Avatar of CaptainManbeard


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I was going to wait for Kindred to post, but he can always add in the part about Caty explaining the mist to Samira retroactively. I'm gonna start working on the next big post to move the plot along.
I have been considering using a young Jason Mamoa as a modified version of Namor McKenzie. He would be a new mutant like the others, but instead of talking to ocean life or anything like that, his initial powerset would be more akin to waterbending from the Avatar world. Eventually that would progress to bloodbending, and he'd be an antagonist to the team for a while. At some point that might begin to shift, perhaps after he's betrayed by Wilson Fisk or something. He would form a loose alliance with the Avengers at that point, but he probably would not become a bonafide member until much later on, deep into the final Thanos arc.
Shit we may as well just make the eventual Avengers Tower clothing prohibited, bahahaha. JK.
@RenegadeRunaway Yeah, that's totally fine. You could do her early adventures in the same way I did the meeting of the evil scientists -- still important, but separate from the main team's point-of-view, other than the cameos in the same events. And yeah, she could totally know Luke, and maybe even have a little crush on him, hehe. That would be funny if he develops a crush on her when she gets older and then she's like "pfft I'm over you now buddy" LOL. That's just an idea that popped up in my head though, don't feel obligated to give it any real consideration.
CS posted

I sent you a PM. Please read that as soon as you can.
I'm thinking about making an Iceman character. I don't know yet. I'm still very undecided and have to do some tweaking to my first post for the time changes and then do my second.

So sorry, I forgot to reply to this. Yeah, that's totally fine if you want to bring in an Iceman character.

<Snipped quote by Sincerely>

Now if someone makes Firestar, we could have the Spider Twins and their Amazing Friends! :P

I’m actually thinking about Storm...

Haha, yay! Although it's not the same character, I was considering bringing in Sunfire/Shiro Yoshida at some point. Though, I haven't decided on that yet. And you can totally bring in Storm as well.
Great posts, everyone. I'll wait for Kindred to have Caty reply to Samira's questions since David is in no position to answer, then I'll do another long post detailing the arrival of the paramedics and the immediate aftermath.
Am I approved?

I was waiting for you to post your final version of the CS under the characters tab. Or did you think the CS goes in the OOC?
@role model It's also in all our timestamps in the IC as well as the characters' sheets. All our birthyears and ages correspond to 2023.
Okay, I did a quick post just to course-correct the Luke thing. I didn't want to invalidate Danny's freak out and Caty's response, so I changed what I had in mind slightly to have Luke thrash on the ground a bit before he recovers. That way Danny's response still makes sense. I'll do a large post once Sincerely has done hers.

Also, I was planning to have David go into detail about what the Terrigen Crystals were and their nature, but I realize we're in a position where Danny and Caty might need to explain it first. Since they should be just as knowledgeable about the topic as well, I'll just explain them here so that Crim and Kindred can use that in their posts to explain it to the other characters if need be.

Project Terrigenesis arose from attempts to revive Project Rebirth from the 1940s. It is only one of several such programs being worked on by various companies with government funding. One way to translate that into in-story dialogue would be: "You remember the Super Soldier projects from the 1940s that everyone thought was just a hoax? Well, they were real and this mist is the culmination of decades of research and development. It has a high probability to spark genetic mutation, but the vast majority of such mutations are unstable and lead to total destruction of DNA. That's why it was never approved for human testing -- we just found out tonight that our mentor at Grayburn Labs went rogue and slipped a few crystallized chunks of the formula into the fireworks on that barge. The crystals reacted to the heat of the explosion, exhaling that blue mist, which carried the mutagenic properties of the formula into the crowd. Sorry if that's a lot to take in."

I picture Danny or Caty saying that portion in the yellow text, so it will probably sound a bit long winded since they are science geeks, lol. Feel free to reword it when translating it into Danny's or Caty's voice. Though they both may need to explain it to the characters near them.
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