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No worries! Real life always comes first, so please don't ever feel bad about posting rate XD.
So working on the intro post and the set up, and wanted to ask what ages and experience levels you're thinking for your characters? Starlance mentioned wanting their character to be just starting to get into crime, but what about everyone else? I'm thinking about maybe changing my character to be a younger guy who is an Acting Capo at the beginning of the RP, who hasn't earned full Caporegime yet. Like, maybe he's a nephew of the Boss who is given a small crew of new recruits and they all have to prove themselves over the course of several missions. Then maybe our characters get pulled into some bigger conflict with the Corvonero Family from Boston, who we learn are behind the smaller gangs trying to encroach on our territory as part of some larger plot to control all magical organized crime along the East Coast. Our service in this conflict allows your characters to be promoted from Associates to Made Members/Soldiers in the Serpeverde Family, and allows my character to become a full Caporegime. By this point, the Zucco Crew is a force to be reckoned with XD. What do you think?
Well, I'm suffering from (what is likely) erysipelas on my foot, so that is fun

Oh yikes. I'm sorry you have to go through that. :(
I don't know if I'll have time to write up an intro post and character sheets tomorrow but if not I'll have them up within a couple days.
All great ideas! So maybe we could say the Family controls secret magical casinos and speakeasies within New York City that serve certain types of alcohol that are officially banned by the Magical Congress due to being labeled unsafe for human consumption. We can just make up names for these banned magical drinks, like Goblin Ale, Dragon Whiskey, Trollshine, etc. Many members of the Magical Congress are corrupt, accept bribes from the Family, and actually frequent the speakeasies themselves. But perhaps there are some street level gangs that are opening up their own establishments in the city, and the Zucco Crew's first mission is to take a few of these out of the picture to send a message, eliminate the smaller gangs, and loot any chests or safes they have. That should give everyone a chance to use their specialties XD.

Starlance, what type of animal do you want your character to turn into? Depending on what it is, we could have your character scout out our targets by posing as just a passing dog or cat or bird outside or something. If you wanted a larger, more ferocious animal, then we could have WhiteAngel send in one of her smaller creatures as the scout instead, like maybe a magical sugar glider than can turn invisible or something. What do you all think?
Sorry I haven't done anything with this, I had originally written it off because it didn't seem like anyone was interested and then 20 days after I posted the idea people started showing interest XD. So, what ideas do you all have for characters? What type of work should the Zucco Crew do? We could start off as the smallest crew in the Family and do minor stuff like collections and petty theft or something and then work our way up to being the primary enforcers for the Family.
Okay, next post is up, as well as personalities and bios for Tommy and Eddie.
Eddie grinned as Ryan mentioned eating before they got there. “What can I say - this is a bottomless pit!” He chuckled as he patted his stomach. Tommy then turned to Miranda as she asked if someone would come looking for the crystals.

“I don’t know,” he replied. “Who knows how long this container was underwater before washing up on the shore. Though it must be made of a strong metal to still be in such good condition.”

“Maybe we could ask Professor Cranston to take a look at them?” Eddie suggested. Billy Cranston was an instructor from Caltech who managed the Youth Science Lab at Angel Grove High School, which provided science-minded students with accelerated classes to better prepare them for college. Eddie had spent a lot of time there during his junior year studying Advanced Placement Chemistry, and had already signed up for Advanced Placement Physics in his upcoming senior year.

“You know him better than we do - if you think he might know what these are, then we should ask him once school starts back up next week,” agreed Tommy.

“He’s already spending most days at the Lab preparing for the start of the school year, we should go ask him right now!”

“What do you guys think?” Tommy asked the group. “Also… Do you guys feel a strange pull to these crystals? This sounds crazy, but it’s almost as if it chose me or something…”

“Yeah, dude!” Eddie nodded his head rapidly. “This feeling is so weird!”
And here is the first episode of MMPR where they get their powers if anyone is curious. And post should be up soon.
To help for visual references, we'll say that Angel Grove replaces Venice/ Venice Beach in our AU. Here's a drone video to help with visualization.
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