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Woah! You've done a ton of set-up. I'm gonna bunker down and give all this a read before I start throwing out character concepts, but I'm majorly impressed. (And seeing a big ol' list of NPCs in the characters tab gives me faith that you've got plenty of cool stuff in mind for the players to experience.)

Thank you! And yeah, I have quite a bit cooked up. Still needs more organizing, but once things get moving I think it'll all come along.


Also, big thanks to @Yankee for letting me know the Guild has a dice roller. That should make things a lot easier/smoother...once I figure out how to use it!

EDIT: Question for folks...do people here generally prefer it if dialogue is colored? I kind of prefer it not colored but I can see how it could be easier for some.
I'm game to give it a go. It would be a 'definitely' but I'm in a few RPs and just in case I can't juggle as well as I think, I don't want to make any promises.

That's great to hear! And yeah, no problem.


OOC is up: roleplayerguild.com/topics/192799-pok…

If anyone has any questions, feel free to ask there! :)

Also, gonna tag @Dragonfly 9, @Thunder999999, and @Crimson Flame as you guys expressed interest in the rp here, albeit for some of you it was a while ago so if you're no longer interested you can just ignore this!
NPC List Pt1: Gym Leaders

Starlight Dreams

Active/Accepted Characters

1.) Professor Noah Magnolia - Brose
2.) Magdalena "Mags" Specter - Brose
3.) Alyssa Koharu Kasprzak aka "Kazu" - c3p-0h
4.) Ikkou Delos - Yankee
5.) Vincent "Vinny" Verdana - GubGar

On-Hold/Accepted Characters

1.) Alexandra ‘Alex’ de Vries - Enzayne

Please, do NOT post your CC until it's been reviewed & approved by me in the OOC section! Thank you!

Just in case. Done with set up, thank you!
Game Mechanics

The Starre Region

Pokemon: Starlight Dreams

A figure sits alone in a dimly lit living room. Surrounded by empty seats, they stare blankly at the television before them, its black screen reflecting at them. On an impulse, the figure reached for the remote beside them and pressed a button. A light on the television promptly turned on and soon the room was lit up with the bright light of the screen. Starring at the screen, footage of landscapes began to show in succession.

Color by hex code“Are you tired of the same old thing? Bored? Feeling down? Ready for some adventure?” the voice on the television inquired. The figure in the room gave no answer to the question.

“This is Starre. Home of a variety of Pokemon and people with a rich history and culture.” The voice continued, scenes of footage of Pokemon and people quickly flashing on the screen. Delicious food, happy people, and beautiful landscapes came in quick procession.

“Whether it’s the snowy slopes of Mt. Aquila, the scenic views of Windy Valley, or the luscious tropics of--” the voice was cut off with a click of a remote. The screen quickly flashed through multiple channels before it stumbled upon a selection. On the new channel, two news anchors sat, talking to one another, with the words “Starry News Network” in big bold letters at the top.

“That’s right, Joanne.” A man in a suit said, starring straight at the viewer. “We are seeing a rise in criminal activity all over Starre region from a mysterious group simply known as ‘Team Sleep.’ Don’t let their name fool you though; these aren’t individuals you want to take lightly. There have been many reports of this group stealing Pokemon and valuables alike. For more details we turn to--”

Click. Aiming the remote at the tv, the figure changed the channel. Flashing lights suddenly appeared on screen with a brief flicker of a masked individual as someone with a camera quickly tried to pursue them.

“Prince? Prince! Can you tell us about—” the paparazzi exclaimed as he pursued the masked individual. The footage was quickly cut off and replaced with a different one, the same masked individual but now in the center of the stadium. The figure was in the middle of a Pokemon battle; the camera focused on him.

“The Starry Prince; Starre’s biggest celebrity and biggest mystery is its own reigning champion who has yet to be dethroned. But who are they really? And what’s behind that mask? Stay tuned as we--”


“Are you a fan of Pokemon?” the voice on the television asked, footage of various Pokemon dressed up standing in line on a stage on the screen. “Do you crave fame and stardom but can’t get the knack for Pokemon battles? Then become a coordinator and join one of the many Pokemon contests across the Starre region! Show off your Poke--”


“Hey there, Pokemon fans!” Another voice erupted. The TV showed montages of various Pokemon battles in a large stadium. “The Starre Pokemon League season is just around the corner! Call the number on your screen to purchase seating tickets at the Diamond City Stadium so you too can experience those sizzlin’ hot battles in person! Don’t delay, call tod--”

Click. Purple smoke filled the television screen. Gentle, soothing music played in the background as the silhouette of a woman appeared. Walking closer, she soon became more visible and stood in the center of the screen.

“Hello. My name is Cassandra Stern.” The woman said calmly, with a stoic face. “I am the CEO of Morpheus. Here at Morpheus, we believe in providing a bright future for all. ‘How do they do that?’ you might ask. The answer to that is dreams. Dreams make up who you are, your ambitions in life, and influence your very perception of this world. Everyone dreams. But how do we use our dreams to better suit us? To help us lead to our full potential.

“With our cutting-edge technology here at Morpheus, you now can control your dreams.”
The woman continued, the eyes in her serious stare flickering for but a moment. “See: the Dreamlink, which allows you to tap into your true potential with our dream therapy. With it, you will see drastic improvements in your quality of life in record time. Let Morpheus help your dreams come true.”

Click. The TV reverted to the news channel. A pair of familiar faces filled the screen.

“Just a reminder, everyone.” The female news host “Joanne” said. “The Institute is holding a grand event in Beryl Town for the celebration of the beginning of the League season. It is open to the public and seasoned trainers and trainers in training are encouraged to show. The Institute will be giving out free Pokemon and enlisting people in cataloguing their Pokedex. Free food and drinks will be served--”

Click. The television was now back at the channel it was from the beginning. A familiar voice could be heard over the footage of scenic montages. At the very end, a grand shot of Diamond City was displayed.

“—so what are you waiting for? Come on down to Starre: where dreams are made, and stars are born!”


Hey, guys. Been awhile.

So, first off, I want to apologize to all the folks who expressed interest in this RP months ago for suddenly disappearing without a word. To be honest, I just got burned out. The RP took a lot more prep than expected and along with irl stuff I just put it on the backburner but I still should’ve let y’all know that at the time. I’m sorry about that.

But, assuming people are still willing/interested in the RP, I’d like to try again. Past couple days I’ve been working on the RP and I’m almost done with what I need to be ready for launch. Technically, still have more work to do even after that, but some of it can wait. To start the rp, I mostly just need to get a few NPC profiles done and then it should be ready...?

So yeah, please let me know if you're still interested in the RP! Or let me know if you're not interested in the RP anymore. That's fine, too. Hope everyone has a good day/night!

EDIT: Realized I just posted something that was similar to a previous post. So scratch that. But I did get the map finalized, formatted, and included all of the locations of Pokemon and such. That's what I was going to show off but I'll wait until the RP is set up to show that off.
I usually tend to avoid system heavy roleplays, not because of any legitimate issue, just because of personal preference. But the amount of detail you're putting into the region totally shows, and it seems cool! So I'm on the fence, put me down as tentatively interested?

Thank you and will do!
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