Avatar of Blackstripe
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    1. Blackstripe 7 yrs ago
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Current If you haven't figured it out by now, your choices don't matter.
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Watching all the pieces...watching all the pieces fall~
7 yrs ago
Yeeeeeeah...so you know how to Beep Beep like a Sheep, I see!
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@DC The Dragon Hmm. Is Dakota City meant to be in either North or South Dakota? Either way, that would be inside the monster-filled wasteland, which is under the loose control of the Blackthorn Coven. Are you sure you want to start there?

If it's more towards the East Coast despite the name, then there should be no problems.
@Ignis SanatSoon, since there's so much interest.
@Garden GnomeSure, if you're willing to work with our Superman player to make her fit within the lore!

@Ascendant That shouldn't be a problem!
@Red XFantastic!

@Ignis SanatThat would work too!
@ZAVAZggg Level of writing, mainly due to all the deep lore stuff I've done. I'll probably keep it in casual.
@Dead Cruiser Don't see why not. Might need to catch you up on some lore stuff, though.
@Shakyamuni Oh, magic can be very powerful and dangerous, yes.

@Zoey White Sure, that works! You really don't need to know a ton about DC since I've changed so very much, so I wouldn't worry too much about it.
@DC The Dragon That'd be fine, yes. The RP just uses the DCU as a base, you can draw inspiration from whatever superhero or Urban Fantasy elements you like.

@HoekageSounds good!

@Lady Ostara By all means share, and I'll consider it to be held in reserve until you decide whether you wish to join or not.

@Metronome I'd love to have a psuedo-Raven!

@Ignis Sanat Awesome! Psychokinesis definitely fits in the setting.

@Shakyamuni Making a mage, huh? This RP has a very deep lore surrounding magic, its origin, and how it works. It's not the same as in the DC comics or whatever, but I think you'll enjoy it!

The World - Prime Earth

The Premise of Heroes Reborn: Prime Earth is that you are creating a character within a world that draws heavy inspiration from the DC Universe portrayed within the comics, films and other media. In this universe and its multiverse, there may or may not be Clark Kent, Bruce Wayne, Diana Prince or similar canon characters, but there certainly is (or perhaps was), a Krypton. There is a Themyscira, Atlantis, Gorilla City and other memorable cornerstones of the universe. The familiar cities of Metropolis, Gotham and their ilk all exist.

In other words, whether or not the characters themselves exist in this roleplay, the powers and abilities they're known for do. There are still Green Lanterns, still Amazons. You may create a character that possesses these powers (be they canon or an OC), or may invent something entirely new and unique altogether!

But this is also a world that has suffered greatly in the past twenty years. The return of magic, the emergence of metahumans, civil wars, and a tear in the very fabric of reality have unleashed countless horrors and monstrosities upon the Earth. Some simply wish to live in the peace and safety of the remaining cities of mankind, while others continue to ravage the vast wastes they've claimed as their own. It falls to the heroes of this world to ensure that humanity and all the peace-loving sapients living alongside them can stand against the tide of darkness pressing in on them from all sides.

It is a world where you can see a proud hero flying overhead, waving to the crowds below, or see a pack of desperate imps scavenging through a dumpster in a seedy back alley. Where a barista minotaur shares a pleasant word with a speedster who popped in for a drink. And while it can be a truly dark world, it is also one where your decisions matter. Where you can affect positive and lasting change.

Evil has the world in its jaws, but you, if you have what it takes, can snatch it away.

As this is a reboot of a previous RP, there will be some returning roles. This means that certain power sets have already been claimed. This includes: Superman, Captain Marvel/Shazam, Aquaman, Batman, Green Lantern (flexible), the Question.

This game will take place throughout the entirety of the Earth (and universe, even), but you must base your character in the eastern half of North America, to facilitate better player interaction. Also, much of North America beyond that point has been reduced to a cult/monster infested wasteland, making it rather unsuitable for a home base.

Should you have any questions about the premise, do not hesitate to ask! I'm happy to explain it all in detail!

Edit: I've added a map of the world so you can start planning your characters around it!

Brown represents the Wildlands, untamed regions where civilization has broken down. Creatures of myth and legend reign here, though populations of humans that have adapted to life here may still remain.

The light purple down the middle of North America represents the Shattered Scar, a demon-filled Wildland loosely ruled by the Blackthorn Coven and their Three-Horned God, a powerful Demon God brought forth into our world through their use of Chaos Magic.

Green represents the Pacific Federation, a nation that splintered from the western states/provinces of the United States and Canada during the violence and turmoil of the early 2010s.

The rest should be obvious.

March 1st, 9:33 AM
Kasimir Castle, Gotham

”Ted?” gasped Karen, bolting to her feet. With her eyes now firmly trained on the glimmering fireplace, she trepidatiously began stepping around the couch. She would recognize that voice anywhere—and it was one she was actually quite relieved to hear right now.

If there was anyone that would be able to help with her current predicament, it would be the Firebringer.

But wait… he’d said “son”...

Was he here to talk to Mal?

”...Uncle Ted?” Was all that left the boys throat as he cast a sidelong glance and a Kasimir brow at the fireplace, seemingly not at all flustered by the fact that it was fucking talking. ”You making housecalls now?”

An indignant snort from the possessed fireplace answered the boy’s question.

”Well, funny story; I was just sitting about on the couch, eating my cheerios-- the frosted kind-- and watching the idiot box when I just so happened see that some kid I used to tutor somehow managed to catch the ire of the scion of an order of mages that’ve been trying to take over the damned planet for thousands of years.” The Firebringer snarked right back. ”Seemed worth checking out, at the very least.”

At that, Mal froze mid-scratch of his dog’s ear, and slowly rose to his feet. Something that Buttons protested with a whimper but Gwen seemingly had the presence of mind to allow.


”It’s a long story... now get over here, dammit- I’d rather not have to shout.”

But it was Karen who was the first to approach the fireplace, feeling that—before anything—the Firebringer needed to be made aware of the “situation” she had found herself trapped in these past two weeks. ”Ted, there’s something else—I’m not the wizard anymore. That is to say, I can’t say the word to transform as of maybe two weeks ago.”

She then shot an apologetic glance towards Mal. It wasn’t that she didn’t think that his problems weren’t important, she just felt like whatever they were, they would be able to deal with them a lot better if she was back to her old self in full.

Especially since this apparently involved magic.

A pregnant silence filled the room at that, until finally…

”...You fucking what?

Karen nodded solemnly. ”You heard me—I can’t transform. Not like last time, where nothing happened when I said the word—I just can’t say it now.”

Feeling like it would be best to simply show him, Karen instinctively took a step back and drew in a large gulp of air. ”SHHHHHHH—”

Despite a very clear effort—a vein had started rising on her temple—on her part to speak the word, it refused to be heard. She had tried several times after that, to a similar lack of success. Finally, she held her hands up in a shrug.

”I try every day, but it’s always the same,” she explained, thankful she hadn’t accidentally farted this time.

Another silence followed that as the magically-animated flames drank in that particular little nugget of information… until finally a long, low sigh escaped the old Titan over his fiery magic telephone.

”Malcolm, is she fucking with me right now?”

The boy in question, who’d gotten up by that point and had made his way over as well, two dogs in tow, was quick to respond.

”Not unless she can fake a sudden onset of lockjaw.” The boy replied, looking the currently-not-wizard over. ”...Or the irritable bowel that came around last time she tried.”

A low hiss came from the Titan in the flames at that as he apparently took a deep breath, followed by another pause as the deity very clearly bit his tongue to stop some torrential storm of profanity from spilling out.

”So let me get this straight; you’ve been like this for two whole weeks.” The old god spoke, almost seething now. ”...And you’ve waited ‘til now to tell me this… why?”

Karen scratched the back of her head sheepishly at this, looking away from the—literally—angry fire roaring in front of her. ”Because I was still kind of out of my head after, well, being on the Rock for so long. I don’t know...I just wasn’t thinking or feeling like myself for the longest time, and...I only just kind of realized that recently...”

It was strange, reflecting back on those months spent alone on the Rock, in truth. It was like being a fly on the wall, looking down at herself, almost. The first few months she spent there were easier to remember, but—ironically—the more recent memories proved to be much more difficult to recall.

It was like she had been progressively getting smaller over the course of that period. Like she was shrinking away to nothing. It sent a shiver down her spine.

”I’m not sure what it was—but I think it’s because I stayed the Wizard for too long. Somehow, I—Karen—started disappearing, and now that I’m me again, it’s like Arcana is now gone…”

For a moment, the ancient being in the fireplace said nothing.

The steadily climbing ambient temperature in the room, however, spoke volumes as a very different voice echoed out from within the gently cracking flames.

”...And if I need a decrepit, obsolete old thing like yourself again… I will be sure to find someone less pathetic.”

Mal’s head slowly turned to his Karen at that, brow raising, but he himself saying nothing as something that sounded an awful lot like her continued.

”Now get off my Rock, Old Man. And don’t you ever come back.”

Karen nodded quickly, though she had, for a brief moment, looked quite surprised at her own words—she had forgotten them entirely. She definitely remembered saying them now, however. ”Yes! That’s what I mean! I said such awful things—I don’t understand why. I was really mean to Mal, too, when he called.”

Drawing a heavy breath, she pinched the bridge of her nose, trying harder to remember everything that had happened in those eight months. The closer to January she got, the more blurry things became.

”I’m sorry, Ted—I’m really, really sorry! I’ve just been...like, literally out of my head for the better part of a year,” she said, her posture having notably deflated. She looked tired, Karen knew.

The Titan said nothing, though the ambient temperature in the room began to drop back to something a lot less sauna-like… and the fire started to die out.

The Firebringer, it seemed had had enough of this conversation, and had finally hung up.

...Or so it looked, until at last, when all that was left of the crackling flames were fading embers, a low sigh echoed from somewhere within.

”Well… doesn’t matter, I suppose.”

The old man relented, as a gout of flame suddenly sprang forth from the fireplace and deposited him there, physically, on the hardwood floor before the two teenagers. Plainly garbed as ever but still taking a moment to shoot the young Kare-Bear a look that showed he still wasn’t exactly pleased with her at the moment.

”We have work to do.”

March 1st, 9:50 AM
The Grotto, Kasimir Castle

Karen wasn’t exactly certain when the last time Ted and Zoey had actually met.

Certainly, they had encountered one another since the Titan’s invasion five years ago, but it had still been a while. Knowing Zoey, she probably wasn’t too happy that he was able to simply enter her castle at will, even if he was their ally.

Still, at the moment, they had bigger things to worry about.

”...and that’s basically everything, Zo,” said Karen, finishing her explanation of what had happened upstairs. ”Ted said he’s going to help us figure out what to do about my powers.”

For her part, Zoey was pinching the bridge of her nose with one hand, the other squeezing a bright green stress ball - it beat reaching for a bottle. She stayed like that a few moments even after the explanation was finished, and finally lowered her hand to stare at the three of them with that impassive visage.

Her eyebrow twitched.

”You’ve lost your powers. Again.” The billionaire stated flatly. The stress ball made a squeak as it was clenched particularly hard. ”And you saw fit to tell me this only now?”

”...Preaching to the choir on that one….” Ted quietly grumbled under his breath.


The old Titan could only offer a shrug and a nod in agreement.

Karen made an indistinguishable grunt of protest at their assessment, before continuing on. ”I was in Atlantis! I was still trying to wrap my head around what was happening. But anyway, our priority should be trying to figure out why this is happening, and how we can fix it!”

Honestly, she was getting just a little sick of people being angry at her for one thing or another. It felt like she had spent the whole of this past month catching flak over something or other.

”Right.” Mal piqued up, sounding just a wee bit impatient to just get this whole thing over with so that he could get around to grilling Ted about that ‘World-Conquering Mage Cult’ he’d mentioned earlier ”Well, if we’re gonna fix this, we might as well be sure of what we know first.”

Crossing his arms and tapping a solitary finger on his elbow in thought, the boy leaned up against a nearby workbench, scanning over that master of making his life complicated, The Kare-Bear with his glowing orange eyes.

Furrowing his brows he continued.

”That big tangled mess of… whatever that is going from your chest into the damned sky. Is that normal?”

”...Wait, you can see that?”

”One thing at a time, Big Guy.”

Without a word Zoey stood, tossing the stress ball over her shoulder with careless abandon as to where it ended up bouncing to. At the expanded workstation she grabbed one of the numerous sets of goggles hanging from the wall, this one tinged a light purple, and pulled them on even as she turned her gaze to Karen.

A thoughtful hum bubbled up in her throat.

”There’s always been a tether from Karen to the Rock of Eternity, which is what you’re seeing. After creating these I had the theory that it had been snapped when she lost her powers in the One Week War, but that doesn’t seem to be the problem here.” Wtihout looking away, Zoey jammed a finger at Malcolm. ”Also, we’re going to have a talk about this new built-in magic vision of yours later.”

”Yeah, might need to be there for that one.” Ted added, still eyeballing the kid he used to teach math, physics and language to with a peculiar expression.

Malcolm, for his part, just inhaled sharply to keep the internal screaming within him right where it belonged.

”Anyway. If the connection’s still there, and the problems-- all that locking up, sneezing and nearly crapping her pants-- only start when she consciously tries to say the word, could we just… bypass all that mechanically?” The boy finally offered, rapping his fingers on the workbench’s steel top in thought. ”Stick some diodes on her neck and directly stimulate the vocal chords with a low voltage, maybe?”

”Could work.” Ted added, head swaying side to side slightly as he finally got to mulling over the problem at hand. ”Something that emulates the exact frequency of her voice saying the word might also do it, if we can mount it near her connection to The Rock.”

Karen glanced between the three of them, her lips pursed as she struggled to think of some way to contribute to a conversation that was primarily focused on her and the recovery of her lost powers. She felt rather pathetic at this moment for not really having anything meaningful to add.

”Err, Zoey...do you think that you could maybe build something like what they’re suggesting?”

”Probably.” Zoey offered carelessly, any dart of her eyes hidden behind the tinted lenses, though she appeared to still be peering at Karen’s neck. ”I’d prefer not to put electricity near your very mortal neck, but I suppose desperate times - we could even clip together you saying different parts of the word? Hm, in combination with the proper frequency and perhaps a magic surge…” The Gotham Hero trailed off, turning back to her work station. The goggles were pushed up even as she already began to retrieve different parts, wires - a sketchbook full of ideas. Her voice turned to mumbles as she worked.

”Welp. Guess that’s my queue…” Mal stated to no one in particular, though he did offer a cheeky little grin and reassuring wiggle of his brows Karen’s way before, almost like a machine switching on, he went about the grotto grabbing up all the tools not in Zoey’s immediate reach she’d need and sitting down beside her to silently get to work.

Ted, for his part, kept his eyes lingering on the boy for a few moments longer before just softly shaking his head.

When all this was said and done, he really needed a word with that kid.

”...So, is this going to hurt?” Karen couldn’t stop herself from asking, shifting uncomfortably in her chair. She didn’t even like going to the doctors for a shot, in truth, much less having untested technology used on her.

Mind you, she hadn’t been to the doctor since she was a kid.

”You’ll be fine.” Mal replied calmly, not even looking up from his laptop as he ran through his final checks. ”We’ll try the frequency synthesizer first, and even if we do have to move on to electrical stimulation, it should just feel like a little muscle spasm.”

That was probably meant to be reassuring.

The fact that the boy was now in his Nth Metal and Promethium-alloyed Watchdog armour was slightly… less so.

”But don’t worry- we’re well protected.”

...And now he was clearly just screwing with her. As he was wont to do.

Karen glanced at him for a long moment before allowing her shoulders to fall. She needed to relax for this. Being tense would only make things harder, she knew. ”Alright...let’s just get all of this over with.”

”You’ll be fine, Karen.” The Firebringer reassured, leaning forward slightly on his stool, posted slightly off to her side as he was the one person in the room least likely to be vaporized by any arcane explosion that might occur. ”Anything goes wrong, I can have you out of all that gear and to safety before you even know it has.

”It most likely won’t go wrong,” Was the absent addon from Grim, voice deep and masculine thanks to the modifier in the Iron Fang helmet. ”There are uncertain variables, but at least it doesn’t seem to be Gods this time - I doubt they’d be able to resist trying to lord the mystery over our heads again. God-Complexes, and all. Now hold still.”

The device was strapped to Karen’s chest - almost like a chest protector wrapped around her, deceptively light with bits of purple-tinted magitech slotted into the sides. From the top was a padded quarter-cuff that fit snugly against her throat.

”There we go. No fanfare - are you ready?”

With one final gulp, Karen gripped the arms of her chair tightly and nodded. Although she was still quite anxious about the whole thing, she felt oddly snug and secure within this contraption they had built—perhaps because it was almost like armor, in a way.

Looking between her friends and family one last time, she opened her mouth and began to speak the word.


Her voice immediately started to seize up, but then the device kicked into action, stimulating her vocal chords. Almost against her will, the word was pushed to its conclusion.


Like so many times before, a radiant bolt raw, primordial magic descended upon the form of Karen Hernandez, illuminating the entirety of the Grim Grotto, the literally thunderous echo of the arcane power reverberating painfully off the cavern walls.

But something was off.

While there had always been a small amount of smoke in the wake of her transformation, it had this time billowed out in lung-choking amounts, consuming Karen entirely and threatening to do the same to any standing too close to her.

Yet despite the blinding fog, there was something inside of it…something that was glowing.

”What…? Where…” the voice of Lady Arcana called out from the smoke, the sound of her boots against the floor of the grotto echoing with each step as she staggered forward through the haze.

Reaching a hand out through the smoke, they would immediately be able to notice the shining, purple veins webbing their way across it. As Arcana emerged fully into view, they would see that these magical fissures had worked their way across her entire form.

”I...I don’t feel right…” said Arcana, a hand grasping her head as she staggered unevenly towards a nearby table full of experimental equipment, leaning against it for support. ”None of this is right...I can’t feel it anymore, but that shouldn’t be possible?”

Despite his previous, customary snark, Mal had been the first to his feet when things had started to go just a little weird. The coldly logical fact that he’d seen Karen’s transformation enough times over the past half-decade from his own unique perspective to be able to so quickly pick that out being far less the reason than he’d admit for doing so.

Nor would he admit to the spike in his heart rate when he realized he couldn’t see Karen through the ultradense background magic that now formed an impenetrable fog where she once stood.

All that haste came to an abrupt halt however, as Arcana began to step forward. And for a brief moment, he almost relaxed.

...And then the figure actually cleared the fog and a smile that had almost managed to form beneath his helmet was abruptly terminated in the womb as the living amalgam of many deities staggered outward, dreary, seemingly delirious and… ill.

And the boy from Blud had a damned good idea why as his eyes lingered over her chest-cavity for a moment.

Still, asking questions was part of triage-- his time as a medic had drilled that much into his head-- so he did have to ask.

”Karen…?” The boy asked, creeping forward, slightly weary ”How do you feel?”

”Mal?” called a familiar voice within the smoke, in between coughs. ”Zoey? Ted? Can you guys get this thing off me? I can barely breathe in here!”

With uncharacteristic slowness, Mal’s glowing eyes, visible beneath his visor, tracked to where that had come from… then back to Arcana… then back to that voice again.

”Okay… what the hell?”
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