Unbeknownst to many, a vast majority of stodmen bedtime parables featuring sentient rodents such Gerri's Horde and The Mouse and the Org are considered to be factual and accurate historical accountings of prominent individuals in Raskaal anthropology. Whilst the numerous members of Raskaal society all radically differ in terms of physiology, they range from the impish 2'5 foot tall gildeflies and the astronomically large 4'5 foot bulk of the Vakstein. They bear only superficial resemblance to the rodents (referred to as Skitall in Raspkallian) that inhabit the land with a few minor exceptions. They possess the ability to walk bipedally like stodmen and ragdh in spite of their quadrapedally inclined cousins. They are also considerably bigger and larger in size and stature. All raskaal possess a natural pouch on the center of their belly which they use to store items, food or materials.
Raskaal are noted to be a highly furtive and surreptitious race, once taking great care to conceal the existence of their colonies to outsiders. However, due to increasing friction with other races and the great number of wars that have occured in Gemflors, the existence of raskaal is uncommon but widespread knowledge amongst members of every race. Belying their small and diminutive appearance lies a talent for engineering and construction. They are one of the most technologically advanced races on the continent, known for building intricate massive fortifications such as dams along with gadgets constructed entirely out of wood and rock. There are even rumours of Raskaal colonies mastering the power of flight.
Raskall colonies vary in location, consisting of a series of networked communities, although their main preferences are forests, grasslands or rivers. The most famous network of colonies is located within the self-proclaimed nation of Skadyrfelt, a riverland consisting of forests of deciduous gold-wood trees the height of buildings. The main capital of Skadyrfelt is Loppe which is situated in the main river delta consisting of a dam that spans the size of a castle.
Raskaal culture is an evolution of the eusocial instincts of their ancestors, whereby every individual cooperates and works with one another to ensure the survival of the colony due to the belief that they are constantly at risk of invasion from other races due to their very small size. Raskaal society bears the most resemblance to stodmen society with a kaste-based structure, a system of social stratification that divides Raskaal individuals based on their trade and skills. There are numerous kastes, each with their own privileges and rules, but the highest ranked kaste are the Laghern, intellectuals and academics who govern Raskaal society. Favourite raskaal past-times include beetling, leaf gliding and engineering competitions, all of which have their own teams and sport associations.
An average stodmen could punt and kick an average Raskaal as they were nothing more than a pebble. Therefore, Raskaal's have adapted usage of guerilla, ambush and hit-and-run tactics as well as mass-usage of booby traps in response to foreign invaders or anyone that they deem to be a threat to the colony. Armies of mercenaries have tucked tail and ran away due to underestimating the strength of a Raskaal colony.
Raskaal are not picky eaters as well. They are capable of devouring and consuming anything, including their own waste.
Natural Skills
Raskaal Skills - Tier 1
Average Lifespan: 40-60 years depending on species of Raskaal
Unbeknownst to many, a vast majority of stodmen bedtime parables featuring sentient rodents such Gerri's Horde and The Mouse and the Org are considered to be factual and accurate historical accountings of prominent individuals in Raskaal anthropology. Whilst the numerous members of Raskaal society all radically differ in terms of physiology, they range from the impish 2'5 foot tall gildeflies and the astronomically large 4'5 foot bulk of the Vakstein. They bear only superficial resemblance to the rodents (referred to as Skitall in Raspkallian) that inhabit the land with a few minor exceptions. They possess the ability to walk bipedally like stodmen and ragdh in spite of their quadrapedally inclined cousins. They are also considerably bigger and larger in size and stature. All raskaal possess a natural pouch on the center of their belly which they use to store items, food or materials.
Raskaal are noted to be a highly furtive and surreptitious race, once taking great care to conceal the existence of their colonies to outsiders. However, due to increasing friction with other races and the great number of wars that have occured in Gemflors, the existence of raskaal is uncommon but widespread knowledge amongst members of every race. Belying their small and diminutive appearance lies a talent for engineering and construction. They are one of the most technologically advanced races on the continent, known for building intricate massive fortifications such as dams along with gadgets constructed entirely out of wood and rock. There are even rumours of Raskaal colonies mastering the power of flight.
Raskall colonies vary in location, consisting of a series of networked communities, although their main preferences are forests, grasslands or rivers. The most famous network of colonies is located within the self-proclaimed nation of Skadyrfelt, a riverland consisting of forests of deciduous gold-wood trees the height of buildings. The main capital of Skadyrfelt is Loppe which is situated in the main river delta consisting of a dam that spans the size of a castle.
Raskaal culture is an evolution of the eusocial instincts of their ancestors, whereby every individual cooperates and works with one another to ensure the survival of the colony due to the belief that they are constantly at risk of invasion from other races due to their very small size. Raskaal society bears the most resemblance to stodmen society with a kaste-based structure, a system of social stratification that divides Raskaal individuals based on their trade and skills. There are numerous kastes, each with their own privileges and rules, but the highest ranked kaste are the Laghern, intellectuals and academics who govern Raskaal society. Favourite raskaal past-times include beetling, leaf gliding and engineering competitions, all of which have their own teams and sport associations.
An average stodmen could punt and kick an average Raskaal as they were nothing more than a pebble. Therefore, Raskaal's have adapted usage of guerilla, ambush and hit-and-run tactics as well as mass-usage of booby traps in response to foreign invaders or anyone that they deem to be a threat to the colony. Armies of mercenaries have tucked tail and ran away due to underestimating the strength of a Raskaal colony.
Raskaal are not picky eaters as well. They are capable of devouring and consuming anything, including their own waste.
Natural Skills
Raskaal Skills - Tier 1
- Climbing - able to scale up nearly any vertical surface with enough effort
- Sensitive - one of your senses is supernaturally better than the rest - e.g: taste, smell,touch
- Strong-Jaw - your teeth and jaws possess enough strength to gnaw through wood and perhaps, even rock
Average Lifespan: 40-60 years depending on species of Raskaal
I've made this race for my character. It still needs to be revised and there are several flaws which I need to amend but can you please provide feedback for this?