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Sorry for the delay, gonna post early tomorrow cause work was tough today.

Morgana is going to have a full team of ghost types. Spooks Galore.
Whoops, missed that detail about the professor. Sorry about that. Will either wait or have her go ahead and sign up for other stuff. Probably the latter.

Anyone need someone to interact with?

Edit: @shade you mentioned morgana in your post but wasn't sure if you wanted her to take notice of your character or not?
Zamak Ruins is going to be a major spot for Morgana, but I'm not 100% sure how soon she's going to leave for it. But she's an option if they end up getting along.
@Sho Minazuki

Morgana Lockwood

Morgana stifled a yawn as she listened to the professor’s brief speech. Boring, boring, boring. Morgana wasn’t impressed by stuffy speeches and was eager to get moving along. All of the people around her began to make her antsy. She wasn’t the only one antsy, however, her purple ghost companion was also very twitchy. She had to hold it still, to prevent it from running off. Fortunately, Luft didn’t fuss or whine at the restraint, but it bounced around and tried to tug away from her grip, most likely trying to pull away. Morgana didn’t have the heart to force it into its pokeball.

Fortunately, the professor’s speech came to a close very quickly, and soon the other newbie trainers began to disperse in various directions. Morgana’s initial reaction was to go sign up for both contests and the league, but when she heard the professor talk about the pokedex, she began to think. The Pokedex’s database was too valuable to simply dismiss and would surely help greatly in her efforts with the Pokemon League, but…it sound like a lot of work; to complete the Pokedex. She was already going to have her hands tied with both the Contests and the League. Could she afford to add more on to her plate…?

Biting her lip and contemplating for a minute, Morgana let out a heavy sigh, and walked towards the professor.

“Pokedex. I want one.” She said, agitation seeping out of her voice. She prayed that this whole thing wouldn’t turn out to be a lame chore.
Sorry for the lack of posting! Will post sometime soon.

Name: Morgana Lockwood

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Nationality: Sinnoh

Personality: Morgana is a loud, energetic, and independent spirit. She lives life by her own rules and kind of makes it up as she goes along. She doesn’t like to be tied down and greatly resists any sort of “confinement.” She is creative and also quite eccentric in terms of tastes. She loves creepy, supernatural things and remains unaffected by what would terrify most. Haunted houses are her playgrounds, poltergeists are her friends, and flying furniture is a creative version of dodgeball. She has never fit the “Lockwood daughter” mold and has started to gain the reputation of a black sheep among her own family.

Contests and battles bring about her competitive streak; with contests also bringing out her creative side and battles bringing out her interest in strategy. While Morgana does poorly in classroom settings, she loves reading and learning, just prefers to read and be “self-taught.” She learns best by observation and experiencing things for herself.

Growing up, Morgana’s experiences with bullies and judgemental peers left her sour and nervous when it comes to strangers. She is very cautious, untrusting and struggles with opening up to others and communicating her feelings properly. She has the social skills and grace of a confused Psyduck and often makes very blunt blunders. She speaks honestly and frankly; stomping all over the place, and often on the toes and feelings of others. Combined with her short temper and it makes a wonderful cocktail of social disasters. Morgana often says she prefers Pokemon to people; as Pokemon are much simpler and less complicated. Pokemon are also often kinder than the humans Morgana meets with, causing a lot of disappointments and frustrations.

Biography: Morgana was born to Alfred and Maria Lockwood; a young couple from the wealthy and esteemed Lockwood family. The Lockwoods were an “old money” family of wealth and have been living in Sinnoh for ages. While most Lockwoods lived in one of the estates in or near Hearthorne City, Morgana’s parents dwelled on the outskirts of Eterna City, near the forest. Morgana never knew her parents, as they died in an accident two years after her birth. Morgana was left at home and to be taken care of by the nanny and staff at the house; her parents leaving her behind.

But despite the tragic circumstances, Morgana has never really felt the absence of her parents, nor felt particular sad about the lack of their presence in her life. The staff at the Lockwood mansion have always been very close to her, and practically raised her themselves and are more like family then her actual biological kin. Her relatives would always send money, manage finances and tuition to ensure that she was taken care of and would be given an environment worthy of a Lockwood child, but they were usually too busy or disinterested to truly spend time with her. They eagerly filled in the shoes that Morgana’s relatives chose to ignore, and played a huge part in Morgana’s upbringing.

In terms of education, Morgana was sent to an all-girl’s private school. It catered to all levels of education, all ages, and integrated both general education and Pokemon-Trainer education. Morgana hated every minute of it. She found it all very boring, tedious, and at times, exhausting. It took so much effort and energy for Morgana to focus and stay silent and seated in a classroom; that she never had any energy or attention span to focus on what the teacher was saying. Most of the time, she simply stopped trying to be a “good student” and did whatever she wanted. She was the bane of nearly all of her teachers. They considered her a nuisance and gave her a hard time for it. Morgana never did well at making friends growing up, and preferred to isolate herself from other students and do her own thing. Unfortunately this made her a prime target for bullies, adding another thing she hated about school and she grew resentful of her peers.

When not at school or at home; Morgana would sneak out at and go play with the ghost Pokemon in the Eterna Forest or at the haunted Old Chateu. For as long as she’s known; Morgana has always had an obsession with the supernatural things and the spooks. It took many months, and quite a few “close to dying” encounters; but Morgana eventually befriended most of the ghost Pokemon in the area. They didn’t see her as someone worthy to be their master of, but she was a friend nonetheless. Perhaps they could sense the girl’s loneliness and pitied her; or perhaps they were merely amused at the gesture. Nonetheless, they humored the girl and would spend time with her many times, usually to play pranks on travelers or local citizens in Eterna City. Morgana’s maids never found it nearly as funny as Morgana did when a Gastly popped out of the laundry hamper; scaring them half to death. Getting caught was never nearly as fun; but the thrill and giggles usually proved to be worth it for Morgana.

When she wasn’t being the town’s prankster, Morgana loved to go to Hearthorne City and watch Pokemon contests; especially Hearthorne City Gym Leader Fantina’s contests. Fantina was Morgana’s number one idol; both as a trainer and coordinator. Morgana dreams of one day defeating Fantina in both a contest and battle.

On Morgana’s 16th birthday, she was given a purple Pokemon egg as a birthday present from the staff at the Lockwood mansion. After a week of running around and waiting, it finally hatched; revealing a baby Drifloon emerging out. Drifloon; a Pokemon just like her idol had. She gave him the name “Luft” and spoiled him tremendously. They grew quite close over the next two years; but both of their impatient personalities often got them both in trouble.

When Morgana turned 18, a legal adult, she announced to her staff-family; that she was going to go see the world. The staff were not happy with this decision, as Morgana just recently became of age and lived quite the sheltered, privileged life. Never mind that many parents sent their child roaming the region on their own Pokemon trainer journeys as young as 10 years old… They insisted that she remain in frequent contact with them, and allow them to aid her on her journey; to which Morgana did not refuse.

With just Luft and a few supplies on her person (but a lot of money in her many bank accounts), Morgana headed for a ship to Chromis, where she saw much opportunities to find herself and gain a head start on the path to her grand ambitions.

5 Potions
5 Pokeballs
1 Revive


If there are any issues, let me know~ Otherwise I'll consider her done and post her whenever the okay is given~
Ill be making a girl, if that matters anything. Gotta add some clams to the sausagefest.
Would you like us to post profiles here for confirmation, pm them directly to you, or just go ahead and post them in the "Characters" section when the profile is done?
Regarding the character sheet, by "nationality" do you specifically refer to general regions (Kanto, Johto, etc) or cities within Chromis?
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