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Just as the girl Tashiro was talking to seemed to ease up. Tashiro was starting to feel relieved that this girl wasn't feeling threatened anymore, or at least she didn't seem like she was going to attack if Tashiro did or said the wrong thing by accident. He listened as the girl spoke about why she was out here. It seemed she was out here for the same reason as he was to do a bit of training. When she showed him her arm he said almost instantly and wincing slightly, "Ouch, looks like it would hurt a lot. Yeah I wouldn't be climbing any mountains either if I was hurt like that either."

Quickly Tashiro understood why she was training even though she had an injury just like that. He himself remembers training through pain when he was much younger. Training almost day in and day out with his father to hone his skills with a sword, fighting through the pain so that he wouldn't be burdened in a fight when he was in pain. Enduring pain was a way that Tashiro learned to over come injuries. Part of him felt bad for the girl he just met even though he doesn't know her he understands.

Tashiro also noticed something else seemed to be wrong with her, he quickly came to the conclusion she might be more hurt then just the arm and hasn't fully recovered. He was going to ask if she was alright but it seemed she would most likely dismiss that anything was wrong with her since she was out here training in this condition.

Soon Tashiro says, "Well it seems we both had similar ideas, I came out here too to train like I said earlier. I was going to go to the mountain to train myself, and maybe catch a bit of game while I was at it. I haven't been in Gobigakure long, I figured it would be best to get some training done. You're from the village too right?" That question was asked a bit unsure, while Tashiro did just said he just came from the village he didn't know if this girl was or not though He then adds a question quickly after that last one, "Well if you are, would you like some help with your training?" Tashiro asks this question instead of asking if she was alright since he already assume how she would have answered that question anyway.

@BuddhaLol I miss counted. So that is three, not a bad count when we have two squads. The first genin though that is male though. The two others are Jounin. Can't wait to get started it will be interesting to see what the squads look like when we first start.
@BladeSS4 Alright, despite some issues in the bio (it says his mother raised him but he was raised in a foster family?) I'll accept it on account of knowing that your IC is typically a bit better than your CS's.

Thanks, I moved him over to the character slot after editing that first part. He was raised with a step mother, that first part was accidental error. Sweet, he will be the second male character. Lol

Here we go again. Another back story this one got a bit darker then I intended it to get but I hope it is 'simpler' but it is very obvious I am not very good when it comes to coming up with a backstory, but I changed it from what it was I hope it works now.

@BladeSS4 I mean we have Neurovoid's character who has also got a Sharingan. Having an Uchiha would be acceptable if they arrived as refugees during the recent war. But you can give him a regular surname, that's up to you.

I could make a regular surname or just make him part of being a refugee family, then I would have to completely redo his backstory or well a part of it. I start on the rework and just go with the refugee thing and make it a bit more simpler instead of making it more complicated then it has to be lol
@BladeSS4 I believe that the Hozuki hydrification techniques can actually be learned by anyone though, not just Hozuki. It's just a hiden?

I don't think its even that tbh. Looking it up it doesn't say it is, it just says it is the signature of the Hozuki so I guess anyone could learn it. It sort of sounds like the uchiha fireball jutsu and that anyone could really use it. I think if a Hozuki clan member used it I would think it would be easier but I don't think it matters with who is in the clan. If it doesn't really matter, then Hozuki is just really a name or a prominent canon clan.

I guess it really isn't important to keep him as a Hozuki other then it is just a name of clan that uses a lot of water Jutsu that anyone could really learn on their own. So do you want me to change his name because I can I just didn't want to call him an Uchiha because I felt it would be unique I guess to have someone who was of that bloodline but didn't have their name.
“If you're hoping for some easy cash, you seriously chose the wrong girl to mug,”, hearing this from the girl who was running around outside the village. Tashiro wasn't really surprised by her reaction of the girl anyone around these parts are desperate for money. The moment he saw her grab the handle of her weapon Tashiro says, "Whoa there, I don't mean you any harm I was just curious of who was running so close to the village. I am just out here to do a bit of training myself."

Tashiro had hope he could make this a less threatening situation trying not to make any threatening gestures or movements. This was something he was sort of use to when talking to people from or near Gobi. Everyone is on edge a bit when talking to strangers and yet Tashiro couldn't blame them as he too would be questioning someone he didn't know if they walked up to him. It was the same reason he was curious of who was running near the village.

Quickly thinking Tashiro comes up something more to say to help the situation in a friendly manner, "I am Tashiro by the way, I am sorry for interrupt whatever you were doing as I said before I was just curious of who was running around outside of the village. So there is no need for weapons...or jutsu..." Tashiro trailed off at the end he wasn't sure if she was a shinobi but her overall appearance gave it away but he wasn't sure so he trailed off once he figured he was saying too much to someone he didn't really know.
@BladeSS4 It still doesn't really explain why her mother was allowed to stay. Also I don't really understand why you went for the Hozuki clan specifically since you don't really use their jutsu or anything. You don't have to edit it in but maybe you can give me an explanation here?

Well it was a toss up between Hozuki and Yuki clans, it was mostly to give him the water nature from clans that are water users. Yeah, not a really good reason but I figured he could learn some of the jutsu the Hozuki clan can use later on. Just right now this is just his own personal jutsu he learned on his own or through his time through school. I figured it would be better this way since he is a Genin he could learn new things as he goes though the rp.

As for his mother I could have her thrown out of the city but I figured making her a servant would be just keeping her as a resource, I mean she might not be able to use jutsu but she can clean floors and do other chores for the kage, but I can change the history to get rid of her I can but I didn't see the need to have it that way but I can change that if I must.
Alright I tried to fix most of what you had issues with. Let me know if this works now.

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