Kaitlyn Noton

"What’s the point of living if you aren’t sharing life with your friends?"
Name:Kaitlyn Ivy Noton
Nickname:”Kat” to her friends. Anyone else who called her that would be met with a glare and a scathing remark.
Birth Date:July 17th, 1997
Marital Status:Single, and hoping to change that.
Sexually Active:Yes.
In Depth Appearance:She has medium-to-long length curly brown hair. Her eyes are also brown, a plain color, yet quite pretty. She’s always pale, no matter how much sun she gets. She’s fairly attractive, though her choice of clothing and long hair often hides her face. Her hair is almost never styled, and she simply lets it fall over her shoulders and face. She’s a little on the tall side at 5’8” flat-footed, and she seldom wears high heels. She’s thin, but still modestly curved in the right places.
Clothing Style:Most days, she wears very concealing clothing. This is usually jeans and a hoodie over a simple shirt, usually in dark colors like blues and greys. For special occasions or parties her clothes will usually be more vibrant and revealing, and she’s fond of bright reds.
Likes:Drawing, friends, partying, music, cloudy weather
Dislikes:boredom, when her friends are unhappy, most people who aren’t one of her friends, hot days, being lonely,
Habits:Biting her nails when especially nervous or afraid, sticks her tongue slightly out of the side of her mouth when concentrating, taps her foot when impatient or bored.
Fears:losing her friends, any sort of monster from any horror show/movie/game
Personality:She’s most often very quiet, only speaking when she has something clever, funny, or important to say. However, she’s more talkative around her friends. With people she doesn’t like, she’s sarcastic and snarky, and tends to be a cynic in general. With friends, she’s more open and cheerful, not afraid to express herself fully. She’s hesitant and reserved most of the time, but again becomes more eager to take risks and enjoy herself when around friends. She’s often flirtatious, although whether in a mocking or sincere way varies.
Place Of Origin:She was born here in Miami, and has never lived outside of the city.
Biography:Kaitlyn was the only child of two loving, middle-class parents. Kaitlyn was always a quiet girl, and never had many friends. She almost never acted out or contrary to the desires of her parents. Despite her outwardly polite demeanor, she ended up very lonely, having no close friends and no siblings. After meeting her friends at fourteen, she’s become far more social, letting her true colors show. Because of the liberating effect her friends had and have on her still, she cares about them very deeply.Although her parents encourage her to ‘make something of her life’, she has yet to find or even look for a job, as she’d much rather spend time with friends or by herself.
Extra:Don’t have a favorite show at the moment, hope that’s acceptable!