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@Shard Well, that's a complicated topic.

Metahuman abilities come from the titans interbreeding with mankind thousands of years ago. From this union came demi-titans, who went on to further mix with mortals. Fast forward to 2000 AD, and the return of magic begins to agitate the long dormant titan DNA that is present in about five percent of the human population.

As for who the titans were, that's a bit of a story I'll elaborate on in the main thread. Suffice it to say, they're immensely long-lived and powerful beings tasked with overseeing life-bearing planets. Some, however, lose their way and think themselves Gods, and toy with the lives of mortals as they see fit.
I could make a discord server, but I'm worried. Some say doing so kills the OOC portion of a thread.
@Ignis Sanat Feel free to PM me if you wish to discuss your character in private!

@Chiro There's no upper age limit. Metahumans started emerging in the year 2000, so roughly 21 years ago. For the first five or six years, their powers were very minor and were mostly harmless, viewed with more amusement than fear by the general populace. Starting around 2007, however, metahumans with actually dangerous powers started appearing--some of whom decided to use them to commit crimes. This public opinion to shift drastically against the growing Metahuman population for a time, leading to a registration act being passed through congress.

This changed slightly when other Metahumans began intervening against the criminals sullying their communities names, though since both sides tended to wear ski masks and other common criminal methods of hiding their identities, it was rather difficult for civilians (and the police) to tell the difference between them.

It was only when the Champion (our Superman) appeared in his distinctly heroic-looking costume that public opinion began to shift back towards the Metahumans as they followed in his stead, adopting a more distinguishing appearance. Long story short, the Registration Act was eventually repealed when the Justice League helped to keep the Blackthorn Coven from taking over all of North America.

As for Mystery Men, yes. There were Mystery Men-type heroes starting with the Great Depression, all the way into the early 1960s. They didn't have superpowers, and were more akin to the Watchmen (minus Dr. Manhattan). By far the most famous of them was the group of six known as "The Impossibles", lead by the "The Wraith" (basically The Shadow). They were unfortunately (yet understandably) suppressed by the government in the 1960s after one of the former Impossibles became President, and nearly started a full scale nuclear war by dropping the bomb on North Vietnam.

So, from the mid-60s onward, it was technically illegal to be a Mystery Man, though after dangerous Metahumans and the Blackthorn Coven emerged, people kind of forgot about that.
Check out the map I just posted in the OP, everyone! It can help you plan your character's location. Do remember, you can only be located in the North Eastern parts of North America. This is to keep everyone reasonably close together.
@ShardA monster's fine. There is an age rule, though. I don't want characters being younger than 16. It makes things a bit ridiculous because everyone starts making super young characters.
@vancexentan Ahh, gotcha! My bad, I didn't see that. I mainly made her a tech heroine to differentiate her from all the magically inclined ones I was seeing, but I guess magic is the theme here! I can try again with a more magic character in that case. Or, another idea--what about psychokinesis?
@ZAVAZggg Sure! The concept sounds fine to me.
I understand that the Himeros Mk. IV is very powerful (though still below continent buster, per the rules), but I intended it to be something that could eventually be worked towards. An end-game sort of weapon due to its really long construction time and high material requirements. The Pothos Mk. IV Backpack is her standard equipment and is more along the lines of a Sentai hero.

@Ignis Sanat Oh yes. There will be much lore dumping in general.
@Chiro I don't know about the Joker, but, uh...

You can't run for President until you're 35. While these are desperate times, I don't think they would start letting teenagers into the White House.
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