N A M EShunji Umi
genius (俊士) | (愛海) ocean
N A M E S A K EGZA/Genius Wu-Tang Clan
A G ESeventeen.
G E N D E RFemale
B I R T H D A YNovember 9th, 2001
Z O D I A CC H I N E S E Z O D I A CSnake
A P P E A R A N C EUmi has quite the female swimmer’s physique from having undergone years of extensive training and competing. Her boy is quite long, lean, and muscular while losing almost no sexiness that would paint her in a manly light. She has strong shoulders, back, and arms for her upper body while her lower body is narrow through the waist and equipped with trim and muscular hips, legs, and thighs. Umi is quite tall as well as far as the average female, her height caps off at a stunning 5’9 and weighs around 150 pounds. Her hair is almost always worn up into a pony tail, only letting it down fully before bed and shortly after waking. Her usually attire consists of cool colored shirts, pants, dresses, skirts and the like. She goes for a more preppy sporty type of fashion style. Smelling like the scent of bergamot oranges.
P E R S O N A L I T YIf one thing was for sure about Umi, it is her ability to constantly lose herself in a daydream. There is something very alluring about constantly being inside her own head. While she often day dreams, she’s also plotting the next several steps ahead of her. Because of this, Umi knows what she wants and isn’t afraid to work hard and play the game to obtain her goal. Umi is just as enigmatic and fluid as water, her mind and personality are constantly moving, but are also slow and steady, swirling before changing direction once more. Umi enjoys her own company, this isn’t to say she’s antisocial or introverted, but after a certain amount of social interaction she needs time to unwind and recharge by herself. Thus, allowing herself to be quite independent and self-reliant.
Umi is fascinated with the unknown, this presents itself as being quite bold and fearless when faces with trying new things and meeting something unfamiliar. This bravery and courage extend to her friends and loved ones when faced with protecting them and for those who cannot stand for themselves. Loyalty is something she prides herself on, never forgoing a friend for any kind of advantage.
S H O R T B I OGrowing up, Umi was constantly moving. She was never stuck in one place for too long since her father was part of the navy. Before she was constantly moving, her parents had raised her off a naval base in Japan. And while her father could never really afford time to be with her, that didn’t deter Umi from wanting to be closer to him. So, in place of having her father at home, Umi chose to live vicariously through his hobbies, especially the sea. Umi found herself constantly on the shores of beaches, letting the frigid salt water run through her feet whilst listening to the crashing waves. When she got a little bit older, she found herself making a habit of visiting the aquarium and learning about all kinds or marine wildlife. Umi had developed a real fascination for all things water, even wanting to pursue a career in the navy just as her father.
Halfway through primary school is when she became a full-fledged military brat and was constantly moving from country to country for a few months to years at a time. She joined any swim team she could be part of in order to hone her skills and serve as a remedy for any stress she felt in life. It wasn’t until midway through high school that her father retired, and they permanently relocated in New York, New York. She was the new girl, the cliched label, the one who everyone wanted to know and be friends with. And so that’s how it went and over the course of the next several semesters she was able to find her bearings, her own group of permanent friends, and a position on the swim team. Everything was seemingly normal before things took a turn for the bizarre.
Q U I R KOddly enough, Umi has a knack and interest in breaking out into dance despite never haven taken a lesson. She has no defined style, but what she lacks in a style she makes up for ingenuity of her own. There's no name for it nor a proper form, instead she has her own natural rhythm as flows like water.
O T H E RUmi is quite adept at Kendo and Battōjutsu