Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sho Minazuki
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Sho Minazuki P5 Hero

Member Seen 4 days ago

"Hm? Oh, sure. I'll battle", he seemed happy enough to comply. As everyone was crowding around the professor to get Pokedexes, it seems she ran out, and needed to pop into the next room to get a couple more.

"Don't worry, it should be fine to battle here in the PokePark. Just be careful alright? I'll be back with more Pokedexes in just a moment, so the rest of you waiting can watch or battle while you wait for me to return", and with that she was off. Now there were some battles set up... There seemed to be four trainers, two separate battles.

"Oh, you guys wanna go first or...? Maybe a double battle? That might be fun. Mo- Uhhh, professor said it'd be fine to use the PokePark, place is big enough", the idea of a double battle might be fun too, but it might be a bit chaotic, regardless they had plenty of room to battle here. There was no need to go outside.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kafka Komedy
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Kafka Komedy Bearer of The Curse

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Indiana - PokeLab

Indi's eyes were slightly drawn to the girl proclaiming herself to the contest goers as he waited for the professor to hand him his dex. She was an annoying, attention stealing little harlot if he had anything to say on the matter, even if she was cute. He was a tad disappointed he wouldn't be able to put her in her place with a battle, most likely, but there were always others to fight.

"All of you. Out. We're going outside to settle things in a battle..."

A grin slid onto Indi's face at his peer's exasperation. What, was his pokemon's simple joke really too much? The thing seemed to love it. There was a bizarre edge to his voice like that of a teacher Indiana had made mad. If he thought he was an authority in battle or manners, Indi would be sure to take him down a peg. But before he could issue his challenge, a girl right next to him responded. Apparently she was acting rude too, or maybe he was picking a fight with both of them? Indi would normally allow it to slide and let the girl fight him but the Professor had left to go grab more pokedexes. Apparently, he was a bit late.

He was a bit miffed so, with nothing better to do, he decided a battle would be best. The professor's son was there, apparently, and suggested a double battle, a fine suggestion in Indi's book.

"Sure, sounds good. Me and the girl versus the stick in the mud and the prof's son?" Indi suggested, Princess eagerly hopping off his shoulders and strolling towards the PokePark.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by EnterTheHero
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EnterTheHero Heir to the Throne of the Roaming Rhullo

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Sage Monsoon

Sage wandered the grounds of the Pokemon Laboratory, eyes lazily gliding over the assembled group of would-be Trainers and Coordinators as he shuffled along quietly, shoes scuffing across the ground with every step, as though he couldn't be bothered to lift his feet fully off the ground. At his heel, with significantly more pep in his step, Reynardine gave what might have been a long-suffering glare up at his owner at the lack of motivation. Sage managed to glance down at his partner just as one of these glares was directed upward, and smiled ruefully. He knelt down to the Fennekin's level, patting the fox Pokemon on its head, scratching its ears.

"And here I thought I was supposed to be bossing you around," he said quietly, almost a whisper. Every action seemed dedicated to using up the minimum required amount of energy required for it. Reynardine yipped in response, pressing its head into Sage's hand, demanding more pets. Sage did so, still pondering his situation. A not-insignificant part of him was practically shouting at him to abandon ship, jump on board the next plane or ferry or outrigger that was pointed at home. He still could, after all- the funds his parents and his uncle had raised would provide passage back. He could still just... leave.

Yeah, sure. And see the looks on all of their faces when they find out I've given up. Again. It was no secret to him that his family saw him as a failure. He certainly hadn't done anything to disabuse them of that notion. But before, he hadn't cared.

Now, he was curious. Reynardine meant something to him, it seemed. And from that little tidbit of meaning came a curiosity about what else might mean something to him someday. Which was why he was here, he supposed. He stood up, despite Rey's protests, and began his shuffling trek anew, this time in a more focused direction. That Professor was around here somewhere, he reckoned. And she'd have one of those Pokedex such-and-such things for him to use. Then he'd really be official. Sage chuckled at that- it was all still very surreal, at this point. Taking on a Pokemon League was no small undertaking. He'd be here for months. Maybe even years, if he sucked at it, at first. But there was a strange allure to the idea, as well.

He walked into a room where at least a couple Trainers seemed to be sizing each other up for a battle. Before that got underway, he cleared his throat noisily.

"I'm... gonna go out on a limb and say this is where we get started...?" he said, mumbling significantly louder than usual.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Talonite blinked as his conversation with York was suddenly interrupted by some rude kid with a Gible. "You mind kid? I was in the middle of a conversation with the Professor's son." As he finished this statement some other kid shoved past him to try and snatch a Pokedex. Now Talonite wasn't going to let this stand obviously. He held himself back from straight up punching the kid in the face and tapped him on his unoccupied shoulder instead. "Hey. It ain't polite to shove past a guy who's waiting."

Talonite finally turned off his music when the first rude kid had an outburst and demanded a match with everyone. He noted the Gible once more and shook his head. "I'm down to brawl, but don't act all high and mighty if you win. A Gible with Dragon Rage can decimate any Pokemon at this stage of the journey. And if you don't have Dragon Rage on your Gible, you're an idiot." He rambled a bit as he spoke about the inherent advantage Leo had by starting with a Dragon. By the time he opened his eyes to look at Leo he was already gone. Talonite looked at Professor Grevilia and York, shrugging with a look of resignation on his face. "I swear, ten year olds nowadays are so rude. I hope ya don't mind if we continue our conversation outside."

Talonite followed the kid outside and pulled a Dusk Ball from his belt, releasing a Gastly onto the field. "I'll go against whoever I guess. I'm in no rush. Although I think a double battle would leave me out of the mix. I suggest a modified Battle Royal." He pointed out the massive line for registration as he said this. Although maybe he would have time to go back in and grab a Pokedex...

@1Charak2@Alder@Kafka Komedy@Sho Minazuki
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by itano123
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itano123 definitely not evil

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Ven cupped his mouth to try to stifle the yawn as the young soon to be trainer headed into the pokelab with his companion by his side. The only real reason Ven desired to be here so much was to obtain a pokedex.
“this could make my report go so much easier hahaha” lightly laughing the boy looked down to his companion.

When he arrived Ven stayed out of the way looking at all the aspiring trainers…. Pokemon, until the professor’s little speech happened and the ball started rolling with everyone moving along to register.

Ven started to move himself to register but also looked over to the contest line thinking about how it might be nice to watch a few contests, there would be quite a few cute pokemon there. Things seemed to be going smooth until a voice piped up around the contest register, as a young girl declared she will become the best of something or rather.

As she spoke Vens eyes dazzled in the direction of the girl and as she stopped talking Ven walked up to her… and then straight past her to kneel next to the sylveon and started patting it.

“oh nice another cute lil sylveon” smiling brightly Ven honestly didn't even hear much of what the haughty girl said, “ so pink and cute” after the blue sylveon came up behind Ven while it was shaking its head.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by TalijaKey
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago


Danilo turned his head hearing the declaration. He liked the style of the performes of the Sylveon trainer. Yet in his opinion she was missing an extremely important thing in her declaration. Music. Her words were fitting and the fairy wind quite nice but without the music it didnt reach its full effect. In Dans eyes she was missing a Kricketune on the other side. Resonating their emotion with a melodic cries. Ruby, he was sure to remember her name. His promise to hold back on the flashy and over board went down the drain. Why should he? When he wasnt definitely not the only one now. It was a challenge to his own soul, inviting him on the stage of life.

Distracted he missed out on Francis behaviour. His pokemon pecking the fighting female and flying away into a white Vulpix. He could bet that vulpix was a female as well, knowing his pokemon.

"C'mon, Lucy. He's a flying type anyway, Counter wouldn't do much," Roxy spoke softly to her partner trying to pacify her."Hey, um, is Francis okay?"

"I am truly sorry, Roxy. " He looked down at Riolu apologetically. "Francis heard the expression 'peck kisses' and took it literally. He likes the attention of cute female pokemon, but he is too young to understand what the proper way of getting that attention is. Please forgive us." Danilo made a small bow with his head, in sincere sorrow. After that he stood up and took his bag from the floor stepping to the side and with a open hand indicating that it was Roxy turn to register.

"Now Farewell, you both beautiful stars, I have a fetchling to catch and remind him of proper manners. Shall our ways cross again."

He moved towards the two trainer who stood beside the vulpix and leaned on his staff. "My apologies if my friend has in anyway bothered you. My name is Danilo and that is Francis." He spoke towards the vulpix owner.

The friend at which Danilo was looking at peeked between the vulpix tails and chipped coly. Francis nuzzles into the snowy coat of the Vulpix one last time before flying up and perching on the top of Danilos shoulder. With it Francis was staring directly into the Skitty perched on the shoulder of her trainer. Yet before Francis could peck the pokemon, Danilo finger was placed on top of its head. Effectively stopping him, but it brought his trainer attention to the other person.

"That coloration... Allow my curiosity, but it demands of me to ask you who the breeder was from your adorable skitty friend?"

Danilo noticed several trainers preparing to have a battle, most likely the league focused trainers. Who else would start battling the moment they held a pokedexs in hand.... Pokedex?... Oh! Inside his mind Danilo facepalmed but on the outside he kept his pose perfectly up. Impressive, yet relaxed and naturally leaning on the metal walking stick. All of adding to the air of different he so much loved to breath. During the battle of the trainers he will sign up for the league himself and lastly fetch a pokedex. That sounded like a nice plan.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Brose
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Member Seen 2 days ago

@Sho Minazuki

Morgana Lockwood

Morgana stifled a yawn as she listened to the professor’s brief speech. Boring, boring, boring. Morgana wasn’t impressed by stuffy speeches and was eager to get moving along. All of the people around her began to make her antsy. She wasn’t the only one antsy, however, her purple ghost companion was also very twitchy. She had to hold it still, to prevent it from running off. Fortunately, Luft didn’t fuss or whine at the restraint, but it bounced around and tried to tug away from her grip, most likely trying to pull away. Morgana didn’t have the heart to force it into its pokeball.

Fortunately, the professor’s speech came to a close very quickly, and soon the other newbie trainers began to disperse in various directions. Morgana’s initial reaction was to go sign up for both contests and the league, but when she heard the professor talk about the pokedex, she began to think. The Pokedex’s database was too valuable to simply dismiss and would surely help greatly in her efforts with the Pokemon League, but…it sound like a lot of work; to complete the Pokedex. She was already going to have her hands tied with both the Contests and the League. Could she afford to add more on to her plate…?

Biting her lip and contemplating for a minute, Morgana let out a heavy sigh, and walked towards the professor.

“Pokedex. I want one.” She said, agitation seeping out of her voice. She prayed that this whole thing wouldn’t turn out to be a lame chore.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by ZachChase
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ZachChase Peacekeeper

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@Shadeflare123 @MechonRaptor @Amaterasu @TalijaKey

Chance - Pokemon Contest Line


He never realized just how many pokemon were here until he looked around, so many amazing pokemon he had never seen before... a few he could name off, but he had definitely never seen a vulpix like that. The small moment Chance had as he looked around in awe was quickly interrupted as a trainer had asked him something- not that he minded. Though he wished he could learn more about these beautiful and amazing pokemon- oh and if he could pet one of them, that was really important too.

"That coloration... Allow my curiosity, but it demands of me to ask you who the breeder was from your adorable skitty friend?"

Oh- this is Blitzy, known her all my life! Actually we were born around the same time... so were almost like brother and sister. I wouldn't know who the breeder was... I think my dad mentioned a family friend who'd helped them out, some guy who travels the world a lot.


He thinks for a moment... what was their name... as he attempted to think, Blitzy would continue to march proudly on his shoulders, meowing right after he addressed her by name. I think the guy lived in the Alola region, or maybe he just traveled there a lot? Now that I think about it, that doesn't sound like a bad vacation spot...
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by I-Am-X
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I-Am-X <Censored>

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

She was thankful that Beryllium City was reasonably close to where she lived in Brass Town, compared to other places in Chromis. Given that it only took her like half a day reach it. Don't get her wrong, she loves a good walk and time outdoors as much as everyone but--distracted from what she was originally doing and turned her head at the commotion that was happening outside the pokelab. She wasn't sure what was going on but considering the looks on their faces, it was probably a battle. Hm...a battle...

Before she can delve further on it, she was passed by a little yellow blur. Ahh.. That's right, what she was talking about before she got distracted. "THAT'S RIGHT, THE RACE!" Remembering she took off at full speed and ran after it. That's right, earlier she challenged Elekid to a pick and dash race to the Pokelab. Yes, that's right, SHE challenged her own pokemon to a race. Though, between the two of them, it was a fairly common occurrence.

And what's this pick and dash race? To put it simply, they had to 'pick' a certain number of a certain fruit from differing locations (same amount of distance) and well.....dash to the pokemon lab. Whoever got there first got to keep not only the fruit they picked but the ones of the loser as well. It's a race that has been on-going for the last hour or two. Running, with breaks in-between, all the way. And now Elekid caught up to her and regained the lead!

While they were lost in their little world with their competition, one could only imagine the kind of reaction of the others in the surrounding area would give having seeing a pokemon running by carrying food, and it's trainer, also carrying food and chasing after it in broad daylight. Well, it wouldn't be the first time and it definitely wouldn't be the last! Just when it looked like her distraction cost her the race, fortune knocked, or should I say....Slammed in it's face?

That being the door of the pokelab being opened and slammed in Elekid's face, sending it flying. Taking advantage. Lucy caught up and jussssst passed Elekid. Just as he got back up, Lucy put her foot on his face, preventing him from getting past her and used his face to springboard into the lab. Accompanied by a barrel roll, she sprung up off the ground and thrusted her arms into the air to proclaim victory only to be met with the eyes and awkwards silence of all in the room.

Laughing it off, she took note of a dozen apples rolling past her. Whoops, must've got lost during re-entry! She joked to herself as she awkwardly looked to see if Elekid noticed at all. Noticing he hasn't got back up yet, she quickly picked them up and acted like nothing happened. After all, if she had dropped them before making it into the lab safely she would lose, and if caught her win would be forfeit. So it looks like she's off the hook for now.

Celebrating her future apple feast, she headed towards the chromis league line, with Elekid with a sour look, and shoe print, on his face, clearly not happy with the result. On her way towards the line, she looked over at the contest line and saw an adorable little girl accompanied by an equally adorable Slyveon. After enjoying it's cuteness for a little longer, she continued towards the line to register with one thought in mind. Cute, but Glaceon is soooo much cuter.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Shadeflare123
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Roxy sighed, half in relief and half in exasperation. Just a couple days in and Lucina was already prepared to kill something? It was sort of humorous upon further thought, but still a bit...worrisome.

"I am truly sorry, Roxy. " Danilo's voice shook Roxy from her thoughts as she turned to look back up at him. He was looking back down at her Riolu, who thankfully seemed to be less...murder-y. "Francis heard the expression 'peck kisses' and took it literally. He likes the attention of cute female pokemon, but he is too young to understand what the proper way of getting that attention is. Please forgive us." Roxy's concerned expression melted into a soft smile; if that was the case, then the whole thing was almost cute. "It's okay, really! Lucina's fine, just grouchy." At that, Lucina proved her point by crossing her arms in irritation.

Roxy nodded and smiled as Danilo took his leave. "He was nice, wasn't he, Lucina?" The question hung in the air as Lucina pouted and rubbed her forehead. "I know, I know. But hey, if we see him again, you're going to have to get along with that Fetchling, okay?" At that point, Roxy seemed more like a mother to Lucina than a trainer. But that had always been her method of raising the Riolu; up until now, she didn't have much of a reason to do rigorous training. But as she looked back up at all the other trainers, she wondered if it would be such a bad idea to get some training in. That could wait, though, as it seemed like the line to register for the League was shorter now than the Contest line. And she needed her Pokedex, of course.

"Why don't we get a Pokedex, and then get registered for the League? That's what we're here for, right?" Roxy stood up, laughing a bit at Lucina's glare which seemed to say "You mean, that's what you dragged me here for, right?" Wandering out of the Contest line, the pair made their way over to the Professor.

“Pokedex. I want one.”

Roxy winced a bit-internally, that is-at the agitation evident in the girl's tone. But she maintained a smile as she stood next to her, hoping she would lighten up a bit. After all, a single Pokedex was expensive, and they were being given out for free to a large crowd of new trainers. "Hi, I'm Roxy," she said to the Professor. "I'd also like a Pokedex, if you have more to spare."

@Brose @TalijaKey @Sho Minazuki

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Deos Morran
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Deos Morran I am the Adorable!

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Aiden had finally made his way to Beryllium City to where it was said that the famed Pokemon Professor of the region resided. With the festival she was holding in full swing, Aiden and Zorex walked side by side into the crowd to see the chaos and commotion that all the cheery and adventurous folk around had been stirring up. As if on cue Zorex let out his playful and needy murs that meant only one thing... "Feed me!" And as every one could most likely guess not feeding a Gible is a one sure fire way to lose a limb.

"You hungry bud? Don't worry I made sure to make plenty of snacks." With that Aiden reached back into his hip satchel to pull out a tin that was colorfully decorated with a series of stars and swirling lines of varied colors blending into new shades and hues.

At the sight of the familiar tin the Gible started to jump and call out with his cute growls and yips, pointing into his large open mouth with his tiny cute hands. Of course this sparked a response from Aiden, "Yes, yes I know, I know!" With that he cracked the tin and suddenly like a rush of Heaven coming from the metal tin, the scent of paradise in food form wafted around for all nearby Pokemon and people to salivate over. With Zorex already starting to bounce off the walls he reached into the tin to pull out a single beautifully crafted and pristine Poke-puff marked with swirling blue frosting laced through with strands of laticed puff makes to really give the puff a burst of intitial flavor for that wonderful first bite! Handing it down to Zorex he made quick work of it, tossing it up into his large mouth and crewing on it for far too long, just wiggling with joy from the delicious treat.

Of course the scent couldn't go without a few questions and Aiden was more than happy to provide, handing out treats to anybody curious enough to ask for one his his baked treats. Still he couldn't spend too long passing around deserts as he had a few missions to take.

Once he was packed up again and ready to move out he made his way to the Professor just in time to see a few of the gatherers wind up for a battle and of course that sparked Aiden's interest almost instantly! Given the long ride to Beryllium City, he'd been starved of the rush of a good Pokemon battle. He'd have to find somebody willing and fast, but first... he stood in line behind a a female trainer with the cutest Riolu, he'd ever seen especially since he had an adorable scarf! It almost reminded Aiden of the band that Zorex wore around his fin.

Of course such an adorable Pokemon needed something and so Aiden reached into his hip satchel to pull out the familiar tin, making Zorex's eyes light up before Aiden pulled out two puffs, handing one to Zorex before tapping the Riolu on the shoulder to silently offer the other sweet and heavenly smelling puff with a smile to the Pokemon.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by alexfangtalon
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Sadie Hill

Interacting With : @Amaterasu

In the line Sadie was playing and talking with her Pokemon while everyone else was either doing the same or talking with other trainers. She was so involved in playing with Gigaton that she hadn't even noticed someone making a 'declaration of war' to all others aiming for top coordinator.

Towards the end she finally noticed when those around her got silent and Sadie turned her gaze to where a large majority were looking. As the girl came back to the line Sadie could hear the people in front of her mumbling something about the girl and she caught the name Ruby. Most of what she could hear didn't sound very nice so Sadie felt the need to try and say something nice to the girl.

It just so happened that Sadie was in the area of the line where the girl had skipped to. Sadie made her way to where the girl was despite losing a few spots in line and said, "Hi, Ruby." She looked at the girls Pokemon continuing, "Hi, Berry. It is a pleasure to meet both of you. My name is Sadie and my partner here is Gigaton." Gesturing towards her Roggenrola and extending her hand in greeting.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MechonRaptor
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MechonRaptor Recuperated!

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ryan Frost
- In the Pokemon Contest Line.
- Interacting with: Almost Chance (@ZachChase) Almost Danilo (@TalijaKey)

His attention with the intrusive Fletchling and his own Vulpix was cut short when he heard a voice behind him, coming from where the Skitty he had noticed earlier was. As he turned to face that direction, he heard him say, presumably directed at Ryan, "Uhhh- hey, hows it goin'?" To which Ryan froze near instantly. He didn't freeze because he was put off by an attempt at interaction, or due to him being rude in an manner, but instead only because he found it very odd that someone would try to take the time and directly talk to him. It was a part of life that he wasn't particularly used to due to his mother and how he often did not need to do the speaking himself. Even at school, no one really made an effort to converse with him, and he wasn't the one who would normally initiate a conversation. It was only after he got on the ship that they made an effort to talk to him, but by then he felt he had no experience with it, usually muttering some sort of random strings of words until he realized they long since left. While he has had some practice since then, he often found it was because he mentally prepared himself for it, and this was just sprung up on him.

He took a deep breath, taking a moment to prepare and find the calmness to smile before he fully turned his attention to Chance. "He-Hey th-"
"My apologies if my friend has in anyway bothered you. My name is Danilo and that is Francis."

To which he was cut off by another trainer dashing to the scene. It was the fancy one he had taken note of, and while he didn't seem threatening or rude, the interaction once more made Ryan feel out of place or awkward.
"Oh, uh, well you know-" He said lightly to himself, to which the trainer's focus had went from Ryan to the Skitty and their trainer. Ryan stood there for a second, wondering what just happened and contemplating if he was to be a part of it. On the bright side to him, it meant that he could start preparing for if they wanted to speak to him again. He looked down at Pixie, the vuplix seemingly laughing with a gleeful smile on her face. He laughed slightly to himself, kneeling down and petting her again as he waited for the line to move...

Sure is a lot more busier than he expected.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Amaterasu
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Amaterasu Love Pillar

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Just as Ruby had gotten back into the contest line, impatiently waiting to register for her destiny to one day become a star, the crimson haired boy who had been gazing at her direction was making his way to her.'Oh, just another of my future fans, here to flatter little ole me', she thought to herself all arrogantly. But as the little girl parted her lips to speak to the supposed 'fan', he literally walked past her to compliment little Berry instead. How DARE he ignore ME.

The rage of the little girl not evident on her features (maybe except for the creepily huge yandere smile), Ruby approached the boy and Berry who seemed to be pleased by the petting and the attention she was getting. "Hey there, are you one of my new fans? Are you just too shy to talk to me maybe~? Don't worry, Ruby doesn't bite~! ...Not too hard at least." While her owner was attempting to steal the attention of the 'fan' towards her, Berry innocently blinked her blue eyes in confusion at Ruby, to the boy and-- oh, is that another of her kind? But why's he blue? Berry blinked more.

Before long, another person approached the short teen but this person seemed to actually be speaking to her. Calming herself from the rage earlier, Ruby flashed her usual, practiced 'I'm-the-cutest-ever' smile and shook the girl's hand. "Hiiiii~! Nice to meet cha Sadie, my new fan slash rival~ And to you too, little fella!" Ruby, yet again, genuinely thought this person came to greet her as a supporter of hers after her little flashy speech.

@itano123 @alexfangtalon
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Matador
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Matador Dinosaur God King

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Kafka Komedy@1Charak2@Sho Minazuki@floodtalon

Leo shrugged at the girl's request, her insult completely going over his head. In comparison to her, he guessed he WAS basically a kid.

"Makes no difference to me." He sounded dismissive of the girl, but the match orders really. The point wasn't to show off his strength or prove his dominance or anything stupid like that. It was more out of anger for the fact that they had not only barged into the lab late, pushed their way to the front of the room, interrupted conversations at random, and then had the gall to not see anything wrong with his actions. The trainers there from the very beginning were pushed aside because of a few impatient newbies that mostly couldn't even be bothered to arrive on time.


He was reluctant to even spare a glance at the girl who was making such a big deal out of herself, but gave her a quick look anyway...yeah. She was probably the youngest of them without a doubt. Had she been able to start her journey at ten? Whatever, there were more pressing matters to attend.

"If I'm a stick in the mud for calling out a brat when I see one I'll gladly be a stick in the mud for the rest of my life." He rolled his eyes at the boy's comment. "The PokePark sounds good, it's all inconsequential as far as I'm concerned." Leo once again started his walk to the PokePark, when yet another one of the rude newcomers decided to answer.

"Spare me. If it were about feeling powerful I'd've stayed at home fighting youngsters." Leo wasted no time leaving to the PokePark soon afterwards, fully expecting the others to follow right behind him. The last portion of Talonite's message was completely lost to him. He just honestly couldn't bring himself to care.

"C'mon." Once they were all outside, Leo pointed forward to command his happy-go-lucky Gible to the forefront. Nado, like his owner, was eager to fight, even if the battle was started on some less than friendly terms. He listened to the other boy suggest a Battle royale. Those were battles where trainers duked it out together, right? They weren't exactly popular back in Sinnoh for whatever reason.

"Hmm. I'd rather take turns with singles. Loser heals the winner's pokemon."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Sho Minazuki
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Sho Minazuki P5 Hero

Member Seen 4 days ago

"Okay~ So it's a double battle then? Isn't that nice Ren?", he looked down to his Froakie, who was quite busy doing it's own thing. It communicated to the stick-in-the-mud's Pokemon. Something along the lines of 'victory is assured with this dark power welling within me. My black spirit is feeling good today', or something. The group moved into their positions in the PokePark to fight with Froakie out front.

"I see you're eager today, I guess the breakfast was good then huh? Dad always makes good french toast", he commented.

"Well let's see what double battling's like then...", as he said that, the jolly kid's eyes changed from it's soft expression to a more confident one.

Note: The link above is read-only
Battle currently underway, not yet complete

Professor Grevillia


As the battle was about to be under way, the professor returned with a box. Inside it were Pokedexes, and she handed them out to the trainers who asked for one. She seemed somewhat happy about all of this, and there wasn't much reason she should be. The database for Pokemon in Chromis was about to get much larger over the course of the next few months and even beyond that. Although today meant a bit more for her than that, since she did this almost every week, her son was going to be going on his own journey too. That aside, right now she was more the Pokemon Professor than his mother.

"Alright, and one for you... And, one for you. Do you know how to use it?", she asked to confirm. If not, she gave them a quick explanation like before, and those who came from Kalos might adapt to this Pokedex much more quickly, as the design was similar. And if they did, she simply wished them a good journey.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Shadeflare123
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Roxanne Hart

Interacting with: @Deos Morran / Aiden; @Sho Minazuki / Professor Grevillia

As she quietly waited for the Professor's return, Roxy didn't even notice Aiden walking up behind her. Rocking back and forth on her heels, she absentmindedly glanced around at the inside of the building. It wasn't much unlike the places her parents work in...though she shook that thought from her head as soon as it occurred to her. They were the last people she wanted to think about. Lucina, however, was in a totally different state of mind. Turning to face Aiden, who had tapped her shoulder, the Riolu stared with wide eyes at the sweet-smelling treat before gingerly taking it in her paws and taking a bite out of it.

"Rii!" The sound nearly made Roxy jump out of her shoes. Turning around, Roxy's eyes widened a bit in surprise at the sight of Aiden, as she had no clue he was there in the first place. Looking down at Lucina, she felt a bit confused as to just what her Riolu was eating. Returning her gaze back to Aiden, her expression melded into a soft smile; he was holding a tin of some sort, so he must have given Lucina the dessert she was happily chowing on. "Oh, hi! I'm Roxy, it's so nice to meet you! Did you, ah, give Lucina something?" Nevermind that she didn't know what her Pokemon was eating; it smelled good even from where she was standing. And anyone kind enough to share treats with strangers' Pokemon must be kind.

Lucina looked over at the cute little Gible that was accompanying Aiden, her eyes once again widening. Sinnohian Pokemon weren't exactly commonplace in Hoenn; did he come all the way here from Sinnoh? Again, she thought of her parents; Sinnoh was their home, wasn't it? Maybe she could learn a thing or two about it from him. At that, the Professor returned to hand them their new Pokedexes. Roxy jumped up and down with excitement, holding the technology in her hand and grinning widely. She was generally familiar with how to use it, given that her parents were researchers who pretty much always had dibs on the latest Pokemon technology. "Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou!" This marked the start of her journey; of course she was excited.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by EnterTheHero
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EnterTheHero Heir to the Throne of the Roaming Rhullo

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Sage Monsoon

Sage raised an eyebrow as the Professor (or, at least, someone who looked a lot like her) emerged from another room, carrying what looked like a box of Pokedexes. He motioned to Reynardine, shuffling over to Professor Grevillia, nudging his way in between the two girls who were already there and earning an exasperated look from his partner. He inclined his head in some form of apology to either side, to each of the girls he'd muscled past, before turning to the Professor.

"Hey. Sorry for butting in, but I'd like to get my own Pokedex, as well. Sorry for getting here a little late- I don't really have an excuse for that, but whatever, I guess..."

Without waiting for an answer (or a Pokedex), he turned to the other girls he'd butted out of the way. One of them some seemingly-Halloween-worshiping chick with a Drifloon, the other a much more normal-looking blonde girl with a Riolu. Wearing a bandana. Which was kind of adorable. He raised a hand to them.

"Uhh... hi. Sorry for quite literally butting in. You both just getting started, too?"

@Sho Minazuki @Brose @Shadeflare123
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by itano123
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itano123 definitely not evil

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

As Ven was in his own little world admiring the pokemon he was completely oblivious to the girl approaching until she started to speak, turning around while snapping out of it Ven almost jumped as he saw the huge smile… if it wasn’t for a strange feeling of having a knife to his throat the boy might have admitted to it being somewhat cute.

For a moment Ven was blank, he didn’t know what to say straight away and dwelt on it for a moment while still patting away. After a pause he piped up.
“Uhhh i dunno about me being one of your fans but i can say I am at least a fan of your Sylveon… wait if your her owner does that make me your fan? I just like cute pokemon” Ven ended up pondering over the last thought until he noticed something,
He had just piped back in when she started speaking to someone else…

Wait did she just say she bites??

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by I-Am-X
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I-Am-X <Censored>

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

- Chromis League Line -> Professor Grevillia

While she was on her way towards the league line, she stopped suddenly, before realizing that she probably should get a pokedex first before registering. Guess I got too excited. Lucy's sudden stop cause Elekid, who was walking behind her, still a bit peeved from before, to crash into her legs. Shaking his fist, Elekid began protesting. With a smile, she put up her hands in an effort to calm him. "Now now, you can keep your apples and we can have a rematch later to make up for it. Sound good?" she offered. He was hesitant at first, not wanting to take her pity, but eventually agreed. He should have won the first time but he'll beat her next time and return the favor in kind!

With one matter solved, she looked around in an attempt to find the Professor but had no luck until a woman in a lab coat returned with a box while surrounded by others. There she is! In good spirits Lucy and Elekid walked on over to Professor Grevillia. When she arrived, she nearly jumped in surprise at the sudden burst of excitement from one of the girls that was there. In her hands was a brand new pokedex. Well that explains it. No wonder why she's excited. She had to smile at that fact because she too was excited when she first left home to start her journey. Though, the other girl there seemed almost bored and not in the best of mooods. Unless if that's how she normally is then. That was when a guy took notice of them and began talking. She used this moment to talk to the professor.

"Hello. If I may, I too would like to get my own pokedex if that's alright." She asked with a radiant smile.
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