Avatar of Mitzi421
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  • Posts: 13 (0.01 / day)
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    1. Mitzi421 6 yrs ago


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Just another 21 yr old getting distracted by nerd shit. IRL consists of schooling for a Data Analytics masters degree, work, and "kids shows" or otherwise.

Current obsession(s): Transformers, Danny Phantom

RP Interests:
Transformers, Slice of Life, Historical, Casual Sci-fi, maybe 1x1 slow-build romance...

Most Recent Posts

In H@ck3rz 6 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Tagg leaned back in his chair, feet kicking at the floor as he gazed toward his computer screen with an amused grin. Th3_Calm certainly had some interesting characters. All together, OffByNone, Scarlet Eye, and Freis could keep his attention split between them and his usual gaming squad. The other users in the server he had yet to see active, but that was all dandy by him. Unless one of them was the hacker who had garnered attention from the public with the stunt they pulled. No one really seemed to talk about it, but he had both the powers of scrolling through the channel AND deduction. So it definitely seemed plausible…

He bit his lip, and then sat forward to inspected the 0-days provided by that quirky ReplAI entity. ATTACK #4 was the one he had claimed. It seemed ironic considering how undeniably excited RexX12 had gotten playing some modded out version of Surgeon Simulator with robotics. He snorted at the thought of that dumbass in control of remote surgical equipment. All potential the jerky and erratic movements were precisely why he’d rather have a human digging through his body any day- despite whatever field experts had to say.

Fingers briefly danced across the keyboard, mouse clicking a couple times to bring up information regarding Verb Surgical. It appeared to be a newer medical equipment company out of California, formed through a joint venture between Verily and J&J. The fact of it being headquartered on Google’s campus got a rise out of him. And their most notable product looked to be a surgical robot- not yet released commercially. Possibly 2020. Or never- the thing looked horrifying if Tagg had a say in it.

His attention switched back to the details of the 0-day again.

Insecure Protocols used in Verb Surgical Remote Surgery Equipment
Direct takeovers of remote surgery equipment possible by breaking DES encryption
The API is simple and details can be found online

As far as he knew, the Data Encryption Standard had been ironically insecure and outdated for some time now. He hummed thoughtfully, wrapping his mind around what all there was to do- before the errors popped up of course.

Five minutes later and the room had fallen into the thrumming from a mismatched sound system. And needlessly to say, it was in sync with obnoxious rainbow backlighting. But how else was Tagg supposed to kill time as he waited for his brute force attack to find the private key- besides a few matches? 56 bits for DES, 2^56 attempts- and some outrageously large number that summarized the possibilities.

Scratch that. He was on his eleventh match, and the numbers on his digital clock were glaring at him to go to sleep.

Didn’t matter though, as long as he had company. He glanced at his other monitor, hoping that it would find those magic numbers soon. And no sooner did RexX12 charge his special, did a sardonic grin creep over Tagg’s face. “Sorry,” he said to no one, “but I gotta dip.”

He left the match and went offline in an instant, before he could read any of the notifications now blowing up his phone. It didn’t take long for them to die down though, not that he noticed. 

The information relayed by ReplAI kept proving true. He confirmed that once more and several commands later as the API popped up on his screen. “Alright, Azar. Let’s see what’cha got.

“Definite alien tech setup. Four creepy ass arms- all with creepy ass medical instruments on the ends,”
he muttered. “Or wait,” his eyes narrowed at the dark screen. “No that’s a camera…”


The feed on the prototype popped up in another window. Tagg watched it for a moment before accessing the API again. A few minutes of research and troubleshooting later, and he had gotten the camera to rotate- revealing absolutely nothing! He groaned and slumped back in his chair. Sure. It was a good thing that no one was around right now to see. And it was beyond doubtful security cameras would have noticed the teeny tiny device rotating. But this was absolutely boring.

He ran a hand through his hair and cast a sideways look despairingly at Ghost. Stupid cat didn’t even notice. It was probably dreaming about that damn canned food addiction. Whatever.

His attention switched back to the screen and he pulled up some new articles. On the fifth one, the corner of his lip curled into a smirk.

Now, the hacker tweaked the settings in the API between the surgical operator and arms, and nullified any movement restrictions he found.

Several hours later, Tagg leaned back in his chair with an empty cup of ramen. On one monitor was a news article concerning the humiliation Azarbarzin, CEO of Verb Surgical. Apparently during a mock demonstration of his surgical prototype that morning, one of the arms had all but slammed into the nurse stand in. Of course, that employee was fine. But responsibility of the major API oversight fell on helpless and bewildered Azarbarzin.

The other monitor displayed a freeze frame of the CEO in shock. Blurred and out of focus it may have been, but it still drew out a soft, sleepy snicker. Finally. He could go to bed. 

In H@ck3rz 6 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Still need to research and learn for the attack post. Here's the character sheet I meant to finish weeks ago though. Hopefully, this or next week I can get the post in. But it'll more likely be soon after I see the first one.



Skye Lassiter

United States

Current contract- Red Zone Inc.
Previous contracts- White Ridge Analytics Inc., U.S. Army, Ray Solutions

Known Details
Since graduating four years ago from the California public university system in comp sci, Skye has fallen into independent contracting. These have ranged from networking to programming and web design to analysis in function. His contracts have eventually led him to the East coast, where he currently resides working for Red Zone Inc. He has done little to put roots down, and generally engages in his few hobbies or hangs out with a handful of coworkers or friends after work.

His primary hobby is broadening his skills in security to land a more permanent security job. This is fast followed by by his avid news tracking of security exploits and patches. In accordance, he does have articles printed out and mapped with red string for wall art. But somehow, the hobby that always seems to take up the most time is making montage game edits for his friends. It probably has to do with helping them collect footage and getting sidetracked.

To his coworkers, Skye is known as being laidback and easy-going. HRs are quick to recognize him as a team player. Always on time with a good attitude and an even better work ethic, he has no shortage of professional references. Comparatively, anyone who gets close enough to be a friend realizes that he has a competitive streak, and sometimes the spunk to go with it. Although he's unable to hold down a relationship for more than a few months, he has an affinity for sprite and pretzels.

Sure, I'm cool with that! @Cabbage emperor ?
Not a problem @DeadDrop. Taking a class with a ridiculous amount of group busy work at the moment, so weekly and no slower than biweekly is where I'm sitting.

Not sure about once a month though, would need to check with @Cabbage emperor. Would it be easier if the posts weren't so frequently lengthy? I'd really love to include you, just trying to figure out what kind of character it would make sense for to dip in and out like that.
Hey, thanks for sharing youtube links and other pieces of knowledge! Although I'm excited to learn about everything and hopefully do a decent job in portrayals, I also have comparatively minimal understanding on this particular subject. So I'm glad to see other people knowing what they're talking about- definitely would suggest one of you cohosting instead!
@Oak7ree That's awesome. I hope we can do this justice.
Talked to Cabbage emperor, and I think we'll be waiting a bit longer to see if we can get a 5th player.
@Jamesyco@Cabbage emperor

Awesome! Glad to hear it. I think we're waiting for one more person before we commit and make characters.
In H@ck3rz 6 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
It was dark and the moon had risen by the time Tagg had finally trudged up the stairs to his apartment. He sighed breathlessly, stuck the key in and pressed the peeling door open enough to slip through- reaching to flick the switch connected to a lamp. While this hadn’t been intended to be a long day, it certainly turned out to be one. The bag of convince store groceries he had been carrying was dropped on top of an empty pizza box as he unceremoniously collapsed at his desk.

As if on cue, the phone in his back pocket vibrated again. “Ugh, can’t they deal with it themselves this time?” He grumbled while tapping the space bar, causing dual monitors and multiple LEDs in the keyboard and computer case to light up the surrounding area in neon colors. So he liked the stereotypical gamer setup- complete with well... Pretzels and Sprite were just so much cleaner than the alternative. But what of it? Except most girls he brought over dismissed it as immature and would then bounce, never to be seen again.

A soft meow sounded behind him, followed by the soft landing of paws beside his setup. The corner of his lip twitched upwards. “Yeah, yeah- I hear you. You wanna catch some Zs, but I’m not about to let some upstart just waltz onto the leaderboard.”

His hood slid off as he leaned forward to enter his password. Clicking followed as Tagg absentmindedly closed out of a VM left open and checked the VPN subscription was still active. Right. It wouldn’t charge renewal for another week. AJinX had rudely reminded him that much. Ugh, way to cut into his spending budget though. He deftly logged into the chat server and opened one of the game files littering the screen as his phone buzzed again, now on the desk.

His eyes flicked down just as he was about to maximize the game. Hmm. That email notification had been there for a couple days now. One more day of being ignored wouldn’t hurt it, but if it was one of his old buddies trying to get in touch with him again…

Curiosity got the best of him and he typed a quick “brb”, before minimizing the chat room and opening his email. The new email sat atop a slew of unread but marked-as-read ones. His gaze skimmed over the sender with no lack of puzzlement. The Elder? What? This didn’t look like someone familiar- unless judging by the title “Th3 Calm” they had gotten into some nerd trash. His brow furrowed as he clicked the email, and he almost chuckled at how unpredictable this kept getting. That was until he actually read the message contents.

Tagg suspiciously scanned the email again. He used discord frequently, but never for anything like this. Never for anything near serious business. Weird... New notifications popped up on his other monitor. RexX12 and Meister were still waiting.

Alright! Now where was he? An wry grin slide lopsidedly into place as Tagg created another Discord account and joined the group. Not too many members, and he wasn’t quite sure what to make of the messages already exchanged. "Hfft. Well, that bot sure has a personality if I've ever seen one." Despite scrolling back a little ways, he was still unsure of the context… Leaning back in his chair, he figured he'd just check it again tomorrow. For now, he would go to sleep. "Maybe, just maybe..." this would be his big break.

!!! "Ack- Ghost! Off the keyboard!"
In H@ck3rz 6 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Hey! I saw your reply, but I've been busy since then. Just wanted to apply with this first character (I'll get the longer infosec sheet done in the next day or 2) and reaffirm my interest in both this RP and your offer to go over what the real field looks like!






(Previously) Jasper: A small group known for exploiting security gaps in medium-large fintech corporations and municipal governments, particularly where corruption is suspected. Although they generally steal little to no assets, at least one prominent board member or other standing authority has been replaced following the hack. Tagg is suspected of playing various, but no major roles in several hacks executed a couple years prior.

(Currently) Hermes: A larger group than Jasper, they typically deal in government leaks. However, they’ve lived up to their name- causing both amusement and outrage— with a healthy number of gadget and appliance hacks. Although harmless enough and even beneficial in exposing security gaps, end users have been less than thrilled. However, a year ago, successful probing of America’s power grid allowed them to cause a temporary black out in major cities across the States.

Known Details
Tagg portrays himself as generic mischievous gamer among online friends. Maintaining a chatty and carefree character, he often tosses around pop culture references and is known to spam one to many emoticons. His online friends and acquaintances are liable to receive messages at all times of the day/night. While many have been able to deduce he’s in his mid 20s and possibly an army brat, a select few online friends are privy to the information that he currently lives alone with a cat dubbed Ghost.



Oh! Still learning rpguild etiquette lol, thanks!

But yeah, I'm really interested but soon becoming possibly overextended. What would the pacing be/ how often would I be expected to post? Would it be more of a daily, around every other day, or weekly thing?
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