Nicodemus Karras
Age: 34
Birthday: July 19
Height:5 foot
Body Type: Ectomoprhic, lightly muscled, lean and thin
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Shaved bald, will grow back curly and black
Pronouns: He/Him
Orientation: Asexual
Magical Specialties
Magical Safe-cracking - Has knowledge in Dwarven, Goblin and Gnomish locks and safes. Working on a treatise on Goblin locks and locking magic. Has some pretty good Curse Breaking skills as well.
Magical World item appraisal - Knows how much something is worth to other people. And can get a good price for it.
Hexes and Curses - Dark and Grey variety mostly. Likes his Cutting and Piercing Curses, and has a liking for blinding hexes.
That's one...27 right...
There's another...17 left...
More Silence
"That's not good."
Ahhh the life of a Wizard, it can be good. It can be bad. It can just be...well be. There are stories of saviors and of might sages and gurus the world over. But that's what you hear, the stories of the people who do great things.
And then there's the stories of people like this fella. The fella leaning against the side of a small blackened metal safe. Gunmetal grey decorations along the door edges and lock and flywheel to open it. this is the story of a wizarding world safe cracker. Now why would anyone want a safe cracker in the magical world? When you have charms like Alohomora? And when you have spells like Colloportus? Ahhh but sometimes, even a well used lock pick, or the skills to hear the tick of a lock, the slow grinding of a spell to loosen some lock pegs. And the careful motions of a set of unbreakable picks. Oh and lets not forget the careful work of curse breaking, unweaving and unraveling a curse that could flense the flesh from a person, or roast them from the inside.
This is the chosen profession of one Nicodemus "Nico" Karras. Never done an honest days work in his life after graduating from Aglipona School of the Arcane located in wonderful Lakonia, Greece. He was well known as a ratty young man, prone to dueling and being dirty about it even. Also was nearly expelled in his sixth year when he was found to be running a smuggling racket in the dungeons of the old Spartan fortress in the cliffs of Mount Taygetos.
After graduating he and his mother would move to New York, putting down stakes in the neighbourhood around the Five Points, infamous for it's Civil War era crime.
This is where he put his less then stellar abilities to work. First it was to get his name out as the guy who will fence things for you. That watch you stole from the No-Mag? Sure, he can take it, get you a good price for it too. His commission started small. Just 5 percent. And people ate it up. But it was his skills with locks, and unlocking spells and a small packet of charmed lock picks that made him the most bank. You just managed to jack a Pure Bloods locked stachel? Small fortune of Galleons in there? Ten Percent of the take inside, and he can get it open for ya.
He worked as a freelancer for various New York and Manhattan families. They could come to him because he's reliable. Until the Serpeverdes tagged him for another job. Him and a few newbies. Go and shake down a Half Bloods shop. The job went off without a hitch...but one of the new kids sliced open a passerby...who turned out to be a Pure Blood from Britain. And who's family had alot of clout across the pond on both shores. Nico needed to lay low, and seeing the Serpeverdes were the cause of this, he brokered sanctuary with them, in return to work near exclusive with them for atleast 5 years. No big deal right?
And now here comes Bobby Boy Zucco, putting together a crew. And Nico just freshly made to give him some muscle to his word.
Ahhh there it is...and...what do we have in side...
Glitter and Gold