Avatar of BigPapaBelial


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2 mos ago
Current I just wanna sleep...
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4 mos ago
Just one more day again...one more...I hate long shifts...
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9 mos ago
One more day on shift...then a half day to feel human again...adulting sucks.
1 yr ago
Starfield may have been the sci fi game I needed to replace Elite Dangerous
1 yr ago
My community needs an enema -.-
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The Infernomancer
Ricon Fields
The Maw

"It's today then?"

"Yeah we need to get him prepped, this came down directly from the Warden."

"Lords forgive us when that one is looking at one of these fools."

"Get back off your door now! Don't make me set off the traps!"

A roll of laughter through the this section of the holding cells. As no less then sixteen guards in heavy armor, with lashes, truncheons, and shields make their way down. A madman on one side of the hall cackles and slams himself against his door. Making two of the gaurds turn and set off that cells security, dousing the man with a sleeping spell. They turn it off then catch up with the others.

"Who is it?"


"Fields? What did he do to piss someone off? He's been good the last few days?!"

"I know but it's the Warden, we get in there subdue him, and make him ready, taking him to Isolation until the Warden is ready for him."

"That's why there are so many of us. Makes sense."

At the far far end of the hall is about 100 feet of bare stone walls, no cells near a single cell door that's locked with heavy lengths of Dwarven adamant chain, elven mithril locks, and rugged orcish banding. Anything to keep the thick alloy door on the cell from being compromised. As the guards approach and filter into the two alcoves next to the cell either side of the door, one of them pounds on it and shoves open the small hatch for conversation and handing in food trays.

A voice from within calls, "Dinner already? It's not even six bells yet." A hand snakes out of the hatch briefly, slender but weathered, "Otis? Malachi? Are you out there?" A truncheon comes down and slams on the hand, making the man within pull it back with a hiss of pain, "Oh so it's like that is it?"

"Stack up, tower shields in front, push poles behind them! Make ready the lashings and bindings."

The voice calls out, "Oh is that how it's going to be my boys?" There's a soft chuckle as a faint yellow light flares from within. A chittering sound from within adding to the moment.

"Ready!? Fields! Get back from the door."

The man inside the cell chuckles, "Mortagin? Is that you? How's the burn? It healing? Oh do come in."

"Ready the door! Conrad, Nolan!"

Two guards step forth and start working on the chains, and locks. One of them passes in front of the still open hatch, then screams, a jet of flame blasts out from within scorching his stomach. Fields, the man within chuckles, "Really should pay attention."

"Damn it! We were careless. Get the spells ready!"

The guard who had caught the flame to the stomach gets up and tries again, when another jet of flame lashes out and nearly catches him in the face this time, "Careful Conrad! I don't want to mar that pretty face!"


The last lock and chain swings free, and the ice and water spells inside the cell flash! Dousing Ricon Fields with shards of ice and a deluge of water, that quickly drains out of the room. Just as the door heaves open, and the guards charge in, screaming, "Get down Fields! Get down!"

But Ricon Fields, aka The Infernomancer does not get down. He clocks one of the guards across the face with a wooden plate, sending hims sprawling, another he catches in the knee with a kick, before the others swarm him and lock him into a corner.

But yet he still struggles, until a sleeping spell hits him...

And he knows only blackness.

Until he doesn't.

It's a voice. A sweet voice, an almost kindly voice that wakes him. Ricon, blinks and looks around.

What the honest to the Inferno is going on?

And as he comes too, he realizes, he's not in that thick itchy home spun tunic the Maw dressed him in. He's in his linen Pyromancers robe. His pauldrons, gauntlets and greaves are on his body. His grimoire hangs at his belt by the fire blacked chain. And Embershard rests in the leather scabbard at his hip.

And then he looks to his side and sees...Her.

He stares at Her.

He narrows his eyes and tests his bindings, then whispers, to Her. The Warden, "Still playing games? Still playing with us? Too scared to face any of us yet?" He grunts then shudders her words in his head, "Patience...you...want...wait..."

And he can see the others. There are others there. He stares at Her balefully, "What is this...?"
<Snipped quote by BigPapaBelial>

I instantly want to have Ruby feed the fire familiars flammable things when no one else is looking lol

Du et...you won't.
@Red Wizard

I shall point out, that your character last time was pretty boss. But at the same time, (sorry for the criticism here) your GM posts with a character were kind of lacking with direction for the other players.

Leaving us with little ability to really go and move the story along. Unless that was your intention. I'm not really sure.

Either way it is ultimately up to you if you want a GMPC, then rock and roll. IF not, and you want to act as an all seeing narrator, then all good as well. SO yes continuing the trend.
@Red Wizard

Alright! Rock and Roll!

Thank you kindly.
And done my CS, I hope it's okay @Red Wizard
And done...I hope? @Red Wizard

I'll try and get a CS out here as soon as I can. If not in the IC then in the OOC when it comes up.

@Red Wizard
@Red Wizard

I'll work on putting the idea together then.

Feel free shatter my dreams at any time.
@Red Wizard

So I don't want to assume. I was in the last iteration of this, and I don't know if you want returning players or not.

But if you're okay with it I can try and put something together.

I may have a pretty good new idea.
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