Name: Akir
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Race: Drakkin

Personality: Rage is one word that would completely describe Akir's whole being. He is like a bomb with a short fuse, ready to blow. The smallest things like a smudge of dirt on his armor can spark his rage induced episode.
Bio: At least a paragraph or two, maybe more. Maybe how your character learned what they know, a bit about their origins, or whatever else you feel is relevant. If you have any special Traits or Flaws, please allocate them in as well.
Stats [-]
Total XP: 48
Unspent XP:
(25 Points to start off with)
Vitality: 34
Energy: 15
Luck: 3
Reputation: 4 (neutral)
Talents [-]
Put the number of ranks you want in each Skill next to it. 1 XP for Ranks 1 to 5, 2 XP for ranks 6 to 10, 3 XP for Ranks 11 to 15, and 4 XP for Ranks 16 to 20.
Acrobatics (Dex):
Alchemy (Apt):
Animal Handling (Cha):
Appraisal (Apt):
Arcane Craft (Apt):
Blacksmithing (Apt):
Carpentry (Apt):
Climbing (Might):
Concentration (Will):
Disguise (Cha):
Engineering (Apt):
First Aid (Apt):
Fisticuffs (Dex):
Hardiness (End):
Herb Craft (Apt):
Knowledge (Apt):
Leather Working (Apt):
Linguistics (Apt):
Manipulate Device (Dex):
Negotiation (Cha):
Observation (Apt):
Performance (Cha):
Riding (Dex):
Sailing (Apt):
Sleight of Hand (Dex):
Stone Cutting (Apt):
Sorcery (Apt):
Stealth (Dex):
Survival (Apt):
Swimming (Might):
Tailoring (Apt):
Thrown Weaponry (Dex):
Melee Weaponry (Dex):
Projectile Weaponry (Dex):
Traits [-]
Put either Traits from the list you want here or put ideas for your own Traits if you have any and I will see if they are possible.
Flaws [-]
These are character Flaws. Things like physical flaws, character flaws (flaws of mind or personality), or other forms of flaws (even things like being cursed or corrupted or other such things). Even things like oaths, phobias, obsessions, or having enemies can be character weaknesses. Just think standard RPG game weaknesses. Tts recommended that you take one. Each Flaw you take gives you some bonus XP to start off with at Character Creation. You can have up to 6 XP from Flaws, but you can take as many flaws as you want (three is the recommended number though). It is possible to gain Flaws in game, but you do not get Bonus XP from Flaws acquired in game (as acquiring them in game is a bad thing).
Gear [-]
How much money your character has and any other gear they have goes here. You can put gear that you would want your character to have here (remember to also think about adventuring specific gear as well, as it doesn't hurt to be prepared, but also remember how much you can carry, think of your Might). This includes weapons, armor, and other such things.
Wealth: (You start off with an amount of iL (silver pieces) equal to 75 + 5 (times Reputation)