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@Rondo of Blood About as fast many birds of prey on Earth, such as large eagle species.
@Rondo of Blood Their wings are immensely powerful in this setting, and actually allow them to fly here. Why else would they even have evolved them, after all?

@Dead Cruiser@MsMorningstar Happy to hear it, I'm just waiting on a few particular people to submit profiles before I start.
@LokiLeo789 And yeah, that would be fun! I'm working on her character sheet now, so you'll have a better idea of what's she all about soon.
@Zoey White Well, there's actually still non-Blackthorn humans living in the Shattered Scar. They're loosely ruled by the Blackthorn Coven, and towns/cities are forced to make regular sacrifices to the cult in order to power their various rituals. As they've been trapped there for a decade now, its a pretty bleak and horrible existence.

Aside from humans, though, there's various kinds of demons, ghouls, harpies, hydras, etc. Mythological creatures and just plain bizarre and Eldritch-y ones. But yeah, there's certainly "basic" creatures for her to smooch!

@Tackytaff Nope! You're good now, accepted!

@Zoey White Approved! Sorry for the wait. Guess it doesn't matter, though, since the game hasn't started yet. XD

@Rondo of Blood I've nothing complicated on them. They're an advanced and warlike empire. They're on bad terms with the Mage Consortium, a space-faring empire of exiled human Magi living in massive floating cities called Megatropolises. They're one of the few species in the universe that can hold their own against them without outside help due to their Nth Metal.

As I said before, earlier in their history they defeated an alien invader who wielded magic. They became expansionist themselves and went on to conquer other species for the glory of Thanagar.

@LokiLeo789 I mean, there's quite a few, right? Who would you want to be a villain for? Figuring that out should help narrow things down significantly.

@Mr Nim Looks good to me! Accepted.

@Dead Cruiser Sure, that looks fine. Accepted. Just remember that you've gotta generally hang about the Northeastern part of North America for the most part.

@ZAVAZggg Okay, but I would like you to PM me his backstory nevertheless. Nobody but myself has to know, but as GM I need to. I like your character, though! Reminds me a bit of Alexander Luthor from Earth-3!

@Tackytaff Okay, I like your character a lot, but there's a few things you have to understand about death in the setting, which I admittedly forgot to elaborate on. Normally when somebody dies, their "soul" will go to the limbo-esque Realm of the Dead, where it will be purified. This purification process varies in length, depending on how wicked they were in life. It can be mere weeks, or even many decades in the worst of cases. I'm sure Hitler's soul is still being cleansed to this day, for example.

During this period, you can indeed call them down to speak with them, if you have such an ability. But after they've been purified, they'll be reincarnated into a new body somewhere in the universe, and then you can obviously no longer converse with them since they're alive again.

Now, that's how it normally works. But if a person has "unfinished business", or something that strong ties them to the world, they can continue to linger on as a spirit. I imagine that's what happened with your character's witch friend, if she didn't just use magic to bind herself to a phylactery or something.

@LokiLeo789 I LOVE this character! I'd love to hire him as my ultra-famous song artist's bodyguard! She's got lots of creepy fans who need to lose some teeth, and travels the country regularly performing concerts. And to answer your question, everyone has to start in the Eastern Half of North America, which limits how far apart we can be.
@MsMorningstar Considering how awesome your character sheet was the last time I read it, I wouldn't pass up the chance to read more! Go ahead!
@Rondo of Blood In this setting, Nth Metal is merely a special alloy with anti-magical properties that the Thanagarian race discovered how to make after they were nearly conquered by a race magic-using aliens. It doesn't make you fly, nor does it reincarnate you repeatedly, or any of that bizarre insanity. :P

It can harm any magical-based entity, provided it is forged into a weapon. Mere contact with it does not cause harm, even to such beings, nor does it emit any kind of field that aversely affects them.

It does, however, have the ability to negate any spells it comes into contact with. So if a Mage tries to make a portal to absorb your attack, an Nth Metal weapon will tear straight through it.
@Dead Cruiser Sure, I don't see why not.
@Rondo of Blood Sure. Aliens are fine.
@Unknown100 Oh, nice!! I like it.
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