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Just one more day again...one more...I hate long shifts...
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One more day on shift...then a half day to feel human again...adulting sucks.
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Starfield may have been the sci fi game I needed to replace Elite Dangerous
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My community needs an enema -.-
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Yo really?

Look boss I'll be honest I thought I leaned way to heavy into the idea. But damn man thank you.

I'm glad it passes muster. I'll put it into character thread when I get home after my work day.

Hey Boss, I'm finally done my CS. Hope it looks okay to you man. Let me know if it isn't.

Just waiting for Boss man here @TheNoCoKid To get us rolling now.
One step at a time, that's what it takes
Freya Kanatarrio

Freya lay on the oversized medical bed. Drowsing, as the drip of painkillers on the metal stand beside her bed slowly adminstered the stuff to keep her shoulder from hurting too much. Her family had headed off for the evening and promised to return before they left the next day.

So as the large woman lay, she's alone when a voice wakes her from her stupor. She blinks away the touch of Morpheous, then looks about. And then a huge smile, "Sam!" she calls, and waves with her good arm, "Hey there girlfriend!" She says with a drowsy giggle. Then gently reaches out and hugs Sam carefully, "I'm...not great. I was stupid sweetie. I hurt myself bad. I'll be out of action for abit. But I have something to work towards. So I can get back on my feet and get back to making sure you and the others are safe behind my bodacious butt." She smiles again and rests back abit letting Sam go.

After abit she nods, "My lil' sis is made of stern stuff. I heard about you giving her a talking too. It's alright. She's used to it. She and I and JamJam often get into shouting matches. Over all kinds of things. Just...try and work with her please? She means well." Freya looks over at the food then erps as he stomach growls, "Thank you Sam, thank you really. I'll try and get back into fit as quick as I can. I swear." She reached for the food and started eatting one handed, "So where you going next?" She asked as she ate.

Trying to wear the wrong shoes
Jamie Cole Kanatarrio

Jamie strode into the arming room, after the briefing. The worst part of it all? The truck. For someone who spent so much time in a incasing set of armor, he really didn't like those smaller enclosed spaces. He sighed and made for the table he had claimed for his own. His weapons laid across it. And his armor hanging from above. A sniff and a huff he peers around as the others gear up.

And that's when it happens.

He realizes why it feels so odd for the giant.

He's not his Sister.

Freya is the one that belongs here. Jamie and Athena, they're filling the wrong shoes.

And Jamie realizes it's not his place to do so either. He stops packing the hoppers for his HMGs into place. Taking a long slow breath. Then looks around, and nods slowly, "She'll be back you know." He says outloud. To no one in particular, but he feels he needs to say it, "She'll be back, and I have no intention of taking her place from her." He laughs then, "But while I'm here I'll happily help out in my own way."

And then the big man restarts getting his arms and armor in order.

He walks over and hits the crane, lowering his armor down, the open rear hatches waiting. Once the giant feet of the armor hits the floor, Jamie climbs in. The massive red, blue and black armor, closing up around the body of the young man. Hisses and clicks, seals hissing closed. Locking mechanisms clicking into place. With a hum the power plant slides into place. And the exterior ocular port glows a dull grey. "Performing locomotion test." The PA system says. The armor performing a series of motions. Then ends with the arms circling before smashing closed fists together with a boom, "Scion and Son of Brutal online."

All that's left is for Scion to gather up his weapons. The twin-linked HMGs lifted up, and hooked high up on his left arm, special magnetic hooks allowing it to rest there to be drawn down when needed. The hoopers for it's ammo set across his hips. The shot gun resting on his right thigh. The Rocket pod resting just behind his head. And finally the Throngler sliding into place at the small of his back. The twin axe heads gleaming dully in the light of the armory. He looks around the room, meeting the eyes of the other operatives, "Ready." The PA booms.

Yes I think I got a character idea now. Yes yes I do.

Looking forward to it.

Thank you kindly. I'll try and think on what I want to do this time around. I think my character last time was a little bit forced. And I want something that feels a little cleaner.
Would you be willing to have me again in the RP? I apologize for last time the RP started just as my shift did and it's hard to post anything when I'm on shift. If not I completely understand.
Collab with @BigPapaBelial @FourtyTwo

Athena Anna Kanataario

Jamie Cole Kanataario

The Siblings Kanataario

1300 Local Time

With Adam’s request for the team to check kit and ensure they were in a good patch, Athena had wolfed down lunch and headed back to the heavy armory, a bare concrete-reinforced floor contrasting the usual clean aesthetic of the heavies armory back in New Zealand of the coloured concrete and charming surrounds. It was quite a setting, and Chuck and Oliver had been earlier to set their kit, so now, it was the time of Athena. She had a few checks to perform on her own Warhawk, outside of it still in her jumpsuit like getup without the sleeved arms. A bluetooth headset was in her ear, as she did her usual pre-deployment ritual, going through the motors, the actuators and the plating piece by piece, Mama having taught her that.
“Yeah, well, I don’t work on maybes.” Athena sighed as she bucked her hair, currently tied into a ponytail and on one sided, pulled taught into an undercut.
“Good. Get that kit shipped out to Hannula. We’ve had enough traffic here for a fucking international airport. But she’ll appreciate it. Also, tell Sarah to get the billing sorted. I know, it’s been a mental month, but we need those numbers ASAP. This isn’t pocket change with these contracts we now have.” Athena continued, sighing, the voice responding on the other end, that of her Ops Manager back home in Perth. It was regarding Freya’s experiments. As she talked, Athena went up the suit more and more, from the navy to dark coloured armoured thunder thighs of hers, the torso, arms, gauntlets and armoured gloves, to the shoulders, neckbrace, and finally, the helmet, a navy blue with a golden yellow visor. And well, at the hip, the two swords. Short for her size, but well, they were basically zweihanders to most people.
“Good. Appreciate it, Rob. I have some business to get to here. Speak soon. Bye.” Athena hit the disconnect on her ear, as she fiddled with the coils now, the suit a ribbon of them, but primarily concentrated in a rucksack-styled carbon-composite pack on the rear that held something like the Sun’s Core, but more violently chaotic. Plugged in with lots of high voltage lines, Athena knew better than to accidentally turn herself into ash, but safely manage it through the standoffs, disconnecting, cleaning and spraying them, before moving to the next. She stood tall by her suit now,

A steady crunch, each a step, and fresh from dinner, stepped in another walking tank. The Kanatarrio son had only taken off his guantlets during dinner, as well he had to follow after the others to the armory to even figure out where it was! So now he strides in, still lugging his kit crates and bags with him. As he enters the room, having to duck to get in through the door, he looks about and grins, “So this is where the action starts.” he rumbles.

Eyes casting about then finds himself an empty kit table. Heaving his bags and crates up onto it, landing with crunches and causing the table to sag just a little. He looked over and nodded to the rest of the team, before his eyes landed on his sister. And he couldn’t help but grin. Not always a good sign. As his practiced motions start he pulls open his weapons crate, revealing the rocket pod for his shoulder, and the dark metal glint of a truly massive pair of blades, “So tell me sister, how do it feel being back in the thick of it so soon?” Oh yes that’s the classic Kanatarrio shit eatting tone.

Jamie pulled the rocket pod out, along with it’s reload hoppers, “You rushed off to which location again? Which nation did you go and defile with your dumptruck this time?” He says the last part with the largest cheshire grin mortally possible.

Athena chuckled, eying up the large armored brother of hers, chuckling as he’d only come in.
“Mon cherie, France! They have SUCH good wine there. Not that it does anything. And, big mountains. Nothing like it. It’s rare to be off work for a long weekend, but…..I have fans I can’t disappoint. You know, I just give the people what they want. And have we had problems hiring lately? We’d get more girls if you took off your shirt every chance in a while. Like at WSM. Remember the fangirls?” She giggled like a schoolgirl, red from Jamie saying it but still, adept at what he had to say.
“Haven’t blown anyone up in a while. I sorta miss field work a little, you know? Like, nobody says you CAN’T sit on people, or just run through walls. Nobody says you turn up the coil to eleven and cauterise ten people…..with this big BOOOSH. I wish I could do that to some people in Blue Sword. But apparently….we have a workplace policy.” Athena sighed, tall enough to contend with Jamie, the two titans sized such that it made them seem regular sized to each other.

She turns and looks at the other suits, quite frankly, this being the best deployment of heavies in a long, long time.
“So how about you? I feel like we haven’t been together in forever. Worked together either on anything. Too busy with our own lives.” She added, sighing as she let him get on with his work, the youngest sibling looking intently with her extraversion back at him.

Jamie gave abit of a snort, “Well you know me. The Company and Family.” He levered the rocket pod up onto the shoulder of of his armor, sliding it about until the click of it connecting and the power cable clicked into place as well. With a chin to the control inside the head portion of his armor the pod slide back and over his shoulder into the safety position. Jamie hummed, “I went to the South American Strongman Competition while you were away.” He said almost casually, though those competitions tend to be one of his biggest things.

He reached into the crate again, humming gently, “I was seven pounds, off breaking Fathers record. They even had a special counter set up. Dad still holds that record even after almost a decade. So close sis, so close.” Jamie grumbles softly, “Dad sets the damn deadlift at six hundred and ten kilograms and I missed it at six hundred and three.” He sounds down trodden but this is just how the giants of the Kanatarrio are, ever seeming to be in a friendly competition somehow. Even with their elders.

Athena whistled, giving him credit where due.
“He must have been a fucking titan back in his day. But you’ll get there. Good things come to those who wait. I was going to go to do the Women’s edition, but you know how it is, you want to bench and think you won’t bother. Someone says that an energy drink company want you up a mountain, and I just thought….you know, it’s funny, I could just do that instead and lift weights on my socials instead?” Athena said, giggling, avoiding his comparison, but still, enjoying the friendly banter, knowing she’d throw back later.
“So yeah, you’ll get it. But remember, fighting me got you there. Me and my second heart give you a run.” Athena winked, placing hand to right of her chest, watching him keep on with his gear.

A full set of ammo boxes came out of the large crate along with the VEPR automatic shotgun. Placing it in the holster at his hips, opposite of where the twin linked GMGs would be. Ammo being placed in their holders and hoppers, “Fighting you and Freya.” His voice hitched a second there.

The Siblings are often sometimes at odds, but that’s only because they had always had a sibling rivalry going on. They cared a great deal for each other. Freya and Athena were closer then Jamie is with either of them, but he’s still the incredibly protective brother who will gladly choke slam someone who tries to cop a feel when they’re all together. The many drunken idiots who tried to grab Athena or Freya’s asses in public, and who he’d then grabbed and tossed into a dumpster is uncountable at this point.

The big man placed his palms on the table and looked at Athena, “I’m worried about Frey, Thena. We’ve all been hurt. But I’m looking at her now, and she looks more hurt right now then she’s ever looked. Even after your surgery.” He points at where her hand rests on her chest, “You bounced back from that in a few days. This though, Frey looks like she’s questioning things, and I’m hoping she’ll bounce back as easily as before.” he takes a long breath then straightens back up, and brings out the dozen or so crates of .50BMG rounds. Frangible, Armor Piercing, Incendiary, Explosive, Tracer Rounds, Raufoss, FMG. Just to name a few. It’s like Jamie fully intends to create a motley of ammo chains that are there for any type of situation.

“She will. I spoke to her earlier. She’s gotten into a lot. And she’ll recover. I was pissed at first but…..she had a point about Skye. Guess it’s an occupational hazard.” Athena nodding, the usually cocky, confident and extraverted youngest sister that was a wildfire on feed acknowledging the situation.
“When her stuff arrives, she is gonna want to get back to work. She’ll have a target for recovery. And when she’s fit, only when she is, she’s gonna get to work. In the meantime, we do our stuff. I’m not a doctor, and neither are you. Mama was right on that, we do have work to do….but yeah, I get you.” She replied, putting her own hand against him, watching as he threaded rounds.
“Mixed rounds. Not a bad set. And you still have the drivers too.” Athena chuckled ,looking up the suit, then back to him, a solemn look in her eyes.
“Just don’t go dying on me either. The internet may think I’m a pretty big deal, but you are to me too, JamJam. This whole Raven business, I wasn’t sure if we even should bother. Spooks are difficult, they use, use, use. But we’re better than that. Got our own thing, and our own choices.” Athena replied, shrugging as she headed back to her own suit, checking over the hip, leg and shoulder mounted thruster points, for the jump jet, before looking over Warhawk’s shoulder.
“But, saving the world. It’s kinda what we do.” She giggled, knowing the very veiled story her parents had told, grinning.

Jamie heaved himself up and stretched, taking a moment away from threading rounds, “She damn well better. Mom and Dad were with her, and they are going to leave when we head out for the operation.” With a heave he gets back to threading rounds carefully, switching the different types in a random. Chain after chain.

It takes him a bit before he talks again, “Raven…I’ve worked with Raven. And with Skye before. Raven is a strange thing. Blue Sword, Valiant Operations, Pegasus Forces, and I still don’t know how WAGNER still operates after everything, but they have their corridor of uses. But Raven has it’s uses as well. Do we need to be here? No, I’m sure their current cadre of Heavies could cover it.” He gestures around the room with a round of Raufoss ammo, “I mean look at this, since when has there been this many Heavy operatives on hand? Since Dad and Mom and Uncles Carl and Ross were active I think right? I mean what was their nickname way back when? When they all worked together? The Devils Own Four? I think that was it. I don’t remember clearly enough.” He sighs and slides that round into the belt, “But I want to make sure Freya’s friends are still around for when she comes back, so she can take up her position again and not have to worry that cute little tactical chick is okay, or that Tahlia is fine too. I mean. Big sis needs some love too.” He gives a chuckle.

”They have much to live up to. Me and you kicking ass? Shit, they know what’s cooking.” Athena giggled, chuckling as she stood aside from her suit, watching Jamie finish up.
“Tahlia? You like her.” Athena giggled, smirking.
“I saw you look at her. Have sympathy for the girl?” Athena said, walking about her armour, leaning against it.
“Okay, fine. I get it. I was a little too scared. But that’s kinda our thing. Fine.” She replied, pulling it open, checking through the interior paneling and the network of coils, and in particular, detaching the helmet, pulling it out and inspecting the integrity over, before walking across to Jamie,
“She’ll be back at it. I know how she is. Me just being here is motivation enough. I’ll cover the team’s back. You better shield it, JamJam. With your big muscly arms.” She titered, nudging his big shoulder with her own, grinning with a wild cackle.

Jamie blinks then flushed, deeply, and looked around to make sure Tahlia isn’t around, then reached over and shoved Athena off him, “Stop it damn it! You’re the social butterfly around here! Big guys like me, people dream and think, “Hot!” But when it comes to it Dad was lucky Mom was around and could handle him. I’m likely to tear apart a partner like cord wood!?” The giant man grumbles, “When Freya feels better she’s gonna do the exact same thing you’re doing! I can’t escape it can I? And your my younger sister, aren’t I supposed to be trying to urge you into finding a good guy? Not you doing that to me!?”

He’s quiet for a moment looking put on, then he bursts out laughing, “Guy can dream is all. Guy can dream, come on Diva, let’s finish getting set up.”

“And you wouldn’t want it any other way.” Athena chuckled, with it getting back to it herself. The Corporate Duchess may have been a pretty face, but the suit told the story of someone willing to put titanium and armor in harm’s way, and shock everyone. Literally.
Jamie Cole Kanatarrio
The Scion at Rest

Jamie had sat and waited and watched then and smiled, watching as dinner was cooked, and when offered he'd reached in grabbed a plate and placed a heaping helping of vegetables and starches, and claimed half a haunch of meat. Gotta feed a growing boy after all. Growing larger around the waist maybe, but if the man gets any taller he's going to become a true giant.

He'd waved when his parents and uncles had come in checking to see that everything is okay. And gone to Sam, to alert her that the main Blue Sword Task force would stay on site until the Raven team left on their mission, then they would finish offloading the supplies they have for the team and head back to Perth until their own people needed pick up later. They'd keep communications lines open and be able to send material help if need be. Blue Sword would stand with Raven no matter what, but they can't be there 24/7 as the company had things they needed to do as well.

Jamie had gave his mother and father brief words about being okay, and he'd help as best he can. He cast his eyes about again, whispering to his mother, "The team needs some time. But they'll walk tall again. I'll be here to help hold them up until they don't need me again." The Blue Sword unit had then headed outside to make themselves some dinner as well.

Yes the dinner was packed, and the chatter of teammates getting to know new members was a buzz and clamour. But this is the way warriors recover.
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