Avatar of Carantathraiel


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3 mos ago
Current As a mom, just be there. Often that helps more than you know.
3 mos ago
I haven't been active here in so long I have to re-learn the site. Prepare yourselves, trouble is a-brewin'.
3 yrs ago
Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean there isn't an invisible demon about to eat your face.
4 yrs ago
Sunshine all the time makes a desert.
4 yrs ago
You fell in love with my flowers and not my roots. So when autumn came, you didn't know what to do.


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...am over 30 years old.
...am a wife and mother.
...draw alot. I am okay at it. Chances are, if you role play with me, you'll get free artwork.
...love Pokemon, Harry Potter, English History, and the Elder Scrolls
...suck balls at math.
...am not great with English.
...swear alot.
...enjoy comedy, historical dramas, and mystery shows.
...dislike referring to roleplays as games. I prefer stories ♥
...have a pet peeve about mermaids with knees. They don't have them. Stop giving them knees!


My partners must be 18 or Older

I prefer to ride under the mature content banner. I enjoy violence, intimacy, trauma, etc.

Casual to low advanced role playing is my general give. If you give shorter posts I will likely shrink mine to match. I give what I get. But one liners make my heart hurt.

I prefer medieval fantasy settings. I am horrible at space role plays and modern bores me.

As far as fandoms go, I enjoy Skyrim / Elder Scrolls, Tudor Dynasty, Throne of Glass, and Conan (though I'm not versed in the lore, I do play).

I don't enjoy writing with OP Mary Sues. Be realistic.

I will almost always jump into an Elder Scrolls related rp. It is my bread and butter. I really enjoy the setting.

Link to my Interest Check

Most Recent Posts

In Wanderers 4 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
He blinked. Alright, she said. He furrowed his brow and blinked again, straightening slightly. He hadn't expected her to back down, to concede. Alright.
Nostrils flared, he studied her, half expecting her to lash out again the moment he dropped his guard.


Ruli cleared his throat, not sure what to say now that the desire to slap her was fading. "Its been a long life already." He said indifferently. "There are worse things than loneliness."
Without another word, he started back toward the tent and their companions, shoving his hands into his pockets. "And the other guy is a prick for being afraid of your scars." He called back over his shoulder.
In Wanderers 4 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
"That's my whole point, Kire." Ruli snapped back at her. "I don't know you. We don't know each other. So no, I'm not really eager to jump into something with that level of intimacy with you! I'm fine with not knowing people. I'm definitely fine with people not knowing me, because you know what the last person who got to know me did? When she figured out what I really am, what I'm really capable of? She left! But not before giving me another scar to add to my collection!" He pointed to the burn mark across his collarbone, then pointed in the direction of the Lithilote court. "She can't even say my name, now. Can barely stand to look at me. That is what I get when people get close. So you don't get to be angry that I don't invite you in. I know coming to my bed wasn't easy for you. I do. And I enjoyed it, I'll admit that, but theres a line that we are close to crossing, and it will cost a lot more than your socially anxious discomfort. This isn't Amria, I am not your subject."
In Wanderers 4 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Ruli's temper surged, and he swallowed, trying and failing to keep it in check. "I couldn't say no! You barge into my room when I'm half asleep, you're half drunk on that wine, looking like you're really not going to leave until you get what you want, and if I say no, then what? You ditch me there? Tell your sister's, cousin's, whoever the fucks house that I need to be removed? Or worse, that I tried to proposition you, instead? You've a whole kingdom at your demand, with or without a throne, I can't exactly piss you off! I know how the nobility class works."
In Wanderers 4 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
"Wha-" He started to object when she made fun of him. "I told you, this wasn't ... what am I supposed to say?" He asked shortly, wanting to be cross until she continued to talk. He'd forgotten that she couldn't read his languages. He wanted to offer strange solutions, like, Ed could dictate letters in elvish, but he wasn't entirely sure Ed could write or read elvish, anyway.

"What do you mean 'despite my best efforts'?" He asked, pausing in his steps to face her. "And last night, that wasn't," He gestured with an arm. "it wasn't loosening up. That was -" It really wasn't uncomfortable to him, so he couldn't say that. It had been, yes, but he had enjoyed it. "That was you asking for something, and I couldn't say no."
In Wanderers 4 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Ruli raised his eyebrows at her when she mentioned enjoying their night. His internal masculine pride swept across him, and he inhaled if only to hide the fact that his chest swelled. "I'm glad I could be satisfactory." Ruli said, hoping beyond reason that he at least said that without sounding too boyish.
As she asked about being friends, he glanced her way again, wondering what he considered her to be. He didn't have many friends, none that he really knew he could count on. Not anymore. His and Zeke's friendship was damaged. He and Sid had always been cautiously distant. Ysaryn would likely sell him out for a small fortune any chance she got. He just had Envy. But even the Kartaian would sit back if Ruli's death or something somewhat less permanent meant the survival of the rest of them.
And then there was Kire. Who was like a strange thorn in the sole of his foot that reminded him to look down now and then and realize that he was still walking.

"Yeah." Ruli answered. "You're a friend. Though I'm not so great at those, either, so don't expect to be pen pals."
In Wanderers 4 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Second time? Ruli glanced at her again, discovering quite too late that he should have picked up on this. Maybe she meant only the second time with a male. Really, she seemed far more comfortable with females. Ysaryn, in particular. Though, perhaps the elf's relentless teasing would put an end to that.

"No. You weren't." Ruli said with mild amusement, glancing sidelong at her again. "But, I, uh." He swallowed uneasily. "I'm not quite sure we should ... engage again. Though." He ruffled his hair again, remembering briefly the way she'd pulled it last night. "Its just ... we don't know one another. We're not strangers, no, but. I don't think I'm your type, is all. And you're ..." Empress. Royalty. Nobility. "You're from a whole different world."
In Wanderers 4 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
"You're really not wrong." Ruli said with mild horror about Ysaryn's lack of subtly in either language. She accepted his offer for a walk, and for that he was glad. Mostly to put distance between them and Ysaryn's sharp ears. When they left the tent, he glanced toward the fire that Zeke and Narda were coaxing to life. "Put her to work, please." He requested, gesturing to Ysaryn. She prompty turned around and spat something vulgar at him, and Ruli turned to give Kire a look that wordlessly said 'see?'

When they were far enough that he hoped Ysaryn couldn't hear, he cleared his throat. "Yeah." Ruli sighed as she explained herself. "I, wasn't really sure either. I wasn't sure if you'd ... I mean, considering what you said, I thought you'd prefer waking alone. Or at least, not waking up next to anyone. I suppose." He cleared his throat again. "Its not really my thing. I mean, its ... its been a while."
In Wanderers 4 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
The return of the trio, laden with supplies to house them out in the woods rather than inside the insufferable elven court, was a relief to both of the two waiting in the woods. Ruli remained sitting beside the tree, Ysaryn restlessly wandering in circles, until they drew near enough and began to set everything down. Ysaryn remained circling, observing, while Ruli got up to assist in the building. Once it was up, Ysaryn ducked beneath it, exploring with in as Ruli and the others helped to lay down the blankets, pillowed, and crates of provisions.

"Very nice." Ysaryn cooed. "Think we are taking this home?" She asked with a smile.
"What are we going to do with it at home?" Ruli asked.
The elf shrugged. "Kirai takes us on many voyages. We will find use again."
Both of their eyes turned toward Kire when she approached and asked if she could borrow Ruli. Before he could offer to walk along with her and find a place to speak, Ysaryn floated past Kire. "I will leave you to the tent." She whispered mercilessly.

Ruli rolled his eyes. "She's not subtle." He commented apologetically. "Should've shoved her face first into the snow when I had the chance."
He rose to his feet, rubbing his hands through his hair. "We don't have to stay in here. To talk, I mean. If you want to walk with me, instead."
In Wanderers 4 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Zeke chuckled. "It does help when the fanged ones aren't present. This should be a breeze." He answered the giantess as they walked along. With Ysaryn and Ruli both remaining out of the territory, perhaps they wouldn't be met with any resistance and trouble.

When the two fell into a discussion, Zeke instincively fell back, offering them the courtesy of privacy, despite the fact that he couldn't understand a damn word. He didn't want tp pry, even if the look on the blonde's face worried him.
"Your Ring, though." Zeke pointed out suddenly, once it seemed they'd concluded their discussion. "Might want to slip that off and hand it to your friend, or you'll be made to wear the things."

Their venture through the elven woods left them unbothered. Perhaps they were on orders to allow the two to pass, and Kire's sudden appearance hadn't exactly registered as a threat. It was clear they were being watched, regardless, as when they reached the marble court, Aera was waiting. She wore robes of deep purple, her hair swept up again to reveal her ears and the mismatched earrings she wore.
"Welcome back, Empress." She greeted. It was clear she was tired, the inconstant schedule she was keeping in order to offer her assistance wearing on her. "Your disappearance has caused a bit of concern. Shall I assume the rest are well?"
As it was confirmed, the elf nodded. "I am glad to hear that Edward and his soldiers arrived home in one piece." She offered Kire a soft smile. "I am sure your colleagues have informed you already of our agreement in destroying the tainted woods? We were going to wait another two nights to ensure your safe return, but now there is little need to wait. We will head out later tonight to burn it."

Another faintly amused glance to Narda and Zeke, and the game on their persons. "You are of course invited to reside here, but Narda and Zekiel have requested tent structures to be loaned, if you prefer to wait beyond our borders. I would hazard a guess that you would, in order to not leave your other two companions unsupervised. If that is the case, those supplies will be ready shortly."
In Wanderers 4 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
As they approached, Ruli kept still, watching as Kire and Narda embraced. He glanced toward Zeke, who simply nodded. At least he didn't threaten Ruki's safety should he attempt an embrace of his own.
Ysaryn, likewise, studied the reunion, and her expression lit up at once when Narda mentioned the crew. "Yes!" She said, her hands bunching around her face. Stepping nearer to the giantess, she rambled off quickly in elvish, her excitement radiating off of her. She gestured to the blade, the coat, her fingers, and laughed. "I will enjoy to see them again! Maika is a delight!"

Ruli, his feet planted in the ground to silently reiterate that he would not be crossing the border, looked to Kire as she addressed him. He should have known that was coming. "Yeah." He said, before taking a few steps from the burnt carcass. He was prepared to watch them make their way, until he realized that Ysaryn remained behind.
"I don't want to be threatened, either." she insisted with an indifferent shrug. "We wait here!" She informed the others with a wave.

"I feel I am to be envious, hm?" She said once the others were out of earshot, speaking the common tongue to prevent the sentries from the sentries. "I made offers for weeks. And in one night, you are in her bed?"
"Don't be envious." Ruli sighed, making his way to a nearby tree to sit against. "And she came to mine."
"Oh?" Ysaryn asked, interested in this. "You are too good for a chieftess but not for one with no seat?"
"Ysaryn." Ruli pinched the bridge of his nose. "It wasn't... it's not...." he sighed. "She needed to blow off steam. I was just the candidate she chose."
The elf turned to study him curiously, noticing his expression. "You are unhappy?"
"I'm ... don't know."
"But she could have more steam to blow. Is this what you want?" Ruli was quiet, and Ysaryn waited for a time before she turned back to face the border. "Nothing wrong with wanting her, you know. Or that she want you."
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