Avatar of blueeladrin
  • Last Seen: 8 yrs ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 3 (0.00 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. blueeladrin 9 yrs ago


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9 yrs ago
Current Starting a new diet next week.
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Hello Blue Eladrin Here

I am A 23 year old Nordic Male, i am from sweden to be honest.
I work daytimes, where i take care of mental and physicly impaired teen due to an illness.
I Run some personal media server between myself and a few of my close friends

I have played paper rpgs for a long time, I have been the game master for a while so i felt like playing some characters instead of the whole world.

In my freetime i play our dungeons and dragons camapaign, Play some video games, Swim, take long walks.

Some intressts.
Sci-fi, High Fantasy
Metal/hard Rock Music
Tabletop gaming

I think that covers the basics might add some in the future but howdy for now.

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Welcome to the site. Hope you have fun. :)

Welcome :)

Hey there @blueeladrin, welcome to the Guild!


Name… Drake Icagnitos

Code-name… The Dark Flurry

Appearance... 6 foot tall a bit on the heavy side, Neck beard cut to between 0.5-1 cm in length, hair is pulled into a ponytail
He has a couple of scars on his body but nothing to prominent and hindering his combat capabilities

Age… 24

Hometown… Stockholm

Psych Eval… Temperamental, Fast thinking, survivalist, slow to trust others, independent, flight risk

History… He Grew up in a rather enclosed facility in the outer region of Stockholm until they manufactured his abilities and escaped, not much else is known before our contact with the subject

Powers/Abilities… Phasing (the ability to pass through objects as they were air, along with ability to extend the abilities to additional subjects or objects touching the primary subject

Other... we don’t know when he came to the continental US bet he is here now.

Hi, i am Blue Eladrin, a rather experianced dungeons and dragonsplayer/dungeonmaster and am looking to rollplay some at the moment where i am the head dungeon master over a few campaigns, i thought it would be fun to play around some in character.

About me then.

I am 23 year old Nordic male, big into western and eastern media,running a couple of Media/plex server. In the day time i work to take care of a sertain multi handicapped Teenageing male with a medical condition.

I dont really have anything else i can think of if you have any question just ask
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