The first of the humans spoke, this one was less meek than the woman before him. His words bounced off him like drops of rain with no deeper meaning. Something about being a summoner and making pretty illusions. Whatever he was playing at, Kharon wasn’t buying it nor having it. His boredom casted his attention to the other humans in the room. While they spoke, he had been attempting to siphon the remainder of his power to go back to the underworld but there just wasn’t enough. Kharon could smell the fear pouring out of Victoria, he disappeared into a puddle of smoke and reappeared behind Victoria running his fingers through her hair, “Now why would a demon like me help you?”
Waiting for her response his head snapped to another girl with a little more candor in her voice. A shapeshifter? That did peak his fancy. Perhaps someone could help free him from this god forsaken form and allow him to turn back into a hound. “Perish?” Kharon chuckled, “Oh sweetie if you could murder me, I wouldn’t be standing here being asked for help." Of them all however, the last of them caught his attention the most. “Do go on” he said still eerily close to Victoria.
Waiting for her response his head snapped to another girl with a little more candor in her voice. A shapeshifter? That did peak his fancy. Perhaps someone could help free him from this god forsaken form and allow him to turn back into a hound. “Perish?” Kharon chuckled, “Oh sweetie if you could murder me, I wouldn’t be standing here being asked for help." Of them all however, the last of them caught his attention the most. “Do go on” he said still eerily close to Victoria.