Damien shook his head,"Nope, that's one reason don't many guys here like him.He tries to steal their girlfriends, then when they try to back him down he starts throwing fists wanting to fight."
Amanda put her arm around Mary,"He tried that with me and Henry sophomore year.Henry warned him, Skip wouldn't back off, then he tried to act big and macho like."
Tamisha took a drink of milk and spoke up,"Then Henry whooped his ass."
Amanda nodded sheepishly,"They both got suspended and Henry had to get stitches in his lip, but Skip stayed away from us from then on."
Tamisha spoke to Mary,"It's good that your nice and sweet, Skip took advantage of you, don't feel bad, it's him not you your a perfectly good person."She said assuredly.
Damien rubbed his nose and spoke up,"Hey look, me and K-Mart were planning on hanging out at the Mall on Saturday afternnon.Maybe y'all could come hang out with us,"he pointed at Amanda,"you could bring Henry too, me and him are pretty cool."
Tamisha nodded,"Cool,I'm in."
Amanda nodded too,"Yeah that sounds good."
Damien smiled,"Alright sweet, we'll be at the food court at twelve sharp.Just me and him, Skip has to work so he can't come."
"Good."Tamisha said sharply.
Damien ignored her and asked Mary,"How about you Mary?You can come right?I promise Skip won't be there."