La Palma, Canary Islands, SpainTeam Sea God - Fire Team Poseidon
Frigga - Battle Goddess and Shimura - Yakuza Samurai
Freya bounced abit, too bad jiggle physics don't work through armor. She then perked up and her helmet folded open. She grinned brightly, "Well I do declare." She said with a faux southern belle accent. She swayed and sashayed towards Chuck. That big grin on her face, then leans forward until their faces are just inches apart, "What makes you think you've earned one?" She smiles, "Oh who am I kidding?" She chuckles then grabs Chuck by the collar, and despite being two inches shorter then him, she lifts him nearly half a foot off the ground, that grin going almost predatory, "Com'ere you!" Then, smack.
Their lips meet.
And for a moment or two it's sublime. Just two people, a man and a woman.
And then she's pulling back and away and hey is that a little blush on her cheeks, she coughs, "We don't tell my brother...or my sister. My sister will get in on me over it..." She shivers, "Jamie will try and kill you." She blushes even brighter. And quickly her visor and helmet snap shut to hide her face as she gets even more red.
But soon the pair are either side of the SDV, and with a nod and a count down they heave it out. She smiles and leaps out into the water, calling through the comms, "Armor sealed, rebreather activated." And then a clang clang as she magnetizes her gauntlets and seals to the outside of the hull, "I'm secure." And away they go.
Ban for his part had waited in line, and as the group files out he jumped into the water, hitting the water and swimming down and down, grabbing an outside hand hold, he'd be much better use to the team being able to egress quickly and get in and among the enemy. He was no use at range, not without a proper rifle, and though the throwing needles, and knifes he had, and the rapid fire machine pistol could do in a pinch, he's got not long range heavy hitter. But he can do alot of damage at short range. The chain spear, and the dual swords won't be stopped by any personal body armor. He'd have to get in close.
After a moment as the team boards his comms channel lights up, and in a poetic tone, "
Kanpekina hana wa mezurashī monodesu. Jinsei o kakete sagashite mo, sore wa mudana jinseide wanaideshou." and after a bit he translates, "The perfect blossom is a rare thing. You could spend your life looking for one, and it would not be a wasted life." he swallows thickly over the comms, then continues, "I thought I had found a perfect blossom, by getting out of Raven, years ago. But I find myself back here, and realize, I'm more at home with the Red Spider Lillies. Thank you all for having this old Yakuza. As my Family fights a War, on the streets of Tokyo, I fight a war here with all of you, against the destruction of the Order of Life. If I die here, I'm glad it's with all of you."
Squad Nordling, Fireteam Viking Solveig Theta Mine, Tasiusaq, southern Greenland
Scion - Son of Gods
Jamie braced feeling the hover craft bounce and lurch. He chuckled softly "I like this thing...wonder if BlueSword would let me buy one and take it out into the Outback." He chuckles again and places a big hand on the cieling as the thing bounces.
He looks about, and then out of one of the view ports, seeing their target fast approaching, the hefty chug of the cannon. He hums, "Okay..." then steps over to a side door, this thing would barely be big enough to let him out. He calls, "Opening a hatch!" Then with a little effort, pops the door open, reaches out and slaps a safety harness strap with attached carabiner to one of the safety rails outside. Then...
Yeah he climbs out. He cackles abit over the comms, "Relax. I'll be fine." And goes hand over hand hold. Making his way to the roof of the craft. Chuckling the whole way, "Just want" The last word drawn out into a mighty war whoop.
Warrior SoulsClimbing up atop on the hover craft he clamps his safety line down, standing just off to the side of the cannon. He calls down, "Just don't hit me with the darn thing please!"
He plants himself, a wide straddle stance for stability. And raises his HMGs, no he's not going to hit anything with it out here, but he levels the twin barrels and spits a prolonged bbbbraaattttt! of .50cal rounds towards their destination. He laughs, "And they say I'm the sane one!"
He bends down, getting even more braced up. The rocket pods on his shoulders shifting, and though it's not directly into comms, the team can hear him command, "Suit, Twin Fire, Both Pods, Ranging Fire!" And both rocket pods on his shoulders spit one rocket each, the rockets lancing up into the air, turning correcting then hissing off into the distance. For a moment Jamie stands on the top of the hover craft just seeming to vibe. Then grins, "Solid strikes!" The pair of HEDP rockets exploding within the facility, "May as well make some noise!" he shifted his stance once more, and took a deep breath commanding his suit again, "Suit, Full Barrage, Fire for Effect!"
And he disappeared in a cloud of steam and smoke and fire for a moment, as the remaining twenty two rockets in the dual pods kicked into the air, and whistled off into the distance. While they are in the air, one of four reloads he has on his suit begins to cycle, reloading the rocket pods. Soon he reappears as the smoke and steam is carried away on the wind generated by their travel. He lifts a great big foot and stomps on the roof of the hover craft, and calls through their shared comms "If one of you could, please see if you can find another, say, four reload canisters for my rockets? Please? if they loaded us up there should be a few more inside."
Upon finishing saying that he braces again and commands, "Suit, retarget, short, Full Barrage, Fire for effect." And he again disappears in that cloud of smoke and fire. But soon it's pierced as he unleashes another growl from his twin HMGs, "A Kanatariio comes! My father and mother were in this land once! And another comes!" He calls, another mighty war whoop, as his rocket pods reload.