The Veletian Republic

(ooc:Not sure if I love the flag tell me what you think)
All Eyes on Labelle
Alexis Dubois(born the 5th of May 1865) He was a son of a middle class government bureaucrat in the port city of Labelle. He father mostly handled import duties down at the port ensuring the nations coffers had a continued stream of income from the steady flow of goods coming to and fro in Labelle. Dubois father was by no means a very rich man but he was able to send his son to school and eventually to higher education. Alexis Dubois was accepted into the University of Labelle in 1885 it was there that his interest in the history of Violette and it's previous flirtation with Republicanism peaked his interest. Those formative years at the University of Labelle lead him to devote his life to getting a seat in the People's Assembly. As he would say, "The People's Assembly was the last line of defense against tyranny in Violette without a healthy assembly there is nothing to stop despotism in the Empire." He got his wish in 1894 but not without a fight. He was called all sorts of pejoratives for being a detractor of the monarchy unpatriotic, traitor, and terrorist to name a few. The controversy was enough to nearly cost him his seat in the People's Assembly. Republicanism was turning into dirty word to the Monarchy as conservative forces began to eat away at the People's Assembly's powers.
Dubois had his seat until August 10th 1899 when Queen Victoria chose to betray Liberty and decree that Republican politicians would not be welcome any longer in the People's Assembly. Republicanism was being branded as unpatriotic and antithetical to being a Veletian. Dubois however knew better he knew that Liberty was the heart of Violette the monarchy would soon have to know that as well. This was the Catalyst to Dubois's actions the return of creeping despotism with Empress Victoria effectively turning the People's Assembly into her personal rubber stamp she betrayed the spirit of Violette.
"The People's Assembly was never intended to be free from controversy and above all it was never intended to be free of opposition to the Head of State. The Empress's actions are not only unpatriotic as she has branded our opposition but they are also a betrayal of the Veletian people who deep down I know yearn for freedom."-Alexis Dubois on his expulsion from the People's Assembly Aug. 10th 1899
Ten days later on August 20th 1899 Empress Victoria died the turn of events made Dubois hopeful that her successor Empress Tsirine would follow previous administrations and choose to allow the political rights of the People's Assembly to continue. In practice however Tsirine did not revert the declaration of Empress Victoria and Alexis Dubois was not going to wait for someone else to show the Empress the error of her ways.
Mouvement républicain et citoyen:Alexis didn't dally after being expelled from the People's Assembly he was quick to form the Mouvement républicain et citoyen(Citizens and Republican Movement). His initial wish was the have the People's Assembly be restored to it's former state before the 1899 removal of Republican politicians but each passing day showed him that the Monarchy now headed by Empress Tsirine was unwilling to support a role back of it’s reactionary reforms. Not only this but they would less than a year later mobilize the nation for war on August 14th 1900. The Mouvement républicain et citoyen soon created Voix de la Révolution(Voice of the Revolution) a small Newspaper so far illegally distributed to voice opposition to the Monarchy in Violette. The main leader of the paper was Gerard Calliou another former Republican Assembly member and colleague of Alexis he had experience in political News Papers before the ban on Republican Movements but it would be a whole new ball game to run an underground printing company.
January 1901: Gerard Calliou has begun printing a record number copies of Voix de la Révolution and distributing them throughout his base of operations in Labelle. He is working on having a network of distribution by the end of the week that will get contraband papers to major cities to distribute in hopes of generating more public awareness of their fight for Democratic rights in Violette and the end of the despotic monarchy.
"The People's Assembly must be free and openly elected by the Veletian people. No compromise should be made the Monarchs have shown they are willing to trample on the rights of the people so I ask you, Are you willing to just accept such a fate or will you rally to take back our nation? We are strong for we the people make up the nation nothing can stop us except our own self doubt and fear which is what the despots thrive upon. Do not let them bully you into accepting their superiority the Empress is but a women no different than your fellow man nothing but society gives her power. If we can rally the people we can create a free Veletian Republic that will prosper for all future generations to see." Alexis Dubois January 5th 1901 meeting of the Mouvement républicain et citoyen
Alexis Dubois, Gerard Callio, and many others are taking up the fight to support Democratic and Republican idea's in Violette it maybe a long battle but they are ready to fight until they can no longer to rekindle the flame of liberty in Violette. The fight for Liberty is on.