Avatar of Blubaron45


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8 days ago
Current The "Who Goes There?" novel has smarter characters than the 1982 film but it's still a masterpiece.
7 yrs ago
What is even the point of pineapples on pizza? You might as well throw strawberries or apples on it too. I mean that's what I would do if I knew I had shit taste lol.
7 yrs ago
It feels good to be back on this site after so many months. Military life is exhausting.
7 yrs ago
"Yeah man, I'm actually being smart with my scholarship money. I'm saving it instead of buying things out of impulse like other people." *buys a pair of Yeezys the next day*
7 yrs ago
I just want to be apart of an RP that actually ends. You know, without everyone dropping out.


B L U B A R O N 4 5

Most Recent Posts

@Clever Hans@Red7VII

I'm really sorry to admit that I don't think this story will go much further. However, I will try to come back at a time where I am more available post May 2022. The next time this story comes back, I will keep in contact with the two of you (or anyone who should take interest in this subject).

Sure thing! I think I've caught the COVID-19 Omicron variant while at a party earlier. Will need to get a PCR to confirm but I could try come up with something.

"You really think the Watchmen defended this city in the 70's alone?

Sit down. Let me tell you a story..."

-Hollis Mason, Nite Owl I (March 11, 1916 - October 31, 1985)


Hey all,

It has been a long while since I have written on this website. After re-reading the Watchmen comic, I am very tempted to make a RP somewhere in this Universe's history.

The following setting will (as the title states) likely take place in 1977, before/during/after the Police Riots in New York City about two years before the Keene Act was legislated by congress which deemed "Masked Vigilantism" in the United States as an illegal practice in the Watchmen Universe. All original characters in said setting will be included as part of the driving force behind some of the narrative and plot but the focus of the theme I would like to be set around the characters/vigilantes you decide to write about. I am not honestly sure where this story will head for the time-being but just figure I'd throw this idea out there to see if anyone would be interested in partaking. I will do more research of the history in this era to twist things into our narrative. For instance, I am hoping to include the Magnificent 13, a real-life vigilante group which predated the Guardian Angels. I'll try to add a few other real-life historical events which we could use to our advantage.

Due to the nature of my work schedule, I am not entirely sure if I'd be able to do this myself so it may be a slower-paced RP. If this idea were to somehow kick-off, I would need some time to come up with a plot for us to roleplay with if I don't end up doing things out of a whim. Have to start somewhere, eh?

What do you guys think? Would this be something you'd be willing to join? Any ideas would be appreciated if you'd be willing to contribute.

"You really think the Watchmen defended this city in the 70's alone?

Sit down. Let me tell you a story..."

-Hollis Mason, Nite Owl I (March 11, 1916 - October 31, 1985)


Hey all,

It has been a long while since I have written on this website. After re-reading the Watchmen comic, I am very tempted to make a RP somewhere in this Universe's history.

The following setting will (as the title states) likely take place in 1977, before/during/after the Police Riots in New York City about two years before the Keene Act was legislated by congress which deemed "Masked Vigilantism" in the United States as an illegal practice in the Watchmen Universe. All original characters in said setting will be included as part of the driving force behind some of the narrative and plot but the focus of the theme I would like to be set around the characters/vigilantes you decide to write about. I am not honestly sure where this story will head for the time-being but just figure I'd throw this idea out there to see if anyone would be interested in partaking. I will do more research of the history in this era to twist things into our narrative. For instance, I am hoping to include the Magnificent 13, a real-life vigilante group which predated the Guardian Angels. I'll try to add a few other real-life historical events which we could use to our advantage.

Due to the nature of my work schedule, I am not entirely sure if I'd be able to do this myself so it may be a slower-paced RP. If this idea were to somehow kick-off, I would need some time to come up with a plot for us to roleplay with if I don't end up doing things out of a whim. Have to start somewhere, eh?

What do you guys think? Would this be something you'd be willing to join? Any ideas would be appreciated if you'd be willing to contribute.
I never usually did Slice of Life RPs but I like how dark this is. Interested!
It's been a while since I've been on this site but I'll throw my interest in there.

WOAH. I just saw this rn. May I use this for my character? It looks incredible. The original photo is of Ameen Fares Rihani, a contemporary of Kahlil Gibran.
Here's mine.

I will write up a character once I'm off work!
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