1 : an act of depressing or a state of being depressed: such as a)(i) : a state of feeling sad : DEJECTION anger, anxiety, and depression a)(ii) : a mood disorder marked especially by sadness, inactivity, difficulty in thinking and concentration , a significant increase or decrease in appetite and time spent sleeping, feelings of dejection and hopelessness , and sometimes suicidal tendencies bouts of depression suffering from clinical depression
(2) biology : a lowering of physical or mental vitality or of functional activity
(3) economics : a period of low general economic activity marked especially by rising levels of unemployment heading towards a depression
“Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away.”
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♦Topic: [AMA] Half-Life here. Veteran Taker. Founder of the Hatchlings. Bleh In: Boards ► Boards ► The Birdhouse ► QnAs
Half-Life239 (Original Poster) (Veteran Taker) (Member of the Hatchling Nest) Posted on January 1, 2035:
Morning, Lifelines. Name's Half-Life. Leader of the Hatchlings. One of the Hatchling's bet me to do an AMA on Lifelines during a poker game if I lost. Guess what happened.
Never done this before, so, don't know what to expect. I doubt that this will get more than one page, though.
EDIT: Guess I'll have to eat my words again.
(Showing Page 40 of 47)
► Over_Driver110 (Veteran Taker)(High-Rollers) Replied on January 1, 2035: So, Half-Life, I'm driving down to Realm in FL for a job. Got any tips for me regarding any dangers or VPs that I might encounter?
► Half_Life239 (Veteran Taker)(Hatchling's Nest) Replied on January 1, 2035: Don't let your guard down. No matter how goofy you think they may look, it's all old school there. You'll be laughing your ass off at the guy wearing the Mickey Mouse hat while they monitor your ass through the security camera system and have a dozen snipers trained on your ass from Space Mountain.
► Matri-Scythe (Verified Taker) Replied on January 1, 2035: Hey Half-Life! Taker parent here!
I've got a 10 year old son who is dead-set on emulating me and becoming a Taker when he grows up. Last week, the teacher complained about a drawing he drew of me decapitating a Casualty! Do you have any advice to offer from your experience as a Eagle in the Hatchlings?
► Half_Life239 (Veteran Taker)(Hatchling's Nest) Replied on January 1, 2035: Firstly, my respects out to you for being both a mother and a Taker. Trust me. It's no easy feat and most would sooner give up and try like you. Secondly. It's a phase. However, it's your duty to provide the right information and educate him on what being a Taker means. You have the experience. You know what it's like. Hell, I just had a quick skim through your resume and you're an accomplished woman.
Trust me when I say it's a phase. And when if he does go that route, then, it's your duty to make sure that he doesn't make the same mistakes as you do.
► Bingo_Bongo (Loss Inhabitant) Replied on January 2, 2035: Given that you raise kids in your Taker crew, what's your favourite pre-crash cartoon?
► Half_Life239 (Veteran Taker) (Hatchling's Nest) Replied on January 2, 2035: Yo Gabba Gabba, ironically. Only because it shuts up the young ones for long enough to get me a decent nap.
► Allonsy (Newbie) Replied on January 2, 2035: Hey, Half-Life, Greenhorn here. Just managed to see your AMA thread and I think I can say for all on the Lifelines that we're glad for the wealth of experience and insights you've offered, especially during your contracts in Phoenix-Ashes. Need to remember to buy chalk next time I accept a contract! ^-^
As an experienced Taker, I just wanna ask. What's your secret to persevering this long in the Loss?
► Half_Life239 (Veteran Taker)(Hatchling's Nest) Replied on January 2, 2035: Routine. More than one to keep yourself busy. Whether it’s checking your books, taking a Triple CCC contract everyday online, splurging on your freshly earned Bounty by buying ice-cream for your Hatchlings, running a DnD game for the kids or spending time with family, that routine saves your ass. Trust me. Having a hobby or eating a freshly-made burger does more for your mind than the typical pre-Crash portrayal of huddling in a shack with a bolt-action rifle and enough cans of baked beans to last you through winter. I know that I sound like one of those Recession armchair psycho-analysts right now but it’s a condition of everyone in the Loss. Taker or not.
Keeping a routine is the best way to stave off those thoughts we’ve all faced, Allonsy. Thoughts of managing to fufill our monthly debts everyday. Thoughts of hoping to cash in on retirement early. Thoughts of an oncoming war between the Recession and the Loss. Thoughts of finding a universal cure for the Scourge. Thoughts that we get to reclaim our citizenship once more.
The routine’s the most scariest and beautiful thing that I’ve found out about the human condition. Here’s the thing about us homo sapiens, Allonsy. We’re able to adapt to the most strangest or extradonairy of conditions in a seemingly short span of time, whilst slowly moulding it into our vision of normality through simple routine. We compartmentalize, consolidate and console ourselves in an attempt to mould reality to our own perceptions through pure repetition and discipline. How? How can we keeping forging ahead, to forget and let live and move on as if the past was nothing more than an illusion?
Because we can’t afford to break our routine. God forbid (Even if the Believers try to keep an idea of a nigh-omnipotent benevolent entity alive within the Loss) that we even try to question how life goes on when we've got bills to be paying, debts to be own, meals to be cooked, campaigns to run and gardens to water. Even in the broken wasteland of sunny post-apocalyptia, the concept of routines still persist within our minds as we try to hold onto our semblance of normality everyday. Everyone’s still stuck within this mire of depression, a swamp of perpetual entente that we desperately try to forge a meagre existence out of.
So, yeah, all in all, a usual day in the Loss. Try not let the true nature of it distract you too much that you get gnawed on by a Casualty from behind.
End of Page. 1, 2, 3 ... 38, 39, 40, 41, 42 ... 45 , 46, 47
So, yeah, this is a general interest. It's not that I'm actually going to start the recruitment drive. Perhaps, in a month or so. In the mean-time, I'm testing the waters to see whether or not this idea has the potential to get off the ground. This is just a small taste of something I'm trying to build.
Anyway, feel free to comment. Maybe, I'll update this from time to time. Lots of vague things here but this is just a proof-of-concept for now.
"Something about that smile creeps me out. Well, maybe, not so much creeped out, but it doesn't feel like it's 100% genuine. Whether it's malice, sadness, something, it doesn't feel entirely there.
- [s]Walmart Apocalypse Roleplay[/s]
- [s]Nightmare Gas Station[/s]
- Underrail/Fallout/Post Apocalyptic Roleplay. Codename: Clausterclysm
- Anthromorphic Grimdark Animal Fantasy Roleplay. Codename: Fallowbrook.
- Eldritch Abomination Garfield Roleplay. Codename: Lasagna.
- Infinite IKEA Roleplay. Codename: God Morgon
- Roleplayerguild High School RP. Codename: Highschool Roleplay
-[s] Cyberpunk South East Asia RP. Codename: Straits of Malacca. [CURRENTLY HAPPENING][/s]
[b][u]CURRENT PROJECTS[/u][/b]
<div style="white-space:pre-wrap;"><div class="bb-center"><img src="https://66.media.tumblr.com/7a64638c692ce98d06043791ae728d6b/tumblr_njtqxjDtIf1tqptlzo2_500.gifv" /></div><br><br><div class="bb-center"><iframe src="//youtube.com/embed/uZwzbA91Yno?theme=dark" frameborder="0" width="496" height="279" allowfullscreen></iframe></div><br><br><span class="bb-b"><span class="bb-u">ROLEPLAY BUCKET LIST</span></span><br><div class="bb-indent">- <span class="bb-s">Walmart Apocalypse Roleplay</span><br>- <span class="bb-s">Nightmare Gas Station</span> <br>- Underrail/Fallout/Post Apocalyptic Roleplay. Codename: Clausterclysm<br>- Anthromorphic Grimdark Animal Fantasy Roleplay. Codename: Fallowbrook.<br>- Eldritch Abomination Garfield Roleplay. Codename: Lasagna. <br>- Infinite IKEA Roleplay. Codename: God Morgon <br>- Roleplayerguild High School RP. Codename: Highschool Roleplay<br>-<span class="bb-s"> Cyberpunk South East Asia RP. Codename: Straits of Malacca. [CURRENTLY HAPPENING]</span></div><br><br><span class="bb-b"><span class="bb-u">CURRENT PROJECTS</span></span><br><br>- FRAYED TAPESTRY - AN EPIC FANTASY RP (WIP)<br>- THE LAST DEPRESSION - A RED MARKETS QUEST/PLAY BY POST RP (UNDECIDED)</div>