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alright join the discord while your at it. makes it easier to get ahold of the others
yes we are

"I can get in and out without much harm to me if I keep my body somewhere outside of the fight. I can see through walls and the various structure of what is really inside... However, you do realize whether I am touching you of my own accord or you touching me.. I only get memories and the pain when it is skin to skin. I feel nothing with my quirk if your gloved hand touched my skin and vise versa. If you think there is some way of making such things easier then by all means I am willing to. Another thing it depends on my length of time using that part and I tend to fall asleep for that length of time afterward."Spoke Aurora listening to Talia as she shrugged listening to the plan. Aurora was never one to be blunt about her ability as she was still learning it to the best of her abilities. She adjusted her hood a bit in thought "I will do what is requested of me as I was brought here to get stronger and better. this is the best way"she added
I will be posting when im off at 3 pm central
I will be posting when im off at 3 pm central

Aurora listened and watched everyone get the debriefing before getting dismissed to do what they wanted as free time. She did feel like the odd one out as nearly everyone else was combat-oriented and more set for the front line while she was more for the backline and shadows, to remain hidden. However, she didn't mind this. Her quirk was dangerous to her own health at the moment especially since both halves had their own big drawbacks. She can't stand getting touched as it hurt a lot and she was just a pansy when it came to handling pain, plus she hated not knowing what information she might get about another. there are some things even she doesn't want to know of this world and its people. the other half of her quirk tends to take a bit to regain her sight, plus she always feels stiff afterward, even if she was only using it for a few seconds.

She decided to take her to leave to explore and clear some thoughts of her journey from her isolated home life to now free-falling into this society and all it held 'sometimes I wonder if you both knew what was to come from your fates for me and these abilities...Did you ever have this many issues with your quirks?Aurora asked herself looking up towards the sky in thought, sometimes wishing she got a response back. She left the briefing area towards the kitchen, deciding maybe some tea would help calm down her doubtful, darker thoughts.
PLACE HOLDER FOR AMAYA'S APPS (as I got to go gather them)

It was a whirlwind of things to deal with understanding all that was happening around her of their trip to Zeal's agency. Oracle didn't expect to work with a support hero taufik and 1A's own teacher.

Aurora nodded and bowed "Thankyou for accepting the oppertunity to teach me"she said gently smiling behind her mask "i hope i learn lots to be of use"she said happily taking in the training she received before heading to kaku's family mansion

The next morning she was watching and listening to the debriefing of why the selected five were selected for this mission and what they were to do. Aurora wadnt too fond with actually having to deal with physical combat that wasnt exactly her strongest suit at the moment she would prefer to keep to her gathering intel and remaining in the back bit she wasnt going to complain,accepting the oppertunity to learn.
no he just jumped to a villain introduction that's all

Aurora nodded blushing some at the attention she had gotten ever since being enrolled in this school as she had originally assumed she would just fly under the radar get her education and move on with her life after graduation but it seemed all her plans went down a different path as it seemed others knew how to deal with her quirk better than she did herself. Maybe her parents had a bigger network than she thought.

"Thanks."She said to Penrose looking around seeing everyone else hyper and excited about the sudden trip. She was happy to see it all go over well. She then thought about what her adopted parents thought of all this and they probably approved more than her actual parents probably would have. She sighed adjusting some in her seat pulling out her headphone to listen to some music and maybe calm her nerves of this sudden treat
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