Alright! Here's what I got so far. It is, of course, a WIP, but I think I will be able to completely finish it tomorrow.
Name of Nation:
The Arkil Federation

Demonym of Nation:
Race Description:

The native Arkilians of the Arkil Federation are known most notably for their bird like features. While very human like in physiology, but their bones are actually much stronger and they usually have small feathered "wings" sprouting an inch above the ears as seen in the sample picture. They also have a short, feathered tail. While essentially the same as a normal human when it comes to body strength, their muscles are oddly much more dense. Because of these distinct differences, but looking very similar to normal humans, their traditional name is "Qui Ex Caelo" which translates to "Those of the Sky". They all seem to exhibit a total lack of fear of heights, and in fact, usually report being much happier and healthier when at higher altitudes, even breathing better when usually Humans experience shortness of breath.
Nation Location:
I got a location marked for #6, but I don't want to assume tooo much.
Description of Nation:
The Arkil Federation is a medium sized nation with an emphasis on the great technology of the Airship. They are constantly striving to come up with lighter fuels, safer substances, and faster airships and aircraft. This is because of a wide combination of reasons. Their race feels much more natural high in the air, they're geography essentially prevents them of having a serious navy, and the wide abundance of the substance known as "Kavuria". This substance is a lighter than air material that is mined in a solid ore like state, but refined into a gas. Unlike hydrogen, it is not nearly as volatile or unstable, but at the same time, it isn't a god send either. Kavuria is known to be highly corrosive substance, being able to burn through almost any industrial metal, or cause chemical burns on one's skin, thus it has taken many many years of research and practice to perfect the full scale production of Kavuria. Now with specialized refineries, containers, and the rest of the industry in full swing, it is a readily available and safer alternative to Hydrogen that is keeping the Arkilian airships floating through the sky.
Besides their prowess in flight Arkil is a nation of a progressive social atmosphere. After fairly recent government action, men are now not discriminated against in the military and workplace and the social playing field has been evened out. Though there is one area the progressive movement seemed to not touch, something that probably won't change in a long time. Due to the nation's recent history, their is a strong hatred for any organized religion. Any citizen to govenor will look at a person who believes in any god with disgust and suspicion.
Government of Nation:
The Arkilian government is a democratic republic of sorts governed by three main branches. An Executive Branch lead by the "Sovetor" who serves ten year terms, a Legislative Branch made up of representatives from fifteen different regions. Each region has two representatives. Finally, a Judicial Branch, lead by seven grand judges that are appointed by the Sovetor. This branch decides whether a particular law, act, or legislation coincides with Arkilian Constitution of Civil Freedom. The Arkilian Federation tends to try to mediate peace and provide humanitarian aid when and where it can.
Capital of Nation:
Population of Nation:
Economy of Nation:
Internally, The Arkil Federation has a Mixed Economy with various areas being either Market or Traditional economies. The Government does regulate various areas of the market, but ultimately it is a free market. The nation tries to create a "Balanced Trade" which goes by the motto "Do what you do best, buy the rest". Thus Arkilian exports usually focus around the aviation industry, ranging from selling commercial airships, airship components, and most importantly, refined Kavuria. While the substance Kavuria is widespread in the world, Arkil's refining techniques have made it much cheaper to buy than attempting to produce your own, usually giving nations more options to focus on other aspects of their economy while receiving cheap Kavuria to float their airships.
Nation's Major Export:
Airships (commercial), Experienced Aviation workforce, Refined Kavuria (Grades A-F. This marks of the quality, thus efficiency of it. The higher the grade, the bigger your ship can be for less Kavuria), Aliminuim Alloys, grain, and rice.
Nation's Major Imports:
Stronger Steel Alloys, various food items, Furs, Jewelry, Naval goods(ranging from ships to machinery), concrete, heavy machinery, gold, copper, and exotic goods.
Nation's Military Description:
2,151,013 men during peace time.
Arkilian's military has no ocean based navy due to its geography. The little coast that the nation has is very rocky and has very little potential to support any real naval port, thus most of the maritime patrol or shipping of supplies is done by land or by airship. The military is mainly split into two "branches" though they often work hand in hand with each other except for maritime patrol. First is the Arkilian Federal Guard. This handles all ground forces of the military ranging from infantry, to tanks, to artillery. Second is the Arkilian Airborne Fleet. This handles all airship operations and patrols the skies of the nation and its trade routes.
~The Arkilian Federal Guard~
Weaponry of Infantry:

(From the top down)
PV-190 Songbird Rifle: A reliable bolt action rifle that fires .308 rounds
HL-12 Levy: A fairly reliable lever action rifle that fires a .38-40 rounds
(Left Top): PP-1 Hand Rifle: A very uncommon, very shortened version of what essentially is the Songbird Rifle.
(Left Bottom): HP-3 Piper: A 9mm semi automatic pistol with a 10 round magazine.
(Right Top): PH-33 Breacher: The main submachine gun used by ground forces, fires a .45 round and has a good rate of fire, though not particularly accurate.
(Right Bottom): PL-34 Buzz: This is the newer addition to the arsenal. It fires 7.62x23mm rounds at a very high rate. Great against light targets in trench situations.
PV-210 Marksman Rifle "Hawkeye": Used by the infamous "Raptors of Arkillian" and other marksman, this long rang bolt action rifle fires a 7.62×54mm round.
MG-232 "Humming Bird": This water cooled machine gun fires a 7.62×54mm round and is belt fed.
MC-12 "Vulture" Mechanical Cannon: This belt fed, hand cranked Gatling gun fires 20mm cartridges and is often used defensively.
Guard Infantry

Often distinguished by their unique uniform, the Guard Infantry specialize in adaptability and survivablity. Often they make the most of their environment and can fight and survive in what most would consider hostile environments ranging from blazing deserts to cold tundras. Other than that, they usually receive standardized training and equipment.
The First Reconnaissance and Foreign Expeditionary Battalion "Raptors of Arkillian"

An elite group of sharpshooters, marksman, and survivalists, these soldiers are hand picked by the commander whether it be from the front or from training. Members must undergo an incredibly arduous training program before joining, regardless of previous experience. They primarily focus on deep reconnaissance and assassination of high value targets on the battlefield. With this, they have become expert survivalists, being able to live off the land, away from supply lines, for extended periods of time. Often it is said that one Raptor marksman in a church tower with a canteen of water and a can of beans could hold pack an entire enemy battalion for weeks. Whether this is battlefield myth or not cannot be determined. It is mainly made up of women, but there are also some male members. They are usually distinguished by the red star patch on either their headgear or shoulders.

(Top) TV-4 "Rover": This is a lighter tank of the Arkilian military. Used to support infantry and break trenchlines, it has good frontal armor and a 57mm cannon with twin machine guns in the turret. However, it is exposed on its sides and like most tanks of the era, not particularly fast.
(Bottom) TH-12 "Gunther" The older tank of the military, this larger armored vehicle is deployed against heavy positions such as bunkers or well defended trench lines. The upper turret houses a 77mm cannon and the lower frontal gun is a 30mm cannon. The flanking turrets carry a 57mm cannon. While better protected than the TV-4, it is much slower.

The VB-1 Heavy Tank: The newest and most modern addition to the Arkilian military, it is faster than the previous heavy tank and has more armor but has less fire power. The frontal cannon is a 77mm howitzer and the turret houses a 47mm cannon with dual machine guns. It has a top speed of 13mph off road.

VK-6 82mm Mortar: This fires Smoke rounds, HE rounds, and Airburst rounds

7.7cm Assault Gun: This howitzer is used commonly by the Arkil military both as an artillery piece or as an assault weapon/tank killer.

10.5cm Assault Gun: This heavier howitzer is used mainly as a tank killer or as an artillery gun.

42cm Heavy Siege Weapon "Maus": This massive artillery piece is used in either defending heavily fortified postions or breaking them in long seiges. It can be either mounted on a platform or a railroad train.
~Arkilian Airborne Fleet~
Arkil Federation DestroyerThe most numerous combat airship of the fleet, this serves as the backbone to the Airborne Fleet. These airships are commonly scene patrolling the airspace or escorting fleets. Main Armament consists of three 105mm cannons and a secondary armament of four turrets that house twin 7.7cm Flak cannons. They can reach a top speed of
Arkil Federation Light CruiserThese provide the more common "heavy muscle" in battles. Armed with six 150mm cannons and one single 38cm cannon as well as four 7.7cm Flak cannons, these ships are essentially stronger, heavier destroyers. They have a top speed of 35mph.
Arkil Federation BattlecruiserThis is the newest eddition to the Airborne Fleet. Designed to be fast, manuvarible, and heavily armed, its odd streamline design does just that. However, they are a recent addition, so they are not as wide spread as the other airships. The ship is armed with five 22cm cannons, six 7.7cm Flak cannons, and a large bomb bay for carpet bombing. It can reach a top speed of 38mph.
Arkil Federation "Flying FortressThis massive airship is the largest in the military and only one has been made with no plans to make any more. Armed with six turrets that house twin 40.2cm cannons, four single barrel 38cm cannons, eight turrets with twin 120mm cannons, and twelve turrets with twin 7.7cm Flak cannons as well as a large bomb bay for bombing operations. It has a top speed of only 10mph.