1.1 This is intended to be a literate/advanced literate roleplay. All expectations for those are in effect. These include- but are not limited to— effort to proof read before posting and no godmodding/power playing/meta gaming.
1.2 This is intended to be a realistic historical roleplay. While prior knowledge and expertise are not expected or needed, an effort to help make this roleplay more historically feasible is expected.
- Getting into character could potentially include using Finnish terms for classes and ranks in character dialogue, but not in standard text for easier comprehension.
- There are expected realistic depictions of appearance, inventory, ability (skiing experience is permitted and may come in handy), and identity. Due to the Finnish defences having rampant shortages, volunteers would likely start with their clothes and not provided uniforms. But characters who have served before may have one.
- As women were not on the front-line, only male characters over the age of 18 will be accepted as a partisans. Max experience for characters is that they would volunteer from the reserve (prior military service).
- In order to fill ranks, approximately THREE CHARACTERS per player is requested. We are trying to fill 11 ranks.
1.3 The activity level expected will be 2-3 posts per week. Please let the host or co-host know if that suddenly isn't possible or if IRL is expected to become a larger priority. There shouldn't be an issue depending on the IC situation.
*Note Characters can die if they would in real life, for example if they poke their head out when there is a sniper. This rule has no exceptions so even officers could die. This means you are not rank locked and upward mobility is a possibility.