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Current If you haven't figured it out by now, your choices don't matter.
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Watching all the pieces...watching all the pieces fall~
7 yrs ago
Yeeeeeeah...so you know how to Beep Beep like a Sheep, I see!
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Superhero name: None
Civilian Name: Aelia Marcella Harlow
Origin Country: Essex, United Kingdom
Hometown: San Francisco; California
Sex: Female
Race: Homo Magi
Height: 5’8
Weight: 134 lbs
Age: 18 Birth Date: November 7th, 2007
Costumed Appearance:

Civilian Appearance:


Costumed Personality: See below
Civilian Personality: Aelia is a proud member of the ancient House of Harlow, and strives to always carry herself with an air of regal dignity. Well-mannered and generally polite, she nevertheless tends to inwardly look down upon those who are not Magi like herself. For normal humans this takes the form of mere dismissal rather than any kind of disdain. For metahumans, whom she considers to be unstable attempts to imitate Magi, she takes a much harsher stance.

Despite this, Aelia is not unreasonable—she can acknowledge worthy and noble individuals of any race, and is ultimately a kind hearted individual despite her austere manner. She is a deeply passionate aesthete who adores all things art, with theatre and opera being at the very top of her list of hobbies.

Due to her family’s reputation, and her own status as a prodigy, she feels immense pressure to live up to her full potential and honour the legacy of her House. Aelia is extremely confident—perhaps even arrogant—in her abilities, which can occasionally lead to her underestimating her opponent’s. She takes failure harshly, feeling that any inadequacy on her part will bring shame upon her family’s noble name.

Super abilities:

Aelia is considered a prodigy of without peer, perhaps the greatest since old Myrddin himself. Her abilities with the arcane arts easily surpass skilled Magi twice her age or more. Being a member of the ancient House of Harlow has also given her access to all manner of grimoires and tomes that have greatly aided her in furthering her knowledge.

Aelia is a supremely gifted Magi, able to draw upon the leylines with the same ease that she draws breath. She can unleash a myriad of devastating spells against her foes, practically being a living encyclopaedia of the arcane arts.


-Mage robes that are magically reinforced against physical and mystical attacks alike.
-Grimoire of Hastur; an impossibly ancient grimoire that the Harlow family came into possession of in ages past. It contains her most powerful and potentially devastating spells, ones that even she struggles to properly control…

-Weapons: None
Civilian Occupation: Old Money


Character History/Origin: Aelia Marcella Harlow was born into the ancient and powerful noble House of Harlow, an aristocratic family that’s origins stretch back to the Saxon invasions of Roman Britain in the fifth century CE. Quite possibly the single oldest still existing family in the world, their formidable command over the arcane arts has ensured the continuous growth of their wealth and power throughout the ages. Even as the leylines began to dry, the Harlow’s simply became subtler in their spellcraft.

Even from an early age, Aelia displayed an extraordinary connection to the leylines that flow through our reality. Barren as they were, she was nevertheless able to draw upon every ounce of their remaining power to cast spells that Magi many decades her senior would struggle with. This excited her parents, who were eager to cultivate their daughters’ natural talents so that she might one day further the interests of Harlow.

When the new Wizard was unexpectedly chosen and leylines were once more flooded with magic, Aelia’s powers naturally grew exponentially, as did every Homo Magi’s. Her family’s company, Harlow Enterprises, was quick to take advantage of this new surge of arcane energy, beginning a global initiative to harness the power of magic into a renewable energy source. Following the One Week War and the devastation it brought to the Earth, their efforts were seen as all the more vital.

As Harlow Enterprises helped to spear the reconstruction efforts with their magi-technological innovations, Aelia worked hard to complete her primary education. Graduating from high school at the age of fourteen, she just recently earned her bachelor’s degree in arcane engineering at Harlow University in Essex.

Facing stiffer competition in the United States than elsewhere due to rival families such as the Kasimir’s, Aelia’s father sent her overseas to their company’s American branch in San Francisco to assist her uncle, Markus Harlow, in dominating the energy and reconstruction markets there as they have in most other parts of the world.

Aelia, however, felt that her magical abilities could perhaps be put to a greater use than simply manipulating the most naïve consumer base in the first world. For the past six years she had watched as masked heroes—including the Wizard herself—used their powers for the betterment of society. Even the metahumans, with their wild and inferior discount “magic”, had proven that they could make a difference.

How could she, therefore, as a bonafide magical prodigy and Harlow, do anything less? Her honour demanded at least that much from her.

Optional information
Team: Young Justice
@chicleratLooks good to me! Accepted.
January 10th, 2:14 P.M.
Low Earth Orbit; Justice League Station

Lady Arcana had decided to remain at the Justice League Station while she awaited word from Preston--he had promised her it wouldn’t take long. Lantern rings were quite fast, especially in interstellar space. That didn’t mean she wasn’t still worried.

She had fought beside Preston enough times to appreciate the strength of a power ring, and there was simply no telling how much damage Wilhelm could do out there with one. He would easily be a threat to the entire Earth, or even their entire sector. Even she would have a rough time fighting both a power ring and his mental attacks working in tandem.

Exhaling, she paced anxiously about the control room, waiting for any sign of the Emerald Knight.

Her wait for Preston wouldn’t take all that long. As soon as he was in range, Preston made an effort to comminute using the earpiece he had. It started as mostly static and distorted words, but something understandable did finally some through.

”Watchtower, come in. This is Emerald Knight with Sinestro, reporting in with one should-be-dead nazi.”

He flew in close to the watchtower and looked through the glass of the main room. His wife, Catalea, was standing at the window, looking out at him and Sinestro with a bit of a glare. She kept her coat on, but her helmet and spear were nowhere to be found.
”Oh boy.” Preston muttered to himself. ”Sinestro, you remember Cat, right? She almost murdered some people on our wedding day?” He chuckled to himself and flew into the airlock, Wilhelm still in hand. Now it was just time to hand over the dead weight and get back on with their lives.

Sinestro gave a polite wave to the stoic figure glaring daggers at them through the window. ”How could anyone forget your lovely bride.” He quipped with a smirk before settling into the airlock. ”You and your allies have done well here. The last time I was here your largest satellite was that joint aeronautics experiment, but this is much more impressive. Are we sure I have the clearance to be here?” He asked with a small chuckle.

”I am your clearance, don’t worry.” Preston waved a hand and went quiet as the airlock hissed, filling their little chamber with air. Preston walked further in, the ring still holding Wilhelm in place beside him. ”K… Arcana? Lady Arcana? Where do you want me to put this bag of bones?” Surely she had to have seen them and be making her way over to the airlock. He had no idea how she was going to escort him to the Rock of Eternity, but he didn’t care. Just thinking about Wilhelm was giving him a headache. ”His mind powers are taking away more and more of my brain cells as we speak.”

”They’ll do that,” Arcana replied from the other side of the communicator. She couldn’t help but smile in relief at the sight of WIlhelm, in custody and ringless. ”Just bring him up to the control room--your friend’s welcome, since he presumably helped to re-capture Willy.”

Preston led Sinestro up to the control room where Lady Arcana and Catalea were waiting. One was rather happy, and the other was less so. Despite this, it was obvious to Preston that both were happy to see them back and with Wilhelm.

Preston let Wilhelm drop from about two feet in the air right at Arcana’s feet, Preston himself smiling at a job well done while his mask faded. Sinestro was a Lantern, and his wife and a trusted friend were in the room. ”How do you not kill this guy? Like seriously? You have more will than me, Karen.”


”Sinestro you didn’t hear anything, you got that?”

”I don’t speak with the Guardians anymore, your secret is safe with me. Good to see you again Catalea, you’re looking as bloodthirsty as ever.” Sinestro said before turning his attention to the young woman who represented all magic in the universe.

”Madam Wizard. Lady Arcana, I believe? Allow me to introduce myself.” Sinestro said with a slight bow. ”I am Thaal Sinestro, Formerly of the Green Lantern Corps, now leader of the Sinestro Corps. I wanted to come here today… To apologize to you. I did not intend to ‘rescue’ your prisoner, our Rings are set on a sort of autopilot. I had intended on contacting you via Preston, but you sent him to me first. I appreciate that quick response. I had not previously known of his atrocities. I regret my trespasses, and I can assure you that I will not make the same mistakes again.”

Lady Arcana bowed her head in return, wanting to show the utmost courtesy to avoid causing an intergalactic incident. ”Thank you for working with Preston to return him to me, the important thing is that he is back in custody now--”

Her eyes had drifted down to Wilhelm, who appeared to be decidedly less broken than she remembered him. ”Hair, huh?”

The wonders of alien technology never ceased to amaze her. She reached out and ruffled her prisoner’s hair. ”Shame on you, Willy, breaking my window! This time you don’t get one.”

A groan came from the near-unconscious Wilhelm.

Preston walked right past the group to sling an arm around his unmasked wife. She smiled at his touch, but didn’t look away from the man on the ground. ”This is the one you were so worried about? He seems like hardly the threat you described him as.” Catalea tilted her head, wondering what the big deal was about him. Then again, any problem big enough for two Lanterns was quite the problem indeed.

”Alright, first thing’s first,” said Lady Arcana, her hand still on Wilhelm’s head. A flash of azure light descended over the room, right where the Wizard and her prisoner were. When it faded, only Arcana remained, dusting her hands. ”Right, much better. Now, Mrs. Catalea, I think I owe you a tour, don’t I?”

She nodded. Of course she wanted the tour promised to her to sate her anger. Sinestro had been joking about her bloodlust, but was not incorrect about her temper. ”Husband, you should catch up with the rest of your friends here on earth. I’ll never be too far away.” She said to him, walking effortlessly out from under his arm.

He nodded away, understanding that it might be for the best for someone who was a little more well versed with this modern day Earth to show her around.

”Sinestro, I’ll show you out, unless you want to take the tour as well.” Preston cracked a smile Now was the time for laughs and jokes, now that the psychotic psychic was taken care of.

Sinestro cracked a smile and shook his head, chuckling. ”Another time, Preston. It appears I have some brainwashed former Lanterns to attend to, as well as setting into place some mental resistance training. Once that is settled, however, I would love to. Catalea, always a pleasure. Lady Arcana, it was an honor.”
January 10th, 8:35 A.M.
Justice League Station; Low Earth Orbit

Lady Arcana nodded, having listened intently to his explanation. While she was relieved to hear that the Green Lantern Corps wasn't involved in the freeing and empowering of a genocidal maniac, it didn't make her feel any better about Wilhelm having a power ring of any kind.

"If the Yellow power rings are as powerful as the Green, then we absolutely have to get it away from him."

She really wanted to go and personally apprehend Wilhelm from this Sinestro guy (seriously, what kind of cliche villain name is that?), but she understood that Preston was going to resolve the situation peacefully. Her presence would probably just escalate the situation.
January 10th, 8:35 A.M.
Justice League Station; Low Earth Orbit

"I didn't invite them; this matter only really concerns the both of us," said Lady Arcana coolly, leaning forward in her seat and resting her arms on the table. With a wave of her hand, a screen manifested in the naked air between them; it showed an old man in a four-wall room, with only a window breaking the otherwise smooth surface.

"You're familiar with Wilhelm Silber, right?" she asked, nodding towards the image. "He returned after five years a little over a week ago. Long story short, I captured him again, and decided to imprison him where I knew he couldn't escape--or so I believed at the time."

The image showed the old man slumped in a corner of the room. Then, what looked to be a small, glowing ring phased through the wall and found its way onto his finger. He then proceeded to blast the window out and escape. The image then faded, leaving only the piercing glare of Lady Arcana.

"Why would one of the Green Lantern Corps' power rings break into the Rock of Eternity and rescue a man like Wilhelm Silber? I find that very disturbing."
January 10th, 8:32 A.M.
Justice League Station; Low Earth Orbit

To say that Lady Arcana was livid would be an understatement of monumental proportions.

She had intended Wilhelm Silber's stay at the Rock of Eternity to be a permanent one. It was to the be the end of his pathetic grudge against her, the end of her having to deal with that ancient relic of a disgraceful period in mankind's past. She had imprisoned a number of others in the Rock, and never had any of them been able to escape from her. She had thought it to truly be an impossibility.

And yet after a mere week in her custody, he had broken out. Worse still, according to the Historama's footage of the incident, he had done so with the help of a Lantern Ring.

Emerald Knight was one of her closest allies, so the idea that a weapon affiliated with him and his corps had been behind the escape of that mass murdering old fart made her stomach turn. It was for that reason she had called for him to meet her in the station this day. Seated alone at the round meeting table that centered the control room, she folded her arms impatiently, her eyes trained on the elevator.

She had a great many words for Preston.
January 2nd, 2026.
Hub City

"Stay back! Stay back! This is a crime scene!" the burly police officer shouted into a megaphone at the rowdy crowd. The camera flashes were blinding, everyone wanted to get an image of this brutal crime, though very few saw it as anything more than a simple serial killer beginning his spree.

It was a message, a bottle thrown into the sea.

The man had been crippled, his knees shattered into pieces, then, as he laid, unable to defend himself or even stand, his back had been torn open, and his lungs pulled out the hole. They sat there now, wings for an eagle. A blood eagle.

Wilhelm hoped that Arcana knew her history, the blood eagle was no simple brutal action, it had been done by the sons of Ragnar Lothbrok unto their father's killer, to get revenge and to send a message to the Anglo Saxons that their god, Odin, of the Ravens and of war, was better than their Jesus.

Similarly, Wilhelm's own blood eagle was meant to illustrate the superiority of his own beliefs over the American ones, and of course, it was a message to her, the one who had left him in this broken body.

He stood on top of a nearby building, his body aching, but his resolve strong. He would meet her one last time. At least once.

January 2nd, 2026
Rock of Eternity; 2:34 P.M.

"Hmm... Karen cupped her chin, glancing over the semi-tranluscent globe floating before her throne. There were several yellow exclamation points hovering above parts of Europe, China, and North America respectively, but nothing was in the red at the moment--there were no breaches in the veil.

The yellow marks showed a region where the veil was growing thinner, but had yet to collapse. They still seemed to be at least a day or two away from collapsing, however, and it was impossible to mend the veil until it had been properly torn. All in all, it looked like it would be a slow day today--unlike yesterday, with Josh.

She had been quite surprised to see him knocking down the door of his recuperation chamber yesterday. It was quite rare to receive an alert from inside the Rock of Eternity, after all. But now, he was safely back with Harris, probably telling him all about her horrible bedside manner.

"Anything else going on, Historama? How's Hub City doing?"

The globe dissipated and in its place appeared an image of a man laying on his stomach. The unnatural bend of his legs immediately told her they were broken, but far more notable was the fact that his back had been torn open, and his lungs ritualistically pulled out to form a pair of "wings".

Something about that seemed vaguely familiar to her--where had she seen it before?

"Guess I should go take a look, since there's nothing more pressing to deal with."


January 2nd, 2026
Hub City; 2:36 P.M.

The flash of lightning and accompanying crack of thunder caused the crowd of reporters to only just flinch, for the citizens of Hub City knew that, on a clear and sunny day like this, lightning could only mean one thing--Lady Arcana.

Almost immediately spotting the heroine stepping from the residual smoke of her divine thunderbolt, they swarmed towards her, a dozens of questions bombarding the Wizard as she pushed towards the barrier until the cops forced the news crews back. Quickly locating the officer in charge, she offered him a polite nod.

"Hello, officer. It would seem you have quite the grizzly crime on your hands today--have you been able to gather any clues in regards to the perpetrator?"

The officer seemed awestruck. His eyes opened wider than wide and he had a goofy grin on his face. Clearly he hadn't expected to meet Lady frickin' Arcana. The rest of the police force often looked away from wrestling with the reporters to take glances at one of the Justice League's least public figures. It was a similar scene whenever one of the others showed up, but never with such a fervor as Lady Arcana brought.

Wilhelm didn't blame them. Just seeing her for the first time in five years, he couldn't help but suppress a smirk. He had expected to be blinded by rage, but something about this situation felt nostalgic in a way. He set a foot on the edge of the building, hoisting himself closer just to get a better look. She hadn't changed a bit, and judging by the thoughts of everyone around her, her sex appeal had not dampened. He found himself chuckling out loud. Oh how much fun they'd had.

One of the police officers suddenly appeared ill.

So much fun.

He shifted, grabbing at his stomach and groaning. He was attended to, but just began to sweat and gasp.

He'd never felt so alive than when she'd shattered his body and he'd gotten up for another round.

Suddenly the officer exploded into gore, his parts flying every which direction and his blood staining everyone in a ten foot radius.

A voice echoed through the air, a scream from the distance. Wilhelm felt his lungs ache as he strained them for one huge roar.

"Karen Hernandez!"

That should be enough.

Lady Arcana had just started to approach the groaning officer when he had exploded in a shower of gore. Raising the hem of her cloak to protect herself from the spray, she next heard someone scream her name--her real name--from above. Turning her head in his direction, her brows arched in surprise.

"Wilhelm Struber?" she called back.

She lifted off the ground, closing the distance between them. She had to protect the people down there, that was priority number one. Dashing forward in a tackle, she slammed into him--he seemed bulkier than usual--and shot from the scene of the now double-homicide with him in hand.

Wilhelm barely had the time to wonder what the hell she was playing at by pronouncing his name like that before he was yanked through the air at a speed far too fast for his old bones. He hacked and coughed away the pain as he felt himself go from a comfortable speed of zero to an exceptionally uncomfortable speed of way too fucking fast.

"I forgot just how fast you were. Good, I like it when things stay the same," he muttered as he was dragged through the air. He looked down at the ground beneath himself and began pulling apart as many buildings as he could and dragging the pieces behind them. With a sharp breath, he pulled them enough to overtake them in speed, sending a huge amount of pieces of concrete barreling towards them.

"I've been waiting a long time to finish what I started."

He followed with an invisible telekinetic strike to the side of her head, not enough to hurt her, god no, but hopefully enough to slow her down at least a little, and distract her from the oncoming debris.

It felt like he had tapped her on the head just then. A telekinetic strike, softer than she had remembered it being back in the day. Maybe she was just used to being struck harder now? In any case, that debris was a problem--she couldn't have it falling back down onto the city.

Extending her hand towards the oncoming rubble, a blinding flash of light enveloped it; and when it faded all of the debris had been encased in what looked to be a gigantic brown sack embroidered with a golden thunderbolt. Taking the top of it in hand, she looked to Wilhelm. "It's been more than five years--I thought you were dead, or had at least learned your lesson from last time and retired quietly."

Wilhelm chuckled, though it was clearly fake to anyone with a brain that it was fake, a way to hide what he was feeling.

If only he could figure out what the hell he was feeling.

"Five years of suffering, anguish, all of it. Just figuring out how to walk again was a chore. All thanks to you, Hernandez. All thanks to you."

It was his own fault, he knew that deep down, he should have known better, he read her mind and everything.

"Do you know how uncomfortable it is to sleep when your spine still carries the pain of getting punched by a god? I have done nothing but dream of this day every night for five years, five years, five years! I can't help but say it over and over again! Because every day was like that day repeated endlessly!" he screamed with fury enough to forget for a moment the agony he was going through from pushing his lungs so far. "I hope you remember well, and I hope your last thoughts are my name! In fact, I don't need to hope!"

He linked their minds in that instant.

Two of hearts. Six of Diamonds. Jack of Spades. Jack of Hearts. Ten of clubs. Get rid of everything but the two Jacks. Draw three. Seven of clubs. Ace of hearts. Seven of diamonds. Two pairs. Next hand. Nine of hearts...

...What was this?

Was this... was this a joke?

Was some... some deity playing a game with him? Where was he? Why couldn't he...

"Hey," a voice said to him. "Call, raise, or fold, we don't have all day buddy."

He... he was playing poker? What...what was...

"Hurry up, Jesus Christ."

"Er... raise," he said, not even having looked at his cards. He felt like he was in his body, but that couldn't be, he was flying above Hub City...

At least he thought he was.

"Raising huh? I'll see you and raise you eight hundred," said Lady Arcana, throwing a number of chips onto the table. Lifting up the corner of her cards only enough for her to peak at him, she fixed him with a steady poker face.

The shadowy figures around the table stared at him expectedly. "She raised you eight hundred. What's your move?"

Wilhelm growled. She'd tricked him. He had no clue how, but she'd done this.

"Karen..." he spat under his breath. Well, no matter, if he was to play poker, than he would play poker, and he would win. He had no clue what it would do, but he hoped that it would set him free. Finally, he turned up the corner of his cards.

A pair of twos.

Not the greatest hand. It was something, but he doubted it would win him anything when it counted. He looked at the flop. An eight, a six, and a king. That was worse.

Well, a pair could at least work in a pinch, hopefully the turn was kinder.

"Call," he finally said, as venomless as he could manage.

Karen smiled at him, placing her cards face-up on the table. Three sixes and two tens--a full house. With a big, meaty palm, the dealer swept 1,600$ worth of chips over to Karen's side. She folded her hands as he reshuffled the deck.

"You lost that round. I've now started removing that weird armor of yours."

The dealer finished shuffling, and threw five cards apiece to the both of them. Karen gathered hers, calming looking at her hand without betraying any clear emotion.

Damn, now it all made sense. He didn't know how she'd done it, but she'd trapped him in her head. Now he was defenseless. He'd lost.

He gritted his teeth and hissed, closing his fist in impotent fury.

The table shook.

Not very much, but a tiny amount.

His eyes widened. He could still save this. He just needed to hold on a little longer.

He took his cards and slid them over.

Hmm, this wasn't bad. A pair of aces, quite nice, and a four, a five, and a six. He had a dilemma now. He could toss the aces and hope for a straight, or he could toss everything else and hope for higher cards.

Ah to hell with it, no-one won anything playing it safe. He tossed the aces, flexing his hand and watching as the table rumbled just a little, hopefully that would change.

Karen waited for Wilhelm to make his move, before tossing three of her own cards. The dealer then dealt them three and two cards respectively.

Taking her new cards in hand, the slightest of frowns tugged down at the corners of Karen's lips. The dealer then quietly waited for one of them to make their next move.

She was playing him. No-one who played poker for more than a day would let their tell be so easily seen. He simply waited, giving a firm glare across the table as he lifted up the corners of his own cards.


"I bet three hundred," he said calmly. Just needed time. Don't get angry.

Karen glanced at her cards again. She paused for just a moment, before throwing her own chips onto the table. "I'll see your three hundred, and raise you six hundred."

The dealer turned to Wilhelm, nodding. "Your move."

Wilhelm made a noise of some kind that seemed suitably non-plussed.


He was always an aggressive player in the past, why change that? No reason he saw.

He pushed all that he had into the pot, his eyes remaining affixed on Karen's.

Karen smiled back at him, and reached out to sweep all over her chips into the pot as well--she had more than him, as she had already won one of their games. The dealer chuckled, glancing between both of them.

"Both all in? Alright," he nodded to Wilhelm. "Let's see them."

He'd been lucky today.

He flipped his cards, revealing a four to nine straight. He rested his chin upon his tented fingers and fixed his steely gaze on Karen. Out of the corner of his eye, he watched as one of the shadowy figures distorted and bent. His influence was growing greater, just a little more time.

Karen's shoulders visibly sank.

The dealer turned to her. "Show em'."

Sighing heavily, she shook her head. "Damn it...all I've got is this..."

She turned up one of the cards to reveal a measly two of hearts. And then a King of clubs. "...And this...."

She turned up the third--a two of clubs. "And this...." A two diamonds. "Oh, and this asshole here..." The final card was a two of spades.

The dealer shoved all of Wilhelm's chips towards Karen as she sat back, shaking her head. "You knew I was trying to play you when I frowned, right? But you still went for it. Bluffing's important in this game."

The table faded, as did all of the shadows standing around it. Lady Arcana stood from her seat, which similarly vanished. "I'm now shattering your spine in a way that'll leave you paralyzed from the neck down. For good measure, I'll also tear out your eyes--your powers work by sight, after all."

Sweat formed on Wilhelm's brow, he let out a number of pleading noises, collapsing onto the ground and crawling backwards.

"Wait, don't! I have millions! I know the bank numbers of hundreds of pieces of stolen art, gold, please!"

Pleading like this disgusted him, but just a little more time, he could feel the ground morphing around his feet, he could feel his feet for god's sake, just a little more, a few seconds more.

"Just don't blind me, let me die alone, just don't hurt me any more!"

That was enough, he just needed to hope she heeded him at least a little.

"You know how I feel about death--ah, of course." She shook her head. "Something like that might drive you to suicide; I'd better remove all of your teeth so that you won't bite out your tongue."

Wilhelm's face shifted instantly, his fearful open mouthed gape transformed into a stern frown.

"You should have just killed me."

Karen's mindscape shifted into a collage of the screaming faces of everyone who she had seen Wilhelm harm or kill. Horrific screaming, dripping liquid, an assault on all senses.

"Remember their faces? Remember how you let me kill them? How you let me mutilate them? Now. You are going to say that word. You know the one. One word, then you will fall out of the sky. It doesn't matter what you've done to me physically, you will fall, and you will die.

"One word, Karen, you've said it so many times before, why not just this once?"

A litany of voices called out to her, screaming for her to say it. Lights flashed and dogs barked, there was a hideous smell unlike anything anyone on Earth had ever smelled before.

"I'm no longer that little girl you knew. I've come to accept that I can't save everyone. Even with all my power, I can't be everywhere, and I can't predict everything--I can only do my best every day. They're dead because of you, Wilhelm, and this fight is over.

Suddenly Arcana vanished, and Wilhelm was left in darkness--but he wasn't in the realm of the mind anymore. He would be able to feel the breeze against his face again, feel Lady Arcana's firm grip around his waist.

But he would be able to see nothing. And yet...there was no pain. His body could still move, he could still blink his eyes--but they were sealed behind something that cut off his vision.

Lady Arcana chuckled in his ear. "Man, you were really sweating back there, huh? Like I'd be that cruel."

Guh?... What is...

He'd been beaten, he realized, for real this time. She hadn't crippled him, he never exactly thought she would go that far, it was quite shocking to hear her say that, but he'd been in her head before.

Maybe he was just convincing himself that he still had at least some manner of control over the situation. He couldn't quite tell.

"Of course," he muttered. "You've outdone yourself, Karen Hernandez. But, you do know that this is just another event in my life, right? You crippled me, you broke my ribs to the point where my lungs hardly even work without constant aid from my telekinesis, and yet I came back. I learned to walk, I learned to breathe. No matter how easily you can stop me, I always come back. I always find just one more person to hurt. I'm not apologizing, I'm not begging forgiveness, I am proud of what I have done so far. So, I suppose it's another pothole in my road to success, isn't it?" he sighed melodramatically.

"Where will I be imprisoned this time? It's always fun to have a guessing game."

He was as smarmy as possible. He wanted to seem like the worst person alive. Maybe that would break her stubborn insistence that none of her foes needed to die.

"Somewhere special, this time--my home," she said, and for the briefest of moments Wilhelm would feel the hairs on his body stand up as if an electrical current was running through him.

He would then be able to see, the seal blocking his vision having been removed. He was in a square room of reasonable size. The walls, ceiling and floor were obsidian black with what appeared to be glowing hieroglyphics etched across their surface. There was a bed, a simple table and chair, and even a bookshelf on the far wall.

"Welcome to the Rock of Eternity, the place where you'll spend the last days of your life," said Arcana, her voice echoing all around him, though she was no longer present. "There is no escape, though you're welcome to try."

This was not what he wanted. Maybe an understatement. This may have been the worst thing that could have happened.

He gritted his teeth and let out a number of crackling noises, unable to speak or even be silent. He tried to stand but collapsed onto the ground when his legs refused to stay under him.

"You... you..."

He smiled and chuckled, pulling himself to a seat.

"You always have an answer."

He moved from a chuckle to a laugh.

"You're fascinating, really, you're like nothing else. You're so, so, fascinating."

"Glad you think so, Willy, cause I'll be your only company from here on out," she mused. "After all, you're now hundreds of millions of light years away from home. Even if your Third Reich had lasted a thousand years, it would've been long gone before you ever made it back."

He smiled with wide, unfocused eyes.

"Oh... that, yes, of course." He stared off into space, literal space, lightly chuckling. "Alle meine Entchen schwimmen auf dem See..." he sang softly.

"...Schwimmen auf dem See..." he continued, even softer than before, sometimes inserting a small chuckle as he did.
@CaptainSullyVery, very nicely done! Thank you for being so patient and accepting of the changes we asked of you! It shows a lot of character on your part. I'm looking forward to RPing with you!

Ricky is accepted.

Unfortunately, I cannot accept your villain, as it's against the rules to make your own hero's villains. I'm sure one of our other players would be interested in making a villain for you, however!
@TimAlright, accepted!

@CaptainSullyAlright, much improved! Unfortunately, it's been brought to my attention that your character has the same first name (Leo) as another player's character. He would like you to change it, to avoid confusion.

There's one other thing, but I'll save it for PM.
@chicleratLooks good, accepted.
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