Indiana Skorzeny
Age: 14
Gender: Male
Nationality: Hoenn-Chrominian
Personality: Rebel without a cause is a good descriptor of Indiana. He's quite easy to anger with a massive competitive streak. He's also not above breaking the law in certain instances, his pokemon is technically stolen after all. He's also quite a loner, being unable to really connect with people due to inexperience. This doesn't mean he lacks a sense of humor though, he loves making jokes of surrealist nature. Hiding behind his seemingly poor decision making skills and immaturity is a great trainer though, easily making bonds with his pokemon and making smart plays.
Biography: Indiana was born to the manager of the local Ballast division, Max, and a master trainer from Hoenn. Unfortunately, she left at when Indi was a young age. She and Max didn't see eye to eye, so she left to continue her journey around the world. Max continued to work at Ballast, raising his young son mostly alone, though with the help of a few maids, cooks, and nannies when available.
This did not help Indi's development. Even at a young age he was quick to cry and throw tantrums when he did not get his way. Once he was in public schooling, he displayed intelligence and an aptitude for tests, but a disregard for standard work and teachers, or just authority in general. His father displayed disappointment but ultimately support, when available, but this did little to dissuade Indi from his behavior. Eventually, his anger began extending to students as well.
At the age of 12, Indi had almost gotten expelled. A particular student had called him a creep. One thing lead to the other and, because neither would back down, Indi started a fight. Both of them threw punches but Indi was fairly ruthless and the other kid was much worse off. Max was mortified ar his son's behavior. After talking the VP down from placing Indi in any hot water, Max sat down and had a talk with his son. Indi, being himself, refused to open up to his father about his want for attention and started spending more time outside, wandering the city streets of Beryllium.
One day while he was out, simply squatting in an alley and eating lunch, a wild pokemon strolled up to him and tugged on his pant leg. He sneered at the wild beast, a simple lizard-looking thing. "Wada you want, Princess?" He asked it. It pointed at it's stomach and whined. With a huff, he handed it the scraps of his now almost finished sandwich, which it ate in one swallow. Wondering why people were letting the thing simply wander around, Indi fielded some questions at it. From what he could gather, the thing had been lost or abandoned by someone not native to the region.
Indi rationalized it as not his problem and went home. The next day though, as he passed that same alley he had sat in the previous day, the Scraggy (he had done some research once home) again came up to him and tugged on his pants. "C'mon, Princess. Go back to your trainer. Stop bugging me." He commanded it. But she (again, he did some research, turns out him labeling her princess was apt.) mewled in response. Indi took that to mean, for whatever reason, she couldn't. In the light though, something about her looked off. If there was even a small possibility she was rare in some way he wouldn't want her getting stolen by anyone else. For now, he'd take her home.
Again looking into it, Princess, as he had grown accustomed to calling it, was indeed a rare variant of Pokemon called a "shiny." Some sort of gene mutation made their skin different colors from the average pokemon, and they were worth a lot to some people. At first, Indi was planning on selling it but one his father saw it, he brought up Indi's mother. How she used to be a trainer, and how she was following her dreams. How she would have been proud that he had a pokemon of his own.
That night, Indi's father gave him his mother's Keystone, one of the only relics of her existance, to him. Now, Indi plans on traveling the region. Outwardly he expresses interest in finding a buyer for Princess and collecting badges to increase her market worth. Inwardly, he truly wishes to get to know what his mother saw in pokemon training and gain the love of his father.
- Keystone Bracelet
- 5 Potions
- 5 Pokeballs
- 1 Revive
Pokemon Team
Name: Princess
Species: Scraggy
Gender: Female
Ability: Moxie
Battle Experience: 3
Moves: Low Kick,
Feint Attack,
Brick Break, and
PaybackExtra Notes: Princess is a Shiny Scraggy.