy stepped out into view sideswiping Freya and knocking her over. She was just as quick to get back on her feet. Chuck laughed as she told him which two she wanted. He wouldn’t argue with her. There were enough to go around. Chuck’s voice was laced with humor as he responded to her request.

“But of course darling. I will make sure to give tweedle dee and tweedle dum your regards.”

Chuck laughed as the tallest Asian man he had ever seen came towards him. The heavy was moving somewhat slowly in his heavy armor. He was almost as tall as Chuck but he was strangely heavy set for an Asian. The man reminded Chuck of a thin Sumo wrestler. The man was wearing a partial helmet so his face was visible. He had a soul patch on his chin and had some rolls around his chin. The man had a 50 caliber machine gun with a belt of ammo that was feeding from a box built into the armor’s shoulder. The man was swinging his gun around and aiming it towards Samantha who was coming up behind Freya and him. He fired the gun with really bad aim. The bullets hit the ground but the man managed to adjust his fire as he walked it towards the mech that Samantha was piloting.

Chuck just laughed as he took careful aim. Chuck decided to be smart and just take one of them out. He could take his time with the other one. Just because Chuck could go toe to toe with these guys didn’t mean he should. He didn’t relish being put in the middle of a heavy beat down.

Chuck: “Hey Tweedle Dum! My lady sends her regards!”

Chuck sent a round directly into the man’s face. He stopped in place, his armor holding him upright. The man’s finger was still on the trigger as the gun’s recoil finally knocked the man over.

Samantha had been working her way towards the rest of her team. The mech didn’t move all that quickly since she was having to fight the entire way. Soldiers kept taking potshots at her. Most of them lacked weapons heavy enough to do any real damage to the mech. She could hear the bullets pinging off the armor. Samantha had just brought the mech around the corner of one of the tall tent rows and was moving towards where Chuck and Freya were engaging some heavies. One of the heavies targeted her in the mech. Samantha winced as she heard bullets sinking into the armor. She cursed when the soldier hit something. She had a warning light that the armor had been compromised along the torso. Samantha looked over the gauges. It looked like she had gotten lucky. While he had penetrated the armor, there had been no serious damage to any of the systems. Bob informed her that torso armor integrity had been reduced by 25 percent. “Acknowledged Bob.” She then sent out over comms. “Thanks for the assist, Boomer.”

Chuck responded to Samantha’s comm message. “Anytime Chaos.”

Chuck turned to face the other heavy, who had used Chuck’s distraction with his partner to close on him. This heavy who he was calling Tweedle Dee was definitely the smarter of the two. The man had a heavy machine gun but had a heavy blade he was swinging at Chuck. Chuck managed to duck under the blade as the man was aiming for his head. The heavy Chuck was fighting, was wearing identical armor to the last but the man had Eastern European features. Chuck was guessing he was Russian. He had a nasty scar that puckered and bisected his left cheek. Chuck pulled Lucille and used it to block the man’s blade. The ringing noise was loud and reverbated up his arm even through his armor. Chuck realized that he had a slight speed and agility advantage over the man he was fighting.

Chuck: “Hello Tweedle Dee.”

Chuck was smiling as the fight picked up. The two men railed at each other and blocked each other’s attacks. Chuck had to give it to his opponent, the man was remaining professional and keeping his cool. He was a much better fighter than the last guy. Chuck managed to capture the man’s wrist with his right hand and force the blade to the side as he head butted the guy in the nose. His armored helmet broke the man’s nose as blood went flying.

While this was happening, a regular soldier was sneaking up behind Freya. He had a carbine in his hands. Chuck had been tied up in his fight. The man was moving into firing position when Duke leaped on the man and took him down to the ground. He tore into the soldier’s arm that had been holding the gun. The man screamed and was trying to free his arm. Duke’s weight made it hard for the man to do much now that he had him on the ground. The soldier managed to punch Duke. Duke yelped and let go of the man’s arm before lunging for the man’s throat. The man’s scream became a wet gurgle as Duke tore the man’s throat out.

Chuck heard Duke’s yelp and instantly spun to see what was going on with his dog. Chuck started to move in that direction when his opponent took advantage of the distraction and landed a hard hit to the side of his head. Chuck stumbled as the hit momentarily scrambled his senses and sense of balance. Chuck shook his head and turned back towards the man.

Chuck growled at the man. “It’s my turn Tweedle Dee!”

He swung Lucile as hard as he could at the man’s head. Chuck put as much power behind the hit as he could. The man went down as his helmet wasn’t as good as Chuck’s and Chuck had more power behind his hit. The hit crushed the side of the man’s head. He moved to check on Duke. He was pleased to note the man was dead. Duke had not let go yet. Chuck knelt down next to Duke. He gave him the release command. Duke obeyed and gave him a barking yip.

Chuck: “Yeah buddy you showed him that no one hits you.”

He ran gentle hands along his side. Duke yelped as he hit the tender spot. He would have to get him to the vet after this was over to make sure he didn’t have any internal injuries. He gave him a quick rub between the ears.

Chuck: “Good boy. Now take it easy.”

He then got to his feet and went charging back towards Freya. He knew she probably didn’t need his help but he wanted to be sure. He also was keeping an eye out for any newcomers.

Chuck: “Honey, they all have to die now. They hurt my dog.”

Freya charged, and the first one to get hit was the enemy heavy with the hammer, she lowered her shoulder and met him like she was blocking a runner with a football. He was just slow enough that his brace wasn’t good enough. She hit him like a battering ram, and sent him rolling and sprawling. The one with the sword just missed her with his hunk of steel. Freya came up from the shoulder tackle and met the next swing of that hunk of metal on the handle of Starbreaker. The other heavy slowly trying to get up while Freya and the sword Heavy began to wail on each other. Strike after strike, sparks and booms as they attack.

The other slowly gets to their feet, their hammer loose in their hands, dazed as they climb to their feet. They’re turning in time to see Freya golf swing her hammer up and into the knee of the Sword Heavy. Interesting thing about hard armor is that it doesn’t bend well usually, so the knee has nowhere to go as the impact of the hammer causes it to bend inside and seeing it has nowhere to bend, it basically liquifies.

Freya kicks the Sword Heavy over and turns, then dives, the Hammer Heavy howling, tipping what looked like an air flow tube on their shoulder, a gout of red hot flame gouting from the tube!

Freya slides into cover behind one of the buildings, the flames flaring over her head and past one shoulder, causing her shield emitters to begin to overheat. She coughed into the comms, “Boomer hunny, could you kill this last one for me please? Then I really think we need to wrap this up.” She ducks as the Hammer Heavy thrusts their free hand forward, and adds a second flamer to the one that’s already going off their shoulder.

Freya wincing, “I’d bet Laura would love this guy.” She ducks back away from the melting edge of the building and tries to crab away from the flames licking at her shoulders and helmet, “I get enough of this from Laura damn it!”

Chuck sped up as he heard Freya ask for help. She wouldn’t ask for help unless she really needed it. As he moved around an obstacle that had been blocking his view, he saw the other heavy with some kind of built in flame thrower and was trying to barbecue his sweetie. Chuck still had Lucille in his hand. He sped up and grabbed Lucille with both hands. He swung twisting from the hips and putting all his impressive augmented strength behind the blow. Lucille’s tungsten carbide core held as Chuck tried to take the man’s head off with his club. The blow knocked the heavy over. The fuel for his flamethrower spilling out onto his armor lighting him on fire.

Chuck continued to beat at the man’s helmet as his angry voice came from the speakers in his helmet. “No one hurts my dog or my woman! You assholes will pay for that!”

Each word was punctuated by a massive crunch as Chuck connected to the man’s helmet. By the time he stopped the man’s helmet was a squashed and flattened piece of metal with grey matter, blood, and bone fragments in an explosive arc around it. Chuck was breathing heavy but his emotions were under control again.

“Hi honey. Are you alright? Chaos is behind me.”

Samantha laughed as she came up behind Chuck. She gave a snort of amusement before speaking into the comms. “Gee Boomer, are you going to leave anyone for the rest of us? I think you left one piece. Do you want a steam roller to finish the job? I am taking a picture of this. The next time someone threatens Duke or Frigga, I am going to tell them that this is what happened to the last guy.”

Media Before Monaco

Soundtrack: Carly Rae Jepsen - Call Me Maybe

“This is Baetriz Caetana with the EU Observer. We have a Formula AG exclusive. There is a rumor going around the paddock that Paul Mulder from Team Valkyrie AGR Sport is dating Han Hyeon-Ae from Team Zygon. The two have been seen in public a few times now. Is love in the air for these two pilots? They were seen together at a Cafe in Tokyo after the race. (The screen moves from the talking face to a picture of Paul and Han at the Cat Cafe in Tokyo. Paul is leaning forward. There is nothing too suggestive about the picture. They are clearly framed in the photo sitting across from each other. The reporter continues to speak as the picture remains on the screen.) They were seen together at a mini golf park in Portugal the day after the race. (The picture appears on screen of Paul laughing as Han has a serious look on her face as she is lining up a shot with a putter in her hand. Cassie is not in the image. The screen shifts to an image of them sitting at a table having lunch. Paul is leaning towards Han. Han has her face turned towards him and her lips are slightly parted. Again there is nothing overt in the picture to suggest anything personal. Again Cassie is not in the picture, yet she was there and sitting at the table.The screen cuts back to the reporter.) Is this the start of something romantic? A friendship? Be sure to follow the EU Observer as we follow what could be Formula AG’s new power couple.”

“This is Lilly Stryker from TMZ. We come to you today with some hot rumors flying around the Formula AG Paddock. Paul Mulder of Team Valkyrie has been spotted in public more than once with Team Zygon’s Han Hyeon’Ae. Rumors are flying around that the two are seeing each other. Is there romance in the air for Mr. Charming and Formula AG’s Ice Queen? The EU Observer shared photos that they had acquired of the couple in public. TMZ has verified that the photos are undoctored. Furthermore we have acquired our own photos to share. Take a look.” (The screen shifts to a picture of the group of pilots hanging out together at the BioCHO sponsorship event. Paul is smiling and looking at Han in the picture. They are surrounded by other pilots and nothing is very suggestive about the photo other than the smile on Paul’s face. The screen shifts to a picture of Paul talking to Han at the party that she hosted in Tokyo after the race. Paul is leaning towards Han in the picture and standing close to her. There are other people in the background and Cassie is off to the side in the shot. Paul’s head is lowered blocking her face partially from the angle the shot was taken at. The screen shifts again to a picture of Paul with his hand on Han’s back guiding her out of the restaurant in Portugal. This time you see Cassie in the shot as Paul holds the door open with his other hand. You see Cassie with her face turned saying something to the two behind her. Han is moving past Paul out the door and their bodies look as if they are brushing past one another. Han has a slight smile on her face. Again the photos are totally innocent but could be misconstrued to mean anything.) “While we couldn’t find any juicy photos, we can confirm that the two seem to be seeing alot of each other. TMZ has not had any responses back from Team Valkyrie or Team Zygon. We are still waiting for the two pilots in question to deny or confirm these rumors. Be sure to follow TMZ as we keep you informed of developments. This has been Lily Stryker with TMZ.”

“This is Lauri Ivan with Victory Laps Racing News. The internet is flying with rumors that Paul Mulder of Team Valkyrie is dating Han Hyeon’Ae of Team Zygon! Photos have been shared that show the two together in public in multiple places. Can the rumors be true? There have been no comments from either pilot or their teams about the rumors. Remember to follow Victory Laps Racing News as we try to get to the truth of these rumors.” (links to the photos on the EU Observer and TMZ)

"This is Hans Keller with Gossip. We have some hot gossip for you today from the Formula AG Racing World. There are rumors flying around that Paul Mulder of Team Valkyrie has been seen in public with Team Zygon’s Han Hyeon’Ae. The rumors are that they are romantically involved. The pictures are suggestive but don’t show anything definitive. Some of the pictures are clearly sponsored and Formula AG related events. So one might discount these rumors but there are also pictures of them eating together and playing mini golf in Portugal the day after the Portugal GP. Gossip has acquired a few pictures to share of the couple together. Take a look. (The screen shifts to a picture of Paul and Han sitting across from each other talking at the Cat Cafe. Both of them are petting a cat. The screen shifts again to the BioCHO event where Paul and Han both have a drink in their hand and are seen with fellow pilots. The screen shifts again showing Paul and Han eating lunch at the restaurant at the Mini Golf place in Portugal. Han is laughing and looking at Paul. Paul is smiling and looking at Han. Cassie is not seen in this photo.) The two have definitely been spending time together as we can see from these photos. They seem at least friendly. Remember to follow Gossip as we keep you informed of where this Gossip is going. This has been Hans Keller with Gossip.”

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KingKofiFan: I could care less. At least she is not stalking Kofi.
$erwa: I don’t care about Zygon or Valkyrie. Why should we care about them dating? Not that I think they are.
Jan2084: I don’t believe this. Fake News!
Bertha: Mulder deserves the Ice Queen!
NoraRules: Could care less about this. I just want to hear that Nora is recovering and when her next race will be.
BadBrad: @NoraRules I agree I would much rather hear about that.
ApexSuperFan: No wonder neither of them can win. They are too distracted with each other!
AGInthusiast: I will believe it when I see a picture of them kissing in public. #FakeNEWS
TeamCondorSF: I would rather hear how Ava is doing and how she is preparing for Monaco.
Susie: Ewww! I think Mulder could do better.
Abdullah: ROFL have you seen what the bots did to Kais. It is much more entertaining than these rumors. Better eye candy too! (link to the Kais romance bots with photoshopped images of him shirtless.)
Bertha: Thanks for sharing that Abdullah! Hubba Hubba!
Roberto: Han is a spoiled brat. Astrid should not have been sanctioned for telling the Ice Queen how she caused that accident.
Merica1: I have to agree with Susie I think Mulder could do better.
Zygonista: You have that wrong… All hail Zygon Queen Han Hyeon’Ae! She can do better than Mulder!
BadBrad: Who would want to date the Ice Queen?
ValkyrieFan56: (crying face emoji) Paul No! You can do so much better!
SuperfanAGR54: It looks like Paul is trying to follow in Dorian’s footsteps after all. #AGPlayboy
BeaLover: I have no skin in this game. Can’t wait to see what Bea posts next. Wonder what she thinks of this rumor?

Pilot’s Group Chat

Paul: @Han I am so sorry. I have no words.
Paul: @Kais Nice abs!
Paul: @Nora & @Ava your welcome for distracting the press from bothering while you recover.


Getting Ready for Monaco

Alexander Knight
Paul Mulder

Alexander was grateful to be back on terra firma. The trip to the moon for the lunar race had been a nice break in routine. It also had the advantage of making him unavailable for the masses of media that had been hounding him for interviews and comments about the situation with the CEO. Alexander knew that his decision to pursue charges against the former CEO and head of human resources would cause strife and unrest for the team. Alexander knew it was the right thing to do ethically and morally. At least those they had harmed will get some minor satisfaction out of the criminal proceedings. There had been so much publicity surrounding the trial that the judge had ordered the proceedings sealed and the jury sequestered. The media had been locked out of the courtroom. The judge announced that the media would only be allowed back into the courtroom when the trial was completed so that they could hear the verdict and sentencing. The court case was due to be completed before they headed to Monaco. Technology and lower crime rates had resulted in cases being prosecuted in a much more timely manner in this day and age. In the past a case of this magnitude might have taken years as it crawled its way through the criminal justice system. Alexander had been called to give testimony in court. Evidently Maier and Brendel’s defense team were claiming that they were framed by Alexander. The digital records debunked that since there was evidence of their actions before Alexander ever joined Valkyrie. Alexander was called to testify as to how the fraud was uncovered. Alexander had been grilled on the stand for over 4 hours. He had left the court feeling wrung out and tired. He had taken the remainder of the day off.

He had called Arianna to check in with his daughter. Her cybernetics were allowing her to take care of herself and return to her normal life. She was back in her dorm room at UCLA. She was working on finishing her interrupted semester’s work for credit. She was grateful for her roommate who knew her before her face had been plastered all over the news from around the world. Arianna was still adjusting to people who would call her name as if they knew her. People approached her and tried to get to know her just because of who she was. She was nervous and skittish about that after the incident in Italy. She shared all of her worries and triumphs with her father as they caught up. He in turn told her about what it was like to travel to the moon. Arianna disclosed to him that her mother had tried to contact her. On the advice from her therapist, she was still refusing to speak with her mother. They talked on the phone for almost an hour before Alexander had a nice meal and a beer. He then went to bed and slept through till the next morning. He had finally caught up on some of the sleep he had missed due to the stress of dealing with Brendel and then the moon.

Alexander went to work the following morning with a lighter heart. The first thing Alexander did was contact Cavan. He explained what he wanted from the engineering team.

Alexander: “I want you to tear those ships back to the frames and rebuild them. Check every component for wear and tear. We experienced so many malfunctions on the moon. I want to be sure we are ready for Monaco. I want a spec build specifically for Monaco. Let me know what you need. We need this win. Especially after everything that has happened. We need to send the message that the Team can still win and are rising above the drama. That we can meet the expectations of our fans and sponsors. You have a good team of engineers and mechanics to support you. Any resources I can send your way I will. Let me know if you need anything special.”

Cavan had been expecting something like this and already had the mechanics tearing the ships apart. While Alexander was on the moon, he had been brainstorming with the remaining engineering team on what they could do to improve performance before Monaco. They already had some ideas on how to make the ships perform better at the famous track. Cavan had also been inducted into the engineering team by way of night out at the Drunken Dragon. They managed to avoid the culture vultures this time. Their night of happy drunkenness didn’t make the news. Cavan was grateful for that small miracle as poor Knight had his hands full already. Cavan’s wife and children were enjoying the adventure of living someplace new. The children had been enthusiastic about their new school. They were finding the school work more interesting and were more engaged in their studies. He was grateful that the move to Germany was benefiting more than him.

Cavan: “Understood Alexander. The team is already working on it.”

Alexander smiled and nodded. “Great! I look forward to hearing what you have come up with.”

Alexander hung up his video call with Cavan. He crafted an email informing FIAR the racing authority that Paul Mulder’s ship will be presenting a special livery at the Monaco race. Alexander had checked over the rules and evidently he simply had to inform them in writing of the planned livery. He shot the email off asking for confirmation of receipt and if any additional information was required at this time. He then double checked his calendar and was pleased to see that Mabel had cleared his morning schedule so he could meet with poor Katherine who had borne the brunt of the media’s clamoring for attention, interviews, and comments on the ongoing legal action against Brendel and Maier.

Alexander and Katherine reviewed what she was already doing. She had stuck to the narrative that they had discussed. She had declined any further comments. Alexander explained Paul’s request to Katherine. Katherine was excited to have something positive to work on for news for the team. She discussed launching a social media campaign designed to tease the information out to the public bits at a time to build excitement for the upcoming Monaco race as something special.

Alexander reached out to the training team and explained that he wanted both pilots back in the simulator and the test track. They needed to get acclimated back to driving in atmosphere and gravity. He wanted both pilots to hit the training hard. He wanted to see them working on their physical and mental endurance. He wanted them training hard on the ELS systems as well. He knew the ships would be unavailable for a bit as Cavan and the rest of the engineering team worked to rebuild them and ensure they were ready for Monaco. There would be time after they were rebuilt to get a feel for the newly modified ships on the campus test track. He knew they really needed a good showing at Monaco.

Alexander spent the rest of the day reaching out to sponsors and touching base. He wanted to send the message that they were still important to him and the team. He hoped that with time they would trust his leadership and support the team as they had in the past.

Social Media

Team Valkyrie AGR @TeamValkyrie:

Team Valkyrie AGR Sport welcomes our team home! Paul Mulder (@ValkyriePaul) and Dorian Hornfleur (@ValkyrieDorian) are training hard for Monaco.

Pilot’s Group Chat

Paul: Bring your A game! I am training hard for Monaco.


Lunar Race

Alexander Knight
Paul Mulder

Alexander had done his best with what he had on hand. The sad truth was that the directional thrusters were susceptible to clogging by the Lunar dust. He had tried everything he knew to help relieve the problem but the underlying design was flawed. They were designed to give exceptional thrust but the calibration on them was delicate. They managed to make it about halfway through a race before lunar dust began clogging them up or jamming the calibration on them so they misfired. Alex was frustrated as he had really wanted the Lunar race to be a good experience for Paul and Dorian. The team could use some much needed distraction from all the legal proceedings and gloom and doom predictions from the media and the threats from sponsors to pull out. Alex was grateful that Enigma Lux and Orion had decided to stand with the team. Alex was under pressure from the European Union Space Agency and other sponsors for a win. They wanted the bad press from the CEO to go away. Alex regretted that the team had to go through all the rumor mongering and speculation from the media and the court of public opinion. Alexander had been there before. He knew he could weather this storm. He was worried about the impact to the team. He couldn’t in good conscience let the man walk away free. He had harmed who knew how many people through the years.

Alexander had done his best to give both Paul and Dorian a pep talk. He was honest about the issues with the directional thrusters that helped the ship stay on the surface and turn in zero gravity.

“Expect them to work till about half way through the race. If you can keep them on even if at a low flow it will help keep them from clogging. It is the calibration feature that keeps clogging. Dust builds up inside it and pushes it out of the true center. That is what is causing the issue with them. I have glued a fine mesh over them to help prevent dust from accumulating on them. I am not sure how much help it will be. Or how long it will hold.”

Alexander looked both pilots in the eyes before dropping his eyes to the ground.

“I feel like I have let you down. Just go do your best. That’s all I can ask.”

Alexander should have talked one of the other engineers into coming with him. He sighed and patted both pilots on the back before helping them into the cockpits and sealing them inside.

“Good luck Paul and Dorian.”

Paul was still tense and frustrated with the ship. He knew that Alexander had done the best he could. He was also frustrated with himself. He had trained hard for this race on the simulator. It was another thing to get here and experience the environment and how difficult it was to navigate in. It was like all his instincts had been turned off without gravity. He had a lifetime of navigating gravity, windspeed, the impact of air flow over his craft. It felt counterintuitive to use the engines to move the craft forward and relying on small directional thrusters to keep the ship on the track. He would get a handle on how the ship handled in zero g and then the thrusters would misfire and he would find himself fighting to keep the ship on the track once more. Paul couldn’t help feeling like it was a sign he didn’t belong at this race. His confidence had taken a hit as he trained on the moon this week. He had done his best to block out what was happening back on Earth but he was being bombarded with interview requests. It seemed like everyone that had ever met him was asking what he was going to do next.

Paul went through his pre race checklist. Only this time he was in a spacesuit. The gloves on his hands sealed for pressure against vacuum felt a little bulky compared to his normal suit. He went through the checklist and came up green.

“Radio check Alexander. I am showing green on all systems. Mulder is ready for the race.”

Paul heard Dorian checking in with Alexander as well and going through his checklist. Alexander wished them luck one more time and then it was simply wait till start. Paul was in his poll position, in place behind Nora Kelly with Bea Ward behind him. Tension and energy seemed to be rife at the starting line. There was a sense of urgency and seriousness among the pilots. Usually there was some joking overheard on the radio as pilots joked around with their team prior to the race start to bleed off tension. There was none of that today. Almost as if all the pilots knew how much more dangerous this race could be than on Earth.

Then it was time as the countdown started.



Paul hit his engine thruster and the ship shot off the starting line. He once more experienced a few moments where he had to dial the ship back in. The ship was not responding like he was used to in gravity. The ship was faster without wind resistance from the atmosphere. His muscle memory for flying on the moon taking critical moments to kick in. Paul cursed as the front of his ship danced loosely as he went into the first turn. Paul used cussing at his ship to relieve stress in the moment.

“Stop acting like a god forsaken FORD. I will trade you in for a Yugo!”

Paul had to focus hard on what he was doing and didn’t care that the censors for the broadcast were doing their best to bleep out his bad language. Paul was doing his best to keep his ship on the track. He saw ships changing places ahead of him. He got the hang of the ship once more and took off in pursuit. He was pushing as hard as he could to try and catch up with those in front of him. He was slowly closing the gap when he began his second circuit. He traded places with Bea a few times. He screamed at his ship as he saw her go past him.

“You waffling piece of sheep turd!”

He pushed his ship after Bea. He closed again with Bea. He managed to take back his spot with a slick move at one of the turns. He gave a triumphant grin as he felt better. He once more charged after Nora while defending from a takeover of Bea behind him. He had to defend against her ELS a few times as well. Paul was grateful to be holding his own. He was gaining on Nora when his thrusters started to act up again.


He was fighting to keep his ship on the track once more. He gritted his teeth and fought just to maintain his position. He saw Nora pulling away from him as he fell back. It felt like Nora had hit a turbo booster. He gritted his teeth and pushed the speed even as the ship bucked the thruster that was supposed to help push the ship down towards the mag track acting up and pushing the ship to the right instead of down. Paul fought to keep the ship moving forward. He was focused on just keeping his ship moving forward when alarms blared across his console and his ship set down in a hard stop. Paul looked over his instrument panel trying to figure out what the malfunction was. His heart was racing as more adrenaline dumped into his system.

Paul called to Alexander over the radio.

“Alexander, my ship shut down. I was fighting to keep it on the track. I have alarms across the dash and it shut down. I don’t know what’s going on.”

Alexander’s voice was thick with worry and tension as he told Paul over the radio.

“Paul there are two accidents on the track. The race has been shut down. Marshals are en route to the affected ships. Bring it back to the paddock.”

Paul noted finally which alarms had been going. He had been so focused on fighting the ship he had missed which alarms. He felt sheepish and every inch a rookie. He felt like the dumbest rookie ever. He had trained for this. He knew what every alarm on the dashboard meant. It just went to show how tightly wound he was over everything that was happening. He sighed and felt his cheeks burn with shame. He punched in the code to restart the ship and followed the track back to the paddock. He could see other ships that had been behind him heading back in.

“Who crashed?”

Alexander’s voice was bleak as he answered. “Bjorn, Nora, and Ava.”

The color drained from Paul’s face. If he hadn’t been fighting with his ship, he might have ended up in the middle of that crash since he had been right behind her. Nora was good. She was scary good. “How bad is it?”

Alexander hit the transmit button on the radio. He sighed as he answered the young pilot. “It is a bad one Paul. Bring it in.”

Paul followed orders but he took his time coming back. He was composed before he made it back to the paddock. He got out of his ship as fast as possible and joined Alexander. He asked to see the replay and what was happening. Paul followed the dramatic rescue as details came to those waiting anxiously at the paddock. He held vigil with the rest of the Valkyrie team as they waited for word that all the pilots had been picked up and rescued from the track. Paul couldn’t quite describe the relief he felt as he found out everyone was alive. It was only then that he allowed himself to find out the race results.

Paul went to see Nora while Alexander and the team were packing up the team’s gear. He saw Kais leaving. He snuck into Nora’s room. He noted the odd plant next to her bed on the nightstand. He had been told that Nora was in a drug induced coma until they could get her planetside for surgery. Paul didn’t know Nora very well. She was one of the rookies he was trying to get to know better. He appreciated that for her racing was about more than being famous and money. He had seen that in her. He felt she was somewhat a kindred spirit. He had hoped she would take him up on his drifting challenge. He had been very jealous of her progress so far this year. She was someone he would forever measure his rookie year against. Her and Kais. They had set the bar high. Nora had always seemed so full of energy that she almost vibrated with it. To see her lying in the hospital bed looking so fragile and still seemed eerie to him and wrong. He sighed, not quite sure he knew what to say or even if he would be welcome. He had felt driven to at least check on her.

“Hello Nora. I know we don’t know each other well. I respect the hell out of you though. I am so jealous of how well you are doing so far this season. I can tell that racing for you is more than a way to fame and money. You are really good at it. I kept hoping you would take me up on some of my invitations. I know that danger is inherent in what we do. I know that better than most. I look forward to our rematch once you have recovered. I will not accept anything less. Call me if you need motivation. I am happy to be of help. I want a rematch when we are both whole again. I want to see you in a race soon. Get better quickly now. I don’t want there to be any excuses when I finally manage to beat you soundly.”

He grinned and smiled down at the wan figure in the bed. Yeah that would motivate him. Maybe it would help motivate her. He couldn’t fathom finishing a season without her. It just wouldn’t be the same. She was without a doubt the best rookie of the season. The one we were all watching and hoping to be. He stayed for a few more minutes quietly watching her chest rise and fall. He found the sound of her heart beat echoed by the machinery almost reassuring. He left quietly.

Alexander managed to squeeze out a few minutes before they were due to take off back to Earth. He walked into Nora Kelly’s hospital room after checking in with the duty nurse. He looked down at her and noticed the dips in the covering where her arm and leg should be. He couldn’t help comparing her situation to Arianna’s. Nora’s was a simpler injury for cybernetics to help. That didn’t mean having it forced on you was easy. He should know. He sighed as he looked down at the young woman.

“Nora Kelly, you were born to be a racer. Your good kid. I want you to remember something. You might need two new artificial limbs. They don’t define you. Nora Kelly is a spunky feisty racer with a give no fucks attitude. Don’t let anyone tell you differently. Even those closest to you. Artificial limbs are sometimes necessary. They don’t change who you are deep inside. Hold tight to that. I know you are a fighter. I will see you on the track again. If you lose your ride, come see me.”

Alexander didn’t know much about the young racer. He would hope that someone would be there for Arianna if he couldn’t be. He left her as quickly as he had come. The demands on his time here at Luna as the team principal had been fierce. He felt better having spent a few moments wishing the young woman well. He wished someone had given him the same advice.

The trip back to Earth had been strained with tension. All the racers who had accidents were recovering or expected to recover. Tension among the team was high. They hadn’t done as well at Luna as they had anticipated. Paul had been excited to race on the moon. He had to admit that if he never set foot on the moon again, he would be okay with that. The only thing pushing him to return was that he refused to be defeated by the moon. He knew now that he would need a great deal of training before setting foot back on the moon. He also knew their ships would need to be completely reworked before setting foot on the moon again. He did his best to push the accidents behind him. He couldn’t help but think about his father after everything that had happened on Luna. He approached Alexander and took a seat opposite him. Alexander looked tired to Paul’s eyes. He tilted his head to one side as he tried to decide how to start the conversation.

Paul: “Can we talk about Monaco?”

Alexander was tired. He had to play engineer and team principal on this trip. He had a backlog of forwarded urgent emails from Mabel on decisions that needed to be made by him. She had waited till after the race to send them. He was getting caught up on what he missed while away on the moon. Mabel’s email to him told him he should try to catch up on the trip back. She also ended it with a reminder to get some rest. He had rolled his eyes at that but then smiled. He knew she was screening his email but he still had over 50 items on her to do list to check off. He had been working on his tablet when Paul sat down across from him. He looked up as he heard Paul speak. He nodded and set his tablet down.

Paul looked a little nervous and then straightened up his spine and squared his shoulders. “I would like to race in an alternative livery at Monaco. I want to race in my father’s colors. It would be a good tribute to his memory. Monaco was his favorite race. I want to win at Monaco for him. Our ship should do well there. Will you let me?”

Alexander kept a neutral face as he regarded Paul. He considered the young man’s request. He didn’t see how things could possibly get any worse for Valkyrie. Alexander looked over Paul’s face. “I will check into the rules and see what I can do. I think that is a mighty fine idea Paul.” He gave Paul a genuine smile. “I know that was your father’s favorite race. It was the first time he beat me. We met at that race.”

Paul looked surprised. He hadn’t realized that Alexander might have memories of his father at Monaco too. He knew that Alexander knew his father. He kept forgetting that they were not only competitors but friends too. He smiled at Alexander. “Will you tell me about it?”

Alexander’s eyes crinkled at the edges as he smiled. His eyes took on a faraway look as he remembered a past time.

“I had just gotten signed to Formula 1. I was young and trying to impress this young female journalist. He overheard me telling her I was going to win. He walked right into the middle of my interview. He told me the loser had to buy the beer. I just laughed and told him he was on. Later that night he drunk me under the table.” He smiled as memories of good times and a good man he had called friend flashed across the back of his eyes. He blinked and seemed to come back to the moment.

“Cavan will begin rebuilding the ships and checking everything to ensure they are ready for Monaco. If we get the permission, you have my permission to run his colors for the race.”

"What was your reaction to the crash?"

Paul had suspected this question had been coming. He had been surprised that Delta Hyper had waited this long to interview the pilots after the dramatic lunar race. Paul had his neutral face on with a serious look in his eyes.

“What we do is inherently dangerous. No one likes to see accidents happen but the fact is they are bound to happen. I don’t like seeing people hurt in our sport but all athletes see injuries on occasion. It comes with the territory. I for one wish them all the best and a speedy recovery.”

Paul paused to let it sink in that he was answering about all those who had been injured, not just Nora. He continued his statement.

“It is a simple fact that Nora Kelly is having a stellar Rookie season. If she is going to beat me, I want it to be when she is at her best. I hope to make her work for every win.”

Paul gave a sincere and charming smile to the camera.

“That is my job as one of her competitors. I couldn't be more proud of my fellow rookie though. I can’t deny being jealous that she is having such a great rookie season. I hope to catch up to her but only if she is a 100 percent! It wouldn’t mean as much if I beat her otherwise. It needs to be an honorable and honest win or it doesn’t mean as much.”

Social Media

Team Valkyrie AGR @TeamValkyrie:

Team Valkyrie AGR Sport sends Felix Burkhart good wishes at his new home at Carerra Condor.

OfficeDrone#12: Felix went to Carrera Condor! That was a surprise.
SuperfanAGR54: Still upset about that. They seemed to struggle at Luna.
DantheMan: Valkyrie doesn’t seem to be doing well without him.
BatDave: Like Batman, sometimes it takes time to formulate a plan.
Superfan2075: Luna was disastrous. Paul did okay but Dorian…
DadBod89: Yeah what happened to Dorian? He was the pilot with experience.
Hater101: According to interviews there were technical issues with the ships. I bet they are missing Burkhart now!
Papabear34: At least the Valkyrie pilots were not part of that series of crashes. Paul was right behind Nora Kelly.
Nana2050: Prayers answered that the team is home safe.
GeorgeFly: There is certainly a shroud of uncertainty around team Valkyrie.
ValkyrieFan56: P7 was not bad for Paul. It was the first time he had raced on the moon.
Weedhead81: Paul can you tell us if there is weed on the moon? How is smoking weed in zero gravity?
SexyM@m@5: Well we know where Burkhart went now. I am unsure if it was a step up for him.
Paulmulder4eva: That was a scary crash. Glad Paul is back on the Earth.
Britball12: Well Luna certainly showed that Valkyrie needs Burkhart.
!YouSlow!: Valkyrie disappointed on the moon
xImFasterthanUx: Burkhart will do well at Carerra Condor
AGInthusiast: P7 is not bad for Paul. Disappointed in Dorian
micheal650004: I hope that manage to improve at Monaco
Bertha: Valkyrie botched the moon as expected

Pilot’s Group Chat

Bea: “@Paul @Dorian I swear we didn’t know.”
Paul:@Bea “I believe you. Don’t worry Bea. This doesn’t affect anything between us. Burkhart is a stand up guy and a great engineer. Your team is lucky to get him.”

Fireteam Anvil

Samantha "Chaos" Dalton

Chuck "Boomer" Simmons

Soundtrack: Warrior - Fighting for the Earth

Chuck had been firing at targets of opportunity as the CAV flew along the dirt track bumping along. Samantha was driving the CAV and so far they had attracted some attention but the CAV was moving fast enough the PLA had just started to respond.

Samantha called out “This is going to be a fast stop. When I stop everyone going to the barracks gets out fast.”

Chuck released the strap that was attached to Duke’s harness that secured him to the CAV seat. Chuck lays his helmet against Freya’s so she can hear a private message from him. “Stay alive, beautiful. We are going on a real date after this.” The CAV had pulled past the row of large tents when it rocked to a stop.

Chuck jumped out of the CAV with Duke following him. The CAV rocked as his weight left the vehicle as the shocks responded to less weight. “This is my stop! Thanks for the ride, Chaos.”

The CAV stopped in front of one of the geodesic dome buildings. Chuck ducked between it and a row of tents. He had explosives ready to plant. He wanted to set up explosions for a distraction later. He began to plant charges along the outside of the building. Duke followed along at his side like a shadow. Soldiers began to respond to the team’s arrival, fortunately for Chuck they were focused on chasing down Samantha and the ruckus up front. They didn’t even glance in his direction. Chuck used the team’s attack to divert their attention away from what he was doing. He was quick as he rounded the building, planting explosives close enough together to drop the building. The building was rigged to blow. The timers were tied into the AI in his suit. He smiled, noting that he had yet to be noticed. He checked the bag he had slung over a shoulder that had the prepared C4 charges. He still had plenty. He grinned and looked out over the tent city and began to make his way towards that large center tent.

Chuck did his best to duck down between tents so he was not such a large target. He was lucky that they were using large ten meter tall tents. The kind men could move around inside standing up. He began to make his way to the large tent they thought was the command center. He quickly began to place explosives under the back wall of the tents as Duke watched his back. The troops who had seen the CAV had begun to track the vehicle. They had not noticed him yet. Chuck broke into a run moving quickly keeping low. As he planted explosives in every third tent. He was moving quickly.

A soldier responding to the alarm going up came around the corner of the tent and Duke lunged his jaws closing over the man’s throat as he rode his body to the ground. The man’s scream was cut off in a gurgle as Duke tore the man’s throat out. Chuck placed the explosive and kept moving after a quick pat on Duke’s head. “Good boy.”

Chuck’s carbine caught the next soldier to find them in the head with a bullet. The man dropped like a marionette with its strings cut. Chuck picked up the man’s rifle and let his carbine fall on his tactical sling. He would conserve his ammo and use what he had found.

Duke alerted him to another soldier. Chuck was in position thanks to Duke’s warning and quickly grabbed the man, twisting his head to the side, breaking his neck. Chuck was moving as fast as he could towards the large tent.

They had not been slowed down much yet as the two of them worked as a well oiled team hitting the PLA fast and hard. Chuck saw a group of armed soldiers running away from the large tent. Chuck quickly placed explosives along the back wall at 10 meter intervals. Chuck smiled as he activated a larger explosive package with a short timer as he came around the side of the tent. He tossed the larger explosive package inside the entrance. He then began to run after the large group moving away from him.

He raised the rifle he had stolen and fired into the back of the five man team. He managed to drop three of them before they realized they were taking fire from the rear. Duke grabbed one of them leaping at the man as Chuck used the butt of the rifle to hit the other man in the face. The man dropped and Chuck turned to help Duke. He put a bullet in the man but Duke didn’t release the man’s throat. That was when the explosive package he had chucked into the large tent went off shredding the canvas and support structure sending shrapnel flying in a 50 meter arc.

Chuck sighed and looked at Duke. “Spit that out! You don’t know where it’s been!” Duke growled but obeyed Chuck this time. Chuck shook his head in disbelief. “Now you think you're a comedian.” He chuckled and began to make his way back towards the main road. The explosion had cleared enough of the tents that more soldiers were noticing him now.

Chuck was being targeted by all the soldiers emerging from tents in the area. He fired the rifle he had taken until it was empty. Chuck was tall enough to see a pickup truck with a heavy machine gun mounted on a tripod in the back coming towards him. He ducked behind yet another row of tents. He set off the explosives he had planted on the smaller tents on his way to the large one. They were going off a few seconds apart adding to the confusion as more shrapnel hit the soldiers running by. His radar and lidar picked up inbound helicopters.

Chuck: “We have heavy machine guns on pick ups and helicopters inbound. If you are by that geodesic dome by the barracks, get away. I am bringing the iron rain. Boomer out.”

Chuck found himself the primary target as more soldiers were converging on his location or trying to intercept him. He saw some infantry combat vehicles rolling his way as well. He kept moving back towards Freya. “I am heading back towards you, Battle Goddess. I am bringing company. I hope you don’t mind.”

Chuck grinned as he bantered with the love of his life. While he didn’t like her being in danger, he knew she could hold her own. It was kind of fun to fight with her. He turned a corner and ran into a large group of soldiers who were unloading pistols at him. Thank goodness his armor just shrugged that off. He simply began punching heads and knocking them together. He knew he would need his ammo for heavier targets. He pulled out Lucille and began to make short work of the lightly armored guards. He was tracking the vehicles and waited till they were crossing in front of the geodesic dome building and set off the explosives. The metal siding and supports shredded taking out the pick up and one of the infantry combat vehicles. The pickup was flipped over in the shock wave while the infantry combat vehicle’s armor saved the people inside but a large piece of shrapnel shredded the front tires causing it to collapse onto the axle. It was not going anywhere. The other ICV’s armor got peppered with shrapnel but its wheels were free and still rolling towards him.

Samantha had dropped off the heavies by the barracks area. She had quickly turned the CAV towards the hanger with the mechs in it. She had dropped off Adam outside it as she drove the CAV around the edge of the building. She was looking for an alternative entrance. She wanted to get in unseen so she had time to hack the mechs inside. She slammed on the brakes as she passed a side door. She grinned as she thought to herself “Bingo!”. She climbed out and made sure she had all her gear with her. She was surprised that there was no real security on the door. It was simply a mechanical lock, no biometrics, or cameras. She got the feeling the building originally had another purpose. It had been co-opted by the PLA and they hadn’t had time to revise their security much. They probably didn’t expect anyone to be crazy enough to assault them head on. Samantha quickly picked the lock and slid inside the hangar.

She quickly found out why they hadn’t bothered with security. There was a squad of soldiers assigned to the bay. They had cots laid out in the back corner with footlockers. The soldiers were going about their business. Some of them were eating breakfast. A few were on patrol duty at the main hangar doors. The side door she had come in was for personnel. The large hangar doors rolled up to allow easy access to take the larger equipment and vehicles in and out. There were two mechs in the hangar as well as a heavy armored vehicle with a mounted heavy machine gun and grenade launcher. There was no way Samantha could sneak in and do what she needed to do without taking them out. She sighed and stretched her neck back and forth before grabbing two of her knives. She was grateful for her black armor as it helped her hide in the shadows. She began to stalk her first victim.

She didn’t want to waste more time than she needed to. She was conscious it would take time to hack the mechs. She snuck up behind a soldier who had his back to her who was checking his rifle. She grabbed him with her hand over his mouth to muffle his cry as she quickly used her knife to end his cries. She let his body fall to the ground as she helped him fall silently. She stepped over him and moved along the wall towards the group in tha back on the cots. She managed to catch another who looked like he had just woken up. He was sitting on the edge of the group. She snuck up behind him, keeping low. She once more clamped her hand over his mouth as she slashed his throat. She let his body fall to the cot. She rolled across the floor and under another cot. This time she stabbed up through his throat from underneath the canvas cot. She knew her luck had run out as a shout went up. She rolled again and came up on one knee as she began to throw daggers.

She managed to catch the man giving the alarm in the throat. She turned to the next guy but he managed to deflect the dagger as it lodged in his forearm. She pulled out her pistol and targeted the same man. She managed to nail him in the chest. She was now up on her feet and moving fast. She was using all her parkour skills to bounce around and stay out of the reach of the men chasing her. They had fired at her a few times but she had managed to keep moving. They were having a hard time hitting her. She used one cot like a trampoline causing it to flip over as she launched herself towards the man who was their leader if the rank insignias on his collar were correct. She left a knife in his chest as she then flipped backwards and landed between three soldiers closing on her. She pulled out the tungsten carbide fighting sticks and put them to good use. She nailed one in the head and he dropped like a sack of flour. The other two had some hand to hand skills and managed to dodge her next few blows. She managed to land a blow on one of the men’s ribs. He fell in a cry of pain curled up on his side. The last one managed to land a punch that had her reeling for a moment as she saw stars. She recovered with a sweep that took his feet out from under him. She hit him in the head with one of the sticks. She knew there were at least two more guarding the main doors. They had guns on them.

She used what cover she could find as she took fire from the men by the door. She heard their radio crackle and knew she was out of time. If they reported about her then she wouldn’t have time to hack the mechs. She ran as fast as she could towards them. She pulled out two more knives. She was more accurate with her knives than her guns. She flipped one end over end towards the guard on the right. She nailed it. The other dodged her toss. He was firing directly at her as she approached. She zig zagged to make it harder for him to hit her. He clipped her arm which spun her off balance. She raised her pistol and fired at his head at close range. She couldn’t miss from this distance. Suddenly there was silence in the bay except for the crackle of the radio as soldiers were reporting being attacked. She quickly dispatched anyone left alive. She didn’t have time to babysit them and she couldn’t be interrupted. She pulled the bodies out of her way. She used one of their blankets to clean up as much of the blood on her as possible. She didn’t want it to drip on a circuit board while she was working. She got out her tools and opened up the access panel on the first mech.

“This is Chaos. The PLA had a party waiting. I crashed the party. Working on the objective now.”
Delta Hyper Before Qualifying Interview

"For your first time on the Moon, you seem to be enjoying yourself Paul! It sounds like you've adapted well to the challenge, and I imagine you're seeking to keep your point lead on Zygon. Has the team got any targets for this season in spite of the changes, or is the sky the limit?"

Paul smiled into the camera looking relaxed.

“I am enjoying myself on the Moon.”

He leaned forward like an eager kid.

“I am racing on the Moon! How many people get to say that?”

He grinned into the camera and winked before relaxing back into the couch.

“I am doing my best but I can’t deny that racing on the Moon is a bigger challenge than I thought it would be. I am adapting as fast as I can. Well my goal is to win all my races. Of course I want to keep my point lead on Zygon. The team is working hard to remain a contender for the constructors championship. There is still a lot of season left. I like our odds.”

He grinned into the camera.

Post Qualifying on the Moon

Soundtrack: Stronger - Kelly Clarkson

Paul cursed as he fought the ship. He had learned in gravity and the ship simply didn’t follow what he had trained for. He knew that Alexander had done his best to retrofit the ship for this race. It came down to Paul’s skill and having to unlearn what he knew about piloting the ship. All his skills and experience included gravity, aerodynamics, weather, and wind speed. He had managed to acclimate to the moon’s environment but not enough to be very confident. He still felt like he and his ship were at odds and fighting. The ship was winning. He knew his reaction times were slower as he had to stop and apply what he knew about flying on the moon. Some things were counter intuitive for him. It cost him fractions of a second everytime he had to react in the race. Those fractions added up and were costing him position and time as he made his way around the qualifying lap. He was frustrated and wrung out emotionally and physically by the time his qualifying lap was over. He knew he hadn’t done as well as he normally did. He felt like he had let the team down. It didn’t help that even here on the moon, he was distracted by what was happening with the team. Reporters kept hounding him for another statement. He had never had so much trouble focusing on what he needed to do in the ship before. He was struggling but he didn’t feel like he could ask Dorian for advice as he was struggling worse than he was.

Paul had pulled the ship into the hangar after the race. Alexander was waiting for him. Paul sighed as he popped the canopy and climbed out. He pushed off the wing of the ship and floated down to the ground in front of Alexander. His knees easily bending to cushion his landing. Alexander reached out to lend him a hand so he stayed on the ground. The hangar had an atmosphere so the crew could work on the ship. Paul pulled off his helmet and waited for Alexander to say something.

Alexander gave Paul a comforting smile.

“Paul with all the distractions and this is your first time on the moon, I think you are doing as well as can be expected. I wish I had advice for you but I never had the opportunity to race on the moon. Is there anything else we can do to get the ship ready?”

Paul thought about what he had experienced in the qualifying round.

“The thrusters are still firing just a little unequally. It causes the ship to float out to the left when I am turning in that direction. It makes it harder to bring the ship back to equilibrium. I know we have spent the last week trying to dial all that in.”

He shrugged beyond frustrated with himself and the ship.

“I honestly don’t know what else I can do.”

Alexander regarded the young pilot and could see the tension in the way he held his body.

“Paul, you need to unwind. I can see the tension. If you are too wound up, you are going to make mistakes. You need to find a way to get rid of this tension. Hit the gym, hit the heavy bag. Play a game of chess, get drunk. I don’t know what you need to do, but you have to relax some. Or tomorrow will be more of the same. I will work on the thruster situation and see if I can get them balanced for you.”

Alexander gave his shoulder a comforting squeeze before giving him a smile and motioning him out of the hangar.

“Now get going. I have work to do.”

Alexander dismissed Paul and turned to find his mechanics. They needed to recalibrate the ship’s thrusters once more. The damn regolith and space dust kept clogging them up and causing them to fire erratically. He was struggling to come up with a solution to fix the issue.

Paul sighed and walked away. He was unsure what he could do to relax. He felt like his entire future was on trial along with the CEO. He was frustrated because he couldn’t do anything about it. He was frustrated with his own performance. He knew he could do better.

Paul retreated to the team’s plane. He had found the plane to be a little more comfortable and private than the quarters set aside for them on the moon. He still had to do the Delta Hyper interview later. He needed to calm down before then. He took some time to get out of his space suit for a bit. He was in the pressurized cabin in the plane. He got something to eat. He munched on the protein bar and sipped the high protein shake as he squeezed the package it came from. He had settled into a chair with a tablet in his lap. He had settled on some old fashioned games to take his mind off where he was. He played mahjong and solitaire until his alarm beeped telling him it was time to go meet the Delta Hyper team.

"Paul, not the best qualifying for you, but it seems like Dorian was struggling even worse. Do you think you can turn that around tomorrow, based on your comfortable practice sessions?"

Paul was seated on the Delta Hyper Couch in his racing under suit. He felt very exposed as the suit fit like a neoprene dive suit. It didn’t leave much to the imagination. He put one leg up on his opposing knee. He tried to look casual and relaxed even if he was not. Only the tension along his shoulders revealed how he was really doing.

Paul kept a serious expression. His usual playful and charismatic self was missing.

“I can’t speak for Dorian. I have had better runs here on Luna. The team is struggling with a technical issue on the ship from lunar dust. Knight is working on the issue. I hope to have a better showing tomorrow. I have to admit that it is a challenge and a whole new set of skills to pilot a ship on the moon. I had hoped to acclimate faster but we will just have to wait and see. We will all find out tomorrow how the race results shakeout.”

Paul shrugged knowing he had done everything he could so far to put in a good showing on the moon.

Social Media

Paul Mulder@ValkyriePaul

Thanks to Enigma Lux, I even look good on the moon!

[Picture of Paul in his racing space suit designed by Engima Lux on the moon with the Earth rising in the background.The shot is majestic with the sunlight catching on the dark gray and golden yellow suit.]

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