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My next post should be along at some point tonight or tomorrow.
Sorry all, been trying to come up with a good intro that gets all our characters together, been having some brain farts LOL. Starlance's character is just starting out and Belial's character has 9-12 years experience but only officially joined up with the Family a few years ago, right? Is he Made yet or no? WhiteAngel, did you have an idea how experienced your monster collector character is? Is she just beginning as an Associate or is she already a Made Member? If none of your characters are Made yet, and if Belail is okay saying his character is only just now officially joining the Family as an Associate after working 9-12 years as an independent agent, then my character could be an Acting Capo who is put in charge of the new recruits. That would be four people on our mini crew, but we could also play extra characters to bolster the numbers up.

So, assuming we go that route, here is my idea starting out: The Blood Pack are a low-level street gang of criminal Animagi who all turn into creatures you would normally see in New York City, like rats and birds and other little critters. Normally they know to stay out of the Family's way and just target No-Majes for pickpocking and petty theft. But now it's been discovered that they opened up their own speakeasy in Central Park, which is a huge no-no - the Family has made it clear to all the smaller gangs that they control all magical alcohol coming in and out of the city. So the Boss promotes my character to Acting Capo and gives him some new recruits and sends them off to wreak a little havoc in the speakeasy. They think the Blood Pack is small fish and it's mostly just supposed to be an easy mission to test us out as a potential crew. But after we ransack the place and throw a few Unforgivable Curses around, we find a coin in the pocket of the gang leader with a black raven sigil on it - the sigil of the Corvonero Family from Boston. Why would a lowly street gang have a Corvonero coin? From here we begin to unravel the mystery, come up against other street gangs, before eventually stumbling into an all out gang war between the two Families. What do you think?
No worries!
I'm so excited for this RP you guys don't even know! :D

@CaptainManbeard When can we expect a base CS? I mean I have the basics but I would like to flush out my character. :)

I was going up upload it with the intro post but was waiting till we figured out exact how our characters get together. But to give you an idea, the CS will be very similar to the ones from my Power Rangers RP here, but replace Ranger Powers with Magical Specialties: https://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/192732-power-rangers-dragon-morphers/char

And here is a list of spells in the Wizarding World, but don't worry about listing which ones they know, we'll just pull from this list during actual play as needed: https://harrypotter.fandom.com/wiki/List_of_spells

I suppose a compromise is, he's got some knowledge of Goblin locks. Not fantastically quite yet maybe? Say enough to work at it.

But those Goblin locks are going to take a little longer to work through let's say. He still has to carefully step his way through it, Every Goblin lock is a learning experience. But with every Gobby lock he learns something new or gets to hone what he knows and gets better everytime.

I mean 38 is plenty of time to learn true. But it's still lots of time to learn and get better.

As for lots of students fighting during the BAttle of Hogwarts. You know the real implications right? Lots of Firsties fought...without any combat spell knowledge. Alot of them would have died because they didn't know how to cast anything more then MAYBE MAYBE MAYBE an Expelliarmus. 3rd year and up they have more experience with casting Reducto, and other combat spells. The 3rds and up would have had more likely chances to survive. But alot of 1sts and 2nds. Not so sure. So alot of those Firsties and Seconds? May have died during the BoH...

Makes ya think huh?

Well, Harry did have those private DA classes he taught in 5th year, and some of that knowledge may have been passed down. Plus the entire school year leading up to the BoH, dark wizards were influencing Hogwarts classes, they even taught them Dark Arts and forced students to cast Unforgivable Curses against each other. But even before that, they had Defence Against the Dark Arts classes, and we can take a look at Harry and Draco's duel in 2nd year to get an idea.

As for your character, we can see how it all plays out once we get the RP going, but your character should be prepared for much more than simple safecracking, given that they'll be going up against fellow magical criminals and dark wizards who play dirty XD.

As awesome as it sounds to have those skills. I am beginning to think that's a little op boss.

Being able to feel out a mechanical and magilock with wand work and a lock picking kit sure. But I feel like having an in depth knowledge of goblin mechanical locks would be abit overboard for a 38 year old wizard. Maybe someone in then 80s who has had time and has stolen siblin, dearven and gnomish lock text sure.

But I'm trying to make my guy have a little experience not tons of experience. He still has some room to grow.

Personally feel like if he's got knowledge on how to crack a gringos safe he's been working way way way longer then I want to portray, you know?

Well, you said he's got 9-12 years experience, so if he's been cracking magical safes that long without dying, he has to have gathered at least some knowledge on all different types of locks and safes. Otherwise he would have touched a safe that turned out to be a portkey right into a monster's lair ages ago XD. After all, magical criminals would likely go to great lengths to protect their Dragots (US magical currency). And a 38 year old wizard is capable of MUCH, even kids can do some powerful magic in the books, movies, and games lol. Voldemort was able to create his first Horcrux at only 16 years old. And of course plenty of young people fought in the Battle of Hogwarts at the end of Deathly Hallows.

Here's a bunch of American wizards repairing New York City:

Here's Newt Scamander repairing an apartment:

Here's Gellert Grindelwald vs Tina Goldenstein and Newt Scamander:

Here's a younger Dumbledore vs Grindelwald:

And of course there's Fred and George's fireworks display:

And here is some Dark Arts combat in Hogwarts Legacy:
So just waiting on Damo XD.

From the movies and books there is evidence that alot of Wizarding security is based around magic yeah, but we see Goblin security uses mechanical locks too.

But I would imagine that wards and barriers would be something he needs to work at as well. So his safe cracking would be part mechanical lock picking, magical lock picking and ward/barrier breaking as well.

So a little bit of both of column A, B C and D more or less.

True, but the mechanical locks usually require enchanted keys to open and probably have traps against simple lockpicking. Maybe your character has enchanted lockpicks that can trick some seals into thinking it's the right key or something XD. Maybe your character has also studied Goblin magic and technology extensively. To give two examples of enchanted locks, here's the Gringotts scene from Hogwarts Legacy, and the one from Deathly Hallows where the touch of a Gringotts employee unlocks the vault.

I’m still here, I’m just not sure how Ryan would respond. ^^

Hey, if nothing else, throw some of the text as prompts into ChatGPT to get inspiration and then edit the results to make it your own LOL.

Was thinking my fella is in his mid thirties, and for a while, was a nonnaffliated case. A contractor for whatever family wanted to use his services. A fence and a safe cracker would be perfect for a neutral party. Until maybe a few years ago when the Serpeverde family talked him into helping with silencing a "Rat" and to make sure he didn't get pinched in the Auror investigation he joined up officially

He's likely got maybe 9 to 12 years of experience. Having done this since his late 20s.

It's a specific experience, though, so it's not like he's a super experienced gangster.

What do you have in mind for his safe cracking techniques? I'd image any safes he cracks would have multiple layers of magical protections so that a simple Alohomora Unlocking Charm wouldn't quite do it XD. I'd imagine his skills could be put to use against many types of magical barriers besides just safes, so he'd be extremely valuable to the Family. Unless you're thinking the safes use like special magical-tech locks that he breaks through.
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