Avatar of Blackstripe
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    1. Blackstripe 7 yrs ago
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Current If you haven't figured it out by now, your choices don't matter.
7 yrs ago
Watching all the pieces...watching all the pieces fall~
7 yrs ago
Yeeeeeeah...so you know how to Beep Beep like a Sheep, I see!
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@Unknown100 Accepted! Good to have a Wonder Woman from the start in this RP! Believe it or not, I could never find one in the last one.
Okay! THREAD IS UP! Here it is: roleplayerguild.com/topics/178261-her…
@ZAVAZggg There will be! I'm actually working on it right now! And your efforts to make your character fit are greatly appreciated!

@praxitilies Okay, that should be fine then.
@MsMorningstar Oh, sorry to you as well! Accepted!

@praxitilies Accepted! Oh, though I'm curious about the Soulgaze--it doesn't reveal secret identities or anything, right?
@ShardOh, sorry, yes.

@Unknown100 Great! Make sure she's old enough to have been heroing back in 2010!
By the way, I need to fill out the Seven Wonders of the World. They are the OG members of the Justice League who held the Blackthorn Coven at bay in 2010 and basically saved the world.

So far, it includes, The Champion (Superman), Grim (Batman), Emerald Knight (Green Lantern), Aquaman, and maybe Velocity (the Flash).

I'd like whoever makes Wonder Woman to also be a part of it, and then one more.
@Shard So, a question. Are you saying that your sword can ignore invulnerability for beings like Champion or beings with similar durability?

Also, "Holy Magic" isn't really a thing here, so him being weak to holy ground and other stuff doesn't make sense for the setting. Otherwise, it looks good!

@Ascendant Your CS looks good!

@Simple Unicycle@Tim Looks good, you two.
@Mr Nim Should be alright, if you can't directly use it on people, yeah.
@Shard Demon summoning and pacts are a thing, yes, though they can have serious consequences.

Also, the Character Sheet is now up, in addition to a very basic outline of the magic system, since so many are interested in making magic characters!
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