Casino de Monte-Carlo, Monaco
Alexander Knight
Soundtrack: The Unlikely Candidates - Follow My Feet
Alexander had a great deal of work for him to handle now that he was available. Investigators for the government agencies from multiple nations, the European Union, and FIAR had questions for him. They all wanted their own time with him to go over his role in the discovery of various things even the explanations were the same. They all wanted their bit of time to interview him face to face. Alexander had no choice but to set things in motion as soon as he got back and trust his staff, his team, to do their parts and handle it. Alexander had almost a week of time taken up by various interviews for a variety of government investigators and regulatory agencies. The work that Leopold and Wulfric had done with the available Board Members was almost complete as they worked to update all of Team Valkyrie AGR Sport’s policies to prevent similar abuses in the future. The updated policies would have to be reviewed and accepted before the team would be allowed to take on any new sponsorships or endorsements. Alexander had managed to stop in at the Engineering Department and check on Cavan’s progress with rebuilding the ships. He managed to stop in and check in with Dorian and Paul during their training sessions. He just wanted to be sure that the two pilots had everything they needed to focus on the next race. He did his best to minimize their distractions and support them in their training.
He was grateful that the Team Valkyrie campus had everything they needed in one place where the team could help provide security. Wulfric had caught several members of the media trying to sneak deeper into the team’s headquarters seeking an exclusive on the government investigation into the CEO’s activities. Alexander’s respect for Katherine had grown to new unparalleled heights as she skillfully navigated the press storm that had swallowed the team up whole. Like Mabel, he would have to find a way to show his appreciation for all she had done once she had a moment to breathe. The media’s interest in the story was not waning since the judge had sequestered everyone involved in the CEO’s trial and ordered a media blackout due to the sensationalism by the tabloid press and the intense interest the public was paying to the trial. They were eager and hungry to report on any tidbits they could get for now. All the staff were being escorted in and out by security just so they could make it past the cordon of reporters camped at the entrance. They were avidly reporting anyone coming and going from the team’s headquarters. The government agents, investigators, and auditors were just as frustrated by the press’ presence. Wulfric had his hands full. Alexander decided he should probably invest in a scotch company. He probably owed Wulfric a very expensive old bottle of scotch by now.
Mabel waited till Alexander had caught up on everything that happened while he had been on the moon. She had taken almost sadistic pleasure in informing of his invitation to the Casino de Monte-Carlo event in Monaco.
Mabel handed Alexander the custom invitation that had the crest of the Royal House of Monaco embossed on the envelope. Inside was the invitation to the event. One had to have the invitation to get past security to enter the event. Each invitation had an encryption key that was said to be unbreakable.
Mabel grinned wickedly as she stood waiting patiently while Alexander opened the envelope and read the card inside.
Mabel: “You have been invited to the Casino De Monte-Carlo event on Thursday evening before the race. Your invitation arrived by courier from the Prince of Monaco. You can’t ignore this. Not with everything going on with the team. You will be expected to accept his invitation and show up.”
Alexander read the invitation, unable to appreciate the feel of the fine cardstock under his fingers. Alexander had older prosthetics. The sensitivity settings on older prosthetics are no one near what newer ones could do. Alexander was so traumatized over having to have his arms replaced the first time. He had never considered upgrading his prosthetics. He heard Mabel but was pulled back to another time in his life. It was considered a great honor to get the invitation. Alexander shouldn’t be surprised. He had attended this event in the past when he was a driver. He had lost the Monaco race to Audrick that year. He had still made the podium in third place. Alexander’s memory flashed on the opulence and sheer ludicrous displays of wealth that surrounded the Monaco race. He had been younger then and was trying to prove that he was still a man after losing his arms. He had been a lot more adventurous and a freer spirit back then. He winced as painful memories of how the press had treated him after Audrick’s death had resulted in him retreating from public life. He had left racing to pursue engineering and a quieter life. He thought he had left all this behind him. He had not considered that he would be expected to attend this event when he started preparing for the race. Mabel’s voice pulled him back to the present.
Mabel’s voice softened as she saw the shadow of memories and pain flash across Alexander’s face. “Alexander”
Someone who didn’t know him well might miss it, but not her. She sighed as he took all the fun out of her being able to tease him about the need to try out his new tuxedo from Enigma Lux.
Mabel called his name again. “Alexander.”
Alexander blinked and tucked the invitation back into the envelope. “Yes Mabel. I understand. I didn’t even consider this in preparation for Monaco.”
Mabel gave him a wicked smile as she crossed her arms. “Well isn’t it convenient then that you are under contract with Enigma Lux and already have a nice new tuxedo to wear to the formal event. Have you considered the appearances on how you will arrive?” She paused for a heartbeat before adding. “Are you going to take a date?”
Alexander’s head whipped up as he met Mabel’s eyes. “A date?” He almost looked panicked.
Mabel smiled as she had managed to snap him out of his funk. It was a bonus that she still got to tease him a little.
Mabel: “Well you can show up without a date. It is not strictly a plus one event. If you do want to take someone you will need to let security know in advance. If you don’t take a date, well that leaves you to your own devices all evening. I am sure there will be many people wanting to talk to you.”
Mabel grinned as she saw conflicting emotions playing out on Alexander’s face. She felt like the cat the canary as she managed to maneuver him to where she wanted him as she continued.
Mabel: “If you had a date, they might be able to save you from conversations you don’t want to have. Dare I suggest a certain model you enjoyed spending time with in Tokyo?”
Alexander cringed visibly as he looked a little green at the idea of having to navigate such a public social event after all the events that had happened at Valkyrie. Alexander had been avoiding social responsibilities citing that he was tied up at work which had the benefit of being true. This was not an event he could ignore or skip though. The one plus was that sponsors would probably not be there. There would be FIAR representatives and other team principals. He would have to pass through the press to get into the event. Alexander felt a moment of panic. Then he smiled as his only prospect for a date flashed before his eyes. He remembered his time spent with Lena in Tokyo. He grinned as made a shooing motion to Mabel.
Alexander: “Okay you have had your fun. Now get out! I have a phone call to make.”
Mabel protested even as she turned to leave.
Mabel: “But Alex, you didn’t answer my question.”
Alexander chuckled as he saw through Mabel’s maneuvering but she wasn’t wrong.
Alexander laughed and motioned for Mabel to keep moving.
Alexander: “Well I need you to leave so I can ask Lena if she is free.”
Mabel looked gratified at that answer and went without any further protest.
Alexander swallowed nervously even as he called Lena to see if she was free and would be interested in spending the Monaco race with him. Alexander was in luck since Lena picked up his call on the third ring. After a brief conversation, he grinned as he walked to the door and looked over at Mabel.
Alexander made sure to make his face neutral as he told Mabel in a stern voice. “Mabel, I need you to make travel arrangements for Lena Bouras for Monaco. Please bill it to my personal account.” He watched her for her response.
Mabel was not so easily surprised and just nodded with a pleasant smile. “Of course Alex.”
Alexander tried not to be too disappointed that he had not managed to surprise her. She always seemed to be two steps ahead of him.
Alexander had arranged to have himself and Lena driven to the Prince of Monaco’s event at the Casino de Monte-Carlo in an antigravity limousine. The limo pulled up to the entrance of the Casino and a doorman stepped forward to open the door. Alexander stepped out in the tuxedo Enigma Lux had designed for him that he had worn in the fashion show with Lena. Alexander was in a black tuxedo with black velvet lapels. The shirt was a white silk. It was paired with a black silk double breasted vest with a valkyrie in flight embroidered on the vest in gold. There was a winged valkyrie helm styled pin in gold where the bow tie would be. He was wearing a watch with a black band and gold face. He was wearing the black dress boots to complete his look. Alexander had on the black Orion watch with the gold face on his left wrist. His hair was styled in soft waves that were pulled back away from his face. Alexander’s beard and mustache were neatly trimmed. He looked sharp and powerful in the tuxedo. It accentuated his strong shoulders and slim waist. The press waiting behind the barricades near the entrance went bonkers when they saw who had climbed out of the limo. The flash from cameras and drones lit up the night like lightning. It seemed every reporter was calling his name trying to get his attention. He turned back to the limo and reached in and took Lena’s hand to help her out of the limo. Alexander deliberately blocked the press’ view of Lena as he waited for her to get her balance and ensure her dress was laying properly. He looked down into pale green eyes that sparkled with mischief as she smiled up at him.
Alexander: “Are you sure you want to do this? It’s not too late. I can have the driver take you back to the hotel.”
Lena winked at Alexander and laughed as she found his attempt to be chivalrous funny.
Lena: “Alexander spending time with you is a pleasure, besides I won’t deny it has been good for my career as well. Now are you ready to introduce me to the world?”
Alexander gulped as his nerves had him on edge. He wanted to jump back into the limo. He and Lena had a long conversation about what being seen in public might be like for her. She had been surprisingly alright and had expected most of what he had told her. Alexander had come clean about his ex-wife and worries. Lena had been sympathetic and understanding. They had both pledged to take it slow, be honest with each other, and to just let things develop as they would. Alexander smiled at her as he gave her a quick peck on the cheek.
Alexander: “Did I tell you how lovely you look tonight?”
Lena laughed as she patted him on the chest. “Yes I believe you told me three times before we even left the hotel.” She raised an eyebrow at him. “Alexander you are stalling. Come on. It won’t be that bad.”
Alexander sighed and nodded as he moved to her side and let her wrap her arm over his as he began to escort her towards the casino entrance. Lena’s long chestnut brown hair was swept up in a classic chignon held in place by a pearl comb. Her formal dress was a deep burnished gold color that fell to her feet. The bodice was a halter style with a jeweled studded color that mimicked a necklace in blue colored gems. The soft gold fabric was snug around her bosom in an empire waistline. The fabric flowed away from her body and clung to her curves as she walked. The slit up one leg allowed her ease of movement. Lena had chosen sapphire blue colored designer heels to go with her stunning dress. Lena had chosen to wear colors that would complement what Alexander was wearing and give a nod to Valkyrie’s team colors. Some of the press obviously knew who Lena was and called her name. Alexander stopped at the section before the entrance set up for media interviews. He held up his hands to quiet the press so he could speak. He smiled even as he put his hand over Lena’s where it was wrapped around his arm.
Alexander: “Hello everyone. I am still not at liberty to discuss the ongoing legal proceedings and investigation into the former CEO of Team Valkyrie. I am here to enjoy the party with my lovely date, Lena Bouras. Doesn’t she look lovely?” Alexander waved a hand to indicate Lena. “I would like to take this opportunity to thank Enigma Lux and Orion Luxury Watches for their continued support and sponsorship. I look fabulous tonight thanks to them. My lovely companion for the evening is weaning Shindo. Now if you will excuse us. We have a party to attend.”
Alexander turned and escorted Lena into the casino with the press screaming for more information from him. The press were almost rabid as the doors of the casino closed behind them shutting out the noise from the overeager press corps.
Alexander walked away from the entrance deeper into the casino. His eyes darted around to see who was here. He saw Dorian off to one side speaking to some of his fellow pilots. He saw Paul talking to Helena Starcross. Alexander turned his head to look down at Lena. He motioned a waiter over and handed Lena a glass of champagne from the tray the man held. He took one for himself as well. He took a sip before he took Lena’s hand and began to look for their host. It would be rude not to greet the prince.
Alexander spotted the Prince of Monaco with a small group around him. He led Lena in that direction but before he got there, Peter Thatcher, the team principal for Silver Apex intercepted him. Alexander had nothing personal against Peter Thatcher but he did find the man slightly cocky. He supposed that the man had earned that right after dominating the sport for so long. There was just something about the man that made Alexander more wary around him. He always felt as if he was being judged.
Peter: “Hello Alexander. I am surprised to see you here. I understand you have been avoiding the spotlight.”
Alexander gave Peter a polite but forced smile. “Hello Peter. Not intentionally. I have just been very busy. I am sure you can understand that. There has been a lot to handle and do. Allow me to introduce my lovely date. This is Lena Bouras.”
Lena smiled and nodded her head graciously at Peter. “A pleasure to meet you Mr. Thatcher.”
Peter gave Lena a perfunctory smile in response. “Nice to meet you Ms. Bouras.”
Alexander started to excuse them so they could continue on their way when he was interrupted once more by Peter.
Peter: “It is a shame that Valkyrie has been doing so poorly. I wish you all the best with the FIAR investigation. But please don’t let me stop you. I just wanted to wish you luck here in Monaco. You are going to need it.”
Peter walked away chuckling while Alexander ground his teeth. Valkyrie’s practice run here in Monaco had gone very well. Their performance must be making Peter anxious. Alexander knew the man was playing psychological games with him but with all the stress Alexander was already under for the team to perform, Peter’s verbal barbs were getting under his skin. He growled softly, his eyes boring into Peter’s back when soft lilting laughter from Lena jerked his attention back to her. She was laughing at him, her eyes danced merrily with amusement.
Lena: “I can’t believe you let him get away with those childish games Alex. Why don’t you focus on me instead.” She leaned into his side and whispered in his ear. “You owe me a dance after we pay our regards to the host.”
Alexander looked a little startled and then smiled since she was right. They went to pay their respects so he could enjoy his evening. The Prince of Monaco had spotted them as they approached. He gave Alexander a warm inviting smile.
Prince: “Mr. Knight, I am so glad you accepted my invitation. It has been too long since we had the pleasure of your company.”
Alexander released Lena so he could give the prince a courtly bow. “Good evening your royal highness. It is a pleasure to be invited to attend once more.” Alexander straightened to his full height and then rested his hand protectively on Lena’s back. “Allow me to introduce my date for the evening, Lena Bouras. Lena, this is the Prince of Monaco and our host for the evening.”
Lena gave an elegant curtsey with a nod of her head to the prince. “Prince, it is a pleasure to be here.”
The small group of people around the prince seemed to be very interested in their conversation, not that there was anything revealing about it or odd. Just a host and guest trading polite dutiful acknowledgement of each other.
The Prince took Lena’s hand and kissed the back of it gallantly.“Ah but our events would be very poor and bland without the attendance of such lovely flowers as yourself. I hope you enjoy yourself this evening.”
Lena looked a little flustered and her cheeks colored prettily.
Alexander chuckled and inclined his head at the monarch. “I know you are busy with your duties. I owe this lovely flower a dance.” Alexander was relieved to spirit Lena away from the prince. He smiled as she took a bracing drink of her champagne. He was amused that Lena seemed so flustered. She seemed to take everything else in stride but a prince kissing her hand undid her. “First time meeting royalty?” Alexander grunted as Lena elbowed him in the side.
Lena: “Hush you!” She set her empty champagne flute down on a passing waiter’s tray. “You owe me a dance.”
Alexander pretended to be hurt favoring his side as he led her out to the dance floor. “But of course Miss Bouras. Please don’t hit me again Miss Bouras. I will be a good boy.”
Lena chuckled as she took Alexander’s hand as his hand wrapped around her waist. “You Mr. Knight are trouble! Now let’s see if you remember how to dance. You don’t have two left feet do you?”
Alexander enjoyed the evening. Lena intercepted any uncomfortable conversations and helped him escape those that he didn’t want to be sucked into. Alexander noted that his two pilots seemed to be enjoying themselves. Alexander and Lena stayed at the party for about two hours before retiring to their hotel room.
Before Qualifying
Café Villeneuve, Monaco
Friday, June 2nd, 2094
0950 EST
Café Villeneuve, Monaco
Friday, June 2nd, 2094
0950 EST
The High Life
Paul blushed as he realized that he gushed a little too hard and probably didn’t think through how arrogant and pretentious that sounded. Paul swallowed hard. Maybe he could salvage this.
Aurora: “Lots of people to thank! It sounds like you're in a good position to do so this weekend, a lot of positive talk about the Valkyrie chassis suggests that your team are the frontrunners here."
Paul gave Aurora what he hoped was a smile full of humility. “I apologize Aurora. Getting to race at Monaco in Formula AG has been one of my goals. Valkyrie didn’t perform well at the Lunar race. The team experienced a great deal of mechanical issues. Knight ordered the ships rebuilt from the ground up for Monaco.” Paul grinned into the camera with a wink. “Well I can’t say for certain that team Valkyrie will be in the front of the pack but I can tell you the upgrades to the ship are custom built with Monaco in mind. Dorian and I have both been training hard for Monaco. The new ships built by the engineering team led by Cavan Mitchell are performing well. I think we may surprise a few people.”
"After your tussle with Amy at Portimão, do you think you'll be tested? Many pilots talk about that psychological pressure of her being behind you- what's your method of dealing with the pressure?"
Paul did his best to look relaxed. He was worried that he came off sounding arrogant and cocky instead of confident. He was hoping he sounded confident. He tried to put on a serious look as he contemplated how to answer Aurora. “Amy tests everyone on the track at every race. That is expected from a racer of her caliber and record. Don’t misconstrue what I am about to say. Amy is an excellent racer. I respect her record and skill. But Amy is just another racer on the track. Yes I am aware that she is there. I am racing against myself. I am out there to push myself to do the best I can. I want to do better than I have in the past. I push myself to give the best performance I can no matter who is behind or in front of me. The best way for me to tell if I am improving is to compare my performance with myself. Are my lap times getting better? Am I smoother in my overtakes? Am I trying new strategies? Am I pushing myself harder in training? What are my gains? What should I be training harder on? That is what I worry about on the track.”
What Paul didn’t say was that pilots that worried about where Amy was, had already lost half the battle to her because she was in their heads. He tried not to put her on a pedestal and stay grounded in reality. She was good but he wanted to be just as good if not better than her. He didn’t want to build her up psychologically as an opponent that couldn’t be beat. If he was always looking for where Amy was on the track, too much of his attention and decision making process was tied up in that. Paul tried to focus on what he could control and what was behind and in front of him. He did his best to plan ahead and respond accordingly but races could change quickly and pilots had to be ready to respond to those changes. Paul tried to take that bigger picture approach while focusing on his immediate environment in a race.
Casino de Monte-Carlo, Monaco
Paul Mulder
Paul was enjoying his conversation with Helena. She had led him to one side of the room where he could hear her easier and they didn’t block the flow of traffic. Not many people talked about F1 anymore. Formula AG was in the coveted spotlight that F1 used to enjoy.
Helena shared some of her story. “So you see, in 2058 I properly quit after I had twins, Lewis and Ellie….that made me finally give up. And now my grand-daughter, Mary is out here in the karts….and she keeps asking me for stories about racing while she’s sitting in the simulator. There are so many more than the ones in my biography....maybe I'll share them with you lot before I kick the bucket.”
Paul laughed and nodded along with Helena. “I would buy that book! Please let me know when it comes out so I can buy a copy.” He winked at the older woman. Helena encouraged him to enjoy Monaco and go mingle with his peers.
Helena: “You ought to have another drink. It is Monaco, Paul. There are literal royals and you are a VIP here. Go be yourself, and mingle. I remember every evening here like it was yesterday….and I’d give anything to be as young as you, so relish it.”
Helena imparting the wisdom of a lifetime to a younger person. “No point talking to an old lady who has no idea about these fancy anti-gravity ships. Let me know when you’re ready tomorrow and we’ll catch up, okay?”
Helena took his hands and gave them a gentle squeeze. Paul couldn’t help but notice that while Helena’s skin had the papery feel of age the grip was still strong. Paul noted that there were others wanting to speak with her. He gave her a genuine smile and bowed over their clasped hands. “I look forward to spending more time with you tomorrow Helena. It has truly been a pleasure. I will take your advice and go see what the event has to offer me. Till tomorrow dear lady.” He gave her hands a reassuring squeeze before leaving her to the next person waiting to speak with her.
Paul began to look for his fellow pilots so he could say hello. He looked for Ava and Nora in particular. He saw Ava in a group with Bea, Harrison, Wedge, and Max. He picked up another glass of champagne on his way over to the group. “Good evening everyone. Ava it is nice to see you back on your feet. I hope you are doing well. So what are we talking about?”
Round 7 of Formula Anti-Gravity
Friday 2nd June, 2094
Monaco AGP
Circuit de Monte-Carlo, Monaco
1400 EST
Friday 2nd June, 2094
Monaco AGP
Circuit de Monte-Carlo, Monaco
1400 EST
Paul climbed into the cockpit of his ship. He settled into the pilot’s seat. Paul’s safety harness came down over his shoulders. He clicked the various straps into place and tugged ensuring everything was snug but not limiting his movement. He massaged his driving gloves so that they were situated well on his fingers, allowing for maximum manual dexterity. He plugged the ship’s umbilical into his neural port with a click. He locked the umbilical in place by pushing the lock levers down so that they caught the lip around the port. Paul felt the momentary rush of disorientation as his brain adjusted to the sudden stream of data from the ship. He went through the deep breathing exercises and the cognitive exercises he learned from the training team. The breathing exercises increase his oxygen intake allowing his brain to function better while he is experiencing g forces during the race. Paul had found the cognitive exercises had helped him deepen his connection to the ship, improve his neural reflexes, speed up his decision making during races, and manage the information from the ship better.
Paul started up the ship and began to go through his checklist. Paul’s ship was rocking a livery that followed what had been on his father’s ship at Monaco the first time he had won. The ship was a glossy black with the curves highlighted in an electric neon blue that almost seemed to glow. The stark contrast in the colors made it feel like it was in motion just sitting still. Once the ship was at speed the colors would be a blur to the visible eye almost as if Paul was painting the course with the neon blue color. The colors are very reminiscent of Team Valkyrie’s colors, just black in the place of dark gray. Paul’s flight suit was black with matching neon blue piping along the seams and curves, giving it a very futuristic look.
Carmella’s warm businesslike tones came over the radio. “Radio check Paul.”
Paul responded in kind. “Radio check. I can hear you fine. I am plugged in and all systems are registering green. Readings in engineering?”
Carmella’s businesslike voice was reassuring to Paul. “We are reading all the ship's telemetry at this time. All systems are green in engineering. I confirm the ship is ready for the race start. Move the ship to the starting lane. Your start is in 2 minutes. Good luck Paul.”
Paul acknowledged his engineer’s message. “Understood Carmella. Moving to the starting lane. Race starts in t-2 minutes.”
Paul eased the ship out of the paddock bay and onto the pit lane entrance onto the track. Paul was unsure which pilot was out on the track at the moment running their qualifying laps. It didn’t really matter who it was since he would have to wait till everyone had finished to find out what pole position he got.
Carmella’s voice came over the radio once more. “Paul, you have clearance to enter the track for the start of your qualifying race.”
Paul pulled the ship onto the track following the speed limits for the track. He stopped the ship at the starting line. The sensors on the ships aligned with the track to let him know he was in the right position. Paul’s hands tightened on the steering yolk as he waited for the countdown. Paul had an excellent start. The ship shot off the starting line like a bullet. Paul smiled as the ship stuck to the track and took corners like the ship was on rails. Paul found himself in the zone where everything around him seemed to fade away. Paul felt as if he had merged with the ship. The ship was responding to his every thought. The data feed was smooth with no hiccups. Paul’s racing line was smooth in and out. Paul felt as if he had to barely nudge the ship around the Sainte Devote. He opened the ship up to full throttle through the Beau Rivage. He used the air brakes on one side of the ship to throw it around the corner at the Massernet. He sped up and repeated the maneuver to flow through the turn at Massenet and the Casino turn without losing much speed. He was making up time in the corners. Paul used the ship’s stability to stick the Mirabeau Haute and the hairpin. He made the ship look like it pivoted on a fulcrum with very little loss of momentum. Inside the ship Paul was being thrown into his restraints and from side to side as he experienced almost punishing g forces. The ship was stable and turning on a dime. Paul picked up speed once more through the Tunnel and the Nouvelle Chicane. The race was almost a religious experience for Paul. It felt as if everything had come together at the right time. The turn at Tabac felt almost gentle compared to the hairpin. Before Paul knew it he had made it through the last two turns finishing strong. He felt so honored to race here where legends had been born. The Monaco Race held significance as one of those races that set racers apart. He could almost feel his father’s presence in the cockpit with him as if he was his copilot. He was smiling as he flashed over the finish line.
Carmella’s excited voice came over the radio. “P3 Paul! This is your best time so far this season! Great job!”
Paul smiled as he pulled the ship back onto pit lane and into the paddock hanger. He unlocked his neural umbilical and took a moment to release his harness connections. The engineers and mechanics were all cheering when he climbed out of the ship.
Paul: “Thank you so much everyone. I wouldn’t be here without you all.” Paul clapped in return as he thanked them for their hard work. “Thank you all for your hard work! We just showed the world that Valkyrie is here to compete in Monaco!” There was laughter and cheering throughout the garage. Paul couldn’t stop smiling.
After Qualifying
Friday 2nd June, 2094
1800 EST
Friday 2nd June, 2094
1800 EST
La Phénix
Paul Mulder
Paul arrived later than most of his fellow pilots to Amy’s Yacht Party. Paul laughed as he heard the raucous party being hosted by Astrid from Team Nordic Call on a nearby yacht as he climbed from the motor boat that had ferried him from the dock to the yacht the party was being held on. Paul was dressed in another Enigma Lux look. He was wearing navy blue dress pants that hugged his physique. He was wearing boat shoes that were navy with white trim. He was wearing a soft gray silk shirt with a turquoise colored vest with wings embroidered in silver on the vest. His hair had some product in it to make it hold its shape against the wind and provide some volume. He climbed to the deck that the party was on and began to mingle. He made sure to stop and say hello to any of Valkyrie’s sponsors that were attending, BioCHO, Zap, and Orion Luxury Watches were present. Paul smiled and tried not to snap after the tenth person had asked him how things were going at Valkyrie. He just kept smiling and saying, “Things are going well. The ships have been rebuilt since Luna. We expect to do well here in Monaco.” He avoided even mentioning the CEO and the legal proceedings as he kept his responses to racing.
Social Media
Team Valkyrie AGR Sport:
Team Valkyrie AGR Sport is excited to announce that Dorian Hornfleur took the P1 pole position in qualifying at Monaco with Paul Mulder taking P3! Be sure to cheer them on and watch the race on Sunday. Be sure to visit the Valkyrie AGR Sport online store to get your officially licensed Team Valkyrie gear! [Gear Store Link]
Team Valkyrie AGR Sport is excited to announce that Dorian Hornfleur took the P1 pole position in qualifying at Monaco with Paul Mulder taking P3! Be sure to cheer them on and watch the race on Sunday. Be sure to visit the Valkyrie AGR Sport online store to get your officially licensed Team Valkyrie gear! [Gear Store Link]
OfficeDrone#12: Valkyrie rises! Dorian P1 and Paul P3! Go Team!
SuperfanAGR54: Yes! This is what I was hoping to see from Valkyrie!
DantheMan: Finally! Can we just focus on the racing?
BatDave: I am Batman!
Superfan2075: About damn time. Been waiting all season for this.
DadBod89: Finally Dorian showing his true skills.
Hater101: Well they are doing well until the next drama bomb from Valkyrie.
Papabear34: #GoValkyrie
Nana2050: #ValkyrieFlies
GeorgeFly: Yes! This is what I have been wanting to see.
ValkyrieFan56: P1 & P3! The team finally got their shit together.
Weedhead81: I told you guys that they just needed to relax.
SexyM@m@5: @valkyriedorian Call me!
Paulmulder4eva: @valkyriepaul I sent some encouragement to your inbox! *blows kisses*
Britball12: Qualifying is important at Monaco but the race isn’t over yet.
!YouSlow!: Waiting for race results and the next drama bomb.
xImFasterthanUx: Now they have to hold onto those places.
AGInthusiast: Qualifying is not the race
micheal650004: At least the team is showing improvement in spite of the drama.
Bertha: Qualifying is not the result. Waiting for the race results.