Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DEMoGorgon47


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Welcome to the world of Punk, a land of fantastical creatures and nations fueled by the powers of iron, coal, steam and gears. It is a realm open to endless possibilities as unknown races forge ahead through time and impact the world around them. Create your own race and nation and lead it wisely through the ages. Will you lead your people through times of peace or conquer through war? The future is dictated by your action. The true question is, can you build a nation to stand the test of time?

So after that brief intro, welcome to Punk. This RPG is set in a world of Steam and Clockwork Punk. However, I must stress this in NOT a Diesel Punk. That means no internal combustion. This is a slow world ruled by large lumbering behemoths of metal and boilers. So that means that large blitzkriegs or tanks at lightning speeds are not likely to happen. I also want to quickly clarify, that while it says fantasy in the title, there is NO magic in this RP. The "fantasy" aspect is more akin to the fact that there are a large assortment of creatures. While that does not mean your race cannot have magic-like qualities, there must be a way you can pseudo-scientifically explain, as well as keep your race balanced with weaknesses or nerfs that make the magic-esque qualities a challenge, but not god-like. Also, to touch on the Clockwork aspect of the RP, this has to do with smaller vehicles such as cars and short-range aircraft. Since there is no internal combustion (and that means no fuels that are akin to oil), small engines are difficult to create. However, you can use clockwork powered, wind-up craft so that not everything in the world is expelling out black smog and perpetually attached to coal.

I also wanted to add some form of community building into this RP. So instead of me having a map to give you that we must use, I found several interesting maps and I figured we could have a vote on which to use. So without further ado, here are the maps!

While I realize this is a fantasy and steam punk world and that means that a lot of the "realism" or the RP goes pretty far out the figurative window, I'd still like some aspects of physics in this, even if the physics does not line up with those of the real world. So below I'll list the rules of things such as airships, clockwork planes and other such aspects of the world.

General Rules:
My rules are pretty standard. Be respectful, try to solve disputes among yourselves, and if I get called in my word as GM is final. No playing god, stay balanced, etc. etc. Really just use common sense and aim to have fun with this!

Nation Sheet Application

Name of Nation: (optional, but fun to have)
Demonym of Nation:
Race Description: (more detail if using a created one please, including pictures is even better)
List of Race Perks and Nerfs:
Nation Location: (Decided after map, people who finish nation sheets first get first call)
Description of Nation:
Government of Nation:
Capital of Nation:
Population of Nation: (I'd say anywhere between 10 million and 110 million, but let's try to have some range in there, we can't all be giants)
Economy of Nation: (More-so how they make money than what they use to do it)
Nation's Major Exports: (Remember, you can't have it all)
Nation's Major Imports: (No nation is self-sufficient)
Nation's Military Description: (Details here please. Also, for the most heavily of militarized nations I'd say that no more than 6% of the population can be in the military, and this would cause other areas of the nation's prowess - such as economy and scientific prowess - to fall. More well rounded nations would probably fall in around 2.5 to 3%, while nations that want to be advanced in culture or other areas would be smaller at around 1%. Just some statistics to bear in mind)

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Meeky


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Hmm... Post World War II technology; fantasy races, but no magic. I'll be thinking of exactly what I want to do. Could you give an example of magic-like qualities you'd allow? Is this a world (given its World War II level tech) where guns already dominate the military scene, or are there still some hangers-on to the old methods of war? And how unusual will you allow technology to go in the quest for finding something unique?

As for maps, I like the fourth map. It looks a bit small, but still.

My current idea is going to be something focused around weaponizing the power of electricity. I just can't help but imagine swords that use electric shocks right now.

Depending on how my application in a similar thread goes, I may ask if I can play the nation I'm hoping to use in that thread (I'm still writing an application for that thread). Namely, it's a bunch of goblins that are going a more "we use fungi and poisons and acids and breed giant animals/insects of doooom" route. (Example: Weaponized termites, catapults launching disease-ridden garbage and corpses,
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DEMoGorgon47


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Meeky said
Hmm... Post World War II technology; fantasy races, but no magic. I'll be thinking of exactly what I want to do. Could you give an example of magic-like qualities you'd allow? Is this a world (given its World War II level tech) where guns already dominate the military scene, or are there still some hangers-on to the old methods of war? And how unusual will you allow technology to go in the quest for finding something unique?As for maps, I like the fourth map. It looks a bit small, but still.My current idea is going to be something focused around weaponizing the power of electricity. I just can't help but imagine swords that use electric shocks right now.Depending on how my application in a similar thread goes, I may ask if I can play the nation I'm hoping to use in that thread (I'm still writing an application for that thread). Namely, it's a bunch of goblins that are going a more "we use fungi and poisons and acids and breed giant animals/insects of doooom" route. (Example: Weaponized termites, catapults launching disease-ridden garbage and corpses,

Just to clarify, it is post ww1 tech, so 1920's, not 1950's. As for the "magical qualities" a race can have think in terms of special abilities. Maybe the species innately are fliers, or they have a seductive allure to them that affects other races, or can read the emotions of others extremely well, or are very resistant to extreme temperatures or other conditions.

I like the fourth map as well, though I am open to all of them.

As for your race, as long as you can explain how it is done and make it balanced I am open to nearly everything.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Keia Vewyx
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Keia Vewyx

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Interwar period with fantasy races, eh?
Forgive me for having to skip out on this last time in the Old Guild, DEMoGorgon47. Although I did want to join, I couldn't really think of a race to join as.
Istos and its trade-oriented spiderling citizens were really fun, but someone already submitted a nation that supposedly accounted for 60%+ of all global trade and there's no bigger turn off for me in nation RPs than something akin to being the "best in the world" without the history to support it.

If I may join, I might try a more antagonistic rendition of the spiderific Istos~
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DEMoGorgon47


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Keia Vewyx said
Interwar period with fantasy races, eh?Forgive me for having to skip out on this last time in the Old Guild, DEMoGorgon47. Although I did want to join, I couldn't really think of a race to join as.Istos and its trade-oriented spiderling citizens were really fun, but someone already submitted a nation that supposedly accounted for 60%+ of all global trade and there's no bigger turn off for me in nation RPs than something akin to being the "best in the world" without the history to support it.If I may join, I might try a more antagonistic rendition of the spiderific Istos~

Keia! Of course you are welcome to join! It has been too long since we rp'd with each other last. And if you think of any other race don't feel limited to reusing the spiders! The sky is the limit in this rp (so long as it is balanced lol).

Also, care to pick a map you like best?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Keia Vewyx
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Keia Vewyx

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I'd normally choose #2 because I still have the old Istosian map from some time ago and I'm pretty lazy, but #4 is pretty clear on its diversity and biomes. Things also feel a bit closer in #4; it'll help jump-start nation interactions, so I'll vote for #4.

We'll see about what I choose. If no one else goes for a water-based race, I might try for some type of fish shogunate. But then again, steam spider snipers climbing along the walls and roofs sounds so fun~
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DEMoGorgon47


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Keia Vewyx said
I'd normally choose #2 because I still have the old from some time ago and I'm pretty lazy, but #4 is pretty clear on its diversity and biomes. Things also feel a bit closer in #4; it'll help jump-start nation interactions, so We'll see about what I choose. If no one else goes for a water-based race, I might try for some type of fish shogunate. But then again, steam spider snipers climbing along the walls and roofs sounds so fun~

Whatever fantastical creature keeps your warship airborne is cool with me! I shan't put too much influence behind the map choice, as I want the players to decide. Im stuck on either my fox people, my lizard people or something completely new. I'll start making my NS soon and hopefully that'll kick off more people to join
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Meeky


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I've opted to go for something a little less "out there," because... Well, let's just say I was thinking about the Ottoman Empire.

* * * * *

Portrait of Faqim Al-Qari and his entourage, current Emperor of the Qalimeqi Empire

Fitting Music
Name of Nation: The Qalimeqi Empire; Grand Qalimeq
Flag: A black sword with its hilt at the top splitting a yellow background, resting behind a setting red-orange sun.
Demonym of Nation: Qalimeqi
Race Description(s):
Humans (Qalimeqi) - Qalimeqi humans have brown skin whose tone ranges from a heavy tan to being so dark it appears black in the desert heat. They stand a few inches taller on average than most humans. There are other subgroups of humans within Qalimeq living in vassal duchies, and the typically have more of an olive complexion. Humans hold the highest positions in Qalimeqi society, but that does not protect them from poverty nor the circumstances that may lead to a lower-class life.
Goblins - Small and numerous, these three foot tall creatures have a ruddy yellow complexion and are native to the desert. They are wide eared, clawed, agile, and have a uniquely nomadic lifestyle. While they theoretically possess status equal to that of the humans, they rarely become wealthy or important figures in Qalimeqi society.
Hobgoblins - Standing just a little shorter than humans (with an average height of 5'6"), hobgoblins are the result of men breeding with goblins. While some are born sterile, many have bred with one another long enough to form their own race. Their appearance is a blending of the features of both heritages: Brown-yellow skin, a lean but muscular build, clawed fingers, and sharp teeth. Hobgoblins are somewhat uncommon, but are known to make terrific soldiers, combining goblin reflexes and agility with Qalimeqi discipline and adaptability. Like goblins, they are theoretical equals to humans; unlike goblins, they have a very distinct chance to earn respect and recognition through military service.
List of Race Perks and Nerfs:
Humans (Qalimeqi) - No unique perks or nerfs.
Goblins - Increased agility and senses; small size makes them difficult to hit, but also forces them to wield smaller weapons and makes them less capable melee combatants.
Hobgoblins - Better agility, stamina, and senses than a human; slightly smaller, but not in a truly impactful way. Not very numerous.
Nation Location: (Decided after map, people who finish nation sheets first get first call)
Description of Nation: Qalimeq, more formally known as Grand Qalimeq or the Qalimeqi Empire, is a once-glorious empire that almost lost its place as a world power due to adherence to tradition. It covers a vast measure of territory chiefly consisting of plains, deserts, and hills and mountains, with a generally warm climate and mild winters. With only a few mighty rivers and their flood plains marring the great expanse, Qalimeq's land has always encouraged the use of horses, elephants, and pegusi, and its armies have historically been a dominant force in the region. Qalimeqi armies have spent the last century subjugating their neighbors, incorporating them into their empire as vassal duchies, incorporating the goblins into their empire, and controlling the trade of spices and dyes.

With the advent of firearms, however, Qalimeq has slowly lost the ground it gained. The last war proved especially devestating; one battle saw a force of nine thousand elite cavalry was utterly annihilated by a smaller force equipped only with rifles and a single combat walker. Since then, the empire has been scrambling to change its military policies.

In other areas, Qalimeq is ahead of the majority of the world. They have an ancient tradition of philosophy, and the sciences of astronomy, chemistry, and medicine have long flourished in the nation. In ages past, it was considered the center of knowledge and learning throughout all the world. However, the military has been slow to adapt to the changing world, and the changes that have been made have created rebellious divisions among the religious and military sects of the nation. There is a very real tension between these fanatics and those who would change the nation, and should these factions see an opportunity, they will gladly strike against their own ruler to attempt a coup.

Despite these factors, the Qalimeq Empire has not left the scene of global powers yet. It remains a noteworthy competitor militarily, and it has enough economic and scientific clout to influence the world outside the arena of war. If it can survive the next decade, it will surely come out of the ashes like the phoenix: Reborn.
Government of Nation: Federal Monarchy - The Empire consists of numerous semi-independent regions and duchies which are partly autonomous but concede to the will of the highest authority, the Qalimeqi Emperor. Upon the Emperor's death, a new Emperor is chosen by a council (half elected, half born into their station) of all the provinces from the royal family. While the ruler is usually chosen based on merit, corrupt bargains have rigged these elections several times in the past.
Capital of Nation: Ahnidad
Population of Nation: 80 million approximately (57 million humans, 18 million goblins, 5 million hobgoblins)
Economy of Nation: Trade is vital to Qalimeq's economy, and they maintain rigid control over the trade of spices and dyes, and Qalimeqi merchants also have their hands in the trade of sugar, salt, and precious metals. Shepherding and farming are both also major occupations in the regions surrounding the flood plains along the nation's mighty river. Orchards for olives and fruits are also common, moreso in the duchies than in the desert heartland.

As a center of culture and learning, Qalimeq also tutors would-be scholars from across the globe, and its horse and pegusi races attract many eager spectators. Due to being behind in the areas of mechanical and electrical engineering, this facet of Qalimeq's economy is slowly dwindling; it does not help that this new era of progress is causing other nations to establish more universities.

Qalimeq has instituted a special tax on those who do not follow the main religion (Al-Qalai, a monotheistic religion in which ancestors of the royal family were prophets, thus granting them divine right to rule). It increases their tax rate by approximately four percent; a hefty price, perhaps, but those who pay it are otherwise treated as equals to the Qalamites of the Empire. This tax provides enough income to be considered a considerable source of revenue.
Nation's Major Exports: Luxury goods; salt; sugar; horses; wool.
Nation's Major Imports: Iron; steel; coal; copper; beef.
Nation's Military Description: There is a healthy focus on the national military. About 3% of the population (2.67 million citizens) serve in the Empire's military. Of this number, Qalimeq has invested substantially into its Grand Army, with 40% of the nation's troops serving as infantry, marksmen, irregulars, and similar units; 20% more of the enlisted population serves as land-based cavalry; another 30% serve in the Imperial Aerial Forces (I.A.F.), and the last 10% serve in the Imperial Naval Forces (I.N.F.).

Despite the disasters of the last war, there is still a struggle in the nation's military between those who would adapt and those who would stick to the tried and true ways of old. The cavalryman still serves as an integral part of the nation's army, though his role on the battlefield is changing. While Qalimeqi cavalry still act as shock troops and flankers when the opportunity allows, they are now equipped with rifles as well as swords and lances, harassing the enemy from a distance to soften the ranks before riding in for the kill. The cavalryman is slowly being replaced by a new sort of mobile unit: the airship.

Airships are employed by the Qalimeqi Empire as scouts and as bombers. Due to their fragile nature, they come with pegasus riding cavalry equipped with small rifles for fighting aircraft and curved blades for charging enemies below. They also carry grenades, which are easily dropped on unsuspecting infantry. An airship carrying an attachment of pegasus cavalry can deal with most landed landed opponents sufficiently, but faces some difficulty when fending off aerial assaults. The weaponry aboard a Qalimeqi airship is less advanced than that of other nations', and so their aerial cavalry must compensate for this weakness, charging through the skies and riding down the workers aboard enemy airships, where they try to find a weak point in the hull surrounding the gas bags.

Pegusas cavalry are used outside of aerial combat, and have long been the most recognizable force in the Qalimeqi military; however, with the advent of deadlier and more accurate firearms, these valuable beasts are being limited more and more to fighting in the sky.

On the ground, traditional cavalry equipped with pistols and swords fight alongside infantry equipped with single-shot, long-ranged rifles. While these rifles cannot fire very quickly, they have great accuracy, especially in the hands of hobgoblins, and hobgoblin marksmen are becoming more and more commonplace. Skirmish-style tactics are often utilized to make better use of these rifles.

Goblins can be found working as irregulars in the Qalimeqi army. Their small size makes them great ambushers, as they can hide in many environments and, equipped with grenades, pistols, bombs, bows and axes, can serve reliably as cannon fodder, saboteurs, and urban fighters. Veteran goblin irregulars have formed specialist squads that often work before the main Qalimeqi force arrives, assassinating officers or making breaches to allow the famous Qalimeqi cavalry to charge past enemy defenses.

Artillery have a place in the Qalimeqi military in sieges, but the weapons are not very advanced compared to the artillery of other nations. Members of any race can be found crewing these crude cannons.

The most experimental unit in the Qalimeqi army has yet to be tested on the battlefield: Gas-filled rockets. In ancient times, Qalimeq used simple explosive rockets filled with gunpowder (which would later lead to the invention of fireworks) to assault enemy fortifications. The rockets to be used now are propelled with an explosive force, but are designed to release a trail of toxic gas as they travel, and then burst in a cloud of it upon impact. While the design is still rough and the firing crews are suffering some unhealthy side effects from the gases being released in their proximity, the progressive minds in the military have convinced the traditionalists to allow them to be tested in the next great conflict.

Qalimeq has never focused very much on its navy, and does so even less with the invention of the almighty airship and its explosive payload. The navy utilizes similar tactics as its aerial counterpart: partly armored destroyers function as the defense for carrier vessels which are host to a number of pegasus cavalry. These cavalry drop bombs on enemy ships and and sometimes act as boarding crews, using the pistol and the sword to take over enemy vessels. As with Qalimeq's airships, the destroyers and carriers in the navy have less advanced armor and weapons than those of other nations, and are thus liable to be defeated in a broadside or sustained combat; it's up to the nimble pegusi to achieve victory for the Imperial Naval Forces.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MouseKing


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

I'm interested, will be writing up a sheet. As for maps, #2 would be my vote.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DEMoGorgon47


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MouseKing said
I'm interested, will be writing up a sheet. As for maps, #2 would be my vote.

Awesome, welcome to the group! As soon as you can post your NS please do! Remember, the sky is pretty much the limit on these races so long as the nation and the race remain balanced.

So as far a voting goes, we have 1 vote for #2 and 2 for #4.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by thorgili


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Welll It sounds amazingly interesting going to start work on a nice Imperial German/Russian Themed country
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Meeky


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By the by, does my nation application require any adjustments? Did you want specific numbers for the military section? Is there anything you feel doesn't fit or something you think should be added / removed? Also, do you think I should remove the experimental rockets mentioned at the bottom of the military section, given that Qalimeq utilizes pegasus cavalry (which would be its "niche" unit)?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DEMoGorgon47


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thorgili said
Welll It sounds amazingly interesting going to start work on a nice Imperial German/Russian Themed country

Always need to have a Russia/Germany XP.

Meeky said
By the by, does my nation application require any adjustments? Did you want specific numbers for the military section? Is there anything you feel doesn't fit or something you think should be added / removed? Also, do you think I should remove the experimental rockets mentioned at the bottom of the military section, given that Qalimeq utilizes pegasus cavalry (which would be its "niche" unit)?

I'd ask for a little bit more on the navy (if you have one). Also just some percentages for the military so we get a feel for its size. I assume the Pegasus Calvary are literally flying horses? Cause that is totally cool with me lol! As for the rockets, that is fine, as on the whole rockets would be available to all in some limited extent, and since they are new and seem unstable in your nation it sounds balanced. I had one question on the nation description though. You said it was mostly desert and mountains, but you also said it was very fertile, which seemed a bit contradictory. Where does the fertility come from? And is it still limited to a need to import more food and/or water? Other than that it is a great great NS and a great example for others to look at.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Meeky


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DEMoGorgon47 said
I'd ask for a little bit more on the navy (if you have one). Also just some percentages for the military so we get a feel for its size. I assume the Pegasus Calvary are literally flying horses? Cause that is totally cool with me lol! As for the rockets, that is fine, as on the whole rockets would be available to all in some limited extent, and since they are new and seem unstable in your nation it sounds balanced. I had one question on the nation description though. You said it was mostly desert and mountains, but you also said it was very fertile, which seemed a bit contradictory. Where does the fertility come from? And is it still limited to a need to import more food and/or water? Other than that it is a great great NS and a great example for others to look at.

Yeah, they're literally winged horses. I wanted to choose something that would give Qalimeq a very unique but still balanced unit, and then I read about clockwork airplanes. The image of a man on a pegasus chopping through the wing of an WWI plane struck immediately, and I wanted to make that a reality.

The rockets I based off of Chinese Rockets which used gunpowder and a fuse. The basic technique here is the same, but the purpose is different: chemical warfare is the goal with the resurgence of these rockets in Qalimeq. It's really the chemical warfare part that I'm unsure about.

As for the desert part: I was thinking of the great Nile River and how much of Egyptian society was based around it. I'll reword my post when I wake up tomorrow and make it clear that there are fertile flood plains, but the rest of the desert and the mountains themselves are rather poor.

As far as military numbers... Will you want just percentages or numbers as well? And how many airships should there be in a moderately productive nation of this size?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DEMoGorgon47


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Meeky said
Yeah, they're literally winged horses. I wanted to choose something that would give Qalimeq a very unique but still balanced unit, and then I read about clockwork airplanes. The image of a man on a pegasus chopping through the wing of an WWI plane struck immediately, and I wanted to make that a reality.The rockets I based off of which used gunpowder and a fuse. The basic technique here is the same, but the purpose is different: chemical warfare is the goal with the resurgence of these rockets in Qalimeq. It's really the chemical warfare part that I'm unsure about.As for the desert part: I was thinking of the great Nile River and how much of Egyptian society was based around it. I'll reword my post when I wake up tomorrow and make it clear that there are fertile flood plains, but the rest of the desert and the mountains themselves are rather poor.As far as military numbers... Will you want just percentages or numbers as well? And how many airships should there be in a moderately productive nation of this size?

I'm fine with the gas and chemicals, as that was around at this time. Percentages are fine, as I believe most can calculate the numbers themselves. At least I'd say break up the military into percentages for each branch (so you have a 3% military, then that would be divided into like 50% army, 30% air and 20% navy). As for airship fleet... Hmmm... I guess it really depends on how big the air force is and what kinds you use. Obviously a fleet of dreadnought airships costs more than a fleet of scout ships. Use good judgement and if there is an issue I shall approach you on it. So far you are incredibly balanced so I am not very worried about you going overboard.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by thorgili


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name of Nation: Dwarven Empire of Novgrod (N - ov- gur -rod) (or just Novgrod)
Demonym of Nation: Novgrodian, Novgrod (N- Ov- gur- ow -dah
Race Description: Dwarfs

A hardy race of short stout people. Dwarfs are known for their stubborness and devotion to all things tradition. The dwarfs highly value their beards showing them as signs of status, the longer more groomed and eccentric your beard the more respect you are given by other dwarves. Dwarfs tend to perfer to live underground this started once as a way to shelter them from the much larger beingings and animals which inhabited their world. since it has become more of a tradition than a need. dwarves are renown inventors and who are also renown to disregard any technology or item made unless created by their kinsmen. Dwarven culutre is a very self centered one with large ephasis on making your own way and life and a hard you get what you earn ideaology is inseeded in everyones minds.As for society it is usually very caste based centering around one’s family and clan.
List of Race Perks and Nerfs:
Steadfast, Rare it is to see a dwarven unit break and run from the field most dwarves would rather die than retreat and soil their reputations
Inventive. dwarves have a exetrme amount resourcefulness and ingenuity
Hardy, Dwarves are used to the hard snowy conditions of their homeland making them highly resistant to fatigue or exhaustion
Stout, Dwarves while strong in the upper body are not known for their speed and efficency at marching causing them to move much slower than the other longer legged races
Stubborn, Dwarfs are a proud but arrogant race disregarding and looking at all things foreign as a threat or untrust worthy.
Nation Location: I vote map 5
Description of Nation: a lage snowy country whose surface is almost void of all life aside from sprawling fortreses set into the sides of mountains the bulk of novgrod's popullation lives underground in large expansive cities made of stone and steel. at the heart of these underground civilization lies a large industrial sector of which most people are employed. along with factories, mines and iron works. there are markets from which you can find a array of metal made goods.As for the people most of novgrod is famial based living together in residential parts of cities along with others of their clan. most dwarves belive in a form of ancestor worship viewing bringing honor and fame to their clan of utmost importance. culture wise the novgrodians enjoy a array of literature mainly consisting of non fictional books regarding the history of their clans and nation, one of the most favored pass times in novgrod are mainly contests of skill and prowess most of them being centered around military arts such as sharp shooting and wrestling but there is a large popularity for one on-militant game which is drinking. done by workers and soliders alike the first things a novgrodian does when he arrives home is break open a keg and have a hearty glass with his family, this has lead to many famous novgrodian breweries to gain world renown for their strong liquiers. Crime is very minor (orpublicly known crime is at the least) as the troops when not a war serve as the nations police force of which the offenders usually get a bullet to the head or a severe physical punishment such as dismemberment or maiming rather than prison time. the nogrodian people are hard working serious people who have a no funny business attitude to life all which is dictated by a strict sense of tradition which is imbued into every novgrodian from birth. As far as support of the government and nation goes the people of novgrod are extremly fervent in their support many invasions that have been sucessful in occupation of novgrodian territories are usually pushback due to intense partisan and geurilla warfare activites carried out by the common citizens of novgrod.
The history of novgrod is a long one starting all the way back when the first dwarves awoke from the stone. The dwarves claim to be the first intellegent race and have some edvidence to support it (anceint dwarven carvings and ruins) and such have built up a wonderful history embroiled in hardship and civil wars. The first dwarven settlement in novgrod was the great city of Stoneholm on the very northern reaches of what is now the novgrodian state. The small city was run originally by 9 dwarves of whom each modern clan can draw their lineage to. As stoneholm grew soon each of the dwarves went off to stake their own claim and eventually build their own clans leading to the now modern 9 clans which rule the council today these clans where the Stone-helms, Guilded-Beards, Dour-hands, Iron-fists, Dark-forges, Hammer-foots, Bugmans, Grudge-bearers,and Flint-axes. IN the early history of novgrod before the creation of the council the land was in a state of constant violence and war. Inter clan fueds would be developed over things large and small. The Stonehelms would war with clan Dour-hand for giving incorrect prices in a trade, the guilded-beards would assault Dark-forges for selling them imperfect ore. If a clan could find a excuse to invade assault or other wise battle with another clan they would do it. these petty wars continued throught the land for many years until one day the clanmaster of clan Grudge-Bearer a dwarf by the name of Novgrod grudge-bearer ended it all. He ordered all the clans to meet at the anceint city of Stoneholm and settle their disputes. this meeting at first was not without its difficulties during the first meeting of the council the representative from clan Bugmans was killed by an Iron-fist assasin. Upon finding a replacement for clan bugman the meeting resumed during it novgrod proposed the joining of all the clans and laid down the basic rules of the council now used today. The idea was a contoversial one but after 3 years of arguing and debating the clans decided to join together creating what is now the modern novgrodian state.
Government of Nation:Oligarchy;
The government is ruled by a number of clans who are represented by their clan patriarch, the council of the clans meet and votes on decisions and law making much like a congress with the exception that the representitives are handed down much like a monarchy where the next sun of the clan leader inherits his title of clan master unlike a normal republic in which the representatives are voted in.
Capital of Nation:Moscovoy
Population of Nation: 90.5 Million
Economy of Nation: The Economy of Novgrod is a extremly capitalist one bordering on a laize-fair in which the government rarly taxes and gets most of it’s income from the ruling clans. These businesses range from mining (the most common) to the extremely lucrative business of fur trading. each of the families tend to stay in one end of a business as not to disturb another’s holdings causing a clan rivalry which hurts the nation overall. Due to the snowy landscape farming is very poor but a few (and I mean a very few) run underground farms growing various fungi.
Nation's Major Export: Iron, Steels (varying alloy and purity), gold, copper, other various minerals (zinc,tin,coal etc) Gems, Fur, liquirs, Weapons, and metal work
Nation's Major Imports: : Lumber, various types of grains, colthe,
Nation's Military Description:
A vast well disiplined military Is held by Novgrod, well armed with normally semit automatic guns with a few diviosn armed with an array of automatic weapons including heavy machine guns and sub machine guns. For amroed cavalry they carry usually heavily armored tanks and land rovers usually armed with high caliber cannon for anti armor engagments, and a machine gun for anti infantry engagements while slow and somehwat unreliable these hulking machines are a terrifying sight on the battlefield. their artillery mainly consists of a viarty of high caliber guns mainly howitzers and mortars, their navy is quite small having only a few dreadnought battle ships and a small amount of other smaller watercraft, their airforce mainly consists of large heavily armored and armed zeplins with a few smaller aricraft such as gyrocopters and fighter planes. their small but famous unarmored cavalry consists wholly of bear dragoons dwarves armed with light machine guns who ride upon fast and furious armored bears mainly used as shock cavalry to route already injured units.
5 percent of the population

number of infantry (including artillery):

Number of armor calvary (tanks landships etc,)
Number of men in the air core:
number of men in navy
number of men in unarmored calvalry (mounted units such as bear dragoons horsemen etc.):
147875 (note a interesting aspect of the novgrodian military is that inlue of horses instead they use tamed bears for use as dragoon units and shock cavalry)
Novgrodian Steam Tank

The oldest of the novgrodian armored divisions the Steam tank is often used onyl when the other more modern armor is busy else were usually ending in the tanks being used in a support role providing heavy cover fire and short range artilery for the advancing infantry.
Novgrodian Infantry:

The bread and butter of the novgrodian armies these dwarves are usually organized by their clans as to help the dwarves fight harder and more ferociously inorder to impress their fellow clansmen. The units are often accompanied by a number of heavy machine gun crews to lay down supressing fire as the dwarves prepare to charge enemy trenchs.
Novgrodian Penal Infantry

Choosen from the prisoner laborers from the mines of novgrod these units are often made up of men guilty of the most henious crimes murder, rape, arson are commonly seen on the records of the penal infantry man and as such they are given the worst of the jobs often choosen to charge and clear the gas filled trenches without support of supressing fire or artillery cover. It is very rare for a solider in the penal units to live for more than one battle but those who have done so become hardened and insane barbarians who commonly throw down their weapons and instead attack the enemy with their bar hands fighting with nail and tooth usually to the death.
Novgrodian Overlord Mark 3 Airship

Mark 3 Hammer tank

The most advanced tank that the novgrodian military has to offer this monster of a tank is armed with a 445mm gun and several lighter machine guns for anti-infantry use. Commonly used as a bunker buster and to decimate enemy fortifications it requires a crew of about 10 people to run efficently. unlike other races the dwarves are fine in the cramped dark space inside tanks and some even perfer to sleep inside the tank rather than in their organized encampments.
Novgrodian Dreadnought Battleship

Novgrodian Bear Dragoons

The dwarven Bear dragoons are selected from the highest of the dwarven nobility to enhance the ideal that the bear dragoons are like the knightly orders of old. the bears themselves are captured from the high mountains and trained and starved for weeks to keep them ferocious and hungry. Often brought out during the end of the battle to make the last of the units route and to boost morale among the troops.
(Ignore the ak47 in the background)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DEMoGorgon47


Member Offline since relaunch

It is getting late so I will comment on your NS tomorrow, but also just in case anyone has t, don't forget to vote for your preferred map to use for the RP!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MouseKing


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Post WWI, so I decided I'd mantle what may be the only Communist state. All will fall behind the Iron Curtain!

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Meeky


Member Offline since relaunch

Where did you get your flag, Mouse? Did you make it yourself? ...If you made it yourself, could I beg you to make mine?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Keia Vewyx
Avatar of Keia Vewyx

Keia Vewyx

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Communist Byzantine flag by K-Haderach

I'd usually say that my Nation sheet was progressing right about now, but I'd be lying.
I'm having a bit of trouble coming up with something good, but I'll sleep on it and see if I can't think of anything tomorrow.
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