Avatar of Bonesaw McGraw


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@AluminumDude Sounds good.

@Burning Kitty This isn't 7th grade. If you can't work things out like adults and come to an agreement as to who will take on a position, then both players can post a CS and I'll just decide.

@DeadbeatWalking Looks awesome, your character is approved. I also appreciate the addition to the lore of our universe with a planet and species. The only nitpick is that in your "Cepha Information" section you refer to the Terran Republic as the Federation, just make that very small change then go ahead and post in the Chars tab. Welcome aboard the USS Hawking.

After uniting Earth under a common banner, the TERRAN REPUBLIC, humanity took to the stars. The first human colony was established on our nearest neighbour, MARS, but soon thereafter a new, more hospitable planet was discovered in another solar system. This planet, dubbed NEW TERRA, eventually became the central world in the Republic's colonization efforts. Over time, as mankind continued to spread through outer space, tensions would arise. The planet Mars aligned with several other colonies to lead a secession effort. These colonies would ultimately separate from the Terran Republic to form the MARTIAN LEGION.

Launching a strike from Mars, the Legion sought to liberate humanity's original homeworld, Earth, from Terran Republic control. THE TERRA-MARTIAN WAR left our home ravaged, and a ceasefire was eventually called between the two sides. It is now a time of tenuous peace, with 10 years having passed since this destructive conflict erupted.

In an effort to unite humanity once more, the ALLIED STARFLEET has been established. The most brilliant minds from the Terran Republic and Martian Legion, as well as our many other allies across the galaxy, have come together for an unprecedented scentific intiative. Starfleet's mission is to unify mankind under the principles of scientific exploration and discovery, inspiring future generations to move forward together.

The year is now 2330. Starfleet's inaugural mission will be that of the USS Hawking, an exploratory vessel dispatched to the edges of known space, seeking out new life and new civilizations. The future of Starfleet, and the dream of a united humanity, is dependent on the success of the Hawking's voyage...


With the pilot episodes for Star Trek: Discovery recently launching, as well as the Trek-inspired comedy The Orville taking flight over on FOX, it seemed like the right time for a Trek-inspired RP.

The premise of the RP is simple. We will play as the bridge crew abaord the USS Hawking. Our continuing mission is to seek out new life, and new civilizations. To boldly go where no one has gone before. The aim of this RP is to capture the style and tone of Star Trek, without it taking place in the Star Trek universe. This will relieve the burden of heavy continuinty, and allow for more players to be involved as an in-depth knowledge of Trek won't be required.

The is a HIGH CASUAL RP. Star Trek is known for having well-written characters, and interesting, thought-provoking stories. Since this RP is set an original sci-fi universe inspired by Trek, world-building will be an intrinsic part of the storytelling. This is an exploratory vessel, so who knows what we will discover? I've outlined the framework of the universe above, but the stories of our discoveries will help to build the universe.


If you're interested, complete a CS and post it here in the OOC thread. When it's approved, go ahead and drop it in the Chars tab and I'll update this post to list you under the corresponding bridge position. THe Character sheet templte is provided below, please stick to the format.









Once these critical positions are filled, others may become available.
Hope you actually get this thing off the ground. The only other RP I'm participating in is my lovely D&D group. I'm in the Pacific Standard time zone. Also, yes, Lilx is a wee young for a Betazoid, and I coatally wasn't meshing the hologram Robert Picardo doctor with Deanna Troi in my head. I am open to making some slight changes as needed. I originally designed this charrie so that she was still in Academy phase (even though she was ridiculously overqualified). Once you've gotten a decent-sized crew assembled, I'll add on to the history any relevant bits about how she got on the ship.

Additionally, if an aspiring Photoshop user out there somehow got an urge to put Alona Tal in a Starfleet (either Voyager or TNG) medical officer uniform, then that person would be awesome. Having our ship be of Voyager-class but take place after the Janeway disappearance and/or after the Dominion War would also be fantastic!

Well keep in mind this is an RP inspired by Trek, but not literally set in that universe. It will allow for more creative freedom this way.

Obviously you can play a very similar character to the one you've proposed, but you'll just have to tweak some thing to fit into the world. Instead of a betazoid you can create your own species with similar thought-transferance abilities.

I'll post the RP thread tonight (I'm in Canada btw, EST) and it will include a list of all the key positions we need filled. Chief Medical Officer is one of them of course so I'll pencil you in.

Decided to move this to a "high casual" style of RP to try and get some more traffic coming through. You can see the new interest check thread here:

With the pilot episodes for Star Trek: Discovery recently launching, as well as the Trek-inspired comedy The Orville taking flight over on FOX, I wanted to see if anybody here was intenrested in an RP inspired by classic Star Trek.

The premise of the RP is simple. We play as the bridge crew abaord an exploratory starship. Our continuing mission is to seek out new life, and new civilizations. To boldly go where no one has gone before. The aim of the RP would be to capture the style and tone of Star Trek, but it would NOT be set in the Star Trek universe. This will relieve the burden of heavy continuinty, and allow for more players to be involved as an in-depth knowledge of Trek wouldn't be required.

Originally, I placed this interest check in the advanced section. However, I've also decided to gauge the interest in casual section, with the understanding that this would definitely be a "high casual" RP. Star Trek is known for having well-written characters, and interesting, thought-provoking stories. Since this RP is set an original sci-fi universe inspired by Trek, world-building will be an intrisinc part of the storytelling. This is an exploratory vessel, who knows what we will discover? The stories of these discoveris will help to build the universe.

If you love science fiction, and this is something you're interested in, let me know. We can start discussing character ideas here as well.
I've got a character idea I'd be interested in trying out in your game. It's inspired by several noteworthy technological staples of the Star Trek universe, as well as several corresponding technology related events therein.

Some sort of android character? Or character based around artificial intelligence?

With the pilot episodes for Star Trek: Discovery recently launching, as well as the Trek-inspired comedy The Orville taking flight over on FOX, I wanted to see if anybody here was intenrested in an RP inspired by classic Star Trek.

The premise of the RP is simple. We play as the bridge crew abaord an exploratory starship. Our continuing mission is to seek out new life, and new civilizations. To boldly go where no one has gone before. The aim of the RP would be to capture the style and tone of Star Trek, but it would NOT be set in the Star Trek universe. This will relieve the burden of heavy continuinty, and allow for more players to be involved as in-depth knowledge of Trek wouldn't be required.

I've placed this interest check in the advanced section since Star Trek is known for having well-written characters, and interesting, thought-provoking stories. Since this RP is set an original sci-fi universe inspired by Trek, world-building will be an intrisinc part of the storytelling. This is an exploratory vessel, who knows what we will discover? The stories of these discoveris will help to build the universe.

If you love science fiction, and this is something you're interested in, let me know. We can start discussing character ideas here as well.

Solid idea for Masked Magicians valet, makes sense he'd have a magician's assistant. You don't need to do the whole thing in purprle, jsut the titles. Have a look at some of the other sheets. I'd also add some more detail to the gimmick section, just to tell us a bit more about her personality since she's mainly going to be persoanlity-driven and not n in-ring competitor.

She doesn;t need a wrestling style and moveset since she's an 80s manager. Also it's esepcially unrealistic to have a female high flying manager that does standing moonsaults in 1985. Like I said, if she's a valet she doesn;t need wrestling moves.
Did you want to do a first post IC, or are we good to start posting? (I may have finished the gauntlet match already)

Also, is Chip all good?

Chip is good, just bold the things you need to bold.

And yes you can go ahead and start posting in the IC if you wish. Just be sure to include a title in your post with your match/segment number.

This goes for everyone, the show doesn't have to be posted in order, because once all of the segments have been posted I'll collect them together and arrange them properly. So feel free to post whenever you're good to go. Again, I just ask that you include the match or segment number in the title of your post. Helps to stay organized.
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