Done my second season character sheet. Will post it in OOC.
Two months after the Electrocutioner's attack, the life of Virgil Ovid Hawkins, geeky college senior, and Static , defender of Dakota City, have become inseparable from one another. College drama and gossip has become routine for Virgil Hawkins Meanwhile, Static has become a symbol of heroism within Dakota City by the locals and over the last month, has become heavily involved in the community of Dakota City, particularly assisting Freeman Community Center.
Things are changing within Dakota City. With the local city election around the corner, Virgil's dad, Robert Hawkins, leader of Freeman Community Center, is campaigning for the position of Mayor with a sizable majority of the city population supporting him. Current incumbent mayor, Mayor Jefferson, an old conservative who is controversial for his decisions that led to the Big Bang, is aware of the threat to his position. With whistle-blowers revealing a connection between Alva Industries, one of Mayor Jefferson's campaign funders and the Big Bang incident, Dakota City seems to be on the cusp on change.
In response to Stryfe's attack, metahuman activity has re-surged all over the country and super gangs that were once afraid of the Kilowatt Kid are now crawling out of the woodwork. The Rough Pack and the Blood Syndicate are tussling on the street with one another, claiming territory and turf in a feud that may rip apart Dakota City. The Night Breed continue to protest on the steps of Dakota's Municipal Office to seek a cure to their photo-allergic condition. All the while, Ebon, enigmatic leader of the Meta-Breed, watches from the shadows to take advantage of opportunities that come from the chaos.
Dakota City has become a powder keg waiting to go off. The future of this great city lies within the choices of one Virgil Hawkins, the Kilowatt Kid, The Defender of Dakota City, Static. Because in Dakota City, everyone always has a choice to make.
S E A S O N O N E: Shockin' The System
1.1 - BANG
1.2 - SNAP
1.6 - WIRE
S E A S O N T W O: Power Struggle
V I R G I L H A W K I N S ♦ C O L L E G E S E N I O R ♦ D A K O T A C I T Y , M I C H I G A N ♦ B A N G B A B Y H E R O
C O N T I N U I N G C O N C E P T:
"When you see the lightning, you best be ready to hear the thunder."
Before the Big Bang, there was nothing. Now? I'm something else.
Two months after the Electrocutioner's attack, the life of Virgil Ovid Hawkins, geeky college senior, and Static , defender of Dakota City, have become inseparable from one another. College drama and gossip has become routine for Virgil Hawkins Meanwhile, Static has become a symbol of heroism within Dakota City by the locals and over the last month, has become heavily involved in the community of Dakota City, particularly assisting Freeman Community Center.
Things are changing within Dakota City. With the local city election around the corner, Virgil's dad, Robert Hawkins, leader of Freeman Community Center, is campaigning for the position of Mayor with a sizable majority of the city population supporting him. Current incumbent mayor, Mayor Jefferson, an old conservative who is controversial for his decisions that led to the Big Bang, is aware of the threat to his position. With whistle-blowers revealing a connection between Alva Industries, one of Mayor Jefferson's campaign funders and the Big Bang incident, Dakota City seems to be on the cusp on change.
In response to Stryfe's attack, metahuman activity has re-surged all over the country and super gangs that were once afraid of the Kilowatt Kid are now crawling out of the woodwork. The Rough Pack and the Blood Syndicate are tussling on the street with one another, claiming territory and turf in a feud that may rip apart Dakota City. The Night Breed continue to protest on the steps of Dakota's Municipal Office to seek a cure to their photo-allergic condition. All the while, Ebon, enigmatic leader of the Meta-Breed, watches from the shadows to take advantage of opportunities that come from the chaos.
Dakota City has become a powder keg waiting to go off. The future of this great city lies within the choices of one Virgil Hawkins, the Kilowatt Kid, The Defender of Dakota City, Static. Because in Dakota City, everyone always has a choice to make.
C H A R A C T E R M O T I V A T I O N S & G O A L S:
Continuing on from the finale of last season and the crisis itself, I feel that Static's story should continue to be the quintessential bildungsroman or a story of growth that naturally expands on the themes of responsibility whilst increasing in scale. Season 1 of Static focused on a fairly, personal story to ground out and characterize Virgil. This time, Season 2 will be be more epic in scale, focusing on Virgil dealing with the ramifications of the Big Bang on the social structure of Dakota City itself and the various factions that have been 'birthed' as a result of the incident.
Another concept that I want to explore more this season, which I left breadcrumbs and hints throughout Season One, is the concept of Black Lightning as Static's father. It's an arguably rare concept that I haven't seen explored in any DC comics about the sheer coincidence of the two existing in the same universe. In terms of how I want to explore Black Lightning, I'm primarily basing this version on Black Lightning: Year One and Cold Dead Hands with a twist of my own. What does it mean to live up to someone's legacy, especially when they're supposed to act as a parental figure to you?
Another concept that I want to explore more this season, which I left breadcrumbs and hints throughout Season One, is the concept of Black Lightning as Static's father. It's an arguably rare concept that I haven't seen explored in any DC comics about the sheer coincidence of the two existing in the same universe. In terms of how I want to explore Black Lightning, I'm primarily basing this version on Black Lightning: Year One and Cold Dead Hands with a twist of my own. What does it mean to live up to someone's legacy, especially when they're supposed to act as a parental figure to you?
C H A R A C T E R N O T E S:
//Jefferson Pierce/Black Lightning - Michigan State Department of Education newest candidate principle for Hemingway High, legendary hero, Black Lightning and birth father of Virgil Hawkins. Looking forward to an eventual father-son reunion.
//Richard Foley - Virgil's best pal in Hemingway High and a code junkie.
//Robert Hawkins - Virgil's stepfather who Virgil considers his true birth father over Black Lightning. Holds the position of Head Manager of Freeman Community Center and currently running a campaign for the position of 25th Mayor of Dakota City.
//Sharon Hawkins - Virgil's elder step-sister who is currently studying in Dakota City University.
//Herman Schultz/The Shocker - Virgil's former criminal confidant who was a member of the supervillain team, Squadron Supreme. Currently serving penance for his crimes in Ryker's Island.
//Ebon - Master of Shadows. The Shadow Man. The Night Strider. Only his true name is whispered fearfully between scum of the streets of Dakota. This powerful metahuman demagogue is rumoured to be the mysterious leader of the Meta-Breed and has his hands dirty in virtually every criminal gang and organisation within Dakota City. No one knows the truth of whether he is actually real or not.
//The Meta Breed - A gang of teenage Bang Baby supremacists, several members of which took part in the infamous 'Week of Terror' that preceded after the Big Bang. Their base of operations are rumored to be located within the Dakota Exclusion Zone, commonly known as the Black Hole.
//Nightingale - Prominent meta-human activist and leader of a disenfranchised group of homeless Bang Babies known as the Night-Breed. Currently seeking a cure to their debilitating condition. Unbeknownst to the public, she has made an alliance with the Meta-Breed.
//The Night Breed - A large group of Bang Babies who possess yellow-slitted eyes and a condition which makes them deathly allergic to sunlight. Currently inhabit the abandoned Dakota Metroway.
//Holocaust - Notorious outspoken militant pyrokinetic leader of the recently formed Blood Syndicate. Aims to bring order to the streets and expand the territory of his gang aggressively.
//The Blood Syndicate - A gang formed from the remnants of the two largest gangs that took part in the Paris Island Gang Bang - The Paris Bloods and the Force Syndicate. Currently located within the north-west of Dakota City in Prospect Hills. Suffering from a number of issues such as in-fighting, lack of a central vision and the death of their former leader - Tech 9.
//The Rough Pack - A small gang ruled by a trio of animal-themed Bang Babies, Hyde, Kangor and Ferret, who engage in petty crime and robberies. Ridiculed and disrespected by other Bang Baby organisations within the city.
//Adam Evans/Rubberband Man - Hip-hop artist and host of the radio show 'Dakota Midnight Central' who goes by the psuedonym of 'Rubberband Man'. His studio is currently based in Sadler.
//Larry Buchinsky/The Electrocutioner - Former member of the Squadron Supreme and associate of the Shocker who has been arrested for his attempts to kill Static and is currently on route to being imprisoned within the Raft.
//Edwin Alva - CEO of Alva Industries, a multi-national corporation whose headquarters are based within Dakota City. Avid financial supporter of Mayor Jefferson's campaign and under scrutiny for being linked to the Big Bang.
//Mayor Jefferson - Controversial 24th District Mayor of Dakota City who authorized the use of the mutagen on gangsters which catalyzed the Big Bang. Has a 'tough-on-crime' attitude and believes Bang Babies to be detrimental to Dakota City.
//Richard Foley - Virgil's best pal in Hemingway High and a code junkie.
//Robert Hawkins - Virgil's stepfather who Virgil considers his true birth father over Black Lightning. Holds the position of Head Manager of Freeman Community Center and currently running a campaign for the position of 25th Mayor of Dakota City.
//Sharon Hawkins - Virgil's elder step-sister who is currently studying in Dakota City University.
//Herman Schultz/The Shocker - Virgil's former criminal confidant who was a member of the supervillain team, Squadron Supreme. Currently serving penance for his crimes in Ryker's Island.
//Ebon - Master of Shadows. The Shadow Man. The Night Strider. Only his true name is whispered fearfully between scum of the streets of Dakota. This powerful metahuman demagogue is rumoured to be the mysterious leader of the Meta-Breed and has his hands dirty in virtually every criminal gang and organisation within Dakota City. No one knows the truth of whether he is actually real or not.
//The Meta Breed - A gang of teenage Bang Baby supremacists, several members of which took part in the infamous 'Week of Terror' that preceded after the Big Bang. Their base of operations are rumored to be located within the Dakota Exclusion Zone, commonly known as the Black Hole.
//Nightingale - Prominent meta-human activist and leader of a disenfranchised group of homeless Bang Babies known as the Night-Breed. Currently seeking a cure to their debilitating condition. Unbeknownst to the public, she has made an alliance with the Meta-Breed.
//The Night Breed - A large group of Bang Babies who possess yellow-slitted eyes and a condition which makes them deathly allergic to sunlight. Currently inhabit the abandoned Dakota Metroway.
//Holocaust - Notorious outspoken militant pyrokinetic leader of the recently formed Blood Syndicate. Aims to bring order to the streets and expand the territory of his gang aggressively.
//The Blood Syndicate - A gang formed from the remnants of the two largest gangs that took part in the Paris Island Gang Bang - The Paris Bloods and the Force Syndicate. Currently located within the north-west of Dakota City in Prospect Hills. Suffering from a number of issues such as in-fighting, lack of a central vision and the death of their former leader - Tech 9.
//The Rough Pack - A small gang ruled by a trio of animal-themed Bang Babies, Hyde, Kangor and Ferret, who engage in petty crime and robberies. Ridiculed and disrespected by other Bang Baby organisations within the city.
//Adam Evans/Rubberband Man - Hip-hop artist and host of the radio show 'Dakota Midnight Central' who goes by the psuedonym of 'Rubberband Man'. His studio is currently based in Sadler.
//Larry Buchinsky/The Electrocutioner - Former member of the Squadron Supreme and associate of the Shocker who has been arrested for his attempts to kill Static and is currently on route to being imprisoned within the Raft.
//Edwin Alva - CEO of Alva Industries, a multi-national corporation whose headquarters are based within Dakota City. Avid financial supporter of Mayor Jefferson's campaign and under scrutiny for being linked to the Big Bang.
//Mayor Jefferson - Controversial 24th District Mayor of Dakota City who authorized the use of the mutagen on gangsters which catalyzed the Big Bang. Has a 'tough-on-crime' attitude and believes Bang Babies to be detrimental to Dakota City.
S E A S O N O N E S Y N O P S I S:
One month after the Big Bang, 18 year old Virgil Hawkins, has been secretly operating as the urban vigilante, Static. Suffering from the pressures of responsibility upon his shoulders as well as grief from the loss of his mother, Virgil wonders whether or not he should still continue to be a superhero. During one routine patrol of Hemingway, Static encounters an individual identifying himself as the Shocker who has been hired by Ebon, the leader of the Meta-Breed, to kill the local superhero. At the end of their bout involving improvised molotov cocktails and excessive use of vehicles, Virgil ends up with his powers severely crippled and a broken arm.
With the help of his best friend, Richard Foley, and a series of coincidences, Virgil finds out that his chemistry teacher, Harry Schumer, is actually Herman Schultz, the real Shocker who retired from the criminal gang known as the Squadron Supreme years ago. Throughout their conversation, Schultz reveals that a prototype suit of his was stolen by an unknown robber and that he wasn't responsible for Virgil's broken arm. Much to th Virgil's irritation, Herman tries to convince him to retire from superheroics, using an old anecdote involving his last mission with the Squadron Supreme where Larry Buchinsky, the Electrocutioner, murdered the Crimson Avenger during a bank robbery.
Taking a break from high-school and his vigilante escapades by having brunch with his step-father in Sadler's Shack, Virgil is introduced to his father's co-worker, Larry Buchinsky, much to his distress. Larry soon recognizes the tell-tale signs of nervousness and figures out through a series of clues that Virgil Hawkins is indeed Static. Confronting Virgil out of costume in his dorm room, Buchinsky offers Virgil a deal that he'll leave him alone in return for Virgil never engaging in vigilante action ever again. Unsurprisingly, Virgil refuses the offer and nearly dies if it wasn't for Herman saving him, once again returning as the Shocker. The ensuing fight between the Electriocutioner and the duo of Shocker and Static soon results in Virgil gaining his powers back and overloading Electrocutioner's newly upgraded armor with enough juice to fry a neighborhood.
After the arrest of the Electroctioner, Virgil resolves to become more involved within the community with a fresh perspective and fully embrace the role of 'Static', deciding to play an active part within the future of Dakota. Herman is arrested for his former crimes, albeit leaving on good terms with Virgil in spite of his criminal background being exposed to the public. Meanwhile, forces work and conspire to overthrow the system of Dakota City whilst a familiar face arrives on the outskirts of Utopia, eager to meet their son.......
With the help of his best friend, Richard Foley, and a series of coincidences, Virgil finds out that his chemistry teacher, Harry Schumer, is actually Herman Schultz, the real Shocker who retired from the criminal gang known as the Squadron Supreme years ago. Throughout their conversation, Schultz reveals that a prototype suit of his was stolen by an unknown robber and that he wasn't responsible for Virgil's broken arm. Much to th Virgil's irritation, Herman tries to convince him to retire from superheroics, using an old anecdote involving his last mission with the Squadron Supreme where Larry Buchinsky, the Electrocutioner, murdered the Crimson Avenger during a bank robbery.
Taking a break from high-school and his vigilante escapades by having brunch with his step-father in Sadler's Shack, Virgil is introduced to his father's co-worker, Larry Buchinsky, much to his distress. Larry soon recognizes the tell-tale signs of nervousness and figures out through a series of clues that Virgil Hawkins is indeed Static. Confronting Virgil out of costume in his dorm room, Buchinsky offers Virgil a deal that he'll leave him alone in return for Virgil never engaging in vigilante action ever again. Unsurprisingly, Virgil refuses the offer and nearly dies if it wasn't for Herman saving him, once again returning as the Shocker. The ensuing fight between the Electriocutioner and the duo of Shocker and Static soon results in Virgil gaining his powers back and overloading Electrocutioner's newly upgraded armor with enough juice to fry a neighborhood.
After the arrest of the Electroctioner, Virgil resolves to become more involved within the community with a fresh perspective and fully embrace the role of 'Static', deciding to play an active part within the future of Dakota. Herman is arrested for his former crimes, albeit leaving on good terms with Virgil in spite of his criminal background being exposed to the public. Meanwhile, forces work and conspire to overthrow the system of Dakota City whilst a familiar face arrives on the outskirts of Utopia, eager to meet their son.......
P O S T C A T A L O G:
S E A S O N O N E: Shockin' The System
1.1 - BANG
1.2 - SNAP
1.6 - WIRE
S E A S O N T W O: Power Struggle