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Luke and Donny are, however, total metalheads like myself, haha. Owen is only recently into it, but not to the same levels as the other two. Though my personal favorite type of music is power metal, especially when there are keyboards, violins, flutes, and even accordions playing along to heavy guitar riffs.
This type of music is not Danny’s style. He’s more into Pop music tbh.

Yeah, it's not David's style either. Luckily, the three interns are just in the park to warn the others and not for the music.
Also, in case anyone is wondering, as said, I envisioned Jaggerdaw sounding similar to AC/DC, but perhaps just a tad heavier. Something like this:

EDIT: I added a few other videos to show the overall range of what I was envisioning:

I just wanted to again clarify to everyone that these are rookie teenage superheroes, so they shouldn't be too OP right off the bat. The one exception to this is the Hulk, as that kind of goes with all his incarnations. He has this huge monster raging inside him and can wreak havoc on both friends and enemies and cause a lot of collateral damage if he loses control. Because of that, he will be severely conservative in using his powers and only willingly unleash the beast when they are outnumbered and there is no other choice.

Also, to make sure there is plenty of action for everyone, in most fight scenes I am going to include large waves of generic enemies that everyone can go against. That way each player can detail out their characters fighting a handful of baddies and no one is stepping on anyone's toes.
So it appears as if MelodicElement, RedVII, and September have lost interest -- none of them have posted in the last nine or ten days. So, that makes our roster pretty clear save for whoever Raistlin decides to play as, and Role Model's Black Widow. So, here's what the line-up looks as of right now, correct me if I'm missing anyone?

Redguard (Me)
Thor (Me)
Loki (Me)
The Hulk (Me)
Spider-Man (Crimson Flame)
Spider-Woman (King Kindred)
Scarlet Witch (RenegadeRunaway)
Quicksilver (RenegadeRunaway)
Black Widow (Role Model)
Whoever (Raistlin Majere)

Am I missing anyone?
Spider-Dan, Spider-Dan. Does whatever a spider can!

CS is up. Hopefully, I won’t have to edit something again.

Although you left out a lot of the formatting, I'm not going to fault you for it and the CS is adequate :D.
Crimson Flame, are you planning on having both twins be a part of the main group/roleplay? Because my original intention was to have Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver be twins as per canon, but it would feel odd to have two sets of twins (particularly both being male/female fraternal) in a relatively small cast.

While I do agree having two sets of twins in a small group does seem weird, we can find ways to connect them all. For instance, Crimson Flame and King Kindred both PMed me about having their twins be interns alongside David, and I came up with a decent introduction for them into the rest of the group together -- the three of them run into the park to try to warn the others of Dr. Sterns' plans, but at first no one is taking them seriously. So David tells the twins to try and evacuate people as best they can and he jumps into the river, swims toward the barge that has the Terrigen to try and remove it. But he's too slow and when it goes off he gets it right in the face, which is why he grows into the Hulk and gets a worse reaction than everyone else.

Depending on what origins you have in mind for Wanda and Pietro, they could somehow know some of the other characters. They could be exchange students from Sokovia that spent the same Summer in Japan as Luke or they could be members of the Jaggerdaw band and friends of Donny and Owen or maybe their father is Sokovia's ambassador to the United Nations. Though that last one doesn't really tie them to anyone, lol.
Placeholder for CS

That should be in the Character tab, lol.

I'm thinking about making a second character. Maybe not right now, but I'm interested in a Professor X type, but able-bodied and with telekinesis added to his telepathy.

Okay, that sounds cool :D.

Chapter Summaries

(This first post will be updated periodically to give a brief summary of the adventures of the Avengers. Each Chapter Summary will recap a single page of the IC, which is 20 posts. So the Chapter number will correspond to the IC page of the same number -- #1 recaps the events of Page One, #2 recaps the events of Page Two, etc.)
We have a decent group now. For any new players, please PM me to apply. However, please read through the IC to make sure you can maintain the same quality of writing as everyone else prior to contacting me, because I will check that before giving you permission to join.

Current Roster

Captain Manbeard
Crimson Flame
Renegade Runaway
King Kindred
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