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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Theodorable
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Theodorable NRP Entrepreneur

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The World as We Know It

[Turn 6 -- April, 1900 to June, 1900]

Discord Chat: discord.gg/f6n4B8

May 23rd to May 31st

May 23rd
  • Having existed under the thrall of the Seljuk Empire for nearly three hundred years, the Sypians were an islander tribal kingdom dating back to 2,000 B.C.E. The bloated and corrupt bureaucracy of the Seljuk realized that continued maintenance of the Sypians was simply too expensive. Even the famed naval base at Murat was considered expendable. On May 23rd, 1900 the Sypian situation finally reached a tipping point, with the final Seljuk administrators fleeing on loaned civilian vessels and the Sypian Kingdom proclaiming its own independence.

    The Sypian Kingdom, 1900

    The Great Powers of the Continent however understood at even an initial glance that the Sypian state under King Maratax was weak at best, with only a tenuous hold. A major presence could easily sway a more willing administration into place. The opportunity however, would close quickly.
    - [Open Event: Any nation may select to do one of the following:
    * Dispatch a Destroyer Squadron: By sending three destroyers, our nation shows support for a Sypian regime that supports our interests without appearing too militaristic in nation. There is a low chance of succeeding with an equally low chance of raising tensions.]
    * Dispatch an Armored Cruiser: An armored cruiser carrying supplies and munitions to the Sypian people will help turn them to our cause fairly quickly. With a significant war vessel docked at Murat, there is a higher chance of succeeding as well as creating tension.]
    * Dispatch a Pre-Dreadnought: By sending one of our most powerful warships, we nearly guarantee that the Sypians will see our point of war, there is an equally high chance that if we don't pull this off, we come off looking as the aggressors.]
    - [PM the Moderator: [Which Decision You've Selected - Name of Ship(s). - Captain in Charge.]

May 24th-30th
  • In the Empire of Tara, the Imperial Eyes are instructed to foment minor disquiet and raids across the border from Meung to Settumese Tara. With the assets from Project Halder, the Imperial General Staff and the Foreign Office expect this to be a relatively trivial operation; Eyes assets under the command of Mr. Enlai Fuhua, the local SIO and of Meung extraction himself - the better to blend into the area - have been operating in the area for a while as a result of the project, and the ramshackle nature of the Meung state makes their job easier, or so runs Imperial thinking.

    During the last week of July, the Imperial Eyes insert themselves into the local Meung community at the border, establishing a presence there to begin implementing their operations, installing themselves to begin gaining intelligence on military garrisons in the area.

May 31st
  • The Karumi War takes a dark turn as Fetrograd's capture opens the Karumi 16th Army into a full forced march to the South. The Itheraen Volunteer Corps escape East at the last moment, but the Seronan land opened to Itheraen trade has now been sealed shut.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by The Nexerus
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The Nexerus Sui generis

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Empire of Violette

Zanzan, Cote d'Or, Empire of Violette,

A d'Orian mother and her son look out from their balcony over the coast of the port-city of Zanzan

Like so much of the rest of the Empire of Violette, the Cote d'Or had prospered under Veletian suzerainty for centuries. Acquired in pieces throughout the late 17th and early 18th centuries, the various small kingdoms, tribes and emirates that had coalesced into the Cote d'Or had long since adopted a fundamentally Veletian character. The language of Violette—that Continental tongue which most elegantly expressed higher culture—had utterly supplanted local languages in the great cities of the coast generations past; only the plethora of subjugated, dark-skinned tribes of the inland were made to do without it, communicating with each other primarily through violent conflict rather than in their dozens of distinct languages. Indeed, the inland had been so backwards and neglected, and the coast so cosmopolitan and vibrant, that the authorities of the colony had largely neglected any settlement not striding alongside the Cote d'Or's warm, blue waters. The coastal cities were not even physically connected to themselves, having neither road nor rail tying them together: only the sea. Small civilian and commercial craft ferried passengers to and fro from each of their ports, towing expensive cargo from the inland too, giving the coastal waters of the Cote d'Or a well-regulated business that reminded the many hundreds of thousands of Continental Veletians living in the colony's port-cities of the wonders of Labelle and Lorre back home in Violette proper.

Today, though, the fanciful d'Orians witnessed a special sight. A flotilla of Veletian military ships, docked in the navy harbour of Zanzan, set sail north and east, briskly cutting a path through the lazy waves of the Cote d'Or on their departure from home. Where other ships would normally turn east or west, headed for the cities of Lagunes or Woroba, the ships of the Flotte Cotê d'Or kept their bows pointed forwards. The geographically astute among the onlookers might have noticed their colony's naval garrison's most likely destination: the Sypian Kingdom. Word had traveled fast of the departure of the Seljuks from the islands, and the Empire of Violette, ever prideful and hungry, saw fit to make a show of their presence for their newly independent neighbors. They would be the first to show, if they had any competition for Sypia's favour at all—likely arriving days if not weeks before any potential competitor. Led by the resolute Commodore Jean-Pierre Beaubois, himself a quarter D'Orian from his mother's side, the flotilla would proceed to Murat and then to Mufat, first inspecting the state of the island kingdom's most important naval base before wooing the Sypians gazing into the waters off their own capital. The Cote d'Or was already culturally diverse and oriented to the sea: a few islands of Sypians would fit into the Empire quite nicely.

[Open Event: Any nation may select to do one of the following:
* Dispatch a Destroyer Squadron: By sending three destroyers, our nation shows support for a Sypian regime that supports our interests without appearing too militaristic in nation. There is a low chance of succeeding with an equally low chance of raising tensions.]
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Theodorable
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Theodorable NRP Entrepreneur

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The World as We Know It

[Turn 6 -- April, 1900 to June, 1900]

Discord Chat: discord.gg/f6n4B8

June, 1900

June 1st
  • The Flotte Cotê d'Or arrives in Mufat, Sypia. A partial representation, with a light cruiser captained by Commodore Jean-Pierre Beaubois in escort of two destroyers to "protect Veletian interests." The Sypian government welcomes the Commodore while his ships dock first at Mufat.

June 2nd-June 3rd
  • 350 women and children in Wietr, Serona are shot and killed for "funding and facilitating rebellion against Karumi soldiers during wartime." The pictures, horrific and gruesome, make headlines in Kalpia, Oslad, Tyria and Violette. Little mention is made of the incident in Radena.

June 4th
  • Seven additional submarines are finished in the Imperium of Hiron. They are added to an already growing fleet of ships.

June 5th
  • The Liubeth Conference ends without any meaningful resolution. Osladian diplomats leave enraged when at every turn Kalpians turn their demands against the Osladians and Zellonians defend themselves: "with a certain zeal that their own soldiers lacked," President Reimund Braun commented. The Zello-Osladian War continues with King James leaving and declaring "a continuation of hostilities starting on June 6th."

June 6th
  • The ZRN Destroyer finishes it's working up, joining the Zellonian 1st Fleet out of Vorl.

June 7th
  • The Mayor of Aleir, Violette, Eduard Muer, is shot and killed by Thecian nationalist Pavlos Kountouriotis in his home at 7:45 at night. Muer, a proponent of Veletian working rights, signed the Workers Rights Appropriation Bill in 1891 in Aleir, removing the rights of Thecians to join Veletian Labor Unions in Aleir.

June 8th
  • After heavy political pressure at home, the Kingdom of Zellonia officially capitulates to the Empire of Oslad, Kalpian Republic and Marnish Kingdom. Negotiations begin in Liubeth, Kalpia, with King James refusing to attend and instead sending a personal delegation.

June 9th
  • The armored cruiser SMS Kaiser Reinhard arrives in Murat, Sypia from the Tyro-Redanian Empire. Captain Nicolas Heimsoth, with orders from the Dual Monarchy, immediately orders the 72 marines on board to disembark. Sailors from the nearby Veletian destroyers watch as Tyrian marines escort Captain Heimsoth into the city. The presence of an immense warship with 10" guns in the harbor is enough to warrant King Maratax's celebration. A Pro-Tyrian administration is installed, and a Sypian guard personally hands the Veletian commodore Jean-Pierre Beaubois an order to set sail within 48 hours or be interned.
    - [Event: The Tyro-Redanian Empire and Empire of Violette suffer -1 Relations to Hostile.]

    Tyro-Redanian armored cruiser SMS Kaiser Reinhard, pictured 1900

June 10th
  • A road between the cities of Phlies and Thespo is finished in the Republic of Itherae.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lone Wanderer
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Lone Wanderer

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The Tyro-Redanian Empire

"Unbowed and Unbroken"

A King for Survia

With the recent ascension of Crowned King Joan VI to the throne of the Crowned Republic of Survia and a public proclamation given upon that same day in support of the Tyro-Redanian Empire, in which the newly crowned King expressed a desire for closer ties and a Non-Aggression Pact with the dual monarchy. Emperor-King Adalar von Wolfram today gave a speech at the great park of Kirsting within the capital, the newly constructed Kreisbau standing imperious within the background several weeks before it's great opening housing the Grand Exhibition.

"Let it be known that this government supports that noble goal of peace in a world slipping ever onwards towards the verge of war and catastrophe. Our kinsmen in Survia have held aloft their own torch in brazen defiance and countenance to the would-be warmongers and tyrants of the world and in this our union shall stand with them. As of this date, a pact has been reached with our neighbors within the Crowned Republic of Survia in providing and ensuring a continued peace and status quo between our two great nations."

Upon the same date Tyro-Redanian diplomats from the Empire's embassy within Survia were dispatched to formalize the formation and signing of a Non-Aggression Pact with the Crowned Republic after introducing and presenting themselves before the newly crowned monarch as tradition demanded. Days later an invitation from one brother monarch to another would be sent out to the royal administration inviting King Joan for a formal visit to the Tyro-Redanian Empire when such a time allowed in the monarch's reign.

An image dipicting the Kreisbau days before the Grand Exhibiton, circa 1900
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Theodorable
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Theodorable NRP Entrepreneur

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The World as We Know It

[Turn 6 -- April, 1900 to June, 1900]

Discord Chat: discord.gg/f6n4B8

June, 1900

June 11th to June 18th

June 11th
  • In the Empire of Violette, budgetary issues are momentarily set aside, with the People's Assembly devoting $5,000,000 in employing over 7,200 workers to build a new drydock in Eastern Violette. The expectation is that in the Summer of 1901 it will be building the newest ships of the Veletian Navy.

June 12th
  • The Minister of War of the Grand Kingdom of Meung Mei Feng, by Imperial Decree, has been ordered to accelerate the pace of much needed military reforms and the creation of an Army General Staff to oversee and monitor the pace of developments. A solid core of ten ''New Model Regiments'' trained to the Veletian standard has been made the goal by the end of the year. These New Model Regiments will form the basis for the modern Meung Imperial Army and an example for future progressive reform.

    Meung soldiers, trained by Veletians, train in the field, 1900

June 12th
  • The Imperium of Hiron complete a blueprint design of a new 700 ton destroyer, the Tsukiko-class. It is an ambitious project with a top speed of 28 knots.

June 13th
  • The Second Liubeth Conference finishes, with the Zellonian Article of Capitulation being submitted to the Zellonian delegation for signing. In an unsurprising move of incompetence, the document was sent over to the Zellonian delegation without having ever been signed by Osladian or Kalpian delegates.

June 14th
  • Legislation passes in the People's Assembly in Confluence regarding the Pinnacle Programme were deemed to be unjust. This piece of legislation fixes the quandary that imposed harsher restrictions on Thecian workers, and in blinding speed the People's Assembly brought to discussion, voted on and passed the Thecian Amendment. Reports in cities Gillemille, Lorre and Rosèmere later that day with the drop of the morning newspaper reported protests and rioting, but it wasn't Thecians, it was Veletians.

June 15th
  • The Battle of Grodz begins in the Karumi War. The Karumi 16th Army, now a veteran force of 175,000 men threatens to bring a swift end to the war by shipping an additional 50,000 men to the front. The Itheraen Volunteer Corps, fighting on the right flank of Grodz, gave the Karumi hell.

    Karumi soldiers marching to the front, June 1900

June 16th
  • A deal between the Tsardom of Radena and the Imperium of Hiron is finalized. 200,000 Kirov.86 rifles are sold to the Hironese in exchange for $2,000,000 and blueprints for a 700 ton destroyer. The rifles are expected to arrive in Hiron at the beginning of August.

June 17th
  • In the Kalpian Republic, Filasio Chemicals expands it's industrial base to Tarist.

June 18th
  • The Zello-Osladian War has halted it's bloodshed, an 11 month long affair marred by tactical inefficiencies, strategic errors and needless bloodshed. With the Second Liubeth Conference stalled by a Zellonian delegation that refuses to cede it's right to the sea, King James Conrad implores both the Tsardom of Radena and the Empire of Violette to mediate against the harsh terms of the Kalpian and Osladian administrations.

    The Zellonians have always been borne of the sea. Nearly 75% of their economy is dependent on overseas and coastal shipping. If unchanged, the Zellonian economy--already crippled by 11 months of war--will effectively grind to dust. Three of every four Zeels that passes hands in Zellonia does so after crossing some body of water.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Chairman Stein
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Chairman Stein Some Sorta Seminarian

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The Liubeth Conferences

On the 16th of May the Zellonian government agreed to a ceasefire. For the first time since the Osladian Imperial Army landed on the shores of Nervinton, the guns had fallen silent over Zellonia. The Osladian government immediately went to work preparing a diplomatic delegation to send to Liubeth, Kalpia to push the Osladian agenda. Among those chosen was the aging Niko 'Old Silver' Shklovsky, who served as both the Empire's Minister of Finance and Head of the National Bank of Oslad. He was accompanied by his apprentice, the young up-and-coming Secretary of the Treasury Stojan Brodszky, who much took after Old Silver. Joining the pair was Lieutenant Admiral Kazimir Benda, the personal assistant and trusted advisor of one Renzo Carrano, the Minister of the Navy, who could not be present himself. Osladian Minister of Security, the serious and astute Srdjan Orlov, was also there, as was Zhivko Litvak, Orlov's chief underling as the head of the Security Bureau. Minister of Supply & Production Lubos Yankovic—a close friend and political ally of the 'Count of Black' Vasilyev Yegorov—was there too, as was Yegorov himself, proudly leading the group. Finally, Oslad's ambassador to Kalpia, Nicholai Dolgorukov, rounded out the delegation.

Citizens of Liubeth gathering outside the Municipal Assembly to observe the arriving delegates.

By the 20th of May the delegation departed for Liubeth, arriving two days later shortly ahead of the Zellonian delegation. After a lunch-in and small-talk among the attending diplomats, opening statements were made and the agenda of the Conference was decided upon. The Osladian delegation immediately went to work pushing the issue of the Oslo-Zellonian strait and the fate of the powerful Zellonian navy. However, the Kalpian delegation in a strange move debated against the issue in favor of a return to the pre-war status quo, a move that left many within the Osladian delegation bitter towards their war-time 'allies'. By the end of the first conference, the Osladian delegation had been entirely shoved to the side in favor of Zellonian and Kalpian demands. Speaking for the first time since he arrived, Count Yegorov decried the entire conference as a sham saying "These half-witted cravens would demand us to sign a treaty that would bring shame to every Slad from Oslograd to Seosong!" and stated that his delegation would not dare sign the treaty under the agreed upon terms. On June 5th the delegation left the conference and a telegram was sent back to Oslograd informing the military high command to make preparations for a new offensive effort against Vorl. However, 3 days later on the 8th the Zellonian delegation came forward and announced their intention to allow the Empire and the Kalpian Republic to put forward new terms for a Zellonian capitulation.

The Osladian delegation returned to Oslograd with the results of the second conference shrouded in mystery, with many today believing this lack of information being intentional for Count Yegorov's 'grand reveal' to the Duma on the 10th.

"Esteemed members of the Duma. When I left our beautiful capital nearly a month ago, many doubted what my administration could accomplish. Perhaps these doubts were not misplaced, as I am sorry to say that no agreement was made. No my friends, I do not bring a treaty of equals to the Duma today. I bring nothing but absolute victory! When I proclaimed the first Liubeth conference to be a farce, and the Kalpians as mere opportunist traitors to our united front, the Zellonians crumbled! They saw our fiery both on the battlefield and at the diplomatic table, and now they bow to our superiority! The terms of the second conference shall be made public within the coming days, and I am proud to have been able to lead such a diligent and honorable group of men to bring this glorious nation the victory she deserved. Hail our glorious nation, and hail Oslad!"

3 days after the Prime Minister's speech the results of the second Liubeth conference were released, with diplomat to Kalpia, Nicholai Dolgorukov, signing the treaty and ratifying the Osladian approval of the results. Finally, after over a year, the war was over.

Kalpian, and Osladian diplomats signing the demands sent to Zeel on June 13th, 1900.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Blackhawk


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Zengid Kingdom

The Osman Plan

May 2nd 1900: The sudden passing of Faruk Atan was a shock to the nation. Despite not being old or frail his heart gave way anyway in what is speculated to be a stress related issue. His tenure was mediocre at his best but the task of reviving a fractured navy could get the best of even the most competent of men. He was however unable to prevent the continued plague of low morale that the Zengid National Navy has been faced with which has been coming to a head as of late. Despite this many regard Faruk Atan as a great yet troubled man he during his time as Ministry of the Navy seemed distressed feeling a personal regret that he could not do more to set the beleaguered navy on the right course. Faruk Atan even with his short comings will be missed by the Zengid people and their Monarch may he be remembered for his accomplishments in life which are numerous rather than the shortcomings of his twilight years.

April 7th 1900: The task of finding a new Ministry of the Navy started soon after the passing of Faruk was relayed to the authorities. This task was of the utmost importance to the Zengid government because the navy was not only seen as the weakest arm of the Zengid Armed Forces but it was becoming the laughing stalk of the international community. A proper replacement was needed to bring the Zengid National Navy back to it's former glory. After over a month of consideration our hopeful hero was revealed his name Osman Erdogan. His proposed Osman Plan outlined his intentions to reform the Zengid National Navy and his long term plan to eventually bring our navy back to it's former glory days. While we cannot yet know if he can bring his plan to fruition there is a glimmer of hope for the Zengid National Navy after years of decline the Navy may someday reclaim it's place on the high seas.

The Massacre at Kamun

The growing discontent of the Seljuk Minority was a major consideration of the newly crowned King of Zengid. How his closest advisors and courtiers had little interest in creating a working solution to the situation on top of arguing against most of King Bahar's proposals to help ease tensions. When April began Bahar was still unsure what the best course of action would be to balance the delicate state of affairs. His delay was soon revealed to be much more costly than he had ever anticipated.

April 14th 1900: Word of the situation in Kamun and the surrounding area came slowly at first. Many in the Government and on the ground were not sure what exactly was taking place. The only real facts that were known at the start were that radicals had stormed an armory and were in possession of Kr. 99 rifles. Their goals were still unknown, unconfirmed reports of hostages started to flow in. Within hours mass killings were hinted at, but many were skeptical that such a thing could be taking place under their government’s nose. Once the truth was revealed, the nation was shocked at what had taken place.

The Suman Uprising was a shock to many within the Zengid power structure they had never believed the situation was nearing it’s breaking point. The sudden realization of the severity of the situation by some in the administration gave them chills. When they learned about the civilians marched the slaughtering grounds by their captors they called for blood. Over one thousand civilians were slaughtered by the men lead by Suman Pasha. With many calling for blood and reprisals the Seljuk Situation continues to deteriorate as radicals make their moves.

King Akbayar Bahar was taken aback when he heard what was taking place on the border with the Seljuks, he was quick to make a statement on the situation once the facts had been made clear. His statement as follows, "Today a great tragedy has struck our nation to it's core. Radicals lead by a man named Suman Pasha have carried out one worst instances of ethnic violence the Kingdom has seen in many many years. We however most not give in to calls for reprisals for I cannot condone these acts. I promise Suman and his murders will be brought to justice and the Seljuk people will be treated as they deserve in the fold of the Zengid nation I call for calm we will catch them all will be well in Zengid."

April 15th 1900: The Kings public statement was met with a round of nationalist protests. They claimed that Akbayar was a traitor to the Zengid people for not seeking reprisals for the subhuman Seljuk. Some more radical elements in the Zengid Brotherhood called for the immediate abdication or removal of King Akbayar Bahar and a declaration of war against the Caliphate whom they believed to be fully responsible for the actions of Suman Pasha. They even claimed he was funded and backed by the Caliphate a claim unsubstantiated but a popular call to action of Brotherhood supporters. The Brotherhood number only around 1,500 men but their radical departure from the Monarchy on the Seljuk issue has caused alarm for King Bahar and his government. These men indeed want an ethnic conflict on Zengid soil to remove what they view as subversive foreign elements from the Zengid state. Their influence may be small now but unless the King can quell the Suman Uprising and fix the Seljuk situation nationalist fervor will be the only thing Zengid people's can turn to as a solution to their fears. May God bless Zengid and end the blood flow.

([OOC]: Going to be edited to add a Zengid Flag and pictures in a little bit.)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LordZell
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LordZell The Zellonian

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The Empire of Zellonia

The Liubeth Peace Conference

While the king refused to bow before the kalpian dogs and the osladian monsters. He knew the cause was hopeless and the peace accord before had failed he couldn’t even achieve a singular peace as such he knew the war effort would come to a close. He sent notices to his commanders and enemy announcing the surrender of the country. Many people applauded his bravery for stopping the fight for fear of the slaughter of more innocent zellonians even though he knew the terms wouldn’t be light. Yet when the peace delegation sent him what the kalpians and osladians wanted he nearly choked and refused it there. He sent word to his team to request that their neighbors to the east the Tsardom of Radena be brought into negotiate or the Empire of Violette whichever the kalpian and osladians would accept. Until the kalpians and osladians accepted or denied the intervention the peace would stall.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by The Nexerus
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The Nexerus Sui generis

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Empire of Violette

Foreign Office of the Empire of Violette

Her Majesty's Foreign Office for the Empire of Violette is pleased to accept the invitation of the Kingdom of Zellonia to mediate peace talks in Liubeth. It is the position of the Empress Tsirine and her government that the Zello-Osladian War must be brought to a swift end, and that said conflict's conclusion on resolute and mutually agreeable terms is essential to induce amicability and prevent future outbreaks of violence in the region of the Smaragd Sea. As a neutral party to the conflict, and one interested in peace and prosperity for the Continent, Violette is perfectly situated to perform the role of peace-broker and see to it that any disagreements preventing a lasting end to bloodshed may be assuaged. Duly appointed Minister Augustin Batteux shall depart for Kalpia immediately upon acceptance of Veletian mediation to oversee the negotiations, and ensure that tranquility is returned to Zellonia and her environs, by all good grace.

The governments of the Osladian Empire and Kalpian Republic are encouraged to continue down the road to peace and offer their own consent to the resumption of talks under Veletian mediation.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ascendant
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Ascendant No One In Particular

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Senryu, Hiron

The Minister of the Navy, Saeki Ieyoshi, sat idly thumbing through the daily newspaper when an aide entered. Bowing deeply, they handed him a set of papers. Saeki set the newspaper down and then skimmed over them before picking up a pen and simply writing on each one, 'Finish working up.' Once that was done, the man grumbled to himself and the aide, "Damn captains can't even sail properly, and they forgot their names? The Ramana sinks, leaving us with eleven out of twelve new submarines." Saeki handed the papers back to the aide and quickly returned to his newpaper.

The names of the new submarines were as such, Nettottsu, Uesugi, Takami, Kami, Kamittsu, Tetsu, Ippou, Ichinogyo, Ouzuutsu, Samono, and Ichigo.

As Saeki read the newspaper, the man chuckled a bit, "Surprising, that Zellonia. Managed to take on two Great Powers because of the incompetence of their generals and admirals. Let us hope the Imperium doesn't fall prey to the same kind of mistakes..."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Murtox


Member Seen 3 mos ago

The Kalpian Republic-1900

Kalpia agrees to the mediation

The Congress had found itself pretty divided over the issues of the capitulation terms to send to Zellonia so much that they had not even directly agreed to it and would only sign it should Zellonia find itself willing to do so, but now that they had requested a mediator things became clearer and they sought to at least, make the demands to Zellonia more feasible and less harsh, than what the original capitulation involved. Soon a public speech was given by the Minister of Foreign Affairs and in which Kalpia would approve of Violette mediation even if to only show that they were actually willing to finally put an end to the war and find themselves in a long and lasting peace.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Theodorable
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Theodorable NRP Entrepreneur

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The World as We Know It

[Turn 6 -- April, 1900 to June, 1900]

Discord Chat: discord.gg/f6n4B8

June, 1900

June 19th to June 21st

June 19th
  • The Second Liubeth Conference in Liubeth, Kalpia is set to start. The Empire of Violette aims to bring an end to the Zello-Osladian War, though international observers are hopeful that they can finally negotiate an end to a terrible war.

    Dignitaries on the first day of the Second Liubeth Conference.

    The Conference begins with a rousing speech from the Osladian Minister of Security, Srdjan Orlovy on the issue at head. "We have come, once again, to resolve the issue of sovereignty in the straits of water between two empires." With agreements from all sides and only hushed mumbles from the Zellonian side of the table, the conference begins. Kent Benson, the Zellonian Minister of Military Production brings to the table the future of the Memoital Commonwealth, citing their strength and loyalty in the war and as well as an official invitation to the Marnish Kingdom, who joins via Foreign Minister Sven Nidling.

    Hanke Weber, Assistant to President Reimund Braun of Kalpia presents a letter from the Kalpian Parliament indicating it's interest in reparations for the cost of the war as well as possibilities of discussing the long term peace. Why no interest in war crimes is brought up, considering the loss of 3,000 Kalpian prisoners of wars at the hands of Zellonians, few can tell.

    Lastly, Thierre Carré, Aide of the Foreign Minister of the Empire of Violette offers up "the demilitarization of the Zello-Osladian Strait, and the need to address the atrocities committed during the conduct of the war." The mention of war crimes draws cold stares from the Osladian delegation.

    In the closing hours of the agenda, the Osladians managed to press as a claimant the question of the Zellonian Navy, something few paid attention to.

June 20th
  • On the first day of the Conference, Aaron Reeves, Junior Economics Minister of Zellonia personally met with the Marnish Foreign Minister before the conference started for the day and offered his condolences on the the "Great Mistake" the Royal Army took in invading Marnish land.

    Kalpian Economist Edmund Feldt offered up a written report: "The Cost of War in the North Sea," detailing not only the loss of Kalpian, Zellonian and Osladian life but the cost of labor in the war and the strain on the already fragile Kalpian economy. Estienne Rodin, Military Advisor to the Gendarmerie Nationale spent his allotted time arguing for a demilitarized zone in Zellonia, the "ZDZ" as it were called, citing Zellonian foreign ambitions as a reason why.

June 21st
  • On the second day of the conference, Niko Shklovsky, Head of Osladian National Finances & Banks continued to pressure the other nations on the importance of a "freely owned" Osladian strait, by which of course he meant "Osladian owned." Caleb Newman, Economic Advisor to King James gave a presentation on planned reforms for 1901 to increase trade relations with the Marnish Kingdom as a "mutual promise to rebuild a nation deeply affected by a war in which it had no part."

    Second Liubeth Conference, Day 2, June 21st, 1900

    While inspiring, the Kalpian Minister of the Interior Metody Wojda refuted Newman, underscoring some of the progress when Wojda attacked the Zellonians for trying brutish war time tactics and making a promise only in defeat, saying: "You apologize because you have lost, something no one does in victory."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by silver or lead

silver or lead

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Dominion of Meung

Minister of War: Mai Feng

Mei Feng had a particular distaste for fanatics. They were prone to irrationality, stubbornness, and incapable of compromise. As a member of the Imperial Bureaucracy such an attitude was inconceivable. A pragmatic and calculated approach was needed in all things, with the ability to change positions based on changing circumstances. Nevertheless, the Minister was facing a crisis in the Imperial Army. A malignant tumor was spreading borne of corruption, incompetence, and nepotism. For the Dominion to survive the next decade changes would be needed, drastic ones.

It was for that reason that Mei Feng had appointed General Xiao Cai as Chief of Staff. The General was hardly the picture of a fanatic that he had envisioned and Mai Feng was left slightly dissapointed by their first meeting. This was no ancient warrior with top knot frothing at the mouth but a well polished professional military officer with a waxed moustache and spectacles. Yet his reputation as a hard line nationalist preceded him. His distaste for foreigners aside, it hadn't blinded Cai that the Veletian's could be useful. He had been at the forefront of championing the modernization of the Meung from a ramshackle army to a professional and modern force, capable of dealing with the Imperialism of its neighbors who had developed an unhealthy appetite for trodding on Meung territory and violating the Dominion's sovereignty.

Xiao Cai would have his uses. He was from a minor landowning family, meaning the fact that he had risen so far on his own had been based on merit and not political connections. A rarity in the Meung forces which was dominated by landowning aristocrats. It would mean that he would owe no outside favors and his experience as Commander of the New Model Corp meant that he was familiar with the Veletian's and their training methods.

The newly minted Chief of Staff was also on hand to see the seeds he had planted begin to take shape as the 1st Battalion of the 86th Infantry Regiment marched past the review stand. It was the first such battalion to complete its training under the guidance of its Veletian military advisors and many Imperial functionaries were on the review stand at the Shenzhou Barracks.

The New Model Corp had received the best in training and equipment that the State had to offer and it showed. With expertly drilled precision, the troops faced left to the review stand to receive the salutes of their commanders. Mai Feng joined in the applause, one careful eye on his new Chief of Staff.

Yes, he would be one to watch indeed.

[ Post will be edited with images at a later point. ]
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Boop_Im_A_Dragon


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The Tsardom of Radena


News of peace in the West

Peace between the Zellonians and Osladian-Kalpian powers had finally been reached. A devastating conflict, that in the eyes of many Radenans, brought about the needless deaths of thousands in an almost brutish fashion. The Tsar himself commented on the issue directly, “The war the Zellonians fought against the Osladians and Kalpians shows just how far man is willing to go to win a war. Such brutality in a conflict should have never seen the light of day. The tactics used by the Osladians especially throughout the war is deplorable, the fact that no definite resolution on such issues having not been reached is despicable. While Radena will accept this peaceful resolution to the conflict to be absolute, it will not accept that the methods used by such countries to be justified. We can only implore upon the greater powers of the world to go about seeing an end to such unsightly and dishonorable forms of violence in the future.”

Headlines throughout Radena for the next week read “Peace in the west”, “Oslad bloodies its hands no more”, and “Zellonians stands their ground, a second chance at peace”. Opinions of the Osladian government and her people only continued to be soured, especially among the Radenan upper and middle class. Fears of the new Osladian government, one seemingly more militaristic than ever before had many worried. Some pieces even referred to the Osladian Prime Minister as “democracy gone awry”, one opinion piece that had gain significant popularity had this to say on the new Osladian Prime Minister:

Prime Minister Yegorov, a man of such honorable names as the ‘Count of Black’, has been recently awarded the highest position among the Osladian government, second only to their Tsar. A man of whom so affectionately referred to the Zellonian King as the ‘Mad King’, despite King James being beloved by his people, and whom has refused to acknowledge the wrongdoings that Oslad had committed during the war against Zellonia. His rise to power however, can be of no surprise. For the ‘Count of Black’ is a precautionary tale, one that every Radenan must hear, for it tells of the many failures of democracy. Bloody and dishonorable, this is the kind of man whom’s ideas will bring about an end to a civilized continent.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Murtox


Member Seen 3 mos ago

The Kalpian Republic-1901

Overview of Kalpian Political Factions

The Kalpia Republic has seen many parties arise over its relatively short history, some quickly disbanded as their ideas were not supported by the people or there was a clear lack of organization that could propel the party forward, the ones that stand today are very different from those of the early days of the Republic as most of them already have a strong position within the Kalpian political system, with years upon years of experience and plenty of voters that allow them to keep themselves in power. Political Coalitions are not uncommon when parties seek to advance their agenda, while other parties refuse to deal with others. It is a fact that within the political parties of Kalpia there are three types of people, the idealistic who believe in the values that the party preach to the Kalpians, the pragmatic who only wish to maintain themselves in power and the ones in between those two, who maintain balance their beliefs with their political needs to advance.

Kalpian Democratic Party:
First Speaker: Antoni Schlender
Summary: The Kalpian Democratic party is the oldest party in existence found just after the declaration of the Constitution and the Kalpia Bill of rights, the Democratic party has always appealed to the people by the liberal and progressive values that they preach, often saying that the both the state and the people should work to protect those rights from any threat either internal or external. They do not actively seek to spread democracy but to protect it and to keep the light of it lit over Kalpia.
Goals: Liberal Conservative
Support: 32% of the voting population

National Mirnist Party:
First Speaker: Berthold Heinrichs
Summary: The Mirnist Party is the second oldest party in the Kalpian political system, being founded just a year after the foundation of the Democratic Party, its first objective was to put a counterweight to the liberal Democratic Party and it has continued to do so for a long time, more often than not with the subtle cooperation of the Mirnist Church as it helps them get more voters. They believe that the current balance of freedom and state control will bring prosperity to the country.
Ideology: Conservative
Support: 41% of the voting population

Free-minded People's Party of Kalpia:
First Speaker: Alfred Kappel
Summary: The Free-minded People's Party is a young party that has made its way to become a small but formidable party in the political scene, this party seeks to spread democracy and liberal values all around the world, they are also quite libertarian and seek to protect all rights given to the people, violations of those rights sometimes led to entire protests led by the Free-minded People's Party. Its leaders and members are mostly the offspring of the successful industrial entrepreneurs of the past century.
Ideology: Liberal
Support: 8% of the voting population

Kalpian Fatherland Party:
First Speaker:Janusz Senft
Summary: The Fatherland party is the result of the militarization of the country over the past decades, formed just after the war for the liberation of Sergat, they seek to strengthen the country in a world where blood and iron make way to success and power. One of their remote ideas is to establish Kalpian colonies over the world even if that seems pretty far off.
Ideology: Nationalist (Pro-Military, Pro-Imperialist and Pro-Self-Determination)
Support: 9% of voting population

Socialist Party of Kalpia:
First Speaker: Krystyn Horn
Summary: With a base in Tarist the Socialist Party is one of the newest but also most well-established parties in the country, counting on the support of thousands of workers and farmers, intellectuals from several branches of the country. They have often sought to improve the social benefits for workers and are clear in the need to improve their quality of life.
Ideology: Socialism
Support: 8% of Voting Population

2% of the Voting population is distributed between independent parties

Current Political Coalitions and Political Legislature:
-Total of 648 Seats in Congress under the Unicameral legislative system
-The number of seats in Congress is proportional to the population of Kalpia
-Each Party gets a number of seats proportional to the number of votes they achieved
-The numbers of votes to each party is decided by Universal Male suffrage . Only adult men (18 up) may vote
-Voting is non-compulsory.

Conservative Coalition NMP-KFP = 50% of seats in Congress = 324 Seats

Liberal Coalition KDP-FPPA = 40% of seats in Congress = 259 Seats

Worker's Coalition SPK = 8% of seats in Congress = 52 Seats

Independent Coalition = 2% of seats in Congress = 13 Seats

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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lone Wanderer
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Lone Wanderer

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The Tyro-Redanian Empire

"Unbowed and Unbroken"

Captain Nicolas von Heimsoth

A naval officer whose career had been forged through steady ascension and the right marriage. Nicolas von Heimsoth gazed out across the sprawling docklands of Murat from the prow of the imperious Kaiser Reinhard, the armoured cruiser resting serenely upon crystal blue waters at it's moorings in the famed Murat harbour.

Nicolas had followed his father's footsteps in joining the Imperial and Royal Navy and had entered the naval academy at Tannersburg in 1885. Graduating 4 years later, it would take another 4 years following training service aboard various naval vessels before he would pass the final officer's examination in 1893. Later that year he would meet his wife, Rosa Reichenau. A women with strong ties and connections to prominent naval officials whom would ultimately be responsible for launching his career's ascension to the lofty heights of having his own command in 1899 over the armoured cruiser SMS Kaiser Reinhard.

Tyro-Redanian Naval Captain, Nicolas von Heimsoth donned in the dark blue double breasted frock coat of the Imperial and Royal Navy with his wife, Rosa Reichenau.

It was from that vessel which Nicolas now looked out from. A vessel built for war, the large cruiser with it's heavy guns and thick steel plating stood prominently as the largest vessel within the harbour with the proud flag of the Empire fluttering above from tall masts. He observed as crew members and marines finished unloading crates of supplies and ammunition to waiting Sypians.

Negotiations had gone well. Nicolas thought as he took a drag from the cigarette held in his free hand, the other tucked within a pocket of his captain's frock coat adorned with golden epaulettes.

The Captain's gaze turned towards the Veletian cruiser and destroyers sitting nearby, the Veletians had been here for a week before the arrival of the Kaiser or so he had been told by the locals, and yet they had achieved seemingly little. No doubt by now notices of internment had already been issued. For how long would the Veletians outstay their welcome now that they had lost this piece in the game, he wondered as he gazed upon the foreign warships, waves lapping lazily against their steel hulls.

The cigarette's smoke trail followed it's maker into the drink below as Nicolas turned and made his way towards the bridge to oversee the dispatch of a telegraph informing the capital and admiralty of his success. Sypia was theirs.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Theodorable
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Theodorable NRP Entrepreneur

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The World as We Know It

[Turn 6 -- April, 1900 to June, 1900]

Discord Chat: discord.gg/f6n4B8

June, 1900

June 22nd to June 31st

June 22nd
  • The second week of the Liubeth Conference begins with Minister Augustin Batteux, Foreign Minister of Violette beginning the proceedings by explaining that Zellonia's course of action directly correlated to what a nation would do after 25 years of successful naval expansion, though he be no means condoned the actions.

June 23rd
  • Zhivko Litvak, Head of Osladian Security Bureau took most of the second day of deliberations by explaining that the Strait, under Osladian control, would be a significantly more politically stable zone and that even if Zellonia had taken control of the Strait, it's ability to enforce such tariffs would have been nearly non-existent. The day long discussions wore every member of the delegation out, lasting from 9 AM to nearly 8 at night. At the end, few wished to hear the word "strait" for the rest of the conference.

June 24th
  • Moses Carroll, Naval Advisor to the 1st Zellonian Fleet opened the third day with a speech promising that the "Future of the Zellonian Navy" would not only protect Zellonian shores, but Marnish ones as well. Lothar Lieberenz, Junior Minister of the Department of Security commented that it wasn't the Zellonian Navy that invaded Marnland, it was the Army. The joke seemed to unsettle the Marnish Foreign Minister.

June 25th
  • The next day involved discussions pertaining almost entirely the Zellonian Royal Navy. Ekkehard Sitz, Advisor to the Kalpian Army made it known that if the Zellonian Royal Navy were left unscathed, it might rile the Zellonians to wars in the future. Sitz recommended the navy be made piecemeal to the Marns, Kalpians and Osladians. Commodore Éloi Delannoy, Commodore of the Marine Nationale fought him tooth and nail for nearly three hours, citing it would be like taking one warlord's sword to give it to another. To bolster the ruined Zellonian economy, the ships should be sold.

June 26th
  • Lubos Yankovic, the Osladian Minister of Production & Supply brought a new issue to the table near the end of the week: war crimes. While the Nervinton Massacre was a poignant memory, Yankovic instead gave a dull speech on how war itself was a risky endeavor.

    The second half of the day saw Karl Ball, Aide to the Zellonian Foreign Minister discuss the future of the Memoital Commonwealth, citing their bravery and strength in the conflict as one of the first bright spots.

June 27th
  • Marzell Gutermuth, Adjutant General of the Kalpian Navy returned to the subject of the Zellonian Navy, pointing out that the only surefire way to remove the Zellonian's "thirst for war" was to remove their means to do so. Lieutenant General Lucian Laclan, Lieutenant General of the Gendarmerie Nationale made it known that other nations had made such complaints about the Kalpian Army and that blame should be placed on King James Conrad and not the men he ordered to war. Incessant arguing ended the conference early that day.

June 28th
  • Kazimir Benda, Advisor to Osladian Naval Minister Carrano joined Adjurant General Gutermuth by insisting that no Zellonian promises of peace would endure, but rather only the dissolution of it's naval forces. With tensions high, introverted Bernard Casey, Adjutant General of the Royal Zellonian Army instead turned the conversation back to the Memoital Commonwealth, citing documents that the Memoital head of state, Prince Bernard, was accepting of the idea of joining the Kingdom of Zellonia.

June 29th
  • Poldi Wolanski, Armaments Minister of the Kalpian Republic was first to the podium. At 71 years old, many wondered to themselves what a man responsible for building weapons of war had to say. He gave the finest speech of the entire conference, dismissing claims of the Zellonian Navy's dissolution or political intrigue regarding the Marns or Memoitals. Instead, he spent nearly an hour speaking on the importance of building rifles and battleships to maintain peace, not to wage war. He asked that the Zellonians and Osladians alike focus their attention on talks of the long peace, not the short one. Only a few Osladians remained seated during the applause.

June 30th
  • The Empress of Violette herself, Empress Tsirina, took the stage to briefly discuss Zellonia's ruined economy and the desire for the Kalpians and Osladians to seek war reparations. As a mediation, Violette promised loans in any amount Zellonia might be required to pay, so that the Kalpians and Osladians were not left out.
  • Nicholai Dolgorukov, Osladian Ambassador to Liubeth allegedly had a private discussion with several Kalpian ministers regarding propaganda to remove any mention of the Nervinton Massacre in any Continental school books--outside of Zellonia--in the future. Press were not allowed in the room, and it's outcome was never determined.

    Chester Walton, Aide to King James Conrad led the discussion on the Marnish Kingdom for the day--a topic that was quickly growing tiresome to everyone but the Marns. Walton arrived with a letter from King James Conrad himself that promised full cooperation with any of the political requests made by the Marns for the remainder of the conference.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Theodorable
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Theodorable NRP Entrepreneur

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The World as We Know It

[Turn 6 -- April, 1900 to June, 1900]

Discord Chat: discord.gg/f6n4B8

July, 1900

The World, 1900

July 1st
  • A shipment of 200,000 Kirov.86 arrive in Senryu, Hiron. These began to be sent out to equip the Hironese Army, which before had been severely lacking due to a lack of industrial capacity to build it's own rifles.

    Drawing of the Radenan Kirov.86
  • As the Second Liubeth Conference continued on, Osladian Stojan Brodszky and Zellonian King James Conrad tussled briefly over war reparations for Zellonia. The Osladians were only minutely interested in the issue, as the war had been effectively nullin it's overall cost, while the Zellonians themselves fought to death over the issue.

July 11th
  • South Serranthians begin a new uprising against the Veletian colonial government in an attack on a Veletian patrol along the Saad River. Five Veletian garrison officers were decapitated. From there, the rebels moved northward up the river. These attacks are rare, and isolated away from city centers such as Dordogne, but prevalent among the heavily jungled areas where Veletian colonial troops cannot readily access.
    - [Event: Requires an IC Response from the Empire of Violette.]
  • Vivienne Gracieux, Magnate of Gracieux S.A again brought the issue of the Zellonian Navy up, citing concerns that if Zellonia were allowed to keep it's navy, a second Zello-Osladian War would simply around the corner. She argued that if the Zellonian Navy were temporarily "requisitioned" by the Veletians, they could de-escalate and slowly return the Zellonian Navy back to Zellonia as time went on. With no legitimate alternative, the Osladians and Kalpians agreed.

July 12th
  • The Xiang Delegation arrives in Yujin. The Warlords of Xiang--mostly lawless soldiers living a pseudo-military junta, were mostly immune to military intervention due to political corruption within the House of Lords. They arrived and demanded a payment of $7,500,000 from Grand Prince Yezhuan to maintain the existing borders and to "promote the security of the Xiangese-Meung border for 1900."
    - [Event: Requires an IC Response from the Grand Kingdom of Meung.]

July 15th
  • A Kalpian cruise liner, the Gutermuth, broke the Veletian record for the first time with an average speed of 22.42 knots (41.52 km/h; 25.80 mph).

July 17th
  • The Gutermuth, the same Kalpian ship that broke a speed record days earlier, arrives in Senryu to begin the Kalpian Military Mission. Carrying 179 officers of the Kalpian Republican Army, the officers have been instructed to begin modernizing the small Hironese Army. In exchange, the Kalpians are given a sum of $3,000,000.

July 21st-July 30th
  • Intense training regimes are enacted by both elements of the Hironese and Kalpian governments. Lightning quick changes that are intended to shock the small and poorly trained Hironese Army.
    - [Event: +2% Training for the Hironese Army.]
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Ascendant
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Ascendant No One In Particular

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

August 1st, 1900, Senryu, Hiron

In what may be later seen as a calculated move on the part of the Imperium of Hiron by the Grand Kingdom of Meung due to their recent troubles with the Xiang Warlords, a contingent of diplomats and negotiators sat on the deck of the civilian vessel TES Sakunosho. It was making steam and sail for a port city of the Meung and then riding to the capitol of Yujin to become before their Grand Prince or his representatives.

The leader of the contingent, Suno Iziro, was perhaps the second greatest negotiator and one of the top diplomats of Hiron. He sat lounging on a wooden recliner as the ship rolled upon the waves, a parasol shielding him from the sun whilst smoking a pipe. Iziri looked over at the man to his right, Takana Takano, a man with a peculiar name that it was probably best not to make fun of him for, and then to the man to his left, Aizo Tsutto. Both were rather highly regarded diplomats within the Imperium, apparently asked for by name by the foreign minister.

The contingent was escorted by a mere two Imperial soldiers who were mostly a token guard. Should the diplomats be taken hostage or even executed, the Imperium would undoubtedly declare war upon Meung not long after.

Within Suno Iziro's pocket were their orders, to go to Yujin and offer a treaty between the Grand Kingdom of Meung and the Imperium of Hiron, wherein the island of Wenshou, an island not far off the coast of Settumese Tara containing the cities of Cao and Mung, would be given to the Imperium of Hiron in exchange for the Imperium making no territorial claim to the mainland territory of the Grand Kingdom of Meung for perpetuity for the furtherance of peace between the Imperium of Hiron and the Grand Kingdom of Meung. The diplomats were to make clear that to not accept the treaty was practically to invite war between the two nations, particularly at a time when the Meung were not well-prepared and dealing with the Xiang as well.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Theodorable
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Theodorable NRP Entrepreneur

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The World as We Know It

Discord Chat: discord.gg/f6n4B8

August, 1900

The World, 1900

August 1st
  • Parnand Automobile de Violette unveils it's first, for sale, automobile. The Parnand Simple is a simple four wheeled device with room for two riders in an open carriage. Powered by a low watt electric battery, the device costs $1,451 and is considered a "toy" by Veletian's wealthy elite in Confluence. Parnand Automobile de Violette will sell nearly sixteen by the end of the month.

    The Parnand Simple, 1900

August 3rd
  • Imperial Arms in the Imperium of Hiron finishes and submits it's design on August 3rd, 1900 to the Bureau of Production and Design in Senryu. The Imperial Arms Model 1 was a bolt action rifle with similarities to the Otto.88's sleek long barrel design. It had an effective range up to 550 meters and utilizes smokeless 7.62x45mm ammunition. In a day of field testing, the rifle is found to be 4.16 kilograms with a smooth transition bolt, but after 300 to 400 rounds, the bolt action is prone to creating a stove pipe jam when the case is ejected. Beyond this, the rifle is considered to be superior to any Continental design.

    Imperial Arms Model 1 Rifle, 1900

- [Event: The Imperium of Hiron may Press into Production or Delay for Potential Improvements (6 Months). This requires an IC Response.]

August 7th
  • The Resettlement Act of 1900 ends with nearly 360,000 Radenan and Zellonians alike are resettled from the western edge of the Tsardom to the eastern edge. These men, women and children eagerly get to work on their new lives in the "Settumese Side." While costly, this is expected to help foster the growth of otherwise untapped industries in the far reaches of the Radenan wildlands.
    - [Event: Tsardom of Radena gains 450 Tons of Rubber, 12,000 Tons of Coal and 660 Tons of Precious Metals.]

August 8th
  • Just a week after the introduction of the Parnand Simple, Johan Jost of the Kalpian owned Leikarp Co., known for it's tremendously sized bicycles releases the Jostwagen. The Jostwagen costs $990 and works in similar operation to the Parnand, except it sits much higher on thin wheels designed from farthing bicycles. Powered by an electric motor, it's considered "a damned good time," for how much it costs. The Leikap Mayor purchases two on the same day.

    Johan Jost and the Mayor of Leikap, Eduard Vuth take a ride on a Jostwagen, 1900.
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