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The Veletian Republic

(ooc:Not sure if I love the flag tell me what you think)

All Eyes on Labelle

Alexis Dubois(born the 5th of May 1865) He was a son of a middle class government bureaucrat in the port city of Labelle. He father mostly handled import duties down at the port ensuring the nations coffers had a continued stream of income from the steady flow of goods coming to and fro in Labelle. Dubois father was by no means a very rich man but he was able to send his son to school and eventually to higher education. Alexis Dubois was accepted into the University of Labelle in 1885 it was there that his interest in the history of Violette and it's previous flirtation with Republicanism peaked his interest. Those formative years at the University of Labelle lead him to devote his life to getting a seat in the People's Assembly. As he would say, "The People's Assembly was the last line of defense against tyranny in Violette without a healthy assembly there is nothing to stop despotism in the Empire." He got his wish in 1894 but not without a fight. He was called all sorts of pejoratives for being a detractor of the monarchy unpatriotic, traitor, and terrorist to name a few. The controversy was enough to nearly cost him his seat in the People's Assembly. Republicanism was turning into dirty word to the Monarchy as conservative forces began to eat away at the People's Assembly's powers.

Dubois had his seat until August 10th 1899 when Queen Victoria chose to betray Liberty and decree that Republican politicians would not be welcome any longer in the People's Assembly. Republicanism was being branded as unpatriotic and antithetical to being a Veletian. Dubois however knew better he knew that Liberty was the heart of Violette the monarchy would soon have to know that as well. This was the Catalyst to Dubois's actions the return of creeping despotism with Empress Victoria effectively turning the People's Assembly into her personal rubber stamp she betrayed the spirit of Violette.

"The People's Assembly was never intended to be free from controversy and above all it was never intended to be free of opposition to the Head of State. The Empress's actions are not only unpatriotic as she has branded our opposition but they are also a betrayal of the Veletian people who deep down I know yearn for freedom."-Alexis Dubois on his expulsion from the People's Assembly Aug. 10th 1899

Ten days later on August 20th 1899 Empress Victoria died the turn of events made Dubois hopeful that her successor Empress Tsirine would follow previous administrations and choose to allow the political rights of the People's Assembly to continue. In practice however Tsirine did not revert the declaration of Empress Victoria and Alexis Dubois was not going to wait for someone else to show the Empress the error of her ways.

Mouvement républicain et citoyen:Alexis didn't dally after being expelled from the People's Assembly he was quick to form the Mouvement républicain et citoyen(Citizens and Republican Movement). His initial wish was the have the People's Assembly be restored to it's former state before the 1899 removal of Republican politicians but each passing day showed him that the Monarchy now headed by Empress Tsirine was unwilling to support a role back of it’s reactionary reforms. Not only this but they would less than a year later mobilize the nation for war on August 14th 1900. The Mouvement républicain et citoyen soon created Voix de la Révolution(Voice of the Revolution) a small Newspaper so far illegally distributed to voice opposition to the Monarchy in Violette. The main leader of the paper was Gerard Calliou another former Republican Assembly member and colleague of Alexis he had experience in political News Papers before the ban on Republican Movements but it would be a whole new ball game to run an underground printing company.

January 1901: Gerard Calliou has begun printing a record number copies of Voix de la Révolution and distributing them throughout his base of operations in Labelle. He is working on having a network of distribution by the end of the week that will get contraband papers to major cities to distribute in hopes of generating more public awareness of their fight for Democratic rights in Violette and the end of the despotic monarchy.

"The People's Assembly must be free and openly elected by the Veletian people. No compromise should be made the Monarchs have shown they are willing to trample on the rights of the people so I ask you, Are you willing to just accept such a fate or will you rally to take back our nation? We are strong for we the people make up the nation nothing can stop us except our own self doubt and fear which is what the despots thrive upon. Do not let them bully you into accepting their superiority the Empress is but a women no different than your fellow man nothing but society gives her power. If we can rally the people we can create a free Veletian Republic that will prosper for all future generations to see." Alexis Dubois January 5th 1901 meeting of the Mouvement républicain et citoyen

Alexis Dubois, Gerard Callio, and many others are taking up the fight to support Democratic and Republican idea's in Violette it maybe a long battle but they are ready to fight until they can no longer to rekindle the flame of liberty in Violette. The fight for Liberty is on.
Zengid Kingdom

The Fate of Suman

Military Officers Arriving at The Royal Palace

December 25th 1900:

The Royal Palace in Agisil has been the stage of a Great Debate, the Zengid National Army whom had been called by King Akbayar Bahar to advise him on how best to deal with Suman as well as the Seljuki population as a whole. Nationalists in the Zengid Brotherhood(a.k.a The Committee for National Progress) saw this as the Kings chance to redeem his character and take the necessary steps to deal with the foreign threat posed by the Seljuki in our territory.

"Terrorism must be met with an equal force. You cannot teach a brainwashed Seljuk to live within Zengid as an equal. He and all his supporters should be met with the hell fire they have incurred when they listened to a mad man like Pasha." General Iskender Ilgaz in response to Akinci Colak's push for mediation and local Seljuk support in catching Suman. Ilgaz wished to use military force to reign in the Seljuks and to destroy Suman Pasha. This was unquestionably a sentiment held by many the emotional sentiment against Suman and Seljuks was hitting a peak since February's events. Ilgaz was no longer the only to believe that military force was the only path worth taking Ahmet Suvari leader of the Zengid Brotherhood felt it was "Near treasonous that this meeting was not convened as soon as Suman made his first move. A crime which can only be fixed with the immediate deployment of the military to the area near Asena to search for Suman." The National Seljuk Rights Organization where very worried that a plan similar to Iskender's was under consideration though they had no information about what was being discussed as it was completely closed to the public the Organization was very worried that all of it's work was for nought if Suman turned the Body Politic against the Seljuks.

However the path of mediation was not unsupported Akinci Colak who had publicly supported the Kings calls for calm in February had a large number of supporters in the National Seljuk Rights Organization. The group which was waiting with bated breath as the fate of Seljuks in Zengid may be decided by the political decisions at hand. They overall were cautiously optimistic the King had supported reconciliation before it was unlikely he would risk a war with the Seljuks if he could find another way. Many including Akinci Colak believed Suman Pasha actually was hoping for a war with the Caliphate that it was his goal to provoke a war it was his only way to win he and even all the Seljuki men in Zengid would still be hard pressed to defeat Zengid but if he could bring the Caliphate in his revolution may have a chance.

2:04 p.m.:

Iskender Ilgaz stormed out of the Palace to a crowd awaiting the Kings announcement that was less than an hour away. His anger was apparent to all in attendance.

Asked by a local newspaper why he was not attending the Kings public announcement he stated, "Why would I wish to attend the speech of a monarch unwilling to defend his Kingdom. I have business to attend to elsewhere." Iskender and his furious exit was public first hint at Akbayar's decision. Radicals in Nationalist Moments believed the worst, that King Akbayar's lack of military experience has lead him to look weak in the face of terrorism. Many in the Zengid Brotherhood however still held out that it was possible Iskender was only angery that the King did not deploy enough troops and it was almost impossible that he is holding off military action entirely. Suman was going to pay they believed it was the only way.

The King Makes His Move:

King Akbayar Bahar was confident that his choice was the best possible one given the Kingdoms circumstances. He and the rest remaining in attendance after General Iskenders supporters followed suit felt the situation put them into a very tough set of circumstances. On the one hand the Kingdom had long worked on the Seljuk issue even Akbayars father had wished for mediation and expansion of Seljuk rights before he was forced to role back these rights in the growing tensions. Akbayar and his supporters were not different the Seljuk situation had long been one of oppression and rule from behind a gun but now such an approach has made the population bitter and ready to support a terrorist like Suman. One the other hand was the Seljuki homeland while Iskender believed it to be a non-factor many were unconvinced that Zengid should be writing off the potential for war just yet.

"If what we want is war than we are going to need to arm maybe we should important foreign arms otherwise we might be sending men to fight with nothing but a saber and the reassurance to their families that their doing their duty to the Kingdom... " Akinci Colak.

Even if the Caliphate was a push over the threat of war while our stockpiles were already on the lower side made many think Iskender had an unrealistic idea of the Kingdoms ability to project power in it's current state. If the King was to remain consistent however he would need to attempt Colaks proposal he was the first to wish for mediation of the Seljuk issue and Suman has only made the situation and it's severity more apparent. His belief was that we not only needed to stop Suman but we needed to repair the Seljuk community so there would never be a Suman again.

"If another massacre happens in a decade than we have failed our goal should be to create a generation of peaceful relations with minorities that is one way we can defeat Suman and the likes in the long term." King Akbayar. To create this world the King believed that mediation and the enlistment of the local Seljuks to smoke out Suman Pasha. Only if that fails would other options have to be considered as a last resort.The King was due to make his path of action known. He came out to a large crowd ready to announce to the Kingdom the path they would take on the Seljuk issue.

"My fellow Zengids Suman Pasha has caused this Kingdom a great deal of pain I cannot deny that. We have to remember however that the Seljuks are not represented by this man. His band of misfits is just as hated by many in the Seljuk community. That is why I and Marshal Akinci Colak have considered that the Seljuk issue cannot be solved by arms alone. We must address the issues of the Seljuki community within Zengid and make sure Suman Pasha as well as others like him will never find a platform for support in the Kingdom ever again. I know many of you support military action first but if we provoke a war with the Caliphate who is the say Suman will not have the full support of Seljuki in the Kingdom? We should not be seeking to create an enemy of all Seljuki within Zengid the effects of such a domestic threat to the women and children of Zengid are incalculable. Instead we should be looking to end this conflict as peacefully as possible. The greatest victory we can attain is to work with Seljuki in Zengid to capture Suman Pasha and serve him justice but we cannot do that without mediation with the Seljuki community. Mediation is where we need to start lest we start a war we cannot win."- Excerpt from the Kings Address to the crowd outside the Palace in Agisil.

The Public Reacts

The Kings softness on the Seljuk issue enraged the Zengid Brotherhood who almost immediately began protesting his course of action in Agisil. "Military action was the only action worth taking and the King has shown himself to either be a weak man unfit for rule or worse he himself might wish harm on his subjects."- Ahmet Suvari. A scathing rebuke of the December 25th announcement happened in the Zengid National Times written by General Iskender Ilgaz which argued that the Kings lack of military experience has lead him to make a costly mistake. Iskender Ilgaz believed the Kings fear of war with the Caliphate was not only unfounded but also completely unrealistic as the Caliphate would not hold out had they decided to make war with Zengid in any capacity.

"If Suman Pasha has escaped to the Caliph what is Akbayar Bahar going to do? I suppose based on his lack of grit just send the Calpih letters and flowers until they lovingly give us this terrorist...."-From "The Kings Great Miscalculation" By Iskender Ilgaz

The King had his share of supporters however. Akinci Colak campaigned in favor of the mediation effort in order to build a support base to move the nation forward to a peaceful coexistence with Seljuks. The National Seljuk Rights Organization believed this was a major win for their cause and offered any support possible to get Seljuki communities on board with the process. Many questioned if Iskender Ilgaz was not in violation of the law by so publicly working to undermine the King. Ilgaz may come around however if the mediation effort brings fourth actionable results.

The Kings decision leave the nation divided but with hope and effort the nation may actually benefit. Should the mediation process fall to pieces the King may find himself the target of a nationalist revolt should that not already be in the works. The Kingdom would have to work double time to ensure the Seljuk Issues is dealt with otherwise they will collapse in their incompetence. Zengid hopes for a better future god willing she will get one.

Zengid Kingdom

Zengid National Infrastructure Act of 1901

December 5th, 1900
In the waning days of 1900 with all the events of the year still burned into her memory Zengids and King Akbayar Bahar chose to end the year constructively though the major setback on the Seljuk issue could not be undone King Bahar wished to push forward seeking industrial progress as a means to push Zengid forward. The Zengid National Infrastructure Act of 1901 seeks to expand the current budget of the Roadway Expansion projects by $5 million on top of it's current allocated budget by the year 1901. As a secondary but no less important objective of the act is the creation of an Office tasked with seeking out an Investor willing to kick start private investment into a Railway Company in the nation since Zengid itself has no companies able to take up the task. Armed with tax incentives and promises of subsides the Minister of Finance has started seeking an investor to help Zengid bring a railway to the nation. The nation badly needs a Railway Company and with this act the King hopes to solicit an investor to help ease the financial burden of the startup costs associated with such an en devour. Any willing investor with the capital and the know how can be the proud proprietor of the Kingdoms first national Railway and have tax breaks to boot.

King Akbayar hopes that this new initiative will help improve the Zengid Economy and make travel through Zengid easier for all Zengids. The King has repeated the benefit Zengids will have from this interconnected system of transit some question the action believing their taxes are better suited helping the Seljuk situation instead of pandering to foreign money men. Despite man still have high hopes for the investment and what it may bring. The act decreed late in 1900 brings hope that 1901 may bring great progress to all of the Kingdom of Zengid.

Zengid Kingdom

The Osman Plan

May 2nd 1900: The sudden passing of Faruk Atan was a shock to the nation. Despite not being old or frail his heart gave way anyway in what is speculated to be a stress related issue. His tenure was mediocre at his best but the task of reviving a fractured navy could get the best of even the most competent of men. He was however unable to prevent the continued plague of low morale that the Zengid National Navy has been faced with which has been coming to a head as of late. Despite this many regard Faruk Atan as a great yet troubled man he during his time as Ministry of the Navy seemed distressed feeling a personal regret that he could not do more to set the beleaguered navy on the right course. Faruk Atan even with his short comings will be missed by the Zengid people and their Monarch may he be remembered for his accomplishments in life which are numerous rather than the shortcomings of his twilight years.

April 7th 1900: The task of finding a new Ministry of the Navy started soon after the passing of Faruk was relayed to the authorities. This task was of the utmost importance to the Zengid government because the navy was not only seen as the weakest arm of the Zengid Armed Forces but it was becoming the laughing stalk of the international community. A proper replacement was needed to bring the Zengid National Navy back to it's former glory. After over a month of consideration our hopeful hero was revealed his name Osman Erdogan. His proposed Osman Plan outlined his intentions to reform the Zengid National Navy and his long term plan to eventually bring our navy back to it's former glory days. While we cannot yet know if he can bring his plan to fruition there is a glimmer of hope for the Zengid National Navy after years of decline the Navy may someday reclaim it's place on the high seas.

The Massacre at Kamun

The growing discontent of the Seljuk Minority was a major consideration of the newly crowned King of Zengid. How his closest advisors and courtiers had little interest in creating a working solution to the situation on top of arguing against most of King Bahar's proposals to help ease tensions. When April began Bahar was still unsure what the best course of action would be to balance the delicate state of affairs. His delay was soon revealed to be much more costly than he had ever anticipated.

April 14th 1900: Word of the situation in Kamun and the surrounding area came slowly at first. Many in the Government and on the ground were not sure what exactly was taking place. The only real facts that were known at the start were that radicals had stormed an armory and were in possession of Kr. 99 rifles. Their goals were still unknown, unconfirmed reports of hostages started to flow in. Within hours mass killings were hinted at, but many were skeptical that such a thing could be taking place under their government’s nose. Once the truth was revealed, the nation was shocked at what had taken place.

The Suman Uprising was a shock to many within the Zengid power structure they had never believed the situation was nearing it’s breaking point. The sudden realization of the severity of the situation by some in the administration gave them chills. When they learned about the civilians marched the slaughtering grounds by their captors they called for blood. Over one thousand civilians were slaughtered by the men lead by Suman Pasha. With many calling for blood and reprisals the Seljuk Situation continues to deteriorate as radicals make their moves.

King Akbayar Bahar was taken aback when he heard what was taking place on the border with the Seljuks, he was quick to make a statement on the situation once the facts had been made clear. His statement as follows, "Today a great tragedy has struck our nation to it's core. Radicals lead by a man named Suman Pasha have carried out one worst instances of ethnic violence the Kingdom has seen in many many years. We however most not give in to calls for reprisals for I cannot condone these acts. I promise Suman and his murders will be brought to justice and the Seljuk people will be treated as they deserve in the fold of the Zengid nation I call for calm we will catch them all will be well in Zengid."

April 15th 1900: The Kings public statement was met with a round of nationalist protests. They claimed that Akbayar was a traitor to the Zengid people for not seeking reprisals for the subhuman Seljuk. Some more radical elements in the Zengid Brotherhood called for the immediate abdication or removal of King Akbayar Bahar and a declaration of war against the Caliphate whom they believed to be fully responsible for the actions of Suman Pasha. They even claimed he was funded and backed by the Caliphate a claim unsubstantiated but a popular call to action of Brotherhood supporters. The Brotherhood number only around 1,500 men but their radical departure from the Monarchy on the Seljuk issue has caused alarm for King Bahar and his government. These men indeed want an ethnic conflict on Zengid soil to remove what they view as subversive foreign elements from the Zengid state. Their influence may be small now but unless the King can quell the Suman Uprising and fix the Seljuk situation nationalist fervor will be the only thing Zengid people's can turn to as a solution to their fears. May God bless Zengid and end the blood flow.

([OOC]: Going to be edited to add a Zengid Flag and pictures in a little bit.)
Zengid Kingdom

The Seljuk Situation

“The Seljuk minority is by no means a new issue for the Zengid nation, they have been a thorn in the side of many Kings of old. The only difference I think we can see today is the propensity for the Seljuks to become organized as of late. Even into the twilight years of Ahmed the 2nd’s reign the discontent of the Seljuk people could be easily dismissed as a few radicals but now since the national organization of Seljuk rights it can no longer be brushed away and my personal hope is that Akbayar can resolve the situation before more unrest occurs.”
~ Aslan Hassan Professor of Zengid History at Agisil State University: March 16th 1900 Interview for the Zengid National Post

The Foundation of the National Seljuk Rights Organization

A Seljuk man in Turasa Circa. 1900

The Rise of Dalir:
After decades of continued discontent with their treatment of Seljuks under the Zengid state the Seljuk minorities discontent started to boil over. By the Mid-1800’s the million plus Seljuks seemed to be almost begging for a leader to channel their strife into political action. On February 5th 1885 many found their home within the ranks of the National Seljuk Rights Organization. Dalir Moridi born September 4th 1847 was not a Seljuk by law, born in Turasa a small mining village in Ghurid to a Ghurid father and Seljuk mother he narrowly escaped being a second class citizen. While officially he was within a more privileged class in Zengid society by fate of his father he would still become one of the Seljuk's most influential figures later in his life. Dalir had however experienced little of the the treatment of undesirable minorities in Zengid society in his early life. It wasn't until he left his hometown for Agisil to study Mechanical Engineering at the State University in 1870 that he witnessed it's toll. There the massive ghetto’s the Seljuk industrial labors were relegated to left him in shock being half Seljuk himself this event is considered the start of his push for Seljuk rights.

While Dalir was studying, he organized a Seljuk Labor Union in 1873. This was his first attempt to push for better labor conditions and higher pay for Seljuk minorities. This under Zengid law was an illegal organization as Seljuks where barred from, “Militant Labor Agitation” as a consequence not only was the union a clandestine organization but it’s only effective actions could take place with Seljuks in higher skilled positions (a rarity) since any labor action by a Seljuk layman would be grounds for immediate termination and there was no shortage of out of work Seljuk labors to take his place. This along with the reluctance of Seljuks in Agisil to join any sort of illegal Labor organization made the union quit ineffective for some time.

In 1879 however a breakthrough took place after the collapse of a mine owned by Kaya & Malas Mining Company left 100 Seljuk miners dead in his hometown of Turasa. Dalir and his Union of Seljuk Labor had an opportunity to create meaningful reforms. Dalir had gotten over Ten Thousand Miners to walk off the job on June 16th 1879 effectively shutting down Kaya & Malas's largest precious metals mine in Ghurid at the time. For nearly a month the strike continued, Kaya & Malas attempted to break the strike all attempts failed even when they attempted to bring miners from other areas of Ghurid, the towns inhabitants in a show of solidarity ran most of the outsiders out of town. Word spread that Ahmed the 2nd was going to send in the military to seize the mine if Kaya & Malas could not control their labor force and continue production as scheduled by the end of July. Finding no other options Kaya & Malas gave in they couldn't fire their whole Seljuk workforce or they’d risk reprisal from the town and they certainly wanted to prevent the nationalization of the mine though it might teach the Seljuks a lesson if the military had arrived. Dalir had won the miners of his birthplace better labor condition and an increase in wages. The real victory in the mind of Dalir however was the acceptance that Seljuk people can organize without fear of reprisals. This would soon translate into law or so Dalir hoped. The one major miscalculation of Dalir was that he believed he couldn't become a target of Kaya & Malas or the Zengid Monarchy. He after all was Ghurid. This may not have saved him from reprisal it was in the end still a saving grace for him.

January 2nd 1880:
Dalir Moridri was arrested in his residence in December 1880 and was awaiting trial he however was fortunate, as two of his allies in the union were executed and he would not share their fate. He however was only looking at five years in jail himself a far cry from the sacrifice that his Seljuk compatriots had to take. His years in jail steeled his resolve and had not killed his desire to continue the fight. His arrest and the execution of other important figures in the Seljuk community lead to a major Seljuk backlash and push for rights.
In mid-February 1883 in response to a long running series of protests and sit-in’s in Agisil by Seljuk organizations. Ahmed the 2nd signed into law the Seljuk minorities right to form its own labor and political organizations as long as they did not advocate violence again the Zengid state. He hoped this would calm down the situation and for a short time it did the intensity of discontent was quelled by this major victory. All good things must come to an end however.

February 5th 1885:
It hadn’t been long since Dalir Moridri had been released from prison but he did not feel it was time to rest he had to organize Seljuks and achieve Seljuk equality which was still far from reality within Zengid. The new organization the National Seljuk Rights Organization was christened Dalir along with surviving organizers of his now defunct labor union began putting their talents towards a broader goal of Seljuk rights. Dalir had great hopes for this organization and after a few successful actions over the years Dalir felt he was in sight of his end goals. This was about the change.

April 12th 1893:
A seemingly innocuous march was planned for this day which was why the eventual aftermath of the day was never foreseen by the National Seljuk Rights Organization. Toward the midpoint of their journey the marchers were greeted with a detachment of local law enforcement informing them the march was to be cancelled for security reasons. It is unclear how the events took place afterwards as many conflicting reports have been circulated but what is clear is what was supposed to be a simple march turned into a riot as unhappy marchers lashed out in anger as the tension escalated. The events gave an emergency legislative secession all the ammo they needed to roll back some of the unpopular rights granted by Ahmed the 2nd. While they stopped short of rolling back the Seljuk minorities new found rights entirely they severely limited them. This did not go over well with the Seljuk minority but the damage was already done.

February 5th 1900:
The first major protest in Agisil since the events of April 12th had taken place. Tensions are high this event is supposed to commemorate the 15th anniversary of the foundation the National Seljuk Rights Organization. A counter protest however brings things to a head a brawl breaks out between the groups and it devolves into a riot this event helps bring the Seljuk situation to the forefront King Akbayar’s mind. Many sit on the sidelines wondering where Akbayar will stand some are hopeful but many are unsure about the situation that teeters on the brink of organized violence.
Official Government Name: Zengid Kingdom

Head of State: King Akbayar Bahar (35)

Capital City: Agisil

National Language: Seluk(Official and Spoken by the Majority), Ghurid(Minority Language with recognition in local Governments)

Basic Demographics: The Zengid Kingdom has celebrated history at least that is the case for the Seluk majority and Ghurid minority communities within the nations borders. For hundreds of years the Seluks and Ghurids have survived and thrived together within the borders of the Zengid nation. The nation who’s climate can be pretty dynamic ranging from Mediterranean in coastal regions, small semi-arid regions and even temperate regions in the North East. The Zengid ruled by Akbayar since his ascension to the Throne on March 15th 1895 following the passing of his father Ahmed Bahar the 2nd after 40 years of his reign. Agisil has become the nations political center on the banks of the inner sea on the east of the nation the port city is also a center of trade for the nation. The Government has committed itself to industrial development in recent years as an effort to make the Kingdom more influential on world stage as well as for hopes of bringing wealth to the nation.

- Population: 2
- Stability: 4
- Landmass: 2
- Demographics: 5
- Civilian Industry: 6
- Armaments Industry: 5
- Infrastructure: 4
- Naval Industry: 3

II. Military:
- Army Size: 3
- Army Training: 2
- Army Technology: 5
- Navy Size: 1
- Navy Training: 1
- Navy Technology: 3

III. Economics:
- Rare Resources: 6
- Common Resources: 6
- Luxury Resources: 1
- Bureaucracy: 4
Syrian Arab Republic

Russian Federation (PolishKing)
The Syrian Arab Republic welcomes the Russian Federations support in our fight against extremism in the Syrian Arab Republic. With that decision Russia supports it long standing close ties between our two nations.

Democratic Republic of Korea (Chairman Stein)
As a nation dubbed to be a member of the “Axis of Evil” and a victim of US foreign policy the DPRK and the Syrian Arab Republic have a chance to support each other against NATO aggression's. Though there is question about how far that support can go. Though we will keep cordial diplomatic relations for the foreseeable future as they support us in our fight against extremism in the Syrian Arab Republic.

The Islamic Republic of Iran (Combo Move)
The Syrian Arab Republic is happy to accept support from the Islamic Republic of Iran. Though we may not agree on all issues the Islamic Republic of Iran has grown to be a great strategic ally and we in the Syrian Arab Republic hope to continue that alliance.

United States of America (NPC)
Relations between the Syrian Arab Republic and the United States of America have been very rocky. Since their official stance is to support “moderate rebels” enemies of the Syrian Arab Republic they cannot be seen as a friend. But the Syrian Arab Republic would never promote open hostility towards them unless it was provoked. The Syrian Arab Republic implores them to see reason and help fight extremism in the region.

The Federal Republic of Nigeria (UltikanaRe)
The Syrian Arab Republic has little in the way of formal relations with the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

I would like to reserve the Syrian Arab Republic for God, Syria, And Bashar.
I'd like to reserve the State of Japan greatest country in the world with Cambodian Puppet Theater and Goobas.
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