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<Snipped quote by Brose>
I don't mind changing to just getting a Rotom-Phone now, but then again if you don't mind us not changing, then I'll stick with Ikkou having gotten one like... two weeks ago, an older model that doesn't talk (or battle of course) but is still compatible with the Dex and Map apps. Just for simplicity's sake.

As for canon vs RP, totally A-OK with me too! I also expected some changes, creative liberties, etc. No worries.

As for Mags, works for me! Hopefully my response works too. And the dialogue color is fine, it is different enough from Cassandra's.

For the phone thing, that's fine! Go with whatever you'd like. As for everything else, okie dokie~

And the response was great! Ikkou is a sweetie. I'll wait for Enzayne's response before posting Mags'.
I don't mind doing your own thing with canon, sounds exciting!

I wrote in Alex CS that she has a Zorua transceiver, she should still get the phone, or...? Especially if it's meant to be returned later. @Brose

Edit: mags is like every rude Pokémon thug in one, i love it

A Zorua transceiver? Like an Xtransceiver? Sorry, Google is giving me nothing. I assume it's like an Xtransceiver.

Either way, the Rotom Phone is completely optional. Just the "phone, pokedex and map" all rolled in one that players can opt in for. Your character can have their own thing to supplement/replace it (especially if it makes more sense for them to already have one, which does for Alex). I just wanted to provide an option for it in RP.

If the transceiver Alex has doesn't come with a Pokedex (which I don't think it does for an Xtransceiver) you could have Alex opt in to ask for a regular Pokedex + physical map at any Institute booth. Or you could go without those and have her rely on other characters, for fun! Up to you.

And yes, she is. I personally think she would fit in quite well with Team Skull. Although she'd probably only join them cause she'd assume based on the "skull" name that they were a bunch of ghost enthusiasts...but still! She would fit right in.
<Snipped quote by Brose>

Oh yeah I kind of anticipated you were taking a creative license with stuff, just because that's (in my opinion) the most fun way to engage with source material. Hope it didn't feel like I was trying to quiz you about the the in-game dream world lore!

Oh no, you're good!
A few things:

1.) I intended for the Rotom phones to be like...a rentable phone/pokedex thing that the Institute gives to trainers to collect data and then when they're done adventuring, they return it. But I think I forgot to put that down in the OOC page so if anyone written down something that says the opposite, I'm not going to make you change that or anything. Just obviously the Rotom-Phone can't be used in battles. But you can have yours talk if you want! Or not. Up to you.

2.) I'm not fully clear on all of the Pokemon game lore in regards to stuff like dreams and Pokemon, but dreams and the Dream World will be relevant for stuff later to come so if anything contradicts established game stuff just let me know. I may just flag it as "creative license" and roll with it or change it depending on how important/relevant it is to what I have planned.

3.) The "Pokemon being more connected to Dream World" is not game canon to my knowledge but I said it because there are Pokemon that are directly connected to dreams in some form (some more closer than others) and also due to the more fantastical nature of Pokemon, was my line of thought.

Just a fyi, while I will be trying to stay close to the game lore (or maybe even show lore at times if its more interesting), the story will have...elements that push the boundaries of the canon a little. Just a smidge. It's a fan rp, I don't think anyone here is gonna be too bothered by it. But just in a fyi.

@Yankee and @Enzayne hopefully Mags' intrusion into your convo is okay. If you need to finish the conversation you guys started before recognizing her/her antics, go ahead.

I know I said I'd have Mags' dialogue be like green or something but I wanted to go with a more spooky-color given her ghost-obsession. But if it's too similar to Cass' dialogue color, just let me know.
Noah Magnolia

Location: Beryl Town
Interacting With: Kazu (by @c3p-0h)

Walking down the streets of Beryl Town, Noah took a moment to enjoy the scenery. The town was packed with people, most of which were lined up or surrounding the nearby booths. Eggs were everywhere, but most notably, in the hands of people of all ages. The festival seemed to be a success once again, something Noah was grateful for. He preferred leaving when things were going well. Kit, who rode on his trainer’s shoulder, did not appreciate this the same way Noah did, but enjoyed the free ride and silently watched his surroundings.

Suddenly, Noah was approached by a young white-haired woman holding a black and green egg with a noticeable crack on it. He listened to her as she spoke to him.

“Hi, Professor? I’m sorry, but I dropped my egg. Does it need to go back? Get special care or something?”

“Oof. That’s quite the crack. What did you do, try to make an omelet?” Noah said, wincing at the sight. “Just a jest. But no, there is nothing to be done. Normally, I’d just pull out some duct tape and cover it up with that, but with how close these eggs are to hatching, there isn’t any point. Fortunately, the eggshell likely took all the damage, and the little one inside should be fine. You just gave them a head start in hatching, is all. But please don’t let it happen again. I can’t say everything will be alright the next time it’s dropped.”

Unfortunately, dropped eggs were not an uncommon occurrence on this day. Researchers at the Institute were even known to drop eggs on occasions. Fortunately, all the eggs given out today were close to hatching and could afford a crack or two. But there was still a small risk of injury to the Pokemon inside, so it was still something to avoid if possible.

Looking at the young woman, Noah was reminded of the importance of being sociable in times like this. Turning to the white-haired woman he said, “It seems I’m at a slight disadvantage here. You know my name, but I don’t know yours. You are…?”


Cassandra Stern

Location: Beryl Town
Interacting with: Vinny (played by @GubGar)

As expected, the questions of the interview became more complex, but were fortunately still in the realms of acceptable questions. Cassandra had partially expected for the man to ask something about the past, but he remained appropriate and so she returned the favor in kind.

“For your first question,” Cassandra said, speaking clear as possible for the man. “The state of the Dreamlink technology is ever changing, but we at Morpheus are working hard to expand our horizons and widen the opportunities for more people to experience it. As for the status of that goal, unfortunately, I cannot comment about that at this time.”

It was one of Cassandra’s many goals to make the Dreamlink technology as accessible as possible, but she had her focuses too spread out to truly hone in on that ambition. But it would come in time, as all her goals would.

“As far as I am aware,” She continued, answering the next question. “The only connection Morpheus has to the Devon Company or the C-Gear technology is that in the beginning, Morpheus did focus primarily on the study of Pokemon dreams. However, after our acquisition of some bright minds, we decided to forge a different path. Yet despite these differences, all three groups do share the same knowledge foundation: the information has been discovered about the Dream World and dreams themselves by scientists throughout history and all over the world.”

Casssandra considered the study of Pokemon dreams a necessary one, but ultimately lesser of the two studies. Pokemon dreams had the benefit of being a more “interesting” field of study due to the nature of how much closer of a connection Pokemon as a whole had to the Dream World compared to humans. But ultimately, things like the Dreamlink technology would be nearly wasted on Pokemon. While she was certain the creatures had their own problems to worry about, she doubted they were complex enough to be akin to human struggles.

“Currently, Morpheus remains focused on human dreams,” Cassandra said, looking at her interviewer. “But the truth is both Pokemon and humanity are interlinked in every aspect of life, including dreams. Both human dreams and Pokemon dreams occur in the Dream World, so you cannot completely segregate them. If one learns about one, they will need to learn about the other as well. Thus, Morpheus does indeed study a little into Pokemon dreams on the side, but our priority will always be on people and using the Dreamlink technology to improve their lives.”

She waited for the man’s response, hoping her answers were sufficient.

Mags Specter

Location: Beryl Town
Interacting with: Alex (by @Enzayne) & Ikkou (by @Yankee)

Mags and Mim had made it halfway to the closest Morpheus booth when it dawned on her that she had forgotten to redeem her free Rotom phone. The two hustled back to the Institute booth, only to find that there was an even longer line this time with a security official standing right next to it. Apparently, someone had complained about people cutting the lines…

Thus, Mags and Mim were forced to wait in the ridiculously long line. But when they got to the booth, Mags was able to acquire the Rotom Phone quickly, with the Map app already downloaded on it.

“I can’t believe they made us wait soooo long in that stupid line.” She grumbled, walking down the streets as she swiped through the screens on the Rotom phone. Mim was walking beside her and gurgled something in agreement.

“But at least we got this new Rotom phone! And it’s powered by a ghostie!” She squealed in delight, causing a few stares to come her way. “Although they said you’re not for battling. Are you sure about that? You seem plenty capable to me.”

“Zzz-zzt! Affirmative! I cannot be used for battles, whatzzzoever! As a member of the Starre Institute, my purpozzze is purely for research and academia and supporting you on your Pokemon journey! If you wish for a Rotom to be uzzzed in battles, you must catch one of my brethren in the wild!” the Rotom-possessed phone replied, floating in the air briefly.

“Tch. Figures. Oh, well.” Mags said, grabbing the phone back into her hands and quickly dropping the subject. It would’ve been nice to get another free ghost Pokemon, but that must’ve been asking for too much. “Alright, Mim. Now let’s get to that Morpheus booth--ow!”

Her attention having been so transfixed on her new Rotom phone, Mags walked straight into an unsuspecting pair of individuals who stood in line at a Morpheus booth. The impact was felt primarily on her arms as they collided and the force sent her off balance, sending her falling backwards on to her rear towards Mim’s direction. Having actually watched where he was going, Mim was able to swiftly dodge the girl’s fall and looming buttocks and was spared the cruel fate. Taking a moment to collect herself and fighting through the brief amount of pain, Mags turned her attention to the people she walked into.

“Hey! Watch where you’re going! Can’t you see there’s a baby on board here? Have some decency!” She cried out angrily, pointing to the egg poking out of her backpack.

People these days. Really.
Will have my posts up by tonight. Sorry for the delay!
Haha oh no I just realized Mags and Alex have the exact same dialogue color. Just gonna be two orange girls butting heads (or getting into trouble together).

I saw that sometime after I posted her. jaflksfal;sdfj

I'll change Mags' to something else by the next post to avoid confusion. Probably green or something.
This stupid thing is hers babyyyyy (she’s trying to return it please tell her it doesn’t need to be returned lmao).

Okie dokie! Just wanted to make sure~ <3

Will have the reply post done sometime tonight.
I'm stuck in a car for eight hours tomorrow, will write my post then. XD

Eww. But safe journeys!

@c3p-0h Kazu is great! But quick question for my response to your post: Is the egg that Kazu has (the cracked one) the one you want her to have or is it just an egg you want her to turn in to the professor?
Cassandra Stern

Location: Beryl Town
Interacting with: Vinny (played by @GubGar)

Cassandra’s composure did not drop as the man in front of her cheered silently, as if he had scored a point in a game. The man’s antics were…peculiar, but not too surprising given his…eccentric appearance. Cassandra deemed the man to be a colorful individual, to put it mildly.

"Of course, absolutely! Those are more than fair terms. The Crown's no gossip rag, we're only in it for real stories."

‘That’s what they all say.’ Cassandra coldly thought to herself. In a series of flashes, old, painful memories began to race through her mind. But despite that, she kept her composure and allowed the interview to continue. She calmly waited for the man to prepare himself as the interview got started.

"Then since you've so generously agreed to give me some of your time, I'll make sure not to waste it.."
"Morpheus' Dreamlink technology has been very successful.. But even the most successful companies don't throw around 'investments' as generous as the ones you have today. What is it about this League Season that's different? Is your company on the verge of a massive financial boom. Or has this season caught your eye in some way?"

It was an interesting starting question, but not an usual one given the strict topic limitations. There was no recording device seen on the man, so Cassandra made sure to speak clearly as possible, and with reasonable speed.

“Truthfully, this League Season is not particularly any more special or different than the others.” Cassandra answered, carefully choosing her words as she spoke. “It is true that Morpheus has been doing very well financially, and the Dreamlink technology has been quite successful. It is through that success we can be here today and invest in the people here.

“It is also true,” Cassandra continued. “That this investment is quite a hefty one and I have my doubts we will be able to do it again so generously in the near future. We will more than likely have to make some amendments to our budget, but I wanted to make sure our first investment was not a shallow one.

“And while not our main priority for this investment, we at Morpheus do have high hopes for this year’s League Season. We would love to see one of the trainers we helped sponsor be able to finally beat the Starry Prince. Our company would be more than proud to help cultivate something as monumental as that.”
Cassandra said, satisfied with her answer. While she thought the bit of mentioning the Prince would provide a good enough distraction and flair for the interview, she hoped that the reporter wouldn't push it too far. Cassandra then patiently waited for the man’s response.
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