Avatar of BigPapaBelial


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Current I just wanna sleep...
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Just one more day again...one more...I hate long shifts...
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One more day on shift...then a half day to feel human again...adulting sucks.
1 yr ago
Starfield may have been the sci fi game I needed to replace Elite Dangerous
1 yr ago
My community needs an enema -.-
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The Shaman (somehow) continues on!

The thing finally falls.

A giant bullet hole being one of many things that finally fells it. A blast of Micheal's magic helping it along.

And finally it falls.

And it's then that Mikey takes a step back out of the rune circles he made, steps back slowly a few times then flops to his rear with a thump. Magical smoke hazing up off the angry red and yellow magic burn on his arm. He sits and hisses and looks around, "Why do we keep encountering these things?" He asks, not really expecting an answer.

Getting to his feet he makes his way over to the car, "Well it'd be worse if Bossbot was the one driving, but I think once we get back to HQ she can looked at. We need a proper rest period. Tune up for Boss Bot, and maybe some medical attention? Eh? Anyone?" He flops back and looks around, "Where the..." He peeks under the seat then pulls down the middle of the back seat and again there are his diefic friends, sitting, yes sitting, in the trunk, around a power table, the dealer being a hippo-headed being in gold and ebony clothing.

Micheal closes the middle hatch and sighs, "I'm not sure how an Egyptian goddess got here...I'm not going to ask."

He fishes out some emergency medical stuff and reapplies the poultice from before as best he can. He rubs his arm, then looks to Scarlet, "How you doing Red? Need anything?" He holds up the medkit curiously, shaking it back and forth abit, "Pain killer? Bandage? Polysporin? I don't got much." He looks over at Faye, "How about you Faye?"

Ahhhh okay I getcha. Rock on then.
Well that's alot of Heavies.

See how this all plays out now.
Reeled in, Ready to Roll, Battle Goddess on the go

Frigga buzzed up into position, dropping the repel line to Chaos, "Ah be gentle now Chaos hunny, this is my first time." She can't help but chuckle. Then throttles the jets way way down, just enough to help keep her aloft. And with a steady pull she approaches the side of the installation. She raises a hand to fend off the rock wall, and then with a bump, she's on the ground. She waits and bobs for abit as Sam ties her down with the second repell rope. Then comes the onerous slow task of getting herself out of the suit, "You guys...can exfil anyway you guys want after this...I'm coming back up here and retrieving this thing...I'll hump it out if I have too...mom would strangle me if I left something like this here. She finally gets lose and falls about 6 feet from where she had been in the suit. Landing lightly on heavily armored feet. She hits a few buttons and her armor comes into combat mode. Power lines under the plates buzzing, plates whirring into place. Shield emitters sliding into place, then canting, and one by one the pieces seem to gain a mirrory camo briefly as it's all tested out.

She smiles, "Now I'm ready." She touches her comms unit "Frigga on the ground. Chaos and I will rejoin shortly." She lowers her hand and grabs the silenced air pistol she used earlier. Palming it then shifting it immediately after, "Ah Chaos my dear girl, I could kiss you. Maybe later." The big woman takes the pair of throwing axes, sliding them back into place, beside the 4 others festooned about her armor, "Good, full set. You know you should have seen the pair my father used. By the time he retired from active combat they had been ornamented and tuned to fly true and look good doing it. Maybe I'll do the same. Dad would love that."

She gets her things in order then motions, "After you lil' Lady. I'll bring up the rear, let's catch up with Boss Lady."

And into step she falls following along behind Chaos, and despite her size and the weight of her armor, she's quiet as she goes. The shield emitters turned to stealth mode creating a moving stealth field about her, she picks her way along, up the stairs Skye mentioned and up to catch up with Chaos and finally meeting with Skye, "Heck of a ride." she whispers, the little gas operated stealth gun in one hand, the other holding one of those weighty looking throwing axes, "Lead the way girls. I don't think me being in the lead would be good for the mission. I can fire over your heads if need be."
A single Frigga luftballon

A steady hand on the control stick brought them in over the cliff top base.

A slight push and twist, and they came in over the pinged location.

She licked her lips and settled in. Hovering there above the ground, gazing down at the mountain side, "Careful now kids. I'll remain in a holding position until you guys are ready." She steadied the rig as Chaos and Skye prepared to repel. She held still the jets spinning abit keeping position, "Ahhh I see them. Hold on. Okay...when you're ready boss lady." The clack of the silenced weapon took out both guards. And Frigga finished the descent to the repel point.

With a big smile she whispered into the comms, "And thank you for flying Air Frigga, I'm going to pull back about 100 meters, and above the cliff edge, to stay out of sight, I have a few silenced weapons on me this time around, but they won't do much at range like this. I'll also be able to keep a kind of general overwatch" The pull as the pair slid down the ropes caused the jets to flare briefly, then she called, "Recycling lines. Be careful girls!" The repel lines whirring back up into the holders.

With a soft hiss of the jets the large rear whisked up, and around, hiding out of sight, but able to keep an eye on the moving of the team.

She waited and watched then gasped, buzzing out from hiding.

A pair of guards had come out from inside and were behind the pair on the ground. Coming up behind them but not able to see them. Frigga's voice harsh on the comms, "Both of you freeze!" Seeing them both stop at the words, and seeing them turning, they saw the gaurds, but the guards had no time to see them. A paired Whumps. And two aluminum throwing axes catch the guards high in the throat for one of them and the other having severed his spine about mid back. No time to even scream as a pair of whistles, as Frigga floated up just off the railing, a gas operated dart gun having needled the both of the prone guards, "Sorry about that. Someone mark those axes, I don't want to leave them behind. Keep going."

The large ballon girl floated and kept pace with the team now, keeping an eye but doing her best to stay out of sight as well, she's a huge target. As they cleared the lower outer area she buzzed up towards where Chaos had said she might have seen that winch had been, she peered in, "Hey that could work, and there's room in there to stash the suit, and I think some gas canisters in case we want to use the suit to get out."

The big bootied babe motors along to catch up to the team, "I'm going to lose ability to provide air cover once you guys going into the upper area, so if you want me to join you, now is the time." She eeps as a gust of wind almost sends her spinning, "It's getting kinda cold out here can I come inside?" Big ol' Frigga sounding hopeful.
No no not a Skitarii. Dear gods that would be cool though.

I was thinking like the Regiments Combat Engineer, that one Enginseer with his halbred wrench and an auranic pistol marching in along side the guard to see to their las rifles later on.

Ohh 40k RP? Yes please. Could I apply as the token Mechanicum Cogboy?

Well thank you for the spectacular RP appreciated. Have a great day boss.

So I guess what I would like is ideas one what you may want me to include in the write up I intend to do one how the rest of the chapters would have gone. What options do you think you all would have picked? What would you have done in each chapter? I'll do a big write up story like on it all and post it as a RP ending summary.

So, I want to apologize, this has been a long time yet again with no post from me. And I'm sorry for that.

I want to say though I'm considering bringing this RP to a premature close. Now I know you guys will say, "No, why?"

With my RL work load I'm having a hard time keeping up with all my RPs, on top of GMing Conflict. I can't keep up with RL work, RPs and GMing. I come home tired from work and off shift I barely have the energy to catch back up before I'm back to work.

I had planned for no less then 6 chapters, with one come to an end soon actually. And we had written so well, I was going to have us take the good ending out and not the bad ending.

But I can't find the energy to keep up with us and that's what gets me. I don't like that I take so long trying to give you guys good posts and guidance into the next section.

Now since day one, I've had an idea in my head for a RP end summary if it ever came to an end before we could write our way there. But I want to give you a guys a say in it too.

I'll let you guys get a say in if you want me to write out what I had in mind or we can trade some discourse here, I can tell you what I had in mind for the other 4 chapters before the end, and then with your input write up a Game End summary.

Maybe some day in the future I may try Conflict again.

In the meantime I just want to thank you guys for your persistence and determination to stick with me here.

Again thank you, and I'm sorry for the state of things and the premature end of the RP.
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